Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1151: Zach and Richard

When a group of adults in the cafeteria ate and talked, Zach and Julie were not embarrassed at the age and it was difficult to chat with everyone.

They walked to the lawn outside the restaurant together, and Julie walked beside Alita, reached out and teased the lively little Morgan, and said to Alita, "Hello, I'm Julie, we're in May. I saw him at his birthday party. "

Alita hesitated for a moment. She did not expect that there were people who came out of the Peace Hotel to come and talk to herself.

The robot's body makes her always feel a bit out of touch with the world. Only in the magical place of the Peace Hotel can people be very calm about her abnormal behavior.

Taking a little nervous step back with a little Morgan, Alita looked at Julie and the big Zach behind her and said, "Hello, I know you, the genius Julie and BIG Zach, hello ... "

Julie glanced back at Zach. She looked at Alita a little funny, and said, "We are all principals of Alvin, and today I want to thank him ..."

As Julie looked back at Alvin, who was chatting and chatting in the restaurant, she said helplessly: "But after seeing the principal of Alvin, I found out that what he needed was not a thank you at all!"

Just as Julie was talking, Nick on the lawn dropped a football and shouted at Zach, "COMEON, BIG Zach!

Our Richard wants to challenge you. He said that if he wins his 10th grade next year, he will sign up for the Hungry Wolves ... "

Zach reached for the football easily, smiled at Richard, and said, "Boy, it looks like you're making excuses for not daring to play, it's not easy to win me!"

Saying Zach smiled at Julie, trot stepped onto the lawn, and then returned the football to Nick. While doing stretching, he smiled at Richard and said, "Tell me, Do you dare to play? The Hungry Wolves don't want to be fat.

If I was just your excuse, I will sign you a contract that will never be played ... "Remember for a second on your mobile phone" → m. \\ B \\ iq \\ u \\ g \\\\ o \ \ m 』provides you with wonderful \\ fiction reading.

Nick listened to the smell of gunpowder coming out of Zack's mouth, he hissed excitedly at Richard, and shouted, "Oh Richard, you need to get up, or BIG Zach will make you cry Nose. "

At only 15 years old, Richard, who has a height of 185 cm and a weight of nearly 180 kg, smiled helplessly and said to Nick: "I said, I don't want to participate in lower grade competitions, that is a waste of time."

As Richard looked at Zach, who had done the preparations, his criss-crossed scar had a "scratch" smile on his face, and said, "I don't have the option of" fear "in my mind!

Experienced something that made me understand that ‘fear’ is not as useful as ‘prayer’ ...

I've been trying to make myself the kind of person who can 'pray' ... "

Richard's face was still a little deterrent. After listening to Richard's words, Zack froze, then nodded kindly, and said, "Your goal doesn't look small.

But talking big is useless, let's try it, maybe you can win, I'm not sure. "

Speaking of Zach waving to Richard, who was standing still, he said, "With me, I do n’t know if you want to be an athlete, but people of our size do n’t care about any sport Be sure to fully warm up before.

This is what I learned in college ... "

Richard was a good kid, and he nodded with a smile and took off his coat, exposing what seemed to be obese and actually a very strong upper body.

Then use a set of boxer warm-up stretches to move his muscles.

Richard followed Steve as an apprentice to boxing for almost two years. Long-term high-intensity exercises made his body look very "boxer". All were strong and abnormal, and his legs were relatively slender.

Of course, this slenderness is only relative ...

At least his thighs are thicker than Nick's waist!

Ginny was a little excited when Richard warmed up. She thought the two muscular men were going to fight ...

A little tangled about who should cheer for, Ginny jumped up to Richard's side and patted him on the waist, saying seriously: "Don't sniff, Zack is a friend, make him cry Dad will get angry ... "

Seeing that Richard nodded solemnly and agreed to Ginny's request, Zach almost cocked his nose.

Bend over and rush down to pick up the little girl and scratch it under the armpit. The brown bear-like Zack "glared" at Ginny and said viciously: "You have to stand by my side, otherwise I will let me The guy at school knocks Nick every day ... "

Little Ginny twitched and hid from Zack's big hand, and breathed a little. She glanced at Nick, who became a “hostage,” and put her hands on the flesh cheeks against “savage” Zack, :"come on! Come on!"

