Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1099: Dagger

After Stark showed off his new toy, Alvin tried the various functions of Ares 4 again and then returned to the camp with satisfaction.

God of War 4 did not live up to Alvin's expectations. It is a mecha specifically designed for shock. As long as it brings power to it, every action can bring a terrible clamor.

A group of unfortunate wildebeests just passed by God of War No. 4, and a dozen timid wildebeests were scared to the ground and paralyzed.

After returning to the camp with complete satisfaction, Alvin pulled Stark sturdyly for a few drinks, and then sent the exhausted grandpa to a tent and slept.

After Lennox arranged the security work for the camp, he was about to go to the makeshift lounge for a cup of coffee. When he saw Alvin hanging out in the camp, he came over and said with a smile: "Hello, principal Alvin We haven't seen you for a long time! "

Alvin heard someone call himself, he glanced back at Lennox, and then looked up and down this little white-faced soldier, and said with a smile: "Hello Major Lennox, you still look so clean ! "

Lennox shook his head after hearing the trouble, and said, "Can't you mention my bad luck, that's a misunderstanding!"

Speaking of Lennox and looking at Alvin, "How is Instructor Frank recently? I always hang up when I call him ..."

Alvin squinted at the handsome Lennox and said, "What is a man always calling?

It ’s me and I do n’t answer, especially if the other person is handsomer than me ... ”

Lennox shook his head with a ridiculous bitter smile, and he has been ridiculed for almost a year since he took a clean "bath" in New York.

Facing the big man Alvin, Lennox could only helplessly said, "Well, being handsome is also a problem. Do I need to apologize for this?"

Alvin listened and smiled, took a step forward and hugged Lennox with a fist, and then smiled and said, "No need to apologize, discount it, and how much you think you look handsome!

I personally think 1,000 yuan is a good number ... "

When Alvin joked and joked with Lennox, a dazzling flash burst into the top of a long pole in the center of the camp.

The layman Alvin knew that the red flashing light was an alarm, but he didn't know where the danger came from. Who has the courage to come here for trouble?

Before Alvin could figure out what was happening, the entire camp actually started a slight vibration.

Then a dense hooves of animals came from a distant place like the drums of war ...

Alvin seemed to realize something. He glanced at the direction of the hoof, and said to Lennox, "Go ahead and find someone to protect Stark. I'll see it at the door."

Lennox didn't talk nonsense to Alvin, and the big man didn't need to worry about him.

Nodding to Alvin, Lennox hurried away and said hurriedly: "Team A is on alert, fighters are lifted off, Team B protects the hive and retreats to the warehouse ...

Snipers each find their place ... "

Alvin didn't care who the other party was, he walked slowly in the direction of the thunderous hoof.

On the way, I also greeted a few soldiers who looked familiar, and most of them were Alvin's digs from the SHIELD to the Avengers ...

After walking for about five minutes, Alvin reached the entrance to the camp.

It is said that the entrance is actually a large barbed wire surrounded by a row of iron racks on a sub-frame, and a machine gun position on each side.

Alvin walked to the front of the machine gun position and sat on the sandbag position, and then driven "violence" to turn a tomahawk against him ...

Watching the cavalry troops getting closer, Alvin took out a cigar and held it in his mouth, then groped for a while and found no lighter ... TV updates the fastest //

A "ding" came from the feet ...

Alvin looked at a sniper at his feet with a cigar and was surprised. "Fuck Hawkeye, are you **** a ghost?"

"Eagle Eye" reluctantly moved his left arm and said, "Can you take away your tomahawk? It is pressing on my camouflage ...

And I'm Aaron, Clint is on the other side ... "

Alvin looked at Aaron, who almost crushed his arm by accident. He said with amusement, "You should tell me, otherwise how wrong would you be hacked?"

With Alvin's emotion, he put the tomahawk to the other side. The guy in front of him was really amazing.

Although he was paying attention in the distance, he didn't pay much attention to it, but it was a little strange that a living person didn't notice it.

Aaron wore a camouflage suit modified by Stark based on the invisible cloth of the hand union. He sat up on the ground with a sniper rifle, threw his lighter to Alvin, and said, somewhat disappointed, " You ’re here, do n’t you need us? ”

Alvin glanced at the cavalry unit gradually showing his shape. He shook his head with a smile and pulled out a cigar to signal Aaron. After receiving a negative answer, he lit himself a cigar and said after taking a sip: "It should be someone you know. You can't fight without me ...

