Druid of Marvel

~: Chat 1 talk to heart!

Welcome you, please remember the address of this site :, mobile phone reading, so that you can always read the latest chapter of the novel "Druid of Marvel" ...

Distressed book friends, please forgive the slow pace of crutches!

I'm a newbie, and I didn't think that the hundreds of words in the outline would be written by me so much!

It's not that crutches don't want to be fast, but some things have been planned by themselves. If they are cut off, they will feel incomplete!

It's just that I overestimated my computing and writing skills.

This is a terminal illness of Virgo, a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Just like I do n’t want to break the chapter maliciously, even if I spend a lot of time every day, I always hope that the story of each day can be a little more complete!

This is actually not very good, it will cause a loss of some of the follow-up book friends, but I am an old book worm myself, I am more willing to believe that my sincerity can impress most readers!

I may not write well, but I really want to finish the story!

To be a bit pitiful and arrogant, I have basically given up all my spare time, except for picking up children.

Hard code is for that indescribable satisfaction!

I am doing what I love to do and I can still make money! How many times can a person have such a pleasant experience in his life?

I don't know if I can eat in this industry in the future. I'm filling a lot of pictures and stories that I usually imagine in my heart into this book.

I want to overdo the dream addiction!

I hope everyone supports it!

For the hard work of crutches!
