Druid of Marvel

Chapter 675: Man

Stark patrolled around the mountain quickly and found that there were no more threatening targets before he began to land towards Alvin.

When Stark was attacked before, he took two test robots and attacked each other's long-range positions. Although the rocket and mortar used there were not advanced, it also took him a lot of time. .

This group of terrorists didn't know where to get the control missiles, which really made Stark stunned for a while.

When the two robots were fighting, they finally landed in a melee because of lack of ammunition, and were finally blasted by rpg by those elite terrorists.

Although the loss was great, Stark was almost a subconscious move to rescue the injured on both sides. If long-range weapons were left unattended, the battle would have ended long ago, and no one could stop the indiscriminate bombing of heavy weapons.

Alvin looked down and looked at the battlefield in the distance. The four Chinese soldiers used tacit cooperation and precise marksmanship to attack the terrorists who were among the civilians in four directions.

This chaotic situation gave the Chinese a chance. Those messy civilians not only blocked their muzzle, but also blocked the enemy's muzzle.

It may be useful for terrorists to take hostages when the two sides confronted each other.

But now, the messy situation has brought the two sides back to the same place. Although there are many terrorists and they do not care about the deaths and injuries of the overwhelmed civilians, the four Chinese soldiers were born with their tacit understanding and marksmanship Hold them back.

When Alvin was watching the battlefield, Stark landed from the sky. He lifted his face and looked at Li Li, who was lying on the ground. He smiled and said, "Congratulations on keeping your life, you are a great soldier, but also a Lucky guy!

We have a nice surgeon there, hoping that he can save your arm, although it is not too big, but ... is better than nothing.

Well, if you retired due to injury, are you interested in working at Stark?

We can provide the best mechanical prosthetic limbs, and maybe you can continue your sniper career. "

Alvin pushed Stark impatiently, and said, "Hurry up and take him to Strange, and then come back and help solve the **** terrorists below. They are no longer human!"

Starklar lowered his faceplate, bent over and picked up Li Chang, and said, "Okay, okay, I never hug a man. You are the first, because this guy who looks so good is afraid to fly. "

Speaking of Stark's feet spurting flames and slowly rising, he watched Alvin and yelled, "Don't kill too fast, wait for me to come here, these **** have broken my robot, I want to let them Taste the power of mech fighting. "

Alvin waved away Stark, who was rushing around. He drove the "violence" into a battle axe in his hands, and "violence" closed the helmet for him intimately.

He waved towards the Chinese sniper who had been watching here in the distance, Alvin hammered his helmet fiercely, and began sprinting along the nearly 40-degree stone slope.

Gu Shun watched Stark hug Li Tongfei and flew into the sky. He suppressed his worries, gritted his teeth and turned the muzzle, and began to name a few terrorists holding cameras under the mountain.

This is the most important task assigned by captain Yang Rui. In the end, they can die, but they must not cause trouble to the country.

This is no longer a matter of life and death for several people!

Existing soldiers shooting civilians in other countries' territory will be costly to the country if they are distorted and released.

He killed a "photographer" surrounded by five or six civilians. Gu Shun pressed his throat and said, "Captain, someone came to support me. The iron man named Tony Stark took Li Zhi, and A guy who seemed to be Chinese was rushing down. "

When he was alive, his right eye aimed, and his left eye monitored the entire battlefield. Gu Shun fired a shot at the side of the machine gunner's stone. A terrorist carrying ak47 burst his head as soon as he rushed out from behind a stone.

The stone was startled. He shot two shots with a machine gun, killed a terrorist who kept screaming, and then gave a thumbs-up in the direction of Gu Shun, then began to spin around the body against the huge stone.

When the machine gunner's stone turned to the other side of the boulder, this time a few terrorists gathered together and were impacting towards the position of their deputy captain blaster Xu Hong. In the face of this situation, the stone snapped frantically. At the trigger, several terrorists gathered together turned into horse honeycombs.

After the fierce soldier shot, he moved his position again and kept screaming, "Fuck, what the **** is this? Fuck, nothing kind ..."

Yang Rui raised a gun and aimed at a terrorist who was holding a woman and shrank behind her. When he was about to rush into the distance of 20 meters, Yang Rui shot decisively and hit the terrorist from the side of the scared woman's neck Head.

Several terrorists who wanted to emulate were startled by Yang Rui's marksmanship, and decisively began to change positions, trying to break through in another direction.

Their goal was on that bus, where a reporter accidentally took a picture of his boss and a white glove on the American side.

Although the reporter may not know who is in there, just in case, the white gloves put a lot of pressure on himself, and he must grab the reporter's negatives.