How do you look a little belligerent?

I remember you came from the CIA, why do you look more like a soldier now? "

As Alvin turned and glanced at the other side of Eagle Eye, he smiled and waved at him, and then continued to Aaron: "You look fine now, I haven't said thank you yet Thank you, Professor Wilson!

Aaron glanced at the cavalry unit that was already in sight. He nodded to Alvin and said, "I need to work to prove that I am still useful to leave the CIA. By the way, I can support myself.

Alvin smiled and nodded, and said, "I heard you and Hawkeye brought back a female doctor from Malaysia?

How are you planning to get married? "

Aaron heard Alvin mention his girlfriend, he hesitated, and finally shook his head, saying: "Mata needs a little time, her job is not very easy to find, Osborne Group because of her past CIA Background rejected her resume.

She is currently considering joining the R & D department of Hell's Kitchen Pharmaceuticals to take over the follow-up development work of 'Blood Guardian' ... "

Alvin listened and smiled, and nodded, and Osborne rejected the fact that Dr. Mata was his intention. Bruto's group of buns could not support a pharmaceutical company.

Relying on the self-made cancer teacher White, it is impossible to follow-up development of the "blood guard".

The drug resistance of that drug is developing very fast. There is no follow-up drug. When this generation of "blood guard" loses its efficacy, it is time for Bruto to jump off the building!

Dr. Mata led the CIA's Super Pill Agent program. Her abilities are unquestionable. At least three doctorates in chemistry, genetics and biology are not jokes.

So Alvin made a little trip when she was looking for a job ...

Alvin asked himself if he had broken the hearts of the black bosses. Not only did they find good scientists, but also kicked the black beauty Dr. Kate from his school ...

The girl was obsessed with keeping the orangutan at the "barricade", but she got in there.

Because the inadvertent work has been deducted by the vice-principal Nelson for the whole year's bonus, if Alvin does not pull her, she will have to talk to her for a meal if she has a relationship.

However, these two are super talents in medicine. If this can't keep the pharmaceutical company, Alvin feels that he can hang Bruto on the street lamp in front of his house.

This is not a joke, the "blood guard" is related to the lives of millions of blood sick patients.

You have to mess with me to support you, but if you mess up, you have to kill those who have no medicine!

Alvin looked at Aaron Munner's face and said with a smile: "This is a good thing. It is better to have Dr. Mata do something meaningful than to work for the Osborne Group.

At least in Hell's Kitchen Pharmaceuticals she has absolute freedom ...

The boss has money and doesn't understand anything. This is the gospel of scientists! "

Aaron nodded, then he frowned as he watched the cavalry troops that had rushed to within 500 meters.

When he was about to say something, the cold-faced sniper suddenly stared at the sky with a stun and screamed: "FUCK, what is this?"

Alvin took a heavy sip of the cigar, then raised his tomahawk a little unhappy, ready to give the cavalry a little look.

As a result of Aaron's exclamation, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the sky ...

Looking up at the sky, Alvin was surprised to see a five-star flag sprayed on the abdomen ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ a shuttle-type aircraft that was two circles larger than his own aircraft carrier and muttered to himself: "This Fucking about Star Wars? What the **** is this? "TV starter

The sudden emergence of the aircraft finally caused a commotion among the outrageous cavalry troops. The huge group of armored rhinos slowed down slightly under the control of the knight, but their direction remained unchanged ...

It was only with the emergence of the shuttle-type aircraft, the swallow-type fighters from the other side suddenly lifted off, and quickly came over and started a confrontation with the aircraft above Alvin ...

The emergence of fighters made the shuttle-type aircraft in the sky tense, its front and back flashed a red light representing alert, and then the abdomen opened and spit out dozens of fighters and began cruising around the aircraft ...

As the atmosphere on both sides became more and more tense, Alvin finally felt a bit wrong ...

I've been standing here for such a long time, you guys would be a little too much when I don't exist!

Squeezing the space ring on his left middle finger, Alvin gently pointed at the sky ...