Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1122: Raymond's mind and a promising future

Hell's Kitchen Peace Hotel ...

Raymond was sitting at the bar counter with a glass of whiskey in his hand, and Robert looked at him with a little dissatisfaction, saying, "You're just" covering "and mad at them?

You should tell them how complicated the situation in Boston is now, and if they do n’t respond well, they will be in danger. "

Raymond glanced at the "church" sitting at the corner of the bar, and he was helplessly dealing with his little girlfriend ...

Looking at Robert, who was a little bit strewn, Raymond smiled and said, "There is no lack of strength in the air, he needs this ..."

Speaking of Raymond, pointing to his temple, he smiled and said, "People here seem to be infected with reckless problems by Alvin, but they rarely see the delicate side of Alvin.

Now is an opportunity for Shangqi, he will understand that sometimes power is not omnipotent, he has to learn to use his brain!

The young people in Hell's Kitchen need someone who can take responsibility when Alvin is away. Is there anything we need to find us old men in the future? "

The "church" over there finally calmed the little girlfriend, and he came over a little dissatisfied and said, "Then you shouldn't remind Shangqi and let him chop all the people who are close to them.

An old friend of mine called me and she wanted to make a deal ... "

Raymond looked at the Church with contempt, and said, "Have you told your little girlfriend,‘ she ’is your old lover!

No one is eligible to trade with us, because no one has equivalent chips!

You can tell your old lover, as long as she helps us to ‘test’ them, I will consider giving them a payment priority! "

"Church" looked at the confident Raymond, and said in a deep voice: "I have received news that someone has hijacked Dr. Hall's family under the protection of the military. He is Julie's mentor and he is the chip ..."

Speaking of "church", he said strangely, "Of course, he is not important to other countries now.

But for Julie, Professor Hall is still a very important person ... "

"I did it ..."

Raymond glanced at the "church" with a smile, then he glanced at the little girlfriend who was eavesdropping with his ears up, and said with a smile: "Can love really change people?

The "church" of cia has become so sentimental! "

The "church" listened helplessly and spread his hands, and said, "Well, good job!

I'll call Keita, and she'll give him some trouble.

I hope that kid won't be angry, the **** here have a **** temper ... "

Robert watched the "church" get pulled into a corner by his little girlfriend and forced to ask what the so-called "old lover" was all about.

Looking at Raymond with a quiet expression, Robert said in a deep voice: "Why not talk about why you are doing this at this time?

If it's just for training, you don't need to pull Julie, Zack, and Anton together. "

Raymond looked at the keen Robert, and after thinking about it, said: "There was a 'Rockefeller' who died yesterday. Although he is only part of the 'Rockefeller' family, he is the behind-the-scenes controller of several East Coast consortia one.

I just received the news that the three sons and two daughters of this Rockefeller and their grandchildren have been killed in the past 12 hours.

Although the boy named Luther who was with them was an illegitimate child, he was also one of the heirs. "

Robert frowned and looked at Raymond, and said, "So you want Julie to help this illegitimate child? You know how horrific this struggle involving huge wealth is, you are pushing Julie into the fire pit ... ... "

Raymond took a sip of whiskey and said with a smile, "It's not that serious. The Rockefeller is not as important as you think.

Otherwise the 'Rockefeller' family will not react at all. "

Speaking of Raymond pouring Robert a glass of whiskey, he said with a smile: "Geely they need their own social circle, not just the Hell's Kitchen place.

Here under the shelter of Alvin, the **** kitchen is a comfort zone for them, and sooner or later they will step out of the comfort zone.

Start with a little person. If they are willing to help the boy named Luther, they will get a fairly powerful ally in the future.

Didn't you find that everything in Hell's Kitchen was spinning around Alvin?

Tony Stark, Norman Osborne, and our retired old guys.

We are all happy to help them, but are we going to intervene in everything? "

Robert heard his frowning more and more. He stared at Raymond's eyes and said, "You've been saying‘ angry ’, you did n’t even mention Julie, Zach ...

What do you want to do? What do you think of ‘angry’? "

Raymond smiled and said, "The apprentice, the son, Jesse's boyfriend, the core of the younger generation of Hell Kitchen ...

Shangqi is the best young man I have ever met, better than Peter and Harry who you like.

