Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1140: Business Hell's Kitchen

Alvin spent a full week in the prison on New Alcatraz before leaving the cell.

The energy from the death of the 300,000 army in Hell made his body a little uncomfortable.

Alvin tangled in the cell for a long time before the boiling energy in the body subsided slightly.

He is unwilling to rush through to solve physical problems through upgrades. Those energy must be accumulated so that he can release a blizzard to solve the problem if necessary.

Alvin calculated it back and forth, and he was already fifteenth level. The cost of trying to release the "blizzard" will be greater and greater in the future.

In the past, the power of 10 demons could let him release a "blizzard". Now the 300,000 demons soul energy can only allow Alvin to rise to level 40 or so.

This gives Alvin a sense of crisis. According to the current energy calculation, he can only snow for 25 games. If there is any accident, the number may not reach 25 ...

Think about it is 300,000 demons, and in the future, I still want to upgrade the energy in the storage point, how easy it should be!

Fortunately, the space ring provided full level of lightning mage skills, but the area of ​​the thundercloud storm could not keep up with the natural disaster-level spells such as snowstorm.

Alvin himself was wondering what to do in the future?

It seems that there will not be too many wars in the future. If there is no large-scale spell such as Blizzard, you may need to rely on Druid's natural spells to achieve a wide range of damage deterrence.

Taking advantage of the enthusiasm of the new upgrade, Alvin lightened the two druid element skills of "volcanic explosion" and "hurricane armor".

In this way, he drew the skills before Druid level 20, "Fire Storm", "Magma Rock", "Polar Storm", "Volcano Burst", and "Hurricane Armor", except for "Volcano Burst" because it was indeed a bit useful. Everything except Level 5 is a little bit.

Alvin felt that he had to prepare for the future. Druid's "storm" and "destroying the earth" should all be natural disaster-level spells. If the "blizzard" was used up, it would be "braining the sky" The order is full, then Alvin is another man who ruins the city ...

As a focal point that has attracted worldwide attention, Alvin did not feel solid enough without pressing the bottom card of the box.

When Alvin walked out of the cell, Bruto, who was informed, rushed over first.

The "sentenced" big man spent his time in jail very extravagantly, everything except the new Alcatraz Island was based on the standard of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

Even the chefs here are the Michelin chefs arranged by the Waldorf Astoria.

Those chefs who were a bit unhappy from the beginning came here once and liked it. The scenery is good and the work is easy. The money is a lot of money. The most important thing is that maybe you can meet Mr. Tomahawk in Manhattan.

With the praise of Mr. Tomahawk, it will be easier for them to obtain investment from the Waldorf Astoria to run their own restaurants in the future.

These are the service directors of the Waldorf Astoria, the current Alfred Warden said.

Alvin was sitting on a lounge chair on an observation deck, enjoying a rare peace with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Seeing the rushing Bruto, Alvin put down the coffee cup anxiously and said, "If you don't have anything important, I'll punch your **** out.

It is disrespect to the law to be a prisoner! "

Bruto cheeked up in front of Alvin, sat down, and said with a smile: "The Swiss pharmaceutical company has paid the gun!

800 million US dollars, we spent 200 million US dollars less than expected and won the patent of the "blood guard". "

Speaking of Bruto's probe and looking at Alvin, he said diligently, "Alvin, next week is the day when the pharmaceutical company is officially listed. Would you like to cut a ribbon for us?"

Alvin frowned, looking at Bruto, and said a little magically: "You guys are not officially listed until next week, so what have you been doing for the past six months?

What does Jordan Beckford's **** hang on to in the name of a president? "

Listening to the admiration on his face, Bruto said, "Mr. Beckford has grown our property by 60% in less than half a year.

Hell's Kitchen Pharmaceutical Company's original 1 billion fund has now grown to 1.6 billion US dollars. We are equivalent to only taking 200 million to obtain a patent for a drug.

We didn't understand how the big guys on Wall Street made money, now we know. "

Alvin squinted at Bruto with a pilgrim expression on his face and said, "You know a fart ..."

Bruto listened to the expression of don't insult me, and said, "It's just buying other people's unwanted stocks, then compiling a story to make news, and selling it to other people at a premium.

It's not difficult at all ... "

Alvin listened for a moment, then waved a little impatiently: "Then why did you say that Jordan Beckford's name was" Daddy "?

