Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1115: unity is strength

Stranger is a very curious person. He holds the red horn in his hand and looks at the encouraging Alvin and the Fat King Garden ...

"Are you sure you want me to blow it? What if this thing is an offensive horn or some kind of high-frequency sound wave that annoys those beasts?"

Alvin glanced indifferently at the battlefield that had been completely lumped and said, "Is there a difference? Our people are fiercer than beasts ..."

When Alvin spoke, the human soldiers on the battlefield strangled with the beasts in a mechanical gang.

The elites of various countries quickly completed a rough integration under pressure, at least they could guarantee that their bullets would not be fired at their own people.

Barney and they retreated to the rear because the ammunition had been finished.

The Russians relied on many people and machines to form a steel front in the forefront. Other countries in the rear began to layer by layer after quick discussions, and then slowly advanced with the rhythm of the Russians ...

Ivan's 50 eight-footed robots equipped with cornflower automatic mortars finally finished loading ammunition and re-entered the battlefield. This time their mission was to support fire.

Whenever the front Russian soldiers make a call, hundreds of high-explosive anti-personnel bombs will cover a large area, alleviating the pressure of the offense and making everyone's morale high.

Theoretically speaking, the super elites of these countries need not worry about morale at all. They must all undergo the strictest selection and the most cruel training.

But when they go into another world to fight, it is completely different!

The reason why Alvin recruited these people to **** to warm up was that he hoped that the big brothers' minds would be a little clearer, don't overestimate themselves, and don't underestimate themselves too much.

Hell is not too dangerous for Alvin, and the risks here are manageable for him.

Letting these soldiers who are destined to undergo brutal battles come here to warm up is one of the few things Alvin can do for them!

Stranger held the red horn and looked at it carefully, then put the thing to his mouth and blew it hard.

"Woo ..."

A desolate horn sounded, and those crazy hellhounds and hexagonal bulls paused at the moment the horn sounded, at the same time they raised their heads and glanced at Strange's direction, then they seemed to receive some instructions and began to recover A part of reason, slowly backing away ...

Alvin narrowed his neck and glanced at the battlefield that suddenly became a little weird. He raised his thumb at Strance and said with a smile: "You seem to learn fast, are there any other tones, you are in Try ... "

The astute Zhang Qiang beckoned a staff member to record the sound of the horn with a detector, and then analyzed and organized the actions of those **** dogs.

Looking at Strangy, who seemed a bit exhausted, Zhang Qiang glanced at the computer in the staff's hand, he shook his head with a smile, and said, "This is the horn of 'Retreat'. It should have other functions ..."

Zhang Qiang looked at the red horn with a little sigh of amazement and said with a smile: "The material of this thing is very strange, and the ultra-high frequency vibration can make the sound break through the limit of our detection.

This thing must have acted directly on the brains of those hellhounds and demon bulls ... "

Strangy seemed to find a knock on the door when Zhang Qiang was talking. He encouraged the cheeks to blow the horn again. This time, the voice became sharper, obviously different from the "retreat" horn just now. One thing ...

With Strange's advocacy, those helldogs closest to each other began to roll up in pain.

The demon bulls seemed to have received a severe blow from their brains. While shaking their huge heads in pain, they sent a painful mourning in the direction of Strance, as if begging for mercy ...

When Alvin wanted to speak, the excited Strange changed his tone again, the horns groaned dullly, and then the tortured demons began to charge towards the human position again ...

Watching the Russian soldier's steel position suddenly face the shock of the demons, Alvin just wanted Strinch to take control of them, and then Strinch suddenly sat a bit on the ground with a loose buttock and threw the horn back To Alvin, said: "He needs a magic drive to make a sound. There are three small holes on the horn's back, which represent 'retreat', 'punishment', 'attack' ..."

Talking about Strangt gasping at the fat man Wang Yuan beside him, he said, "Our mage claims to be able to strengthen itself by absorbing and using the power of other dimensions. Why do we feel so 'weak' in Hell now? ? "

The fat man Wang Yuan took a scornful look at Strance and said, "You must first establish a connection with other dimensions. You need to use‘ barbitur ’to calm your mind even for meditation ...”

Strangy did not argue with the fat king Wang Yuan, he just shook his head and said, "Hell is called the **** dimension, but we now know that it is a member of the nine worlds of the solar system.

In other words, what Kama Taj calls the "outer dimension" is not the "dimension" we want, but other spaces in our own universe.