He talks about morality, obedience, bold personality, friends everywhere ...

In my eyes, there is only anger to guard the **** kitchen for Alvin when he is not ...

Robert, there are so many children in Hell's Kitchen, if you let you choose a child who can trust Hell's Kitchen, who would you choose? "

Robert heard a moment of silence, and there were too many good children in Hell's Kitchen ...

But Peter is too kind, Harry needs to inherit the Osborne group, Wesley is weak and has no ambitions, Richard is the son of Kin Bing ...

Their future is destined not to be in Hell's Kitchen!

To say that the best fit to stay in the Hell's Kitchen is Shangqi and Nick.

Nick didn't say anymore, that wild kid must be troublesome in the future, and this little place in Hell's Kitchen couldn't keep him at all.

Then only the gas is left, he is a born river man!

In addition to the old retired things in Hell's Kitchen, among the forming forces, the president of the Demon Hunting Society is his life and death brother, and those gangsters also respect the spirit.

The set of codes of conduct strictly adhered to in Hell's Kitchen!

Looking at Raymond with a serious expression, Robert sighed and said, "But you have never asked Alvin's opinion at all. You are deciding for Alvin who will be the next owner of the **** kitchen ...

And you have n’t asked the opinion of Shangqi himself. With the example of Alvin, the **** kitchen is a heavy burden for any successor!

You even decide for him what kind of friends ...

This is simply unfair to Shangqi! "

Raymond listened for a moment and said, "I don't know. Maybe I just want to see that I can do something I never did.

Everyone thinks I am a poisonous snake, but who knows, I always wanted to be a lion!

I never worry about Alvin, he doesn't care about the so-called rights at all, his power is rights!

There are too many expectations in Alvin, and this pressure cannot be resolved at all ...

Someone must be able to stand up and share the pressure for Alvin, otherwise I worry that sooner or later he will get tired of life here.

do you know? Every time Alvin took his family on vacation, I was worried that he would never return! "

Talking about Raymond, he shook his head a little helplessly and said, "If Alvin leaves, I will be dead!

I need to find insurance for my retirement ...

The first thing I thought about was Jessica, but now I find that Qi is more suitable.

Although my approach is a bit overdone, Shangqi will understand it, right? "

Always standing in the bar rubbing his glass, Sam, a fool like an invisible man, raised his head and glanced at Raymond.

Sam didn't know if Raymond was talking to himself. He sucked his nose a little nervously, while wiping the already very clean wine glass, stuttered, "I, I think, you, you Yes, it's not good to get up. Up, get up is a good person ...

You, you don't, you shouldn't lie, lie to him ... "

Raymond looked at Sam gently and said with a smile: "But I will never hurt my breath!

And as long as you don't tell him what I did, I won't lie to him, right?

Sam, we are friends, will you keep it secret for me? "

After listening for a long time, Sam shook his head and said seriously: "You are a good person, Raymond, you are a good person. You bought me a new pair of shoes ...

But, but I can't lie to qi, qi has helped me a lot ...

Yes, I'm sorry, I, I can't, I can't cheat, it's wrong to lie to someone ... "

Raymond looked at the tangled Sam who wanted to hit the wall, he nodded with a smile, and said, "Thank you, Sam, you are the first guy to say that I am a" good guy "!

Don't worry, tell what you hear and let him judge for himself!

Sam, you are a good guy, don't embarrass yourself! "

Aside, Robert glanced at a cell phone in the bar, which Jessica had eliminated for Sam.

When I heard that gas is dangerous ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sam called Jessica's phone, and the phone is still connected.

Taking a look at the sly Raymond, the rogue, Robert shook his head with emotion, he did not know how to describe Raymond.

He didn't mind revealing his purpose at all, and he was even willing to tell everyone his plan ...

It's just that the people in Hell's Kitchen have become accustomed to their present life, and they may not even be willing to accept Raymond's opinion.

One thing Raymond was right about was that, aside from Alvin's core, Hell's Kitchen was actually divided from the outside world.

Without Alvin, how could superstars like Stark and Osborne look more at the Hell's Kitchen?

Where do those gangsters have a chance to take another path?

How can so many retired old guys live here with peace of mind?

Hell's Kitchen needs a successor that everyone can see ...