What makes it so easy to make money? "

Bruto sighed in admiration and said, "Last week we had a party here. Beckford bought me his pen for 5,000 dollars. Then I also thanked him ... ...

This guy wouldn't have lived that big if he was born in Hell's Kitchen, but now he is my idol. "

For the first time, Alvin saw Bruto admire such a person, he shook his head a little funny, and said, "Someone is holding your gun against your head, and you have to pay 5,000 yuan.

Beckford's ‘gun’ is different from ordinary people. It ’s a good thing for you to start admiring Beckford instead of trying to chop him. "

Speaking of Alvin, after thinking about it, he said, "I won't go for the ribbon-cutting. You can do it yourself!

A drug company that has no worries about selling medicines will not have to go to your platform.

I remember you promised me the condition, the medicine is used to save people, you are destined to make a lot of money, remember to find your own conscience left.

Hey? You bastard, how are you going? "

Bruto smiled a little awkwardly, and said, "I have a heart attack.‘ Irregular heart beats occasionally. ’It ’s easy for my hospital to find something wrong.

Do n’t worry about the medicine, in fact, the “blood guard” really makes money ...

200 yuan wholesale, 300 yuan sales, my old relationship has begun to sell drugs instead of drugs.

Recently a Mexican priest called me and said that I saved many souls ... "

Looking at Bruto's sincere expression, Alvin didn't know whether he was doing something good or bad, he hesitated a moment and said, "Remember to set up the laboratory, it's fine to put a little pressure on the two female doctors .

As soon as these guys who are engaged in science are not paying attention, they will go to the crooked road. "Blood Guardian" Now that you have taken over, you must do a good job in the subsequent drug development.

Before the emergence of new alternative medicines, if ‘Blood Guardian’ is broken, I ’ll pick your skin! "

Bruto nodded again and again, he knew that as long as Alvinken gave advice, he supported himself ...

After seeing Bruto rubbing in his seat for a long time, he refused to get out of the way, Alvin said anxiously, "What the **** are you doing? Could you let me finish my coffee quietly?"

Bruto smiled and said charmingly: "The pharmaceutical company has a lot of funds. I don't know if the paint company of that Julie needs investment.

We do n’t have too much money. Can we still pay 580 million? "

Alvin was really stunned when he heard it. He didn't expect that the gangsters' sense of smell had been so sensitive ...

But looking at Bruto's ghost like me, Alvin was laughed at him ...

"If I were you, I would sink the **** who gave you the idea into the sea for 40 minutes. If he didn't die, consider using him."

As Alvin looked at Bruto's incomprehensible expression, he smiled and said, "Because he can only prove that he has enough life and good luck to continue working ...

Also 'paint'?

Now Julie is thicker than your waist. Do you still want to invest in someone ’s industry?

Do n’t you know that all the funds of Julie ’s ‘paint company’ are paid by the American military?

Do you know that now dozens of agents drink lemonade tips in my restaurant every day to make Qi want to change houses?

They did this to talk to Julie ...

Do you still invest?

Really give you shares, you can't even save your life! "

Bruto heard the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Why is Julie so powerful? I didn't see it before?

What the **** is this paint? Carrier anticorrosive coating or fighter stealth coating? "

Alvin listened to Bruto frowning and looking at the silly head. Where does this guy really understand what Julie invented? This guy should have been shot by someone. He was pushed out to test himself. Attitude fool ...

Looking at Bruto, who was a little frightened, Alvin sneered and said, "You don't even know what it is and dare to intervene?

I should have chopped your hand now, or you will give away your life sooner or later! "

Speaking of Alvin looking at the dark-skinned Bruto ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said: "Julie invented the anti-gravity coating of the spacecraft, which can make the spacecraft float without the power ...

I'll give you a chance, no matter who encourages you to come to me, you will do it the way I just said.

This kind of thing is generally not known to anyone who knows and encourages you to invest.

You do n’t know if you are being used as a fool ... ”

Bruto now understood what was going on. He gritted his teeth and rubbed his big golden teeth, whispered a few words, apologized to Alvin, and took the phone aside Trouble finding someone.

Alvin looked at Bruto's back. He shook his head helplessly. Most of the Hell's Kitchen were of this kind.

Bruto is already more intelligent among them, but he will still make wrong judgments in the face of various pressures and temptations from the outside.

Thinking about the basket that they might carry out after letting go, Alvin shook his head helplessly.