Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1154: Don't let violence pass

With a mockery of "unscrupulous principal", Julie hammered Zack's waist a bit ...

Zack didn't feel anything at all. He opened his arms and put Julie in his arms to show his kindness to his headmaster. Then he looked at Julie and said, "I like you anyway, I like everything ... "

Looking at Julie's happy appearance, Alvin was really happy for them. Zach said all the truth.

Alvin, who can see love so clearly at this age, has only seen this one in two lives.

Maybe they are really "suitable"!

Alvin looked at Julie with a smile, and said with a smile: "Okay! You look good!

I'll call Frank back and ask him to arrange someone to detoxify your dead parents. Two years later, someone will always take your hand and give you to Zach ...

Believe me, Frank can do it. He has already operated it a few times ...

At that time, I will go to testify to you! "

Julie listened calmly and shook her head, and said, "No need, they are dead!"

Alvin couldn't hear any special emotions from Julie's tone. He frowned and said, "What time is it?"

Alvin hated Julie's parents. They were the typical drunken poisonous worms. Alcohol and drugs destroyed their reason and spirit.

In order to let Julie go to school, Alvin also broke her leg of the drunkard.

Later, Julie donated the compensation that Harvard gave her to the school to set up a "study fund." The couple also went to school to disturb for a while.

In the end, impatient Nelson arranged that Domingo sent them "moderately" to return them home.

They didn't dare to disturb Julie, because Alvin told them personally that if they had trouble finding Julie, they would sink them into the sea ...

They believed that Alvin said that he would be able to do it, and Julie had only a few years of peaceful life!

But Alvin really hasn't heard that they are dead, and forbidding them from approaching Julie does not mean forbidding Julie to come back to see them.

If they die, the police will tell Julie to come back ...

Seeing the concerned expression on Alvin's face, Julie smiled dryly and said, "Principal, I'm not sad at all! Does this mean that I have a problem?"

Alvin heard a bitter smile and shook his head. "No, you are the hardest and toughest girl I have ever seen!"

We cannot choose our parents, but we can choose our future!

You are fine

Maybe death is also a relief for your parents ... "

Julie leaned on Zac's chest. She didn't seem to hear Alvin's consolation, and started mumbling, "I went to see them the night before ...

I thought I was ready ...

I took all my savings and prepared them for me. I told them I succeeded and I want them to have a chance to live a decent life ... "

Saying that Julie looked at the sky with a little indifference, she said gently, "They are really happy ...

They plan to buy a house, a car, a yacht, drugs ...

They plan a lot, a lot ...

But without me in it, nothing at all! "

Julie didn't seem to notice the tears in her eyes, and she said quietly, "I told them later that I would donate all my money to the school ...

They are crazy!

They dare not touch me ...

Dad squeezed his mother's neck tightly and asked her what was going on?

Mom picked up a fruit knife and pinched it into Dad's chest, and asked him why he used to hit me? Why did you force me to be a prostitute? "

Julie looked at Alvin with her eyes out of focus, and said lowly, "They are telling me how angry and disappointed they are by killing each other ...

But I don't seem to be upset, I seem to have a problem ...

Principal, am I doing something wrong? "

Alvin shook his head silently and said, "No, you're right!

"Greedy" and "foolishness" are what made them die ...

What they want is not a little bit, but all ...

But they may not even be able to imagine that ‘a little bit’ is beyond their understanding! "

As Alvin reached out and took off the glasses on Julie's face to wipe her tears, he said, "You're not sad, you just can't find a reason to be sad for them!

These are not your fault ... "

Alvin said with a helpless glance at Zac's expressionless expression, begging him to comfort Julie.

As a result, Zak shook his head indifferently and said, "This is a good ending. I sometimes see their lives suffering for them.

They don't care if they can open their eyes tomorrow ... "

Saying Zach looked down at Julie and said, "Whether you feel sad or not, I'm on your side ..."

Julie smiled a little bitterly and said, "Even if I decide not to do anything?"

