Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1159: Go to jail

Alvin's happy but busy day is over!

After everyone left in the evening, Alvin suddenly felt a little bit empty.

Only then did he find out how much he likes to be lively!

Even though he sometimes felt annoyed by those playful children, but when the whole prison began to quiet down, he began to miss that feeling again.

This may be the reason why Alvin always likes to stay in the restaurant, where many people come and go every day, there are a few friends every day, there is home ...

Little Ginny, who should have been on leave, was also taken home. She was going to pack some clothes, and then she would come to jail with her father tomorrow.

Alvin sat on the balcony of the "Prison Suite" in the middle of the night and blew the sea breeze watching the stars. The quiet island did not let Alvin feel a touch of romance late at night.

He now even thinks that if Bruto's **** didn't "see outside for medical treatment", in fact, it would be a good choice to find him drinking and chatting.

This is where loneliness makes trouble. Although all the hardware conditions are first-class here, it is a prison anyway.

Alvin didn't expect that he would "paint the ground for himself", and in the end it would bring such a **** feeling.

He even thought that other prisons in the United States might be a little more interesting. At least there must be some people talking and some people fighting ...

Conquering everyone in a small cell of 8 people, and then dominating the king is definitely more fun than "stuck" in this place!

Now it seems that "going to jail" is really a punishment, and it is not as good as a hut with family members in a comfortable cell.

Alvin hasn't been here for ten days, and he's tired of it now.

Alvin, distraught in his heart, pulled out the phone and called the world to chat. He messed up JJ's evening activities with his girlfriend, buried Frank's sleep, mocked him and dragged him out of the lab to re-act as a dad. Stark, interrupted the "dating" of Steve and Bucky ...

Except that Stark's breath of venom complained that Alvin was a little upset, he was happy that he had ruined the "good days" of others ...

Why do I have to go to jail alone, and you can work and play happily?

Finally, he called Frank again, so that the tired old man who had been tossed in school was awakened for the second time, reminded him to take care of several children who had officially started boarding, and improved the school rules by the way ...

In the end, Shirley's irritable scolding and a gunshot ended Alvin's mischievous "seeking comfort" ...

I don't know when it started, everyone began to think that the Manhattan Tomahawk is "omnipotent", as if he must always be optimistic and tough.

Only those who are particularly close to know that Alvin's "boyishness" has always been there, and from time to time it will burst out and do something that makes people feel funny or inexplicable.

Alvin harassed the people inside the phonebook. He didn't sigh comfortably until the phone ran out of power. He stretched out a laziness as if he had accomplished something important, and easily stuffed himself into the soft big one. He fell asleep in the bed ...

There are still a few months, and then I will shrink to the restaurant and school every day ...


Also in jail, the former CIA surveillance agent, Timmons who lived opposite Alvin's restaurant for more than half a year and almost locked himself into depression was much happier.

He did a few big things with the super sniper Bob Lee Swag, and in the end he took the initiative to confess some insignificant charges and then went to jail, not only avoiding the "church" -made agents The Holocaust, by the way, washed his own foundation, and changed his name ...

This is the sorrow of the little ones. When those big people are in conflict, a slight aftermath can make them utterly lost.

Especially the unlucky little man Timmons is still a member of the FBI, the FBI stood in the wrong team in that confrontation about new energy ...

Timmons, who will be out of prison tomorrow, stood in front of the mirror in the double room of the prison and carefully took care of his face.

Timmons, in a good mood, hummed in a wild tone, looking at a long-faced inmate sitting in his bed through the mirror, holding a letter in his hand and sniffing like a pervert from time to time. Smell it.

"Hey, Scott, can you put your face away? Instead, the police will handcuff you without hesitation and send you to the mental hospital as a pervert."

Scott Long glanced again at the letter in his hand, a letter "written" to him by his daughter, Casey.

Cooperating with the staggered handwriting and "expressive" pictures, Scott Lang barely understood the contents of the letter.

The little girl followed her mother to a house in Hell's Kitchen. She now has two little sisters. Next door they lived a skinny uncle and an uncle who loved to put herself in a concrete mixer.

They go to school every day, there is one, oh, a guy who looks very scary, and will put all disobedient children in prison ...

Mother Maggie still loves to cry so much. She has to make a lot of food every day to distribute to those families who have a hard time ...