Why do we want to get closer and connect with distant universe through meditation?

I can still feel the increase of my magic power on the earth. Although it is slow, it has always been growing ... "

The fat man Wang Yuan listened and was silent for a while, and said, "I don't know, but I learned the mystery of time and space through meditation through establishing connections with other dimensions. This is the essence of Kama Taj.

I'm not too clear about your situation. If you think it's okay, you can continue your own attempt ...

Karma Taj is an enlightened place. We share knowledge and experience. Maybe you can take a different path. It is not necessarily ... "

Saying a pause, the fat man Wang Yuan said, "Kama Taj is the guardian of the earth for generations, and we are responsible for guarding the portal of the earth.

Teacher Gu Yi once told me that the magic on the earth has been 'polluted', and the 'time' and 'space' here are chaotic. The mage's drawing power from the earth will eventually do more with less ...

I didn't really understand it, but Teacher Gu Yi should not be wrong! "

Alvin didn't care about the conversation between Fat Man Wang Yuan and Strangy. He looked at the red horn in his hand, took out a bottle of water and flushed it, and then washed it again with whiskey in Zhang Qiang's strange eyes. That ’s why I put my horn on the side of my mouth and prepared to sound the word of punishment ...

The Russian soldiers in front are actually very struggling. There is no solid fortification. It is OK to rely on the temporary array of octopod robots to attack a small number of demons, but when the demons are gathered, they collectively charge in one direction. At that time they were a bit unbearable ...

Several tall Russians drove rough mobile armor, swearing loudly, and fiercely tried to fill themselves in a torn gap.

Behind them, American Mike Seals led by soldier Mike finally began to adapt to the newly acquired weapons.

Looking at the deadly Russians in front, soldier Mike didn't know whether to admire them, or should he despise this group of idiots who didn't know the collaboration. With so many people behind, they chose to choose themselves ...

Soldier Mike, who is accustomed to sophisticated operations, manipulated it in a tactical computer on his wrist, and then manually used the gap to be torn as an attack target.

"I'm the host, letting go of your eight-legged machine control. The Russians even have enemy-friend identification systems ..."

The "seals" responded very quickly. They knew what soldier Mike was doing. For reasons of identification, the firepower of these eight-footed robots in the rear was limited. Except for those firing firepower, large-caliber machine guns could only occasionally perform.

Sometimes they respond unexpectedly to unsatisfactory situations!

Soldier Mike operated the tactical computer, turned off the enemy and friend identification system, and shouted in Russian at the communicator, "Missing us ..."

The eight-footed robots controlled by the "seals" began to conduct intensive attacks from the Russian position from the rear.

The ripped gap was instantly covered by a large amount of large-caliber ammunition ...

Several Russian soldiers, who were not afraid of death, heard the warning from the rear, and they rolled quickly to the side to give way.

When a tall Russian man stood up with cold sweat, he found that the armor on his shoulders was flying a large piece with a large caliber bullet ...

Watching the massive bullets not only killed those impacting **** dogs, but also destroyed several octopus robots who were still struggling to get up ...

",,,, ..."

This Russian man who did n’t even need his life when he fought, withdrew his position, and greeted the “seal” for more than 5 minutes with the most vicious swear words!

Soldier Mike heard a series of swearing greetings. He laughed and shouted at the Russian soldiers as he linked his companion's eight-footed robot into the gap. "Don't thank me, you just don't have such a smart father That's why it's so stupid.

I will go to your country in the future, haha ​​... "

Alvin looked at the situation on the battlefield ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He put down the horn, and felt that at this time he should not stop the soldiers from showing off.

Faced with the impact of thousands of demons, this group of soldiers performed extremely tenaciously, and gradually began to cooperate and cooperate.

When soldier Mike led his robot into the position, the idle forces in the rear began to be used under the leadership of Lenox.

Whenever the position pressure is too high, soldier Mike will communicate with the Russian soldiers and let some demons rush over.

This group of demons did not have the consciousness of turning back and pinching. When they successfully rushed to the position and attacked the soldiers behind them, Lennox would lead his team in conjunction with the special forces of the European Union to use fine firepower to kill. Those things alone ...

Two very different tactical styles began to blend. They gradually sent themselves to the right place under pressure, and everyone began to play their role.

The balance on the battlefield is gradually tilting towards the human side. After those demon warriors gradually lose their quantitative advantage, the crazy attack will begin to become a crazy death.