Druid of Marvel

Chapter 873: Bad guy to capitalist

When a large group of candidates went out of school, the whole **** kitchen started to be lively.

A large number of children in the lower grades came out of the dormitory. They had already completed the final test of the school. Today, the seniors of the 12th grade have completed the most important exams in life, and they have been liberated.

From this minute, for these children, the summer vacation has officially started.

Alvin couldn't wait to rescue Little Ginny from Sprint's boring class from the basement.

The old mouse was also anxious by Alvin, and he wanted to teach little Ginny something real to meet the demanding demands of this harsh parent.

Then he didn't expect that Alvin would regret it after only three days. He changed his way to help little Ginny be lazy every day. In the end, the bad guy was made by the old mouse anyway. The culprit of Alvin always maintained the image of a good father.

Alvin picked up a sweaty little Ginny at the elevator and was about to ask Sprint if he had any summer homework or something.

As a result, the old mouse looked at Alvin sincerely, and said a bit exhausted: "I need to retreat for 2 months. Let Ginny have fun this summer vacation!"

Speaking of this, Sprint turned into the elevator and pressed the elevator button hard, not wanting to glance at Alvin.

Alvin didn't know what was happening yet. He glanced down at Ginny and said inexplicably, "What happened to Mr. Sprint? He looks tired, and Leonardo are they not obedient again?"

Little Ginny pretended not to hear Alvin's problem. The little girl hugged her father's thigh, and climbed into Alvin's arms three or two times. Then she hurriedly pulled the hair scattered on her face to her head and shouted Said: "It's a holiday, let's go out and play!"

Alvin raised his eyebrows and pretended to be very distressed: "No, how can there be no homework in the summer vacation, I want to call Sprint, he is so irresponsible!"

Little Ginny opened her mouth and screamed sadly, her hands clenching her ears, her teeth grinning, "No ..."

Alvin looked at the strange little Ginny with a smile, kissed her head with a smile, and said, "Well, this is the last time.

I can't watch Sprint teaching my little girl a fool. It is Sprint's problem that there is no summer homework this time. "

Little Ginny nodded her head firmly and held Alvin's head for two kisses. He laughed and said with a grin, "The teacher must be too tired. Let's call him next year."

When Alvin drove into the car and left the school, a group of black bosses stopped his car.

Bruto took out a box of cigars and shoved it into Alvin's cab, grinning at the big golden tooth and smiling at Alvin, said, "Principal Alvin, if you have time, let's talk!"

Alvin looked at Bruto with a sneerous treacherous expression. He shoved his cigar into the glove box and said with a smile, "I probably know what you want to follow. As long as you can find 1.5 billion legal money, I will Call Norman Osborne.

You'd better not mess around. I don't care how the black money is washed. The money you give to Norman Osborne must be clean. "

Bruto grinned and patted his chest. "No problem, we can act with you.

Everyone can collect about 300 million in cash. My lawyer introduced a great movie project, 'Los Angeles Fortress'. They hired one of the most popular singers as the protagonist. As long as they put in the money, they can wash out at least 200 million. If you are in good condition, maybe you can make some money.

As long as we have the start-up capital, we take the acquisition intention to the gold and the boss's bank, they will provide us with a loan, 1.5 billion is not difficult. "

Alvin froze a bit, the courage of these guys surprised him a bit, holding 200 yuan to do 1500 yuan things are a little risky in Alvin's eyes, let alone doing 1.5 billion things?

Looking at the black bosses with strange expressions all around, Alvin frowned and said to Bruto, "You **** can't do something legal?

Bruto, I warn you, if things do n’t go the way I imagined, if you ca n’t continue to develop the ‘blood guard’ until there are better alternatives ... ”

Speaking of Alvin, he glanced at a few people around him and looked at Bruto seriously and said, "I will kill you, I am not kidding!

This is not the same thing as opening a pharmacy to sell marijuana, this is really a life-saving thing.

If you mess up, I will kill you! "

Bruto looked at Alvin with a serious expression and said, "This time we are serious, no one will take 1.5 billion to take risks.

I swear by my son's life that we must take this matter seriously. This is our chance to be whitewashed. We will never go wrong. "

Alvin glanced at the black bosses who nodded around him, and at last he nodded, and said, "There is no need to worry, I called President Ellis. His reelection campaign needs a topic, ' Blood Guard's inclusion in the insurance system is a good topic.

You can't mess around, and after everything is ready, the best option is to start. "

Bruto listened for a moment, and raised his mouth, "Ah ~", and said, "My production line has been bought back, and it is in a warehouse outside the dock area.