Stepfather Paxton is the leader of a large group of dining cars. He leads a large number of dining cars to "attack" New York every day ...

Little Casey is having a great time now. In the Hell's Kitchen, she has made a lot of friends and many interesting monsters.

The big dogs of the owner of the Peace Hotel, the white bear in the back alley and a gorilla, and a small sapling that runs around. There are four terrible, but particularly fun, strong turtles in the school's sewer ...

Although the famous Excalibur is more angry, he likes Lucy a little bit, but he is also very good to Little Casey. Spider-Man is also a good person ...

Looking at the bits and pieces of life sent by his daughter on a dozen letter papers, Scott Lang smiled happily, and then stuffed the letter under his bedside ...

Looking at Timmons in a good mood, Scott said a little enviously: "Timmons, is your parole officer a little too relaxed for you, 2 years in prison, which has only passed a few months?"

Timmons glanced back at his inmate. He smiled a little smugly and said, "Accurately, 4 months and 6 days. Since I knew I was in the FBI's New York office, I was caught by a fluffy kid. Take it up, I figured it out ...

Why must we roll in this dirty system of the United States?

I can start my own business! "

Talking to Tim with a frustrated expression, Tim said, "You have to change your attitude. You must be honest in your sentence, but don't go too close to the neurosis that always claims to be full of adults. .

That guy is a severe schizophrenic ...

The atmosphere in the prison is not right recently. That guy is about to brainwash a group of petty criminals into terrorists. "

Scott Long shook his head indifferently and said, "I like that guy a lot, he knows stories!

Listening to him every day for a bizarre story can kill time. Besides, what he is going to kill is the President of the United States ...

I don't think it's a problem. Who doesn't want to kill President America once?

what happened? Did you find anything?

If walking too close to him affects my performance in prison, I will punch him in the nose tomorrow!

As long as I can go out early to see my little pumpkin, I will do anything ... "

Timmons listened, he sprayed a little tap water on his face, and then pretended to be the top-level toner, patted it gently with the back of his hand, and said, "It's not that serious, you just need to know who you are.

That actor is going to brainwash a few idiots with muscles in their heads into idiots ...

Quickly make an appointment with your parole officer, remember to speak sincerely, and then tell him how much you regret the mistakes you have made and what are your plans for the future.

It's better to tell him in tears how much you miss your daughter ... "

As Timmons came to the bed and sat down, looking at Scott Lang, he said, "It's not a big problem to steal something. Your only problem is that the bank vault is finally caught.

To tell you the truth, your experience is bizarre. You sold yourself and your associates. What are your plans? "

Scott Lang smiled helplessly, squinting at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I don't like killing people. They want to kill a few innocent security guards ..."

As Scott glanced at his bedside, he said with a bit of anticipation and a bit of helplessness, "I hope I did everything right ..."

Timmons laughed and patted Scott's shoulder, and said, "I guess you'll be out of prison soon. What will we do together?

You are an excellent thief, you definitely know how to deal with security systems, then you should know how to design security systems ...

I still have a little relationship with the FBI, one of my guys is now working in the Avengers, and I have even seen the Manhattan Tomahawk.

We went to Hell's Kitchen to start a security system design company. At that time, we wrote on the ad ‘If I can keep safe in Hell ’s Kitchen, then you are safe everywhere’ ...

what do you think? "

Scott Lang listened to his chin and thought about his daughter living in the Hell's Kitchen. He nodded seriously and said, "That shouldn't be difficult. As long as you can get business, I can design a thief. Nothing to do with security systems.

But I have to tell you in advance that I don't have a penny! "

Timmons smiled and said, "I don't have it either, UU reads www.uukanshu.com haha ​​..."

As Timmons looked at Scott's strange expression, he smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter, I said, one of my guys works in the Avengers, and his salary is not low.

I can ask him to borrow some startup capital. This guy owes me a favor ... "

Scott looked at Timmons with a little distrust and said, "It's not easy to borrow money now!

What is your guy doing in Avengers? There are soldiers or supermen ... "

Timmons smiled a little smugly and said, "His name is Bob Lee Swag. He should be the most famous sniper in the United States ...

When he was framed to assassinate the Vice President, I was the first to catch him, and I was the first to discover that he was wronged.

It was with him that I saw the Manhattan Tomahawk and Iron Man ...

I am very valued, but I think I should start my own business ... "