Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1085: Fate of Alvin

The warm keel is inlaid with space gems ...

Without magnificent brilliance, without strong energy fluctuations, Alvin felt a little hungry and felt this upstart ring inlaid with a large gem, and then he jumped in surprise ...

Because it is not the rune language that Alvin is familiar with, this keel ring inlaid with large gems has no name, but what Alwen senses makes him a little overwhelmed ...

Charged Bolt Level 20

Telekinesis Level 20

Static stand (staticfield) 20

Lightning (level 20)

Nova (level 20)

Chainlightning Level 20

Tiliport Level 20

Thunderstorm (thunderstorm) level 20

Energy shield (level 20)

Lightning Mastery Level 20

The complete set of lightning magic in the Lightning Witch in Diablo 2 is all listed, and all of them are full at one time ...

The main thing is that this ring carries a magic similar to the return scroll. Alvin feels that he should call it "space door" ...

Alvin looked at the extremely strong ring in his hand and felt the strange wave passing to him. He murmured, "What's going on?

I'm really a druid ...

I'm really not Sol's father ... "

Talking about Alvin putting this upstart ring on the **** of his left hand, watching the "wealthy" momentum that he sent out inexplicably after wearing it, he a little regretted that he was just too hasty and should use a powerful staff Shape and then use the keel ...

The worst thing is to get a chopstick wand in Harry Potter and inlaid the space gem ...

It's so stupid now, after wearing it, the three fingers of the left hand won't close because of the thick wall of the keel ring!

But you asked Alvin to pull out the space gem now and try again. He didn't dare. Who knows what product will be given again?

Although it looks a bit ugly now, the content is too rich ...

Considering the outbreak of the second disease, which was infected by the "legendary figures" in his bones, and he ignored all the external forces, Alvin felt a little funny ...

They are terrible. They are terrible. If you lose the hard and simple pragmatic spirit, the retribution will come immediately ...

This ring that can make vanity's greedy money-seeking woman worthy of anyone's desire is far from the tough guy's ...

This is like the small red artifact whip in Ivan's hand, which fully validates the principle that "the artifact is used to see, and it can only be used occasionally"!

Alvin sighed painfully in the sky, looked down at the ring on his hand, and touched the "space door" inside ...

A blue space door with a diameter of more than 3 meters opened in front of Alvin. Through the opening of the space door, Alvin saw that "outside" was the street in front of the restaurant ...

At 12 pm, Wesley sneaked his little girlfriend, Terry, to the door of the apartment ...

Just as they said goodbye to reluctant kisses, a blue brilliance lit from the entrance of the restaurant.

Wesley drew his gun quickly and turned around, then pushed Tai Li to the door of the apartment. He watched the door of the space suddenly, and prepared to call out to his father to deal with the possible crisis ...

Alvin walked up the street from the space gate. He looked at Wesley with a strange smile, smiled, and stretched out his **** with his right hand to point his eyes, then made a "Wesley" "Cut throat" gesture ...

Wesley put away his pistol with a bitter face, and he spread his arms to Alvin, just wondering what was going on?

A deep, hoarse voice came from behind him, "For the sake of your willingness to protect Taili, I forgive you ..."

The brave Wesley, who was just facing the abnormal situation, jumped up and screamed in shock. He looked back at Robert with his cold face and stuttered, "Actually, me, me, I am not, me Really, hey ... "

Teri, who was just in 10th grade this year, held Robert's arm, poked his head from his shoulder, and made a "reassuring" expression to Wesley's eyebrows, and then happily turned back and jumped up. Go upstairs ...

Robert glanced at Alvin, who was standing in the middle of the street, and he looked questioning ...

After Alvin signaled that everything was normal, Robert didn't care about the space door that seemed to lead to the basement of Alvin's house. There were so many strange things happening in the Hell's Kitchen, this old agent could not have been surprised ...

Robert glanced at Wesley, who looked down like a quail, and said in an air-conditioned voice: "If Teri comes home after 10 o'clock in the future, I will break your bones ..."

