Druid of Marvel

Chapter 61: Happy Easter! By the way, I made 1 PY wi

(); Raymond walked to the front of Qin Emperor with a long iron box ...

What surprised Alvin a little was that Raymond ignored Bai Qi's frightening gaze, and naturally picked up the iron box and pushed it towards Qin Huang ...

"Your Majesty, this is a gift my boss told me to prepare, I hope you will like it!"

Qin Huang frowned slightly and looked at Raymond, then opened the iron box curiously, and found that it was actually a one-meter-long "imitation" Qin bronze sword.

The scabbard has no gorgeous decoration, just a combination of wood and shark leather ...

Hexagonal swallow with Zhongding inscription, non-slip hilt tied with hand twine.

Qin Huang took a deep look at Raymond. He reached for his long sword and gently pulled it out ...

"Fuck ~" A crisp sword song ...

Ninety centimeters long sword burst out a dark streamer ...

The sword ridge made of Ulu metal is matched with the sword edge created by the **** material "Insneider". The combination of red and black makes the whole sword full of smart **** taste.

Qin Huang, who is a master of swordsmanship, holds the long sword and uses his elbow to carry the sword to his front and carefully read it ...

This king has seen many swords, but this long sword, which is made of the best materials at the moment, still makes him a little addicted.

In particular, the word "Ding Qin" engraved on the sword made the big guy like it.

This is the biggest award for his "before life" achievement!

Qin Huang swept the Liuhe, Hu Xiongzai.

Wielding the sword to decide the clouds, the princes came to the west.

Since the apocalypse, it is roughly a hero.

Recruiting soldiers and casting gold, Han Gu Zhengdong opened.

Ming attack the Kuaiji Ridge, galloping Langya Taiwan.

From north to south, from east to west, sweep the world of Liuhe!

This is "Ding Qin"!

Looking at Alvin who smiled and spread his hands, Qin Huang shook his wrists with a laugh, and the Dingqin sword gave a sharp tweet.

I didn't see how Qin Emperor was doing. The sword of "Ding Qin" suddenly hit Raymond's forehead.

Raymond smiled and stood still. He looked at Qin Huang's eyes like gods, completely ignoring the "Ding Qin" sword that was only half a millimeter from his eyebrow!

Qin Huang looked at Raymond's calm eyes. He suddenly closed his sword and said to Alvin: "This man has a wolf look ...

However, he can have no timid look at me, indicating that he trusts you!

He knows that you can save his life! "

As Qin Huang generously put away the "Ding Qin" sword, he didn't even say a word of thanks, but glanced at Raymond deeply, and then said to Alvin: "Don't squander the trust of this person!

He will be the "Wei Lian" of the National Teacher ... "

Alvin didn't know who Qin Huang said about Wei Liao, but this big man only saw Raymond for the first time, but he had the most accurate judgment on him ...

"Wolf Gu Zhixiang" is not a good word, but the most famous person in China's history who deserves the "Eagle Looks at Wolf Gu" looks like Sima Yi.

Qin Huang certainly does not know who Sima Yi is, but his judgment of Raymond is accurate.

Raymond is the real kind, a person who doesn't talk too much!

With his brain alone, he can get up in the **** kitchen ...

People in the world hate his undead, but he still lives well and looks better in the future.

Qin Huang did not seem to say thank you, as if he had a prejudice against Raymond.

But Alvin clearly heard that he appreciated this guy.

He personally pointed out that Raymond trusted Alvin, and told Alvin, don't let Raymond's trust ...

This is Emperor Qin's endorsement for Raymond. This is a great relationship!

Alvin did n’t know that Raymond did n’t understand what Qin Huang said. His natural calmness made him very extraordinary and spoiled ...

Alvin is certainly willing to believe in Raymond, because he is confident in his Tomahawk!

In order to return their gifts, Qin Huang simply brought Alvin and Raymond closer in a few words.

"Trust" is a very interesting word, which is different from the kind of "trust" between children and parents.

Smart people generally don't put their lives in the hands of others, no matter who they are!

A wise man with a vicious mind trusts a person unconditionally, all the problems that have been explained.

Alvin smiled and patted on Raymond's shoulder, and then hugged the old viper that was particularly fanciful ...

It wasn't until Alvin gave Raymond a hug that he realized that the old viper was not as calm as he thought.

This man's heartbeat has reached the level of breaking the table, and he does not know how his blood vessels are supported. For a person with a normal body, it should be a sudden cerebral hemorrhage!

Raymond felt Alvin patting the back of his hand hard. He grinned and whispered in Alvin's ear: "How was my performance just now?

I guess the courage behind is very nervous now, you should give him a little more pressure!

This will be very helpful for our future negotiations! "

Speaking of Raymond, he looked at Bai Qi with his face flat, and he whispered to Alvin: "If this guy is my negotiating assistant, I can make all opponents obedient!

In fact, Frank can meet my requirements ... "

Alvin rolled his eyes and patted on Raymond's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Yes, the dead will obediently obey!"

Although what you said makes sense, I still want to tell you ...

Don't dream ...

Such people will not cooperate with you! "

Raymond shook his head helplessly and said, "Why?"

This is very important work!

Do such murderous guys have quirks?

They seem to be naturally unwilling to cooperate with anyone ... "

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "It is not unwilling to cooperate, but unwilling to cooperate with you!

You can't find the same frequency with them ... "

Speaking of the bravery of Alvin looking at the muscles twitching on his face ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said with a smile: "Don't worry!

You are our customer, we are generally very polite to our customers!

Unless we feel that we are not respected, we promise that we will never be the first to use the ‘killer’ ...

With a smile, man, General Bai did not target anyone, he did so to everyone! "

Courage stood behind Raymond, and he endured the terrible chill that burst out of Baiqi's body ...

Listening to Alvin and Raymond, no one is discussing whether to add a "killer" that he can't resist in the negotiation ...

The sweeper heard Alvin's irresponsible threat, he grinned and said: "I think I will be happy to face such an opponent if necessary!

They will keep me sober ...

The sweepers are ‘pirates’, we love money and are not afraid of death! "