Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1263: enter

When Alvin stepped in the Harlem area, if you look down from the air, you will find ...

Those brave guys, like a trickle of streams, merged into the dry river in Harlem ...

Dr. Ethan's medical team, the racing family, and even the chemical defense team from Hell's Kitchen, plus a large group of police volunteers from other places, slowed down under that leader. Slowly entered Harlem ...

When Alvin walked slowly on the streets of Harlem, "violence" turned into the familiar God of War 3 in New Yorkers ...

When a black tomahawk full of patterns appeared in Alvin's hands, there was a depressing cheer in the building in all directions.

Although it is not a hell's kitchen here, the arrival of the Manhattan Tomahawk still calms their anxiety slowly.

Stark looked at Alvin a little jealously, and then ironically across his helmet, "How does it feel to be a savior?

Don't these people know that God of War 3 was made by me?

You said that I would turn around and leave here, would they keep me in tears? "

Alvin laughed, stretched his hands over Stark's shoulders and made him turn and walk forward with him.

On the one hand, in order to let the guy who "shows off" glory, and on the other hand, he avoids seeing Bucky angry.

The most important thing is that Iron Man is the most popular superhero. The richest man in the world is here to accompany you to "wait for death". What else do you need to be upset?

Hot-selling hawker Gonzales pushed hard to open an anti-chemical defense officer wearing a "space suit" and also picking and choosing his cargo.

He closed the trunk of the van tightly, and Gonzales looked at the officer with contempt, saying, "Don't **** talk nonsense, this authentic Chinese product ...

You don't think so, so why don't you send 500,000 sets of 'space suits'? "

As Gonzalez got around to the cab, he knocked on the door and called out, "Get off ..."

Driving a van was an old policeman wearing a "raincoat" and a mask around 50 years old. He looked sideways at Gonzales, urging, and said with a smile, "I thought you should come in, after all, you are The boss of the goods! "

Gonzales shrugged and said, "You are the police!"

And these are all free. Does the free benefit have to be handed out by the boss Gonzalez? "

As Gonzales knocked on the door again, he said, "Dude, let's go!

Remember to hand out the flyer on the co-pilot when handing out the medicine box ...

In order to save the poor ghosts in Harlem, we paid a lot, and we have to get a little reward! "

The old policeman put a **** at Gonzales and then started the car to follow the convoy. He held the steering wheel and picked up one of the coloring pages stacked on the co-pilot.

The coloring page is in the form of a pictorial. It prints the various industries of the Hell's Kitchen horizontally. It also pioneered the dotted lines to make various coupons.

A phone number is printed on each coupon ...

The old policeman glanced at it, then ripped off one of the coupons printed with bikini girl and tucked it into his own pocket. Then he looked at Gonzalez with a probe and gave him a **** that he didn't know what emotion to express ...

Gonzales shrugged his hands, then took out a business card and began distributing it to curious journalists around ...

"Guys, I'm Gonzalez, chairman of Hell's Kitchen China Trading Company. If you want anything special to China, remember to call me.

Large volume discount! "

Just when Gonzales was hyping eloquence among a group of stunned journalists, a tall figure wearing a "raincoat" ran over and pulled him and wanted to break into the epidemic ...

Gonzales was terrified. He shouted **** both feet, "Fuck Kenny! What the **** are you doing?"

Kenny, the cashier at the Robert Supermarket, was wearing a rudimentary protective suit that looked particularly tight, and his hood, which was so small compared to Kenny's head, squeezed Kenny's fat face a little funny.

Hearing Gonzalez's shout, Kenny stopped and looked back at him who had been scared to pee. He said, "That's our van, those goods are ours too!"

Those can cost you a lot of money! "

Gonzales exhaled, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and in the scornful eyes of the martial arts soldiers around him, pulled down Kenny quickly toward the periphery by a few dozen meters, and then said, "Dude, Sending stuff is all we can do ... "

Kenny grinned and looked at Gonzales, and said a little sadly: "That's all you are. What do you do in the future?"

Saying Kenny carried Gonzalez's shoulders while walking down, he said sadly, "I can let you sleep on my sofa, but when you get rich later, you must send me a few boxes of hot sticks ... "

Gonzalez listened to the admiration from the reporters around him, watching Kenny squint his eyes at himself, and said in an incredible whisper: "How come you have a **** IQ of 96?

Does having a big-ass girlfriend increase your IQ? "

Kenny blinked innocent eyes and suddenly said at a very loud volume: "What? You also borrowed usury?

