Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1158: Facing a black heart, you have no choice

Alvin hung up the phone and looked at the sea in a distance ...

He didn't expect that he wanted to relocate a cathedral in Rome for a while, so he did not hesitate to put up a deposit that he hadn't yet received.

As a result, Norman Osborne told him just now that the Roman government was willing to donate a church to Hell's Kitchen for free.

In order to reflect the artistic level of Roman architecture and fully demonstrate the artistic standards of Renaissance Italy, the church that has been abandoned for a long time and listed as a ruin will be demolished, and then a lot of bricks will be sent to the **** kitchen.

The main thing is that the price is very cheap, 200 million US dollars ...

This is for the Roman city government to deal with the price offered by the people. They sold a church and had to gain a little and then use the money to give back to the people. Otherwise, the politicians will have a hard time.

In fact, this price is only enough for the cost of protective demolition. Even if the freight is included, they have to pay a little money for it.

For this Italian general, he even wrote a sincere apology letter, demanding that Greenman, the old butler of Norman Osborne, be transferred to Mr. Tomahawk in Manhattan.

Four strange people found the old Greenward housekeeper who was in charge of the demolition work in Rome. As a result, the cold-hearted old guy brought the assistant "Lightman" Max Dillon and the security team of Osborne Group. Take down these strange guests ...

In the end, Greenward's old housekeeper didn't know how to talk about it. Those living gargoyles were finally shipped honestly and became the first "goods" to be shipped to New York.

Alvin didn't know that Greenward, after taking down the four seemingly high-level Nocturnal Dragons, said to them "To talk to the Hell's Kitchen to find the Manhattan Tomahawk ..."

After the four Nocturnal Dragons got on board, Greenward then carried all the remaining gargoyles on another ship, and then accelerated the demolition work.

Promise you can talk, but did not promise you to stop work, right?

Alvin didn't know what the Greenheart's dark-hearted old thing was using, but the night traveling dragons were still brought.

Maybe there will be some twists and turns later, but that's not important, as long as you still need that church, or if you want to find a place to settle down, you have to mingle with me.

I may not be able to meet all your requirements, but I will certainly be able to mess up most of your actions and ideas.

You see, reality is so cruel ...

Regardless of the end result, Alvin once again realized his influence.

When you hold what others want, it seems like "right" comes with it.

Alvin felt that he should be okay, go shopping in Italy, taste the authentic pizza there, go art-inspired, go to Milan to see the thin and poor models, and finally thank the Italian government for his kindness.

When Alvin thought about it, the little Ginny who chatted with Julie for a while ran over and took his hand excitedly, and grunted back a multiplication formula that sounded **** ...

The text is still a little sad, but when he looked back, he thought about Xiao Jinni's "multiplication formula" carefully. The answer seems correct ...

Watching Ginny wrinkle her nose and mouth, if you don't boast about me, I will give myself to the little girl who strangled, Alvin asked tentatively: "Baby, what is 5 by 7?"

Little Ginny listened to the excitement of dancing and dancing for a long time, and finally shouted proudly: "35 ~ Dad, these are too simple ..."

Alvin glanced at Julie, who was spreading her hands, he was really shocked! It's only been a few minutes?

A little girl with a number of less than ten who wanted to ask for help when she exceeded the number of fingers actually jumped to learn multiplication formulas. Although that set of singing-like formulas sounded a little **** in Alvin, the effect was in place ...

It seems that what Julie is saying is true, as long as she finds the right method, she can quickly complete the learning task.

I just do n’t know where the singing formula came from. In the old American style, I bought 65 pieces of 7 and gave 75 pieces of 7. I do n’t know how to find the level of mathematics. This is an invention that can win the mathematics award.

Alvin was a little excited and hugged Ginny and said happily, "Well, genius girl Ginny, what is 10 by 10?"

Little Ginny was agitated first, then mumbled the ballad in her mouth, shook her head and thought for a long time, and finally spread her hands, saying, "The question my dad must be wrong is because there is no answer ..."

Talking about Ginny's giggle around Alvin's neck, he exclaimed proudly: "I'm a little math genius now, I'm more powerful than Leonard ..."

Alvin heard a bitter smile and kissed the little girl's face, only to find out what was wrong with him.

The mathematical calculations that the Chinese people take for granted are difficult in the lower grades here. They always ask for a lovely little foreigner like their fat son in previous lives.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment naturally!

The tutor for Little Ginny is not bad. The old mouse is an education expert, but he mainly teaches fighting and dealing with others ...

