Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1160: Sudden Mom

Early the next morning, little Ginny was taken to Prison Island by a heavily armed Fox.

Looking at Little Ginny with a lunch box in one hand and a small sapling in one hand, she ran towards herself. Alvin, who was depressed in the middle of the night, suddenly got better ...

What is it called? This is called intimate little cotton jacket!

Knowing that Dad was bored in jail, the little girl didn't even go to school to accompany Dad.

Alvin squatted happily to welcome the little girl. Little Ginny shoved the lunch box and the small saplings into his hands, and then kissed his father's face firmly.

Little Ginny responded to my father's enthusiasm, and she gave a sweet smile to Alfred, who seemed to be standing there at the entrance of the restaurant, and trot rushed forward, while yelling, "Alfred, what is delicious ?"

The little sapling struggled twice in Alvin's arms, and after changing to a comfortable posture, the grumpy punk sapling stabbed the dirt on his feet into Alvin's clothes, and then vomited at Alvin I stuck my tongue out and yelled at black bean-like eyes, "i'grt! I'grt!"

Seeing the **** look of "I am a hooligan", Alvin habitually regarded him as swearing.

Then the impatient Tomahawk glanced at the mudprints on his body. He grabbed the sapling's neck and grinned, and replanted it in the lunch box.

Fox came over with a smile and rescued the two young tree saplings that kept tumbling. Then he patted Alvin's chest gently and said, "You have a prejudice against the young tree ..."

Alvin looked up and down on the Fox in a full-body combat suit, and he said a little uncomfortably, "What are you doing? Yesterday, I just said that I would just go to a friend's platform. What do you wear today?"

Don't always think that you are in good shape, in fact, just look at it, quickly change to a looser combat suit ...

Oh, I saw the kind of auspicious clothes they wore that day.

No one can find you where you stand after you put on ... "

Fox looked at Alvin's sourness. She smiled and held the sour man's neck, kissed him, and said, "You told me to help my friends to the end, but I have always been obedient ... ... "

Alvin was shaken by Fox, and then the straight-blooded man leaned on Fox's shoulder and said, "If you are obedient, let's not go anywhere, just come here with me to study how to make a little Ginny Brother or sister ... "

Fox took a funny pat on Alvin's waist and said, "We are all planned and going to the resort for two days after finishing the Wakanda thing.

We also need a bit of space, right? "

Alvin listened a little uncomfortably around Fox's neck, kissed her on the head, and said, "I'm all free, and I will work in the flower shop every day on time.

The Huaguo women at work every day can make her husband's children clearly arranged.

You boring women are starting to have fun, but you still don't want to take me? "

Speaking of Alvin's staring look at Fox with a smile, he sighed helplessly and said, "Well, we still have a little more children in your family. You are really hard!

Go on! Go on!

The task of liberating Wakanda is left to you!

Remember to see that Eric Kermango, don't hesitate to give him a shot.

I think of this guy, this guy may be the culprit in provoking the conflict between Wakanda and the United States.

He can kill someone in a village for the right to fight, and he will certainly not be wronged!

Regardless of the Wakanda tradition, we are not the same as them!

If you kill that guy, you will go to the resort for a few days, but if you are addicted, go to the Grand Canyon. Steve is there, your safety must be guaranteed ... "

Fox moved his head to Alvin's shoulder a bit, and said, "I think I'm getting more and more useless recently. This is not a good sign!

Madam Tomahawk should also be a warrior!

Alvin, you made me weak, what should I do? "

Alvin walked two steps indifferently to Fox, he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I like everything you like!

Anyway, I ’m hard, it ’s all your credit, you know ... ”

Fox was laughed out by Alvin's inexplicable yellow-chucked "puppet" and said, "Should I say that I am honored to serve Mr. Tomahawk?"

Speaking of Fox watching a Kun-style fighter flying in the sky in the distance, she said with a smile: "Look, Pepper is much bigger than mine. Hope Stark is not crazy now!"

Alvin laughed sympathetically for Stark, who was unlucky, and taking a child was really not professional ...

Watching the Queen's fighter landing on the golf lawn, Shirley opened the hatch to Fox's excited admissions and signaled her to hurry ...