Can I do something to sell first? Anyway, we will definitely buy that patent, right? It should not be illegal to use your own things! "

Alvin looked at Brute's righteousness with amusement, resisting the urge to give him a shot, and said helplessly, "Where did you **** buy the production line? Where did the drug formula come from?

That **** is medicine, if you dare to mess around, I will take out your intestines. "

"I bought a modern methamphetamine production line from Mexico. The seller used to be my supplier. He is now responsible for helping me grow marijuana, and he sold it to me cheaply before." .

I also found a chemist, his name is Waterl White.

This guy is a chemical genius. He analyzed the pharmaceutical ingredients of "Blood Guardian". Although the effect of the final product is slightly worse, we are cheap!

The best thing is that this guy has cancer. In the past, he made money by making methamphetamine in the RV. Now he works for me. For his treatment costs and the future of his family, as long as we give money, he will do everything! "

Alvin was stunned and looked at the elated Bruto. He asked himself that although he had lived two lives, he didn't have this strong execution. This guy really sells marijuana, maybe he can really become a drug tycoon and the like in the future.

After thinking for nearly half a minute, Alvin finally shook his head and said, "Go to Raymond to discuss. He knows how to make you cooperate with President Ellis' team.

Damn, I'm doing good things, why is it so awkward?

Don't come to me with these things in the future, I will make things clear with Norman Osborne and Raymond.

Listen, I do n’t care what you do. My only requirement is that those patients can really get benefits. This is the only reason I help you ... ”

Bruto nodded earnestly and said, "I promise, principal Alvin, no one is born a badass. If I can make money and help those people by the way, why don't I do it.

It's not for atonement or anything, but because you're letting us live a different life.

In order to keep this life, I will fight my life! "

Alvin listened for a moment, then looked at a bunch of black bosses with serious expressions. He hesitated, then pushed the door and got out of the car and shook hands with the guys, saying, "You are all **** who should go to hell, Fortunately, this is the Hell's Kitchen ... "

Alexey stuffed a pink double-barreled shotgun with a ghost and wolf head carved into the back seat of Ginny as a gift, then he stood up straight and looked at Alvin and said, "We are not afraid Dead, it ’s just that this dignified way of life is very addictive, we are a bit addicted. "

Saying Alexei grinning and turning his head to Director Becket, who was standing not far away and gazing coldly at this side, made a gesture of cutting her throat, and then frowned at Alvin and said, "I am going to Build a prison at sea with a few guys, a very advanced one, so that we are not afraid of being arrested. "

Alvin was stunned after listening to Alexey's plan, and before he knew if it was legal, he felt a little cold behind him.

He glanced back at Beckett, who was holding his holster and was about to come in for trouble. Alvin shook his head with a grin and pushed Alexei away, then ran away as if he got into the car.

In the rearview mirror, Beckett arrogantly sighed Alexei's chest and said harsh words. Alvin sighed a long time. He didn't know if he was doing it right?

But think about Norman Osborne's usual fierce style, maybe he just let those gangs evolve into capitalists ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This should be a characteristic of the United States!

Looking back at the happy little Ginny from the pile of presents, Alvin shook his head and smiled. The **** gift giving style was too rough.

Alexei sent a shotgun, Old William sent a delicate looking hunting knife, Bruto sent a pair of pink small revolvers, other various drinks, Cigars, gold watches, necklaces.

Only Yade, who opened the night club, deliberately set up a beautiful set of Barbie dolls, but little Ginny didn't even look at it.

Alvin did not have any moral cleanliness and refused to accept gifts.

These people must not dare to disgust themselves with the stolen goods. They were also happy to see Xiao Jinni holding a small pistol there. They were just happy, but it was a bit of a headache to go back and hide these dangerous things.

On the way, Alvin met his own Hellcat. It seemed that the martial law in Hell's Kitchen had just been lifted, and BABY couldn't wait to drive it to the street.

Alvin pressed the window and wanted to say hello to BABY, an autistic child. Unfortunately, he didn't get a response.

The little Ginny in the back seat could bear her patience when she encountered her idol. The little girl pulled her seatbelt and pressed the head of the window to poke out the window, waving desperately to the **** cat, like a star chasing brain powder in order to No response was given to the response of the idol.

Alvin annoyed to reduce the speed and turned back to take the little Ginny into the cab and hug him, just trying to comfort the little Ginny who was a little depressed because she didn't get a response.

The Hellcat in front of him suddenly turned a 180-degree turn on the spot, and the head was facing Alvin's Mercedes, maintaining the same speed as him.

Watching the window of the Hellcat's cab be lowered, BABY beckoned and beckoned at the slightly lost little Ginny with an expression of headphones.