Druid of Marvel

Chapter 629: Bikini Killer Ethan

Peter flirted with the eldest sister Jessica and said, "Jessie, I think you're going to be unlucky!

Alvin certainly didn't know that you ran out, haha, the boss has the opportunity to become the number one waiter.

I think I can go a step further, haha, if you say that if I take a full-time job on vacation, I will be able to buy a car and drive over when I am admitted to MIT. "

Jessica rolled her eyes helplessly, and she left school when Alvin returned to the Hell's Kitchen.

Being there all the time makes her feel like the other children, the one who is protected, and her friends are still fighting hard outside, as a girl in the **** kitchen, this makes her feel uncomfortable!

In fact, Jessica wanted to help everyone when she was in danger, but the strong Alvin covered all the dangers for her. In his eyes, he will always be a little sister who is not big, and Alvin To some extent, the will of others determines the attitude of others towards themselves.

In the end, he became a "little sister" who needed everyone's protection!

Alvin didn't mean to limit Jessica. She wanted to do her own business. Alvin never objected.

But he couldn't hold other people's ears in Hell's Kitchen and tell them that this girl wants to make her own break, just treat me as if I don't know her! This is stupid!

Jessica's strange situation now is the reason she sneaked out. She wasn't weak at all, but no one seemed to find herself "useful"!

She's not the kind of girl who has to prove her ability to make you face me. She had a bad experience. If everyone can always be like one year ago, the world is not so dangerous. Jessica may be happy to be one Waiter.

But now it is different. In the face of danger, I obviously have a powerful force, but I can only watch my friends fighting outside. It feels really bad!

Facing Peter's ridicule, Jessica wrinkled her nose in annoyance, chopped a nearly 2-meter-long power pole on the ground, and made a loud noise, "Cang ~", and said fiercely to Peter: "Yes, you can consider coming to part-time, the restaurant toilet needs a full-time cleaner!

But I guess your little **** can't save money at all, unless you never date, or you can make Gwen pay for you forever! "

Peter froze for a moment, and some guilty dared not look at Jessica's eyes, and said softly, "In fact, we can do AA system, which is also very good. I did that before!"

Jessica squinted at Peter with a sullen expression, hit him with a haha, and said mockingly, "So you haven't touched Gwen's **** yet, you fool really won't please girls.

The day before yesterday was actually the best chance, but Gwen told me that you dare not even kiss her, oh ~ you idiot, don't say that you are a member of the Peace Hotel in the future!

It's a shame to be with you! "

Peter looked at Jessica magically and said, "Gwen told you?"

Speaking of Peter sadly covering his face, he said, "Wesley said the same thing!

But doesn't this justify us as a group?

It ’s like you ’re going to fall in love. The fool who looks like Steve touched your butt? "

Jessica waved the electric pole angrily and wanted to break Peter's leg. This kid who suddenly became a broken mouth is really annoying now!

"Don't mention that **** to me, let me kick you, or I'll tell Gwen that you've always wanted to touch her ass!"

Peter rolled back swiftly, avoiding the attack from the telephone pole, and then shouted, "Jesse, you can't do this, I never thought of it that way!"

Jessica angrily picked up a trash can and smashed at Peter, who was in the middle of the air, but did not aim to open the head of a gluttonous demon next to him.

"How did you make a fool of Gwen? Or was you actually the one that was foamed?"

Peter shot a spider silk and stuck it to the angry Gluttony's face, and pulled it hard, and struck his chest with the power of his feet, letting it fall between the two cars.

"You can't say that we don't have anything. Principal Alvin knows that it will kill me!"

Jessica had to chase after Peter Hammer, and it turned out that Misty, who had been watching the bustling eyes behind, suddenly had white mist, shouting: "Jessie, watch out, at nine o'clock!"

With Missy's shout, Jessica waved the power pole in her hand towards nine o'clock, and a slender red figure screamed from the air and was smashed out, flying backwards far away. distance.

Several enemies were entangled with spider silk flexibly. Peter turned his head and saw a red figure flew past him. The strong roar of flying frightened Peter.

"Jessie, you can go to the Hercules competition. I don't think JJ is as strong as you. Where did you hide your strength before?" Peter jumped quickly, sucking his body against the wall next to Jessica. On, said funny.

Jessica looked grimly as the smashed demon rolled over on the ground and disappeared into the air. She watched vigilantly and said to Peter, "Be careful, this kind of thing is difficult to deal with. Before, Many police officers have suffered from these things, and Matt and Danny Rand have been injured! "

Peter listened carefully, he looked around carefully, and suddenly shot a lot of spider silk in one direction on the side. A slender figure in the air showed his figure under the entanglement of spider silk.

Peter saw his sensitivity was quite sensitive. He proudly raised his eyebrows at Jessica and said, "It looks like this thing is not great. Let me deal with them, hehe ~"

A spider silk stuck to a distant telephone pole, and Peter pulled it hard, rushing to the entangled demon by the elasticity of the spider silk, this time he decided to try what Alvin gave him. A team of gloves.


