Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1032: Not a responsibility of one person

Alvin looked at the back of Sol's departure, he hesitated, and looked around the scene.

Stark is replacing Alvin with Harrie Jr. and they are searching for delicious food.

The taste of this dude is very close to this group of greedy children. He ate a 500-piece burger in the Waldorf Hotel.

All sorts of messy stuffed with cheese and a pinch of bread, then with a glass of cola, those children holding the burger are extremely sweet.

Little Ginny ate a small beef burger of fifteen centimeters in diameter mixed with sauce.

Looking at the remaining half of the burger and so many unpaid stalls, the little girl hesitated with a big mouthful of Coke, holding her belly, and then filially ran to the front of Alvin with the remaining burger. With a sweet smile, he said, "Dad, this is the burger I invented. Try it ..."

Alvin watched an inch of beef eyelid flowing with greasy gravy and two thick slices of cheese soaked in two layers of bread, plus a mess of sauce ...

Looking at this terrible thing, Alvin helplessly took a bite of this fat oily hamburger ...

In good conscience, the taste of this burger is really good, but Alvin feels too tired.

I took a sip of a burger and drank half a cup of Coke. Alvin was holding his giggle little Ginny's nose, and watching her look like you were "ferocious" without strangling me. Thumbs up and said: "Fine, hurry up and make a taste for Stark, he is a big fan of Hamburg ..."

Stark on the side secretly dropped the hamburger that Harry had failed to modulate. He stared and raised a **** towards Alvin, then walked over and pinched on Ginny's smiling face. The little girl drove her to meet her little friends like a sheep ...

Alvin looked at the children who were laughing and joking, and smiled at Stark with dark circles and said, "Look, you only need to make the little Morgan so big, you are comfortable, now, ha ..."

Stark wiped his face anxiously, and said a little helplessly: "The little devil must hate me very much, she is murdering my sleep time ...

I think the kind of people who love to bring children have problems ...

Do you say I'm sick? I don't look like a good dad. "

Looking at the stingy Stark, Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "It is not contradictory to be good at bringing children and loving children.

Don't say you, women from pregnancy to childbirth, those little devil hurt them even more.

But I don't think there should be a mother who doesn't love her children ...

Young mothers who jumped off the building due to postpartum depression in the news rarely hurt their children!

Bloodline nature and human moral inertia make us have to love our children.

However, these are actually inferior to the sense of accomplishment brought by watching a small life grow up. "

With Alvin looking at Stark with a strange expression, he said with a smile: "Man, we are actually strong, and we can develop a new habit in half a month.

And you are much better than most people, you have Albus to help, if you need you can even hire a dedicated team to take care of Little Morgan ...

However, there is no way to fully feel the fun of being a dad just thinking about gaining joy and not willing to pay energy. "

Saying Alvin, like Stark, he showed a terrible burger in his hand, and waved his hand "strongly" at the little Ginny who was watching him not far away and took a bite of this terrible thing.

A big sip of Coke offset the greasy feeling in the stomach. Alvin said helplessly: "You see, sometimes suffering is also a pleasure, but it is the pleasure of others.

Now that you have decided to take care of Little Morgan yourself, I believe you will definitely get used to the current state, but you may take a little longer than the average person needs ... "

Stark was silent after listening, and he said with some uncertainty: "Are you saying that I should let Pepper work?

You're right, women do suffer the most. "

Saying that Stark didn't wait for Alvin to respond to him, he waved and said, "I have to thank you. If it wasn't for your words, I must not have the patience to persist."

Alvin smiled indifferently and said jokingly: "Maybe I just want to see when you will collapse.

It's also a pleasure for me to see the world's richest man tortured physically and mentally.

But if you decide to make me an idol, I won't mind ... "

As Alvin turned to glance at Sol who was pulling Steve drinking, he smiled and said, "Asgard is going to fight the Cree on a dwarf planet called Nidvenir, and I decide To help.

Do you think that if we are only fighting on the ground, we humans have the ability to participate? "

Stark listened for a moment, and looked at Alvin with a bright eye, saying, "Do you want to take this opportunity to test the human warfare ability?

Then I need more detailed information ...

We can actually be strong, but to a certain extent, we are vulnerable ... "

Alvin nodded, and said with a dignified expression: "We can't always expect Asgard to protect us.