Zach sat down on the ground with satisfaction, before waiting for him to speak, Ginny rushed behind Richard, spit out his tongue at him, and shouted, "Come on, don't be Richard Deying cried, haha ​​~ "

Zach reluctantly glanced at the "eccentric" little girl, and said to Richard, "Are you ready?

Hurry up and let me choke for a moment. My blood pressure is extremely high now, and I feel like I can spit and let you fly ... "

Nick has been busy since Zach promised to give Richard a test. He tore off the ribbon that fixed the tablecloth from the restaurant table, and framed a 2.5-meter-long, 0.8-meter-wide "Arena" on the lawn. ...

After the completion, the boy who was afraid of the world standing in the center of the "Arena" shouted and shouted: "COMEON all come, all come, the beast battle is about to begin ..."

As Nick looked at everyone's focused eyes, others pointed at Zack like crazy, "Left left is from Texas A & M, the best defensive player in the United States, quarterback guardian, B ——I——G, Zach ~~

On the right is the school from Alvin in Hell's Kitchen. The prospective players of the Hungry Wolves don't know if they are suitable for rugby, Richard ~ De ~ ~ "

Zach trot stood on the left side of Nick, reached out and bumped his fist with this face-saving kid, and said with a smile, "Fine, dude, I'll let Williams give you a place next to the water dispenser for each home game. position……"

Nick frowned at Zach and said, "That's all right, come on, man, I'm optimistic about you!"

Richard rolled his eyes and pinched Nick under his arm, and said unpleasantly, "We are a group, you traitor!

You have to think of a good line for me, or I will never help you with your homework ... "

Nick stuck out his tongue and struggled twice. After finding that it had no effect, he said hardly, "Oh my god, can you help me with my homework as a bargaining chip? We are brothers!

Man, as long as you can prove that you will join the Hungry Wolves, I will help you think of a loud nickname. "TV debut

Richard reluctantly released his hand and rubbed Nick's head, and said, "We said, we must have a loud nickname!

How about "Hell Black Panther"?

‘Hell Boxer’ sounds great too! "

Nick impatiently pushed Richard to the competition position. He patted Richard on the waist, saying, "Come on!

You will be the future captain of the Hungry Wolves. In the future, you will be able to get my seat on the field, and I will never have to slap others' farts ... "

Zack was smirked by Nick's careful thoughts. The kid who can tell the purpose of making flattering things must be enough to be shameless and resistant ...

Standing at the end of the "Arena", Zack clapped his hands and shouted at Richard: "Come on, let me try your fineness. As long as the Hungry Wolves are tough guys, I have to help Steve rule it out. Some unsuitable soft eggs ... "

Richard, who was still out of nowhere just now, heard Steve's name, and he began to take it seriously.

That was the mentor recognized by Richard. He helped Richard out of the shadow of kidnapping in his own underground boxing training hall and made him completely stronger.

In contrast, Alvin is more like everyone else, and Nick and Ginny are the closest relatives to Richard's heart besides Dad!

Zack's mention of Steve's name aroused Richard's desire to win, and he didn't want to let Steve down ...

Richard, who was just a gentle beast, just shook his neck sideways and walked to the other side of the "Arena", making a provocative growl at Zach ...

Zack faced Richard, who suddenly became fierce. He sneered like a sprinter preparing to sprint, bent his legs and bent down, leaning against the ground with one hand, staring at Richard with a beckon, "COMEON ~ "

The tense atmosphere made Nick excited. He shoved a mobile phone into Mindy's hand to signal her to start shooting, and then jumped to the edge of the center of the "Arena", reaching out and waving within half a meter of the two beasts. Was ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and cried: "Are you ready?



Two ~

First, GO! "

With Nick's shout, Zack and Richard snorted at the same time, and the two people were slamming into each other with a sprint of 30 cm.

The distance of tens of centimeters is obviously not enough for them to accelerate to the fastest speed ...

But this is the most primitive battle of strengths, and the stronger side can win the final victory ...

Little Ginny glides on the ground at the best position on the edge of the "Arena" when the two hit each other ...

While waving her fist to cheer for Richard, Little Ginny wrinkled her nose and shouted at Zach: "Zach, your shoes have dropped ..."