How difficult are you to expect the poor ghosts in Harlem to pay you back?

Dude, I'm getting married soon. I can only lend you the money to rent the church first. This is all my savings!

I hope Dolly won't mind hosting a wedding with me in my yard ... "

Gonzalez listened to the nearby reporters and soldiers again exclaiming with admiration. He touched his dirty pigtail and said with a little blush, "A little usury is nothing, as long as my business improves It will be finished soon!

Rest assured, I will give you a share!

My future nephew ’s milk powder, I ’ll pack it for you too. Hua Guo ’s milk powder is very hot stuff ... ”

Director George ignored the talk of the two Living Treasures, saying that Gonzales had pulled out his inventory and sponsored it for free in Harlem. He believed it.

But borrowing usury to do good things has never been the style of a **** kitchen!

It was just those white reporters who were moved to tears and could not wait to pay for the order immediately.

Other people who changed the Hell's Kitchen, even if Gonzales really did it, won't get a praise ...

The people there just gave him a middle finger, and then called him a "silly X"!

A glance at Secretary of State William Hutt, not far away, and Donald Depp, who vowed to express his unwillingness to a bunch of journalists, Director George suddenly smiled relaxedly, facing two The abducted official called out, "It's our turn!

We have to tell President Ellis that he is not fighting alone! "


The sewer in Harlem, in a dark and vast space ...

This should be a civil defense measure built during the Cold War, but urban changes over the decades have made it an insignificant part of the intricate New York sewers.

A huge dead tree with green fluorescence stands in the center of that vast space!

The head of a female with a sick fly on her face is revealed on the trunk of a dead tree ...

She looked indifferently at a female mummy wrapped in tattered cloth, and mouth-to-mouth sucked one of her wizard followers into a human ...

Watching the female mummy's skin gradually become shiny, and her face finally became human, the black witch Grace said with a hoarse voice, "Who are you? I feel a similar breath on your body ... "

The female mummy looked up at the black witch Grace in the withered tree, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her body straightened, and she said in a reserved tone: "I am Armand, the witch's leader after the gods are asleep !!

Don't you remember me?

Never mind, I can still remember you!

You are the witch under Pluto Osiris, and your job is to spread 'death' ... "

Armanit's words brought the dark witch Grace into memory, and her storage and storage for hundreds of years apparently made her have some memory confusion. A few minutes later, the witch who looked like this slowly said: "Amarnet You are a witch spoiled by 'God'. How could you be like this?

Are you actually made into a mummy?

Those Egyptians betrayed their gods? "

Armande took out a black dagger shaped like a beast nail, then looked at the black witch Grace, chuckling and said, "When our God walked into the pyramid himself, we have lost.

Those Egyptian rebellions can't wait to imprison me ... "

Speaking of Armande taking a deep breath of the murky air of the sewer, he enjoyed saying, "Now, I'm free ...

I felt from the sea far away that the **** of chaos, "Seth's Soul Stone," was here with you.

Give it to me and I found a container for him. Just load ‘Seth ’s Soul Stone’ and pierce the container ’s chest with this cursed dagger, and the **** of chaos Set will rise again.

We have a chance to step on humans again ...

This time I want to make those ignorant rebellions pay, and I want to let them know the end of our betrayal! "

The black witch Grace listened to the laughter as if a woodpecker knocked on a tree trunk, and said, "Then you first have to return my followers.

Because of your recklessness, the completion of my plague witchcraft will be postponed for 6 hours!

You certainly don't know that we are surrounded!

One of my strongest followers has also been brutally killed, and the second strongest one has been drained by you ...

How can you rush out and find the container of your choice?

Maybe someone will rush down and kill us soon ...

The wizard hunter killed me 800 years ago, and now that person still has half of my vitality out there trying to find a chance to kill me.

How about you ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ How much power do you still have?

We can't do anything until my Plague Fly is complete ... "

Amanette heard and smiled, opened his mouth, and a fountain of beetles emerged from his mouth ...

Watching the screams that kept coming from the dim space around him, Amanette enjoyed saying, "I can form an undead legion to protect here, and when your plague fly takes shape, I'll talk to those people talk……"

The black witch Grace looked at the confident Amanette, and she said helplessly: "Well, you successfully dragged the plague fly to maturity for another 12 hours ...

These human wizards are useful, why do you have to kill them? "

Armande looked at the black witch Grace with a strange expression, and said coldly, "Who do you think made me a mummy?"

These human beings are born with 'rebellion' ... "