If it were only at home, we would not lose, because we have weapons that can destroy all life on Earth.

But that cost is a bit too high ...

Asgard circulates the prophecy of the gods at dusk. I don't think that's a joke, so we need to make a little preparation.

If Asgard declines rapidly, we need to create strategic depth ourselves, and it is the best choice to eliminate possible enemies from the earth!

Now I do n’t think there is any better option than your mechanical soldier to go to alien combat ... "

Stark pondered his moustache for a moment, and then said, "I need a little time to prepare. You have to give me information on the battle site, and then I will develop a robot soldier that can adapt to the local battle environment.

It would be best if I could bring a communication satellite with me. At least one large signal base station is needed.

Robots are not weak, but without Jarvis's command, they are big, rigid toys.

Those ordinary robot soldiers are no problem in the Middle East to deal with terrorists, it is too reluctant to deal with aliens ...

Unfortunately, the cost of producing an advanced robot capable of carrying artificial intelligence such as Jarvis is too high, and a single robot communication power cannot command so many robot soldiers ... "

Alvin did not continue to discuss such professional issues with Stark. It was certainly no problem to ask Asgard for information, and it was certainly no problem to persuade Odin to let himself participate in the war.

Now Alvin is hesitant to inform the Security Council of the news. It doesn't make sense for a principal to put such a heavy responsibility on his shoulders alone.

It is their responsibility to evaluate the place of the earth in the future universe. Obviously, only by the protection of Asgard and Kama Taj can we have a relatively stable environment, and then I think of myself as the boss, This is a bit stupid ...

However, these are mainly vision issues. The people of the earth have never lacked the wisdom of war and political wisdom. Alvin is considering whether to let those people and the country participate fully ...

The United States of America, the World Security Council, and that magic gun club probably know something about Asgard, but what better way to understand the universe than to directly participate in a war?

When Alvin was thinking, Stark was awake from his thoughts. He looked at Alvin a little hesitantly and said, "What are you thinking?"

Alvin hesitated and told Stark what he thought, but Stark said a little funny after hearing: "Are you thinking too much?

It is true that only you on earth can communicate with Asgard, and only you have the ability to determine our status.

But this is a matter for everyone, how is it possible for the World Security Council to stay out?

Do I still have to join the Stark Group to make money to make robots to fight in aliens?

That was a real war. I was rich, and the value of the Stark Group was not worth the fraction of the one-year military expenditure in the United States.

Let those people arrange observation teams to follow us into the battlefield, they really need to open their eyes to see what this world looks like.

Let those people see what kind of enemies we may face in the future, so maybe the war on Earth will be reduced a lot ... "

After hearing Alvin for a while, he nodded with a smile ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said: "You are right ...

However, it is still early in the real war, and we cannot intervene in the battle in the universe. When Odin can drag the Cree into the ground to fight is still a problem.

The World Security Council has time to coordinate things.

At least they have to pay for the robots you produce ... "

Alvin looked at Stark a little strangely, saying, "I seem to hear that the cost of robots will be infinitely reduced once they are mass produced.

You are not stingy ... "

Stark looked at Alvin amusedly and funnyly, saying, "The cost will not be less than 500,000 US dollars, and that is still a land version of high-energy batteries.

The cost of a robot capable of carrying the level of artificial intelligence of Jarvis is at least 200 million US dollars, and I can't mass-produce at present, after all, the generation of new elements has limited the production of new energy reactors.

1,000 ordinary robot soldiers plus weapons investment, logistical supplies, communication network construction, transportation, maintenance and maintenance, actually need at least about 15 billion US dollars to participate in a less intense battle.

This is still the case when Asgards help to transfer troops. If we invest human resources in the war, the cost will be higher.

And how many robots are left in a battle is a question.

This is really burning money, and the Stark Group cannot afford it ... "

Alvin shook his head with a stunned expression. He looked at President Ellis, who was not far away to be entertained with people, and gritted his teeth. "Let the United States take part of their military expenses.

I feel like the tube is a little too wide. This is a bad problem, and it has to be cured!

Damn, this should be the responsibility of the lighthouse country. They can't always play a role in those places with oil ... "