That white glove even sent a large number of arms.


The reporter Xia Nan bravely stayed beside the bus and helped the medical soldier Lu Chen to stop the two seriously injured workers.

She encountered this evacuation contingent while driving to leave Afghanistan, and now this situation has caused her deep confusion.

Terrorists attack the Chinese team is very rare. The consistent position of the Chinese state is not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. What are the benefits of these terrorists attacking the Chinese team?

Moreover, such a large-scale and such blatant attack will definitely provoke revenge from China.

They thought that carrying several cameras to create international public opinion afterwards would put pressure on China?

This is almost impossible, how many mentally handicapped terrorists think that a large Congress like China compromises like them?

After all, rubbing the military's buttocks is a required course for qualified diplomatic politicians in every country! Such people are state-owned and many!

Although the diplomatic politicians of Huaguo have always been polite, their bottom line is not expected to be too high, but compared to the American "shameless", they are much more attractive.

The reporter's sensitivity gave Xia Nan a little other conjecture. She instinctively felt that these terrorists might not be directed at the original convoy.

The medical soldier Lu Chen completed the hemostasis of the last severely wounded. He shouted and greeted the first batch of evacuation opportunities to others, and a few Chinese workers who voluntarily stayed here, "helped to lift them both into the jeep , There are not enough seats in the car, who will drive?

My comrade-in-arms will soon be driving back, who will voluntarily stay here and wait? "

A burly man with an unexpectedly handsome appearance came out. He was the driver of the original bus. He raised his hand and said, "I'll drive."

Saying he looked at the strange eyes of a few people around him, he said, "I'm a driver. I'm familiar with the terrain here. There is no soldier protection in the car, and I need a good driver."

The middle-aged man, who is obviously the leader of the workers, looked at the slightly doubtful medical soldier Lu Chen and nodded. "Yes, Chen Sheng is the best driver on our job site."

Talking about the worker's boss, he bowed his head and said softly, "He will still shoot. I promise him that he must be reliable."

The medical soldier Lu Chen probed for a glance at the chaotic battlefield, gritted his teeth and handed Chen Sheng his two pistols, and then said, "Following the rut, our correspondent is almost there."

After speaking, Lu Chen began to greet several workers and began to lift the two seriously injured people into the car. Reporter Xia Nan came to pick up a handle, then silently stepped aside and began to wait silently for the return of the previous car.

The middle-aged foreman greeted a few young workers to get on the car. When he saw the silent Xia Nan, he ran and pulled Xia Nan and said, "You get in the car first, it's dangerous here. The habit of the queen of women. "

Xia Nan waved his hand both moved and funny, saying, "I just joined it temporarily. You withdraw first, maybe the car will come right away."

The middle-aged foreman impatiently pulled Xia Nan's arm to push him into the car, and shouted at Chen Sheng in the cab: "Be careful! This **** job is bad, if the two Dead, their mother-in-law must come and tear my face. "

Talking about the middle-aged foreman looking at the workers in the same village, he smiled boldly: "Don't be afraid, they are all 7-foot guys, don't **** on and be looked down on!"

After listening to the words of the middle-aged foreman, a young man picked up a stone from the ground with a bit of blood, and shouted, "Yes, it's a man with a handle. Uncle, let's fight."

The middle-aged foreman raised his hand and wanted to give his nephew a slap, but his eyes saw an incredible scene from the front wheel where the bus was blown up.

The young nephew stretched out his hands in doubt in front of his old uncle's eyes and was opened by a slap. The **** blue turned his head and looked through the glass of the bus to the battlefield, where there was a black body armor. ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Tall warriors with a horror tomahawk rushed into the ranks from behind the terrorists.

Watching the horrible black armor warrior spin the tomahawk and chop several terrorists around him, the young nephew couldn't help but shouted, "Crouch ... this is the black whirlwind!"

Alvin, holding a **** tomahawk, anxiously pushed a civilian running around, causing him to hit his head on the ground and faint.

Looking at the crowd that is not easy to distinguish, Alvin waved the tomahawk anxiously and cut a passing gunman in half, and then issued a hoarse and terrifying roar through the "violent" helmet, under"

The surrounding crowd paused for half a second in the roar, and then a large number of civilians began to react and quickly lay on the ground. Although they don't understand English, they know a few simple English words.

Alvin ran two steps with satisfaction. A big jump came to a few terrorists. The tomahawk in his hand waved sideways, and brought a fierce blood rain.

He kicked his half-obstructed body in front of him, and Alvin looked at a Chinese soldier who was staring at himself, looking dark, and shouted, "Don't keep your arms, I'm here to help!"