Druid of Marvel

Chapter 588: Real Alvin

Facing the sudden change, Alvin walked anxiously back and forth a few steps, he suddenly looked at Nick Fury and said, "This is your work style?

Blind everyone in the drum and use it by you? "

As Alvin lowered her head and approached Nick Fury, he seemed to want to say something. Just when Nick Fury wanted to speak, Alvin punched him in the jaw.

Nick Fury groaned in pain and was blown up by Alvin, hitting a laboratory wall before stopping.

Alvin magically looked at the gauze that was blown off his face, and revealed a good nose of Nick Fury, shook his head and said with a smile: "You put a ridiculous gauze on your intact nose, and you want me to be in your heart Guilt?

You use every possible point to gain an advantage for yourself. What do you want to do?

Why did you find me here? "

Nick Fury sat on the ground and rubbed his chin. He spit out a tooth on the side with a very strong expression, and said with a stern expression: "Because I have to keep you a little farther from the Rubik's Cube!

After you find the Cosmic Cube, will you return it to SHIELD?

Think about those three nano-warheads. Who do you think is doing everything to keep the NATO group restraint?

If you are taking away the Rubik's Cube, what do you think of yourself? "

Alvin rushed forward angrily, picked up Nick Fury's collar, and shook it vigorously, "How can you **** take me?"

You hold something in your hands that you can't control. What did you do?

You **** don't care about the deaths and injuries of civilians, you **** even care that I took the universe cube from your hands! "

Saying that Alvin couldn't control it anymore, he waved his fist and hit Nick Fury's intact nose, and said, "What is the most important thing in your heart? What the **** danger is? ? "

Just when Alvin wanted to beat Nick Fury again, Coulson and Natasha pulled out a pistol and aimed at Alvin, shouting, "Assistant, Alvin, you have to calm down ~"

Alvin glanced back at Coulson, grinning smirkly, and punched Nick Fury's sloppy face again.

Just as Coulson was struggling to shoot at Alvin's feet, Steve held down his pistol sleeve and said, "I would never do this if you were. Alvin could Not alone. "

Stark stood beside Natasha, raised his hand and shook his forefinger in the direction of Alvin, and said, "You can aim a little, but shoot yourself, rest assured, I won't stop you . "

Speaking of Stark staring at Natasha with a strange expression, "sincerely" persuaded: "GO, shoot ~"

Natasha glanced at Stark's frivolous attitude, thought about a mocking smile, put away her pistol, and said ironically, "Thank you! Mr. Tony Stark!"

Stark shrugged his shoulders, tilted his neck, and took it for granted, saying "YOUAREWELE!"

Alvin boring Nick Fury in his hand, said disappointed: "I'm always restrained!

I am always willing to believe that you can keep your responsibilities. Both Russell and Coulson have proved to me that you are really doing something.

I always hope that you will have a little conscience, but you always prove to me again and again that agents have no feelings, as long as you achieve your purpose!

You always challenge my bottom line, you never seem to be afraid that I will kill you!

why? "

Nick Fury, who was smashed on his face, twisted his neck in pain, showing an ugly smile, saying, "You are the most dangerous source of this world!

I'm trying to avoid making you hostile to the world!

You are restraining, then?

Who do you think restrains those politicians who are not all sober?

Do you think that after your buddies have demonstrated special abilities, why hasn't anyone bothered them?

In the past, the cosmic Rubik's cube was just an "alien item". Now it shows its power. Who do you think will agree to let you hold it?

Now is the best state, as long as you stay in the hell's kitchen, no one will bother you and your friends.

If you are challenging their bottom line, it means going to war ~

Those politicians are the real madmen, because sober people are always a minority!

I don't want to see the day you go crazy, we can't afford that price!

I'm an agent, but I'm not crazy ~ "

Alvin sneered at Nick Fury and said, "If death must be used to keep you guys awake, why don't I do that? You know I can do it!"

Nick Fury stared at the ugly one-eyed, and smiled ironically, "You can kill them, and then?

You make yourself a sharp sword hanging over them, do you think they will love you?

Do you know why those so-called superheroes have their faces covered when they go out?

Ordinary people are blind. As long as you live in society, they can make most people hostile to you, hate you, fear you, and want to destroy you.

It's not just you that will be affected, but those you care about, they can make your world a "purgatory"!

This is not something you can solve by killing a few people. You are against the entire system. Even if you are "God", you will be "torn into pieces"!

Unless you want to destroy the whole world! And this is what I am most worried about! "

After listening for a few seconds, Alvin suddenly said a little funny: "Are you so worried about me? Am I going to say thank you?"

If I prove that I have the power to destroy the world, can I keep the "them" in your mouth quiet? "

Alvin stood up straight, spread his hands, and said with a smile, "You almost convinced me!

But I was thinking, if you care about me so much, and SHIELD has such a strong energy, then I took away the Rubik's Cube, and you can definitely make a reasonable reason for the "them" in your mouth not to come to me Trouble, right?

Nick Fury, you are indeed a qualified agent! Can you do it right? "

Having said that, Alvin turned and walked to the chair where he had rested. As he passed by Natasha, he said with a light smile: "Why not move your **** and pick up your" wake "agent and Dr. Shavig come.

The situation is urgent, please be professional.

I will definitely take the cosmic cube in my own hands, but we will be a group before we find it!

I will give you time to create the illusion of so-called "them"!

Unless your director is lying to me again ~

Use SHIELD to prove that I can destroy the world, and I think it will calm everyone down! "

Steve looked at the coffee again in the chair ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Alvin with a slightly distracted expression, he looked at Coleson with disappointment and said: "You always think you know Al Man!

Coulson, why can't you be awake?

How could Alvin rule the Hell's Kitchen if he was a "coward" good guy in your mouth?

His kindness is so dazzling, that always makes you forget why he has never been an "enemy"! "


Thank you for your care and tolerance these days!

The crutches need to be adjusted for two days, and the update time is temporarily set at about 12 noon every day.

One more thing, the treatment of insomnia, in fact, drinking is very effective, alcohol can dilute inner anxiety!

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Thank you! thanksgiving!