Wesley looked at Robert with a bad expression in a horror. He said in horror: "If I don't know it? You know the girl, just in case ..."

Robert listened, he helped Wesley organize his collar with a smile, then turned and walked towards the elevator, saying, "If you don't know, it means that you have failed ...

What more bones does a defaulting boyfriend have? "

Alvin didn't have time to ignore the unlucky Wesley. This little king blamed the underage girl in his school. It was good to keep him alive. It was for his good that he was intimidated by Robert.

In the middle of the night, was it that the girl was shaking around in order to press the road?

Making an "I will stare at you" gesture to the frustrated Wesley, Alvin walked in again through the space door, and then scattered the space door in the basement ...

Alvin simply experimented with several auxiliary mage skills in the basement ...

He found that the Master ’s telekinesis was very easy to use. It did n’t matter that he picked up something within 20 meters and strangled himself ...

Teleportation is not his dish. Teleportation within the line of sight is very powerful, but it is also terrible. This skill is a kind of torture for the "halo" teleporter. It is not necessary. Alvin feels that he should not Will use ...

There is also an energy shield that is a bit cocky. Absorption is not something that Alvin likes. The "Spiral" kind of skill that you hit me is equivalent to your hammer 4 times ...

In the end, those powerful lightning magic Alvin did not dare to try it in his own home. Think of the ultimate magician's 20th level thundercloud lightning damage of 294 points per second, plus almost three times the increase effect provided by level 20 dominating lightning. This is almost the same damage as a level 40 blizzard.

In the past, Alvin wanted to put a blizzard, and took a rune word "frozen" to shoot at the sky. Now he only needs to put a ring on his finger and he can pose as Sol's father at the peak ...

Facing such a strong temptation of strength, Alvin finally bit his teeth and unfortunately took off the ring and shoved it into his backpack, and decided not to use it when it was not necessary ...

After taking off the ring, Alvin had a rare mood of resentment. The inexplicable sense of emptiness made him suddenly alert.

In the past, so many rune words have been used without this feeling. Now why does this ring combined with the artifact of this world artifact give me this strange feeling?

Alvin thought for a long time only when he was blinded by power, but he didn't know he was doing the most dangerous attempt ...

The six gems are the highest strength of the universe. They represent the original strength of the universe to some extent. Therefore, it is logical that they are also connected to the "will" of the universe.

The will of the universe itself is not malicious to anyone, but it will instinctively maintain the balance of the universe.

Life, death, ups and downs ...

It guides all lives, telling them what is right and what is wrong ...

When the balance is broken, the ensuing death will find it again, and then start another cycle ...

Most people call it "fate" ...

But part of the "people" on the earth are not willing to be bound by fate. They broke this balance and saved "free will" to make the earth independent of this universe ...

It may be to let the light of destiny cover the earth again, or it may be because the development of the earth will not affect the balance of the universe, and one after another "jewels" have come to earth ...

Gu Yi may not know it by herself. It is not the so-called Kama Taj that has troubled her all the time, but the eye of Agomo, and fate always affects her through the time gem.

Whenever she uses the time gem to peek into the future, she is moving towards the "Abyss", because the future of the earth itself should be a chaos. What she sees is just what the gem wants her to see!

Until the appearance of Alvin, everything on the earth began to become chaotic again, which made Gu alert at first ...

Gu Yi, who was touched, almost instinctively gave up the time gem ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ instead chose to integrate with the monster Domam in outer space and start to find his own way ...

The ring made of space gems by Alvin is powerful and unusual, but long-term use may make Alvin make some strange choices, and then these choices together can be a disaster.

The only good thing now is that Alvin's strength is strong enough, the ring is not a necessary choice for him, and he has enough will to resist the temptation of strength.

Most importantly, on earth, Alvin has enough power to reverse the mistakes he made!

And who knows whether the terrible image of the ring is a confrontation between the free will of the earth and the will of the universe?

Alvin's power came so logically, who knows if this is the backhand left by "free will" for the earth?

An inexplicable crossing, an inexplicable power, and a soul that best fits "free will", is Alvin "free" in the end?