Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1093: housekeeper

Alvin sent away Fox and the two children, and holding the most resistant Alexei was a mammoth ...

The unlucky gun dealer was used by Alvin as a punching bag, by the way to warn the gangsters who were always suspicious.

Then the strongest elder brother was beaten, he would always want to find some unlucky ghosts ...

Bruto, standing by the window of the "cell," watched Alvin rolling Aleksie on the pier through the window, and he kept chanting while drawing a cross on his chest. "Fortunately, I 'Jailed', Alexei is not good-tempered!

Yade, they're out of luck! "

Domi stayed in jail and watched his dad suddenly become timid, he said a little curiously: "Dad, the principal of Alvin is angry and stingy to explain that the consequences are not serious. This is something our entire school knows, why you are so worry?"

Bruto grinned and watched Alexei being punched in the abdomen by Alvin, then the whole person jumped up, and the thick rhino hide failed to protect him. He let him make a painful scream ...

When hearing his son's question, Bruto gave Domi a strange look and said, "I know, Alexei also knows, this is a warning!

If it hadn't been for the principal's wife, Mrs. Alvin, he would have been in the bar! "

Talking about Bruto pointing at the dock, Alvin was stroking a unicorn punch on Alexei's head and punched him in the ribs, and then Alexei's miserable sullenness was killed as a monkey to the chicken He hummed, fell sideways, and twitched twice, and couldn't stand up again.

"He is telling us that he is still a badass! Now everyone is completely at ease.

Then wait for the irritable Alexei to come to the door one by one, and then the matter is over ... "

Domi didn't understand too much about the complex minds of these gangsters. He looked at the gang of black bosses on the dock with amusement and said, "What's the point? Principal Alvin is a good man, we all know!

Now that Mr. Alexei has been beaten, can principal Alvin prove that he is a badass?

And what's so bad about being a good principal? "

Bruto was very patient with his son. After thinking about it, he said, "Everyone wants their boss to be a good person, because good people are generally more forgiving!

But Alvin is different. He ’s too ‘good’ and it will worry us ...

How can a bunch of badass kings be good people?

We are not afraid of 'Bad Guy' Alvin, because we cannot resist.

But we are afraid of "good man" Alvin, afraid that he gave us hope and then because we couldn't keep up, we threw us into 'hell' ...

In order to keep up with Alvin's rhythm, we desperately bleached ourselves, but some things I couldn't get rid of.

The two pizzerias compete, and normal people will choose to cut prices or find a few **** waiters who don't like to wear clothes.

But we would choose to use the gun to point at the opponent's head to drive him away. Some things in the bones could not be changed at all, because that's how we climbed up.

If Alvin becomes a real 'good man', most people in Hell's Kitchen will not survive ...

So they will be worried, they will be afraid, and they are used to the current Hell's Kitchen, and they are beginning to be afraid of changes. "

Speaking of Domit, Bruto said seriously, "My lawyer told me that I had the opportunity to drag my lawsuit a few years later, but I chose to stay here for a while.

I trust Principal Alvin, but I worry that one day he will be told by the Chief George to completely remodel the **** kitchen ...

I don't want to be his obstacle, let alone make him embarrassed!

After going out from here, I am the "innocent" Bruto!

I can watch you get married and have children, maybe I still have a chance to go back to my Jamaican home to see! "

Domi probably figured out Dad's logic. He looked at Alvin through the window and snarled at the black bosses loudly. He muttered to himself: "This is a little unfair to Principal Alvin, let everyone It ’s really hard to be satisfied! "

Bruto listened to his son's innocent slang. He grinned his big golden teeth, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "You have the current idea that you are a 'good' child. Try not to return in the future Hell's Kitchen, find something you love.

Go to lawsuit for your guys, help guys who go out of Hell's Kitchen, all is well, but don't go back to Hell's Kitchen ...

Principal Alvin doesn't need you to worry, he can do well, he has always done well!

Oh, at the end, do n’t be too ‘good’, do n’t be polite when it comes to collecting money ... ”


Alvin watched Aleksey "kill the ring" on the yacht just less than 50 meters away from the pier. Several unlucky ghosts were held down by the most unlucky ox, and he was so embarrassed that he had put the stuff in his stomach a few days ago. All sprayed out ...

Alvin nodded with satisfaction. This is the effect he wanted. These **** who are okay for trouble are owed. What is the matter with you being like a dead father?

Watching the unfortunate Yade pressed by Alexei against the yacht's fence, a strangely colored water column sprayed out, Alvin shook his head with a smile, and decided to go to **** this time to help this "enthusiastic" nightclub. Let ’s take a look, what if the succubus who is lost is willing to work for him?

