Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1086: 8 nonsense

In a flash of time, it was half a month. With a "ticket-buying meeting" of the Waldorf Astoria, the world's most advanced military forces began to mobilize ...

Those countries that spent $ 1 billion on tickets can never accept being kicked out at the gate of their destination!

The most elite soldiers, the most advanced equipment, and the most professional think tanks are constantly going to the grasslands of Namibia, Africa.

Both Ivan and Stark have made a fortune, and those countries that have not had outstanding weapon research and development capabilities have saved their lives for their soldiers. They have started to spend money on placing orders with two top scientists ...

Stark's robot production line began to run at full speed, and Detroit's OCP's robot factory also began to benefit. When the city's pillar companies began to resume work, Detroit also had a bit of anger.

When the mayor of Detroit knew that OCP's current owner was the Manhattan Tomahawk, he ecstatically invited Alvin ...

As long as your elders come to settle, as long as this city has something, what do you want for you?

Although the mayor intentionally or accidentally ignored that Alvin was only the owner of several robot factories, this did not prevent his greed for Alvin ...

Big companies like OCP are gone, what else can Detroit lose?

If a super big man like Alvin is willing to settle in Detroit, maybe the city will have some other changes. For better or worse, it is better than a pool of dead meat.

Even when Alvin didn't respond, they vacated several floors of offices in the city government building to serve as a branch of the "mutation artificial society" ...

New York can give you, we double for you, this is the greatest sincerity of Detroit ...

The mayor of New York, Donald Depp, laughed at his colleague on live television after learning the news ...

"Alvin is the Manhattan Tomahawk, and Manhattan is the center of the world. What is Detroit?

Did Alvin change the nickname to 'Detroit Tomahawk' or 'Auto City Tomahawk'?

Your city government funds are not as rich as our Tomahawk school deposits. How could you please invite Mr. Tomahawk to settle there?

The Manhattan Tomahawk is a Tomahawk in New York. He is our soul ...

If the opposite mayor continues to seduce us with a tomahawk, I will fly my private jet to find you duel, I am not kidding ... "

Alvin was sitting next to the bar in the restaurant, watching Donald Depp on TV ...

Listening to the whistle-like whistle coming from around, Alvin smiled and spread his hand to a group of neighbourhood neighbours: "I didn't expect me to be so popular!

Be kind to me later, or I'll move to Detroit ... "

Old Kent patted the bar with his front teeth in a loud smile and said, "Can you take the Hell's Kitchen away too?"

Otherwise you can't go anywhere!

This is your home, haha ​​... "

Old Kent's words cheered everyone around, and they cried out to Alvin loudly: "If you want to move away, remember to inform us that I heard that the house prices in Detroit are low and pitiful, maybe we go even the middle class. It's ... "

Alvin raised his **** to the neighbours who seemed to be eating themselves, and then booed for a while, until the sound of the table on the TV sounded, and everyone looked at it like watching a talk show. Morning news ...

As soon as Donald Depp on TV released his shot at the Mayor of Detroit, he began to slam the laws of New York ...

"Putting the Manhattan Tomahawk to trial is the funniest thing I've heard in my life ...

None of my hair is funny like this ... "

Speaking of Donald Depp on TV, he touched his at least 30 pieces of "washing, cutting and blowing", and then exclaimed indignantly: "He's helping those poor mutants, beating a fool who should be in prison. What is the problem?

I **** wanted to catch this **** flying around New York all day long and put him in jail ...

The idiot named Johnny Stone used to violate at least 20 laws every day ...

Alvin is helping our city! "

Listening to the frantic screams all around, Alvin wiped his nose and watched the nervous Donald Depp on TV. He stretched out his hand to Raymond next to him and asked, "What the **** is going on?

This guy is crazy?

Why didn't George go and pull him off the TV seat and give her a shot?

This guy is going to mess everything up! "

Raymond smiled and shook his head, saying, "This guy is a political hooligan plus a **** ...

His real estate company won a piece of land in the West District near Central Park, and he needs at least 5 rounds of hearings to get approval ...

At least 80% of New Yorkers are in love with him now ... "

Alvin was stunned watching Donald Depp on the TV roaring like a dead dad. "This is a retrogression of the law. It is ignorant, stupid, brutal, crazy to judge a hero who has saved us countless times ... ...

I will rush to the governor's office in a few minutes, and I will take public opinion to get a 'Amnesty Order' for our Tomahawk ...

If he doesn't agree, I will spray my private jet with the word 'Shame' and drive it onto his lawn! "

Alvin covered his eyes and was embarrassed to watch the nonsense Donald Depp on TV. He looked at Raymond inconsiderately and said, "This guy doesn't even have to do any martial arts for a little money?

Everyone knows he's talking nonsense, right? "

Raymond shook his head funnyly, took a sip of coffee, then glanced at the angered Judge Capster, who was not far away, and said with a smile: "That's not a little money ...

This guy is actually very clever. I think he has the potential to become the President of the United States. At least he is absolutely qualified in terms of 'shameless' and 'talking nonsense'!

I actually like him, really! "

Alvin listened a little worriedly and glanced at the old Judge Capster in the corner of the bar. If this old guy is angry with him, what if his master George's calculation about the mutant is smashed ...

When Alvin wondered if he was going to comfort the old judge ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and made it clear to him that he really didn't mind going to jail, Donald Depp on the TV left the station and began to take a large number Seeing the lively reporter rushed to the governor's office ...

In the face of this situation, Alvin looked at Raymond with a bitter smile and said, "What if this guy really wants an amnesty order?

Bruto has furnished my 'room' ...

And the large forces of all parties have gathered in Africa, and I really have no time to be caught in the crime ... "

Raymond shook his head funnyly. He shook the mobile phone in his hand to Alvin and said with a smile: "I just checked it and our governor has received a notice from Washington. He is now rushing to Washington. On the way ...

You see, in fact Donald Depp is not stupid at all, he knows what can and cannot be done! "

Alvin looked at the old judge who was hostile sympathetically. He just wanted to say something. As a result, the old judge stood up and looked at him, and said with a grudge, "You have three hours to go to court. Are you ready? Mr. Axe! "