At the back door of the hospital, Matt the Night Devil is not in a good condition. There are several **** demons lying around him, but he also has many wounds on his body.

Matt's red combat suit had several half-foot slits, and the curled muscles inside made him feel a little hairy.

Fudge held a Remington at the nearby demons from time to time, but he didn't dare to shoot, fearing to alarm more demons to make Matt's situation worse.

The beautiful killer Erica leaned a little harder on the side wall. There were two penetrating injuries on her body, which made her completely lose her combat power.

All this happened just a few moments ago, a few demons that suddenly appeared from the air severely damaged their team. Danny Rand, who had been injured all the time, was taken directly to the operating room. Otherwise, it was the doctor who did not know Still with the help of the mage's Strange, they may be wiped out at that moment.

Fudge looked anxiously at Erika, who turned paler, and suddenly yelled at Matt: "Look what you have done? Erika has done so much for you, how about you?

We have always been good. We do the work that suits us best in Hell's Kitchen. Why is it like this?

You say your ideal is to change the hell's kitchen, now? How long haven't you picked up your briefcase? "

Matt gritted his teeth in pain, walked over to Erica and leaned against the wall, grinning bitterly: "Sorry, I don't know what to say, but I'm sorry!"

Erica, the stronger girl, let go of her right hand covering her abdomen, stroked Matt's face, and said gently: "It doesn't matter. I like the stubborn Daredevil. I'm sorry but not you style of!

Glad you dumped that **** named Joey! "

Speaking of the seriously injured Erika, she looked at the anxious Fudge, and a corner of her mouth ripped, saying, "Don't worry, we will be fine. Alvin is back to New York. Jessica is here, we will be fine. of!"

Matt shook his head with a grin and said, "Is my performance terrible?

Daredevil could not help but watch his girlfriend get hurt and can only wait for others to save us! "

Talking of Matt's difficult shoulder movement, he said in pain: "How many times have I" betrayed "Alvin?"

Fudge looked helplessly at his best friend, and he stubbornly made him want to beat him.

Fucked a few rolls of gauze from a nurse's trolley next to him, Fudge went to Matt's side and rudely piled the gauze on the rolled wound on Matt's body, and then fixed it slightly with adhesive tape. Then he said, "Why do n’t you just ask Alvin for help?

We are friends, remember how Alvin helped us when we first went to Hell's Kitchen?

You would rather ask Alvin for Danny, why not call Alvin for yourself and Erica?

You know he won't reject you at all, we used to be best friends! "

Saying that Fudge slaps on Matt's wounds angrily, let him make a painful groan, and then said: "Alvin once told me that some people's eyes are always on outsiders, the more The more people who are close to him are more vulnerable!

I never **** believe it, but now you make me have to believe it!

Your **** self-esteem will kill yourself and Erica! "

Matt took the hood off hard, shook his head bitterly, and said, "I owe him, and the more I owe!

You cannot ask someone who is "betrayed" by himself to be a friend forever!

Fudge, sorry!

It is my selfishness that has dragged you into the vortex. Maybe I should not have friends. I always bring disaster to you! "

Fudge sighed uncomfortably, and just when she wanted to talk, a young voice came to her mind from the corridor inside the hospital. "You should go to a doctor. I think if you are dragging on, you should be damned!"

Shangqi and Yan Shuangying came through the gate of the hospital to prepare to take over the guarding work here.

Passing Erica, she gave her a strange look and gave her a strange look, then said: "The boss always thought you would hit Matt, but you actually left Richard and ran to help this blind man!

What should I say? Is this love?

Aren't you afraid that Richard's dad is out of prison to come to your trouble? "

After seeing their arrival, Erika finally relaxed completely. The beauty killer lifted up her camisole, showed Shangqi her wound on her belly, and said with a smile: "Look at me For a pretty woman, find me a doctor or a nurse.

I think the sooner the treatment is, the smaller the scar will be here. I look good in a bikini! "

Feeling embarrassed, Shen looked away, and Shen Sheng said, "Your wish is about to be missed. The boss just called and he sent JJ ​​to drive an ambulance ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The doctor on board It's Dr. Ethan. "

With a scornful glance at Matt, he said, "The boss is going to take you all to school. He said that there is a fool named Matt who will fight to the last minute for others, but he will drag himself on. Friends are unlucky together, it seems that the boss is right! "

When Matt was speechless, Yan Shuangying said softly with an awkward expression: "These ghost women are too scary. Will wearing more clothes affect the battle?"

I was stunned and stunned and stared at Yan Shuangying, who looked at Erika's belly. Then she looked at Erika with a gloating look and said, "You know Dr. Ethan's skills, I think you can say goodbye to your bikini .

But your boyfriend is blind, what does it really matter what you wear? "

Erica glanced anxiously, looked at Matt next to him, and said hardly, "He's only temporary ~"

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