Pepper's bag, dressed in a woman's steel suit, poked his head and waved at Alvin, and then Hai stretched out his staff to poke away the crazy woman who grabbed the mirror, and waved at Groot ...

It may be that the young sapling completely forgot the past after being reborn, it was sulking Alvin's pants angrily and venting his anger ...

Just now I almost choked the "tree". You must give the two feet a little color to see, otherwise he doesn't know how powerful Groot is!

Alvin looked at several heavily armed women, shaking his head and sighing, not knowing what to say.

Where are they going to watch the lively and mediation, this is obviously going to beat Wakanda to the ground ...

Think of the rune words "Bottom" and "Smoke" on Fox, Shirley's rune words "Caution", and Hella's wand "White".

Coupled with Stark's persecuted delusion guy, he certainly wouldn't watch Pepper adventure, he must have some great stuff on Pepper's lady's steel suit.

Their safety is definitely not to worry ...

Fox felt the power of Alvin's arm on her shoulder, and she turned her head a little helplessly and kissed him gently on the cheek, saying, "We will be back in a few days. I will come to see you as soon as possible. "

Alvin listened to his thoughts. He squinted at Fox and said with a smile, "Remember to bring back some special clothes and show them to me ..."

While Alvin was waiting for Fox to speak, he took out a few Ivan-modified Cheryta energy generators from his backpack.

This thing was originally to be installed on those eight-footed robots, but it was a bit uneconomical to calculate the cost, and in the end it was gone ...

Now ordinary bullets are definitely useless to these women, but Wakanda's energy weapon is still available.

To deal with energy weapons, of course, use energy shields ...

Folding several belt buckle-sized energy generators into Fox's hands, Alvin said with a smile: "This is an energy shield, which can last 15 minutes after opening, and then needs to be charged.

But with Pepper in, charging is definitely not a problem.

When it comes to fighting you are better than me, when to use them, you take care of yourself! "

Fox was a little touched and amused about Alvin's over-concern. She took the energy generator and kissed Alvin's lips, saying, "Relax! Dad, Alvin!

We are not the chicks who need care ... "

Talking about Fox, he turned and walked towards the Kun fighter ...

Alvin waved at Fox's back and called, "Be careful!

Don't hurt yourself, otherwise it won't look good! "

As Alvin watched Fox look back at him and looked at him with a strange look, he said seriously: "I mean, if you don't look good, I'll go find other chicks ..."

Fox, who got on the Queen's fighter, turned and made a throat-cut gesture to Alvin, and then extended his finger to his eyes to signify "I will stare at you", and then decisively pulled up the door to isolate Alvin. Suddenly ...

Looking at the Kun-style fighter that quickly pulled up, Alvin shook his head helplessly, bent over and picked up the small sapling that had torn his trousers into a mop. He stared fiercely and said, "You also want to leave Run away and play, right?

I knew you all didn't want to be home. Lao Tzu planted you on the toilet right away. Are you afraid? "

The little sapling who didn't know him didn't know he was angry with Alvin. He opened his teeth and hummed with Alvin's tongue and rolled eyes, posing a pair of tricks if you dare to bully me. Fucking look ...

How could Alvin eat this set? He chuckled and lifted a large piece of turf from the ground, then wrapped the sapling with the turf so that his limbs could not move, and he walked towards the restaurant with his arms under his arms.


While Alvin was enjoying parent-child time, Odin was enjoying a "parent-child" time sitting on a large terrace in the Asgard Palace ...

The two sons are one of their own, one picked up, one more uneasy than one ...

The militant Sol has only returned for more than half a month and has already beaten Rocky twice. Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ Now in his third round.

But Sol, with his simple mind, also suffered countless losses, and did not want to learn to be smart ...

Odin clutched his forehead and watched Thor blow a blow to Rocky's nose. He glanced helplessly at Friega next to him, and said with a grin, "Alvin's **** is not bad, so Why didn't you learn anything smart?

When will he understand that if you don't want to kill someone, don't always threaten Rocky with 'slaughter you' ...

Learning Alvin's first chop one arm and one leg before saying this, it must be more convincing ... "

Frigga glanced at the complaining Odin, and she said a little displeasedly: "Then you can teach Sol to your side.

Although you have taught 2000, you can still try it out! "

Odin shook his head slightly red, then looked at his mad soldier-like son and sighed for a long time ...