Looking back at Alfred, who had been standing still not far behind him, Alvin said with a smile, "I'm sorry to let you see what I am now. Actually I don't!"

Speaking of Alvin looking at the smiling butler, he suddenly said a little funny: "You are the housekeeper Alfred, am I Bruce Wayne?"

Seriously, you gave me the illusion that I am a billionaire. The most outrageous thing is that I actually feel that way now! "

Alfred nodded his head and listened with a restrained nod, then said with a smile: "Let the owner feel that glory is the responsibility of the steward!"

Speaking of Alfred, he stretched out his right hand and bent slightly to signal "We should go back" ...

Alvin was a bit uncomfortable and followed Alfred's direction to the holiday prison. He had seen a few good housekeepers. Stereotyped but humorous Albus. The whole man was gloomy like a cold-blooded Greenward. ...

Compared with the Alfred in front of them, they always seem to be a little less like a spring breeze. This old guy always seems to be able to win your favor easily, even if he asks him to do something, he is not resistant.

As Alvin walked along Alfred's guidance, he asked curiously, "How much did Bruto hire you?"

I think it's a bit of a curiosity to make you a warden. If you are not too demanding, you can actually come and work for me ...

You know, I have a restaurant, a bar, and a company that is said to be very effective ... "

Alfred smiled and nodded, and said, "Thank you for your invitation, but I can't accept your invitation, it's not a matter of money, because I already have a contract ..."

Alvin took a look at the old guy around him a little uncomfortably. Most people said that it was not a question of money, it must be a question of money.

This guy's faint contempt made Alvin decide to go back and ask Stark to guarantee himself to apply for a black credit card ...

In the future, even if I buy a hot dog, I will pay with a black card. It always feels too bad to be treated as a poor ghost!

Alfred didn't know what Alvin was thinking, but the old housekeeper clearly noticed Alvin's emotional changes. He said with a smile: "I do have a contract. The Waldorf Astoria hotel's lifetime contract, I It ’s just to help.

If you feel you really need a housekeeper, I'd be happy to recommend my son to you.

Service for Manhattan Tomahawk is the highest honor of a housekeeper!

It's a pity my age is here ... "

Alvin listened for a moment, and the old man's keen mind surprised him a little. He had to know him for less than 12 hours ...

And the old housekeeper really talked, Alvin even began to feel guilty for his careful eyes just now, and wanted to stuff his banknotes to compensate his urge ...

Based on this kind of talents, even if they do n’t have access to them, they can be stuffed into the school to spread the etiquette to the boys and girls. As Alvin walked, he asked, “I ’ll take the liberty to ask, how much does your son's salary need? "

The old steward walked leisurely with his hands on his back, and did not look at the slightly rugged road under his feet. He heard Alvin's question and smiled with restraint and said, "My son is now serving an English marquis. Manage his estate and property for him.

Because he is relatively young, his salary is not high, only a salary of 1.5 million a year plus a small industrial dividend ... "

Alvin, who also had a good feeling for the old housekeeper just now, darts his teeth, looked at the old housekeeper, and decided to stop discussing this kind of problem with him.

How many times have you been hurt by this old housekeeper? Alvin asked himself if he really didn't need this kind of high-quality goods ...

When Alvin returned to the room, he called Stark's phone. The phone hangs up after two rings, and then Alvin's smart Ray-Ban glasses began to vibrate ...

Alvin clicked on his glasses in a bad mood, and a picture was projected into the air. Stark was standing in a military camp wearing t-shirts and jeans.

The Lennox who has been eating sand for almost a year in the Middle East is directing several Kun-style fighter jets to land ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ A large number of military supplies are being hoarded ...

Looking at Stark proud of the spring breeze, Alvin said a little impatiently, "What did you do to me before? I'm annoyed?"

Stark looked at Alvin a bit inexplicably and said, "What's wrong with you? Have you smoked marijuana?"

Alvin shook his head unhappyly and said, "Have you got an express phone call, I'll give myself a black card ..."

Stark looked at Alvin with a strange expression and said, "You have a bad brain. Pepper and Norman Osborne have jointly acquired a bank. What are you doing to apply for a black card?"

Speaking of Stark, he did not ask what happened to Alvin. He turned around proudly to show Alvin the size of the camp, and then said with a smile, "Pepper is coming with you. If you feel you need it, you can She prints some black cards for you, but that stuff is not very useful ...

Come quickly, I'm ready ... "