Dr. Banner is terrific, but it may be very scratching her head to deal with a young girl with a learning disability.

Now that I have found the crux, I can always figure out a way. Little Ginny must not be able to leave the school, and the child can really start his social career at school.

People-to-people modes and skills need to be cultivated in a school-like environment.

Alvin never wanted to teach a different child, and he didn't know how to educate a gifted child.

He just wanted little Ginny to grow up healthily and happily, have more friends, and have more interesting experiences.

A few hours ago, Alvin was still thinking that she couldn't wait for Ginny to bring her tomahawk when she was 18 years old, and led her to report to her favorite university.

How good now ...

Thumbs up and shakes at Julie, and Alvin doesn't think he'll have to call Norman Osborne to keep him from taking too much of Julie's time.

At least until she figured out Ginny's problems, and let her not be too busy until she found a suitable replacement.

Just as Alvin was laughing and joking with the new talented girl, Pepper pulled Fox out of his face and said to Alvin, "Call Tony, I'm going to Africa, and Morgan will give it to him. He's in charge ... "

Alvin glanced at Fox with a strange expression. He said with a bit of uncertainty: "This woman is crazy, is she serious?

What good participation is there for a bunch of indigenous wars? "

Speaking of Alvin squinting at Pepper, "If you look at Stark unhappy you should break into his laboratory and get him out, not go to Africa to see indigenous fights.

Of course, Wakanda is definitely a more advanced indigenous, but it's not worth running by yourself.

Want to help Nakia, the Avengers have manpower in Africa.

When things are resolved, how good are you looking for her for a drink? "

Fox pushed Alvin a little helplessly and said, "What do you think we're doing?

Nakia, their condition is terrible. A man named Eric Kermango has the support of more than half of the tribes of Wakanda.

Techara has lost a duel and they need some support to challenge the throne again. "

As Fox held Alvin's neck and kissed him on the cheek, he said, "We are not going to fight, we are going to the platform of our friends with the majesty of our man.

I know you may not care about Wakanda, but you also said that Nakia is a friend, and we have to help our friends get a fair competition. "

Alvin didn't know what he should say. Techara's fool couldn't beat a second or fifth child who came outside to grab power.

He now remembered who Eric Kermango was, and wasn't that the truck driver who was covered with drums by Wakanda?

How could a guy involved in the assassination of King Wakanda get mixed up to the point where he could fight the prince?

The most outrageous thing is that he actually won once ...

Alvin glanced helplessly at the children who were crazy on the lawn. He looked at Ginny with a sad look and said, "You are a motherless child right away!

We should call the police and arrest these crazy women ... "

Little Ginny stared at Alvin, nodded strongly, and said, "Catch Pepper, I'll take care of Little Morgan. She smells good, and I can understand her ..."

Alvin made a thoughtful expression, then nodded and said, "You're right ..."

Fox apparently knew what Alvin was thinking. She moved her arm around and kissed the father and daughter on the cheeks, saying, "We're only going to be a few days ..."

Then Fox blinked charmingly at Alvin and said, "I'll surprise you when you come back ..."

Alvin watched Fox have issued such a "begging" and he could only say "helplessly": "No more than 3 days, remember to bring back a few special costumes, Wakanda's red uniform is good, exciting ...

You must not forget, otherwise I will never believe you! "

Fox rolled his pretty white eyes at Alvin with amusement and amusement, and finally nodded his head and said, "That's it, I, Shirley, Pepper and Hella will come together.

I guess as long as Techara didn't talk big, things would soon be resolved, after all, he was the orthodox Prince Wakanda. "

Then Fox glanced at them and said, "What about a few children? Can you go back and take care of them?"

Alvin was a little upset and patted Fox on the buttocks ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, said: "Let them all get me to go to school, Frank is there, and they are fine.

Little Ginny spent some time in prison with me. I just learned from an 'expert' that my baby is actually a little genius. I want to make up for her while the expert is not too busy.

It's a bit unreliable to rely on Dr. Banner's second half! "

Saying Alvin, looking into Fox's eyes, he said, "Remember to bring all the equipment, call me if you have a problem, and I will locate it, and I will be there in a few minutes.

Don't make too much sense when you encounter something outside. If the Kelmango on the other side is not good, just give him a shot and pull it down.

Since you are going to help your friends, do n’t be a judge. Do n’t worry about giving your friends a platform. Everyone has gone. It is a good choice to kill your friends ’enemies for a hundred!

Remember, do what you want, everything is mine! "