Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1199: Cooperation?

Alas ,!

Kamola looked at Loki on the screen cautiously, she said a little uncertainly: "Is the sweeper really providing the communication channel of Niedvinier?"

He said Carmela looked at Loki with his patient's eyes and said, "He doesn't look like a dwarf ...

He looks much handsomer than Quail, but unfortunately! "

Peter Quell heard an angry cry, "Wow, wow, wow ...

Kamola, you have to adjust your aesthetics for men. Such a thin bamboo pole with handsome oily noodles is handsome and handsome! "

He said Peter Quill glanced at Loki and pried his mouth. "Maybe those guys in Sandal Prison will like this type, he looks very princess ..."

Rocky didn't care about the satire of several people. He gasped and relieved his laugh, then looked at the people in the spaceship with strange expressions, and said, "Are you here to save the planet Ned Vinier?

I've never seen such a funny rescuer of yours ...

怎么 How are you going to defeat Luo Nan and laugh at him with your talk show?

Alas hahahaha ... "

Kamola stared at Loki's thin face. She ignored Loki's impoliteness and said seriously: "Who are you? You have been staring at us ..."

The Rocket Raccoon listened and tapped the communicator in front of it to make Rocky's image fluctuate a few times, and then covered her mouth and cried, "This guy is not only a lunatic, but a voyeur."

He said that the rocket raccoon was "horrified" and covered his chest, and cried, "I changed my clothes and took a bath yesterday. He all saw ...

公主 This princess is not only a lunatic, but also a pervert ...

I will never give in to you!

Peter Quill may, his fat **** is just right for you ... "

Rocky's raccoon's poisonous tongue made Rocky a little upset. He put a smile on his face and pouted the corner of his mouth with an arrogant tone, saying, "I'm the prince Rocky of Asgard. king……

Thank you for coming to inform us of the gem. Now you can go back.

If you think it is necessary, you can give me an account and I will send a dollar to your account.

This is a reward for telling you jokes and making me laugh ... "

Kamola stood up a little anxiously when he heard, "We are not the enemy, we are here to help you.

You don't even know how powerful Ronan is. As long as Ronan holding the gem landed on the ground of Niedvinier, he can use the gem to destroy all life on the planet.

力量 You ca n’t even imagine the power of that gem. All the organic matter it comes into contact with will become its 'fuel'.

If the gem is used after Ronan landed, Niedvinier will be a place of death ... "

Rocky listened for a moment, he was a prince, but he didn't know too much about the so-called gem function, otherwise the soul gem would not fall into Alvin's hands.

Kamola's account is in the eyes of Loki, how can a gem that can destroy an entire planet be used casually.

基 Rocky's Frozen Chest is also claimed to be able to freeze a planet, but Rocky can't even use it to freeze a city now.

The more powerful a weapon is, the more it needs energy supply and control. Otherwise, even if the gem is as powerful as Kamora said, then its users will be buried for the planet. Why does it only hurt people other than you?

的 The ether particles in the hands of the dark elves are also very powerful, claiming to make the universe into darkness, but the king of the dark elves was finally drained and burned into flying ash by Alvin ...

Fortunately, this powerful force comes at a cost. The more destructive power, the greater the cost.

At this point, Loki was right. Cosmic gemstones have their own functions, but the premise of their function is to have sufficient energy and strong body.

The puppet power gem is like a high explosive bomb that is ready to be detonated at any time. What determines its destructive power is the amount of energy that ignites it.

有人 Someone in the universe has tried to absorb the energy of power gems, but invariably they have been burned into fly ash by destructive energy.

It's like you think the shell is very powerful, so you want to run out of the gunpowder and swallow it into your stomach. It doesn't make any sense to do this except to send away your own life.

核心 The core of these gems is the space gem, and its infinite energy is the key to exerting the capabilities of other gems.

Without space gems, anyone can only use their own power or some other external energy to drive the destructive power of gems, but that destructive power is limited.

Rocky never felt that there was an individual in the universe that could surpass his father and that Alvin, and he was not convinced about the story of Kamora.

But these people came here thousands of miles, and a posture to live and die with Niedvinier showed that they were not joking ...

Rocky hesitated a little. He didn't want to have any extravagance, and shook his head with a smile. "No matter what you said, Asgard has taken over Niedvinier's defense.

We will kill Luo Nan's expeditionary forces. If you are interested in Luo Nan, you can watch from the outside.

Maybe we will be able to cut off Ronan's head soon, and I can let you take a photo with it ... "

Kamola looked at Rocky with a little anxiety and said, "If you believe me, we have seen the image of the power of that gem. Life on a planet has been wiped out instantly ...