Zac heard it funny and wiped Julie's face with her big hand, and said, "I thought we had already talked about it, those are not important to me at all!

Or do you misunderstand the profitability of a future nfl main player?

The school is our home. For your sake, I support you in any decision you make! "

Alvin looked at the pair with strange expressions ...

It is a bit complicated for him to have such a child in his school ...

In the past, Alvin told them "leave here", "away from here", "don't come back", and he thinks that's right ...

If your first 20 years of life were a mess, why not leave here and continue your own decades in the future?

This pair of men and women who loved home made Alvin suddenly feel that his mind was a bit narrow, but his heart was extremely proud ...

It's not the kind of pride in which vanity is satisfied, but the sense of satisfaction that erupts from the heart. It seems that everything you do is worth it ...

Most children who have had a bad life in their childhood can hardly develop an optimistic character.

When they encounter difficulties in their lives, they may exaggerate those they have suffered.

Therefore, most of the "victims" in ordinary life were "victims".

The impetuous and violent violence in Hell's Kitchen has never subsided, and domestic violence has always affected those children.

Frank has managed some particularly excessive, but what about the "domestic violence" that **** kitchens take for granted?

Unsuccessful work and a drunk father gave you a slap in the face, would you tell Frank to have him cut off his father's hand?

How can it be possible to count on parents who are not easy to live on and to be patient with naughty children?

This is why Alvin is determined to "board".

He did not want those children to go through the reincarnation experienced by their parents after they had the opportunity.

Because those bad habits of character and behavior have a profound impact on children and can hardly be wiped out.

Alvin can only hope that if the children have a better life, they can forget what they have experienced, or the "bitterness" in those difficult families after the improvement of their lives will fade.

Alvin encourages those children to escape the past, but there are always some people who are willing to stand up and help others after being beaten by life, to help them fight the "past" they have experienced.

Maybe some "goodness" is really engraved in the gene, otherwise there is really no way to explain Julie's choice ...

Looking at the silent Julie, Alvin shook his head with a complex expression and said, "If you think I'm okay, I'll be happy to take your hand for a while ...

After all, it is a very glorious thing to send the future richest woman married. "

Speaking with a little excited Zach, Alvin said, "Boy, you're lucky!

According to tradition, women's parents will be responsible for the girl's wedding ceremony. I hope you will not feel scared when you see relatives and friends.

Julie is now a "backstage" person, and if you are not good for her, someone will line up to strip your skin ... "

Little Ginny, Nick, and Mindy didn't know when they came together. They took Julie's hand and stared at the innocent Zach, and made threatening gestures from time to time.

Richard, who had just been brought down, also stood behind them, "smirking" and crackling ten fingers, making a vicious little **** ...

When Alita and Little Harriet were also infected and decided to be "mothers", the most touching little Ginny wrinkled her nose and fiercely shook her fist at Zac, shouting: "Don't bully Julie and twist your nose!"

Little Morgan in Alvin's arms didn't know what was happening. She excitedly screamed "oh oh" to cheer Miss Ginny ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ As if it didn't agree with her It's ugly to be able to take a few pounds of my own flesh ...

Julie moved down and hugged the little Ginny who was "speaking for affection." She cried and smiled, not knowing what to do. She could only hug Nick and Mindy, and said "Thank you ..."

Zac laughed, "hehe", clinging to the tall and strong Richard's neck, surrendering his black face and surrendering, and then let go.

Then the big guy who looked at Ruohao took Julie's shoulder and kissed her deeply on the forehead.

Alvin, who had a sour nose and straight nose, stepped back two steps. He held a little dancing Morgan and kissed her deeply on the forehead, and was annoyed by this little thing. Pushed away ...

Little Ginny was a girl who couldn't bear the grievance of her father. She ran and drew Arvin's hand to bend him down, kissed him heavily on his face, and then she said, Little Morgan doesn't like dad ...

Dad, let me play with her ... "