Druid of Marvel

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To be honest, I enjoy being urged by book friends. I am an old bookworm. Knowing that feeling, I urge because I like it.

As a novice author, I know that someone likes my book. I am very satisfied, really satisfied.

I am adjusting many problems, such as the segmentation problem that many book friends say, each paragraph is too long, affecting the reading experience. Sentence-breaking problems. Sometimes I look back at my own sentence-breaking. I am awkward myself.

I am changing, adjusting, these two chapters should already be felt by you. It was the problem of the ending that made me very embarrassed. I am a mobile phone code word. If two lines of code are not visible at a time, I will feel uncomfortable. This is a disease and must be cured!

写 I write very passionately, because so many people like it. If the author is there, I should feel the same. The story is coded from me, and I immediately want to share it with everyone. I enjoy that sense of accomplishment. At the same time, I can't save manuscripts. I'm not a professional, but I think storytelling is very interesting. The key is that many people like it.

One last word.

本书 The outline of this book is complete, there is no question of whether it will jump.

thanks for your support!

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