Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1092: family

The Alvin family visited the entire holiday prison under the leadership of the old housekeeper Alfred, and then talked with the gangsters late at night in the prison bar.

Obviously, Alvin's jail time also surprised the gang. They all wanted to confirm Alvin's attitude. They didn't care about the tomahawk in Manhattan, but the king of the **** kitchen took the initiative to send himself to jail and let them have nothing to worry about. At the end.

They worry that Alvin's too close to the law will completely change the whole ecology of Hell's Kitchen. If that is the case, most of these gangsters can only jump into the sea.

Fortunately, Alvin gave them a reassurance, **** kitchen will not change ...

The Hell's Kitchen is not bad now, and the changes have been slowly progressing. Bruto is "repairing", indicating that they are always satisfied with the status quo.

After all, change is gradual and most secure, and you have to say that it is impossible for Alvin to really not think about this group of people.

Without their cooperation and desperation, the Hell's Kitchen would not be flourishing now!

If they are caught by the police, they deserve it, but it is impossible for Alvin to "clean up" them. After all, the worst have been killed and the rest are saved by Alvin, of course, hell. The standard of the kitchen!

The gang of big brothers who had a drink of wine warmed their hearts. When Alvin gave a loud blessing to Bruto's son, the audience applauded ...

Excited Bruto pulled Yade, who opened a night club, and in any case, he would pay for a night club on the island ...

What, there can be no women on the island? So what's the problem, can't a woman come to a succubus?

Alvin is going to fight in hell. What's the matter of catching a few succubus to dance?

Yade felt Fox's bad eyes, this handsome mustache awkwardly put drunk Bruto on his head, then looked at Alvin expectantly, and said, "Principal, are you really going to fight in hell?

Now if I place an order to buy a few succubus, do you say anyone will accept the order? TV mobile terminal /

Recently, my site business is not very good. I need a little fresh show to stimulate consumption ... "

Listening to a bunch of drunken black bosses' crazy call, Alvin felt that he still underestimated their unbridled, the wild nature in the bones really could not be eliminated with two money.

Who would think of a normal person to catch a few succubus and dance back? What if the guest dies?

Alvin looked at Yade's expression of anticipation. He resisted the urge to paste this handsome face on the wall, erected a **** at him, and said, "Lao Tzu's bar has 13 succubus. They are now It takes three shifts for a waiter and bartender to happen. I happen to suspect too many demons. If you have the ability, go digging! "

Yade listened for a while, then didn't know what he thought of, and he was fighting a cold war. His head was stunned by alcohol, and then he was annoyed and said, "The succubus in the bar is really a bit irritating. But Carmilla said that some of her races had a bad life ... "

Alvin looked at Yad like a neurosis. This guy was posing as a good man who was going to save the women in hell. He made Alvin want to dig out his father and mother from the soil to see what kind of men and women can The birth of this scumbag ...

Slashing the demon Alvin will certainly not be softened, but such things as driving the devil are not in his dictionary.

The succubus in the bar is at least free on this. There are really unrefined ones who come up to send "fine", and Alvin will also look at it as a joke.

But Yade's stance of preparing to acquire demonic slaves is a bit excessive ...

As if the mind of Yade was feeling Alvin, he spread his hand and said, "Principal, don't look at me with abnormal eyes, I never do bad things that are abnormal.

It is enough to let a woman submit to money, and the succubus is estimated to be similar ...

Carmela said that many of them are not as good as pigs and dogs. We can help them sneak in ...

Then let them work and repay their debts. As long as they register in the mutant labor union, they are considered to have regular status ~

Salvation, we are salvation! "

Fox couldn't listen anymore, watching a **** urging his fiance to smuggle demons, how could this be possible?

A large glass of whiskey was poured on Yade's face, and Fox kicked Yade's lower abdomen with the horrified eyes of the big men, and let the unlucky ghost knee on his knees to make a gasp of mourning.

Looking at Yade who was about to stare, Fox glared at the black bosses around him, and then pulled Alvin out of the bar and returned to his luxurious suite ...

It wasn't until Alvin and Fox had left for about 10 minutes that Yade stood up with Bruto's help. He rubbed his lower abdomen with a bitter smile, and said to a group of guys who looked like fun, "You all owe I am alone ... "

Talking about Yade laying down his seat and glancing down at a clear high-heeled footprint on his lower abdomen, if he was two inches lower just now, he would say goodbye to the **** career ...

Bruto glanced at Alexei, who was impatient, and said to a group of awkward black bosses, "It's the stupidest to test Alvin in this way!

Didn't he understand enough just now? Hell's Kitchen won't change!

Are you satisfied now?

Alvin hated slaves, and he never thought about enslaving us ...

He could let those succubuses **** half of the **** who wanted to get on with them, how could he let us wash our hands completely.

The illegal sale of the Hell's Kitchen left us in the end only a mess, which was not what Alvin wanted to see at all.

Alvin scared you as soon as he was in prison. What are you worried about?

Worried that Alvin will put you in jail together? "

Saying that Bruto took a bitter sip of whiskey, said: "This is the last time, if anyone wants to doubt Alvin in the future, who is my enemy ..."

A bald Eastern European man came out a little embarrassingly and patted his head, saying, "It's our problem, but the principal Alvin sent himself to prison really scared us.

If he insists that he can only do it right in the future, we are finished!

I can certainly get away, but my men have left those illegal businesses and can't even find a job that can make ends meet. "

Saying that the bald man took a bottle of vodka and drank it down, and coughed painfully, saying, "We all know that principal Alvin is great, but I really worry that he is too great ...

What if Principal Alvin becomes the American Tomahawk and Earth Tomahawk in the future?

Damn, principal Alvin is our king. What are those **** raised outside? "


Alvin stood next to the floor-to-ceiling window of the suite and looked downstairs at the golf lawn. Little Ginny was riding a children's bicycle and yelling on the lawn ...

Nick looks like a competent elder brother is behind her. The old butler, Alfred, borrowed from the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, stands on the side of the court and drags a tray filled with towels and water, smiling with a smile on the front. With that intimate brother and sister ...

Turning to look at Fox's expression that was halting, Alvin smiled and stroked her slightly frowned brows, then said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what they are thinking!

They used to worry that I was too bad and would enslave them like Kim and ...

Now they worry that I'm too good, and they will be sent to prison just like myself ...

This is a good sign. They show that they treat me as their own, otherwise what else can they do besides giving in? "On the mobile phone side, remember" → m. \\ B \\ iq \\ u \\ g \\\\ o \\ m "to provide you with wonderful reading of novels.

As Alvin held Fox in his arms, he said with a bitter smile: "I don't know when **** kitchen will become a big family of baddies!

From the beginning to conquer them with strength, to later seduce them with hope ...

I didn't think so at first, but ... "

Fox gently covered Alvin's mouth ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ She tiptoed and kissed Alvin's forehead, then took a step back and bowed to Alvin with a smile, saying: " So should I call you 'Godfather' in the future? "

Alvin watched Fox suddenly become charming, he glanced, and then smiled and carried Fox back into his arms, and said with a smile, "Can Godfather find more girlfriends?"

Saying Alvin, he took out the mobile phone that was shaking in his pocket and glanced at it, seeing Stark, who was standing on a grassland with an impatient face, he decisively shut down the phone and tossed it, then looked down Fox smiled and smiled, saying, "In fact, I prefer names such as dear, sweetheart, honey ...

Sweetheart while we have some time ... "


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