宝石 The energy of that gem will swell and spread as soon as it encounters organic matter, and it spreads across the planet at a very fast speed. "

Speaking of Carmela, she may have thought about why Rocky was skeptical, she said seriously: "Unless you can isolate a region when Ronan uses the gem to limit the energy transmission of the gem, otherwise the result will be like I said ... ...

Maybe Ronan can't destroy Niedvinier in one shot, but what's the difference for you?

Trust me, I know everything about Ronan, and I need you to help us destroy Ronan in the universe and let the gem go where it should ... "

Rocky looked at the people in the spacecraft a little funny, he said with a smile: "If Ronan is really so strong, how can you defeat him?

Asgard is the master of the Nine Realms, and we will kill Ronan in our own way.

He must not be as terrible as you describe, you have never seen what a truly terrible person looks like?

You know nothing about power ... "

Speaking of the corner of Rocky's mouth, he said meaningfully: "If the gem is really as powerful as you said, Asgard's treasure house will be its destination.

We are clinging to the nine worlds of the solar system, and at least our gems will not be used to wage war ... "

Just as Rocky was talking, Peter Quill lit up a large area of ​​light behind their spaceship.

Countless things shaped like meteorites flew towards the solar system with red light.

The Rocket Raccoon was the first to perceive the danger, and he looked up at a red glowing meteorite passing by the spacecraft's top.

Facing this danger, the Rocket Raccoon glanced back in horror, and then cried, "! What the **** are these?"

He said that the rocket raccoon jumped to the co-pilot position, pushed the joystick angrily and yelled at Peter Quill, "Are you a single-celled creature? We are about to be killed!"

Run, you idiot ... "

奎 Peter Quill reacted in an instant to take over control. The spaceship was like a flexible Swift walking through the red meteorite ...

The puppet rocket raccoon controlled the fire control system, yelling and firing ammunition to attack the meteorite blocking the road.

The two guys who were just arguing just now have the same grievances as the old world, but now they are close and cooperative, making a disaster enough to make them buried in the universe into a stimulating game.

The rocket raccoon shattered several meteorites that glowed red, and Peter Quill drove the spacecraft through the meteorite group to the top of them ...

Looking at the meteorite fragments floating in the universe, the rocket raccoon stunned and exclaimed, "What the **** is this? Corpse spaceship?

到底 What did they encounter? "

奎 Peter Quayle looked at the meteorite fragments floating in the universe. Inside were large pieces of corpse bones visible to the naked eye and some non-advanced spacecraft shells. The shells of those meteorite seemed to be sintered from these spacecraft and bodies.

推动 And pushing them forward is a spaceship wrapped in a "bone shell" ...

Looking at their condition, it seems that they were burned about half of the same kind when passing through some dangerous areas, and then the rest made up of new "spaceships" using the same type of bones and began to move on ...

Peter Quill drove the spacecraft near several fairly complete "meteorite fragments". Several whale-shaped spaceships with a pair of huge ventral fins floated in the universe. Thousands of soldiers wearing power armor were like garbage The universe drifted along in the direction of their inertia ...

A dead soldier bumped his head against Peter Quill's cockpit ...

Looking at the bare top of the dead soldier and the dense spikes on his chin, Peter Quill said in amazement, "What the **** is this, this is not the case for Ronan's Salstar death force.

It's a bit reluctant for their spacecraft to navigate the universe ... "

Kamola controlled the detector and scanned the body structures of the dead soldiers ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said a little puzzled: "Their eyes cannot receive strong light. This kind of civilization that should live in the deep sea or underground Not suitable for space navigation ...

Alas, the energy structure of their spacecraft is strange, and the efficiency is very high ... "

When Carmela was talking, the rocket raccoon pointed at a stuff floating in the universe like a big octopus, and said, "What is this? When is the universe so forgiving, and everything can sail across galaxies ... "

Kamola aimed the detector at the "big octopus", and the fragmentation of the meteorite shell revealed its body. This thing is the numerous messy things hanging under the spherical main brain.

There are soldiers, drones, mobile devices, large-caliber weapons ...

The shuttlecock-type master brain must be their master. When the master brain dies, the things that are attached to his tentacles also die ...

Looking at the massive red meteorite under his spaceship, he was still flying in the direction of the solar system ...

Sheka Mo La said with a somber expression: "It's Destroyer, these are the cannon fodder he sent ...

的 The technology of these two races is not enough to support space navigation. They are just cannon fodder sent by exterminators ... "

He said Carmela looked at Loki, who had been staring at himself and others, and Shen said, "Cooperate?

Your enemies are not only Ronan, but I know Ronan and Tyrant ... "