Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1283: newborn

The bald man excitedly buckled the mask to allow himself to breathe twice, and then the guy who was temporarily arrested by the strong man grinned and said, "My name is Artest ...

We didn't help anything, it was Alexei ... "

Alvin waved his hand to stop Bald Artest's "self-esteem." He smiled and said, "You can see everything you do. Your dead buddies will have a decent funeral, and there are many pension……

If you are willing to give up your past 'business', I can introduce you to a new job ...

Do you want to? "

Where else is bald Artest, who is desperately trying to figure it out?

One is to keep his own life, and the other is to wait for Alvin's sentence ...

As the bald Artest nodded desperately, he continued to say, "I'm willing, willing, and serving Mr. Tomahawk is my wish all the time ...

Oh, me, can I call you 'Principal Alvin'? "

Alvin looked at the cunning guy who was desperately pushing himself to the "camp" of Hell's Kitchen. He nodded with a smile and said, "What you call me lies in yourself ..."

Saying Alvin spent a circle above his head, he smiled and said, "The Harlem district will soon undergo large-scale reconstruction. If you want to get rid of your past identity, this time is a good opportunity ...

A few days ago you asked me if this place could become a second hell's kitchen?

To be honest, I'm not sure now!

Because if you want to change an area, you first need to change.

It has something to do with your determination ...

You can't let me persuade the police to turn a blind eye to what you have done, right? "

The bald Artest nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes ...

Hmm, but why are you rebuilding here? "

Speaking of this earth snake, he looked around and said with a little confusion: "There is no problem here. After the flies are killed, they can live again ..."

Alvin laughed and shook his head, then glanced at his watch and said with a smile, "You need to wait and see for yourself ...

But the opportunity is for you, as long as you think about it, you can call me or Alexei anytime.

Start a construction company and even buy a few trucks to transport concrete from the dock in Hell's Kitchen here, and you can make a lot of money ...

Others you can consider for yourself, as long as it is not illegal, I will definitely support you! "

Speaking of Alvin looking at Bald Artest's restless expression, he smiled and said, "Don't think of swallowing other gangsters in my name. This kind of thing didn't happen in Hell's Kitchen. Over!

But if you must do this ...

As long as you can keep the conflict within the gang, I will let Alexie give you a little support, just a little ... "

Bald Artest is a guy who knows how to look. He waved quickly after hearing it and said, "No, no, no, I never thought of doing this!

If there is a good way to make money, I will certainly be happy to take my brothers to another career ... "

Saying Artest shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Anyway, my brother is almost dead ..."

Alvin didn't have much sympathy for this guy. They used to dominate drug dealers in Harlem. In theory, the ruin of Harlem has their credit.

It is now their hometown, and it does not seem unacceptable to pay a little "price" for the safety and security of their hometown.

"Atonement" and then a logical transition is their best way out ...

Just when Alvin wanted to say something, there seemed to be an earthquake underground in Harlem ...

After the ground shook violently a few times, the nearby manhole cover was rushed to high altitude due to pressure.

Countless flames sprayed into the sky with black smoke columns ...

Frank, the aluminous pyrotechnic bombs that they repeatedly arranged underground in the past few days were detonated at once, and the massive high-temperature flames devoured the entire sewer in Harlem ...

The high temperature of nearly 3,000 degrees in the core of the explosion destroyed all communication, power and drainage systems in Harlem ...

Those plague flies that have been controlled by Alvin's golden rattan repression have been killed in one go!

Seeing the violent tremor on the ground, a stricken and dangerous building collapsed not far away, and the same noise kept coming from all over Harlem ...

Bald Artest froze a bit of hot feet, he looked at Alvin with a smile and said, "This, this ..."

Alvin spread his hands indifferently and said with a smile: "I said, this is a 'big project' ...

Man, make a decision quickly, a bunch of experienced villains in Hell's Kitchen are preparing to come and grab the job.

You are the privileged one now ... "

The bald Artest is just stupid and knows that he now has a golden opportunity to make a fortune.

He doesn't even need to do it by himself. He only needs to cooperate with a reliable construction company, and he can make a lot of money from the future Harlem by virtue of his "privilege" ...

Alvin laughed and sent away the "key man". He smiled at the envious red policemen around him and said with a smile: "Dudes, don't look at me like this, your salary is good ...

If one day the police in New York need money to work, it will be the same as the last day ...

Director George called me and he wanted to organize a grand celebration ...

Because the drink sponsor is in Hell's Kitchen, the celebration is also in Hell's Kitchen.

I ca n’t help you ‘get rich’, but I ’d like to have a drink with you ...

Just for you to stay here at such times! "

A middle-aged policeman smiled and nodded, and said, "You're right, the police have the duty of a police officer ..."

Talking about this slightly fat middle-aged policeman, it was a bit difficult to pull out a "lottery ticket" from the simple "raincoat" protective clothing and said to Alvin: "So I will buy a lottery ticket regularly ...

Maybe my luck will suddenly get better ...

I always wanted to buy a new fishing boat ... "

After listening to it, Alvin snatched the crumpled lottery ticket from his hand, imitated the gesture of the Indian wizard, and then shoved it into his hand, saying, "The **** of luck will bless you. !!

Just a fishing boat, I parked a yacht at the dock in Hell's Kitchen ...

As long as you don't worry about the cost of refueling and cleaning, you can always borrow and play! "

While Alvin calmly chatted with the police during the flames and earthquake, Donald Depp in the interim hospital looked at the collapsed building in horror with a wailing ...

He just thought that although he was put on a "grill", he became famous for his purpose!

Now he finds himself too naive ...

With a phone in her hand, Ika listened to the rapid breathing inside, and she said helplessly, "Dad, should you consider resigning ...

The reconstruction of Harlem is not something you can solve alone, and you need to stay here for a long time, which is bad for your health ... "

Donald Depp was silent on the phone for a long time and suddenly said, "Why can't I stay here?

Where the mayor is, is where the city government is ...

Ika, in the name of donation, bought an intact building in Harlem, while Harlem is still isolated ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ spend the least money to solve the problem ...

I want to donate it to New York, I want to move the city government here!

Update my Facebook and tell my fans ...

I will stand on the front line of disaster, and I will co-exist with the entire Harlem district! "


It's been a bad year!

But life is still going on, and we have to work hard ...

Adjust these two days first, and soon Alvin will go to heaven to play with Ronan with the funny guard of the Galaxy Guard ...

Thank you all for your patience!

It may be a little too much to ask for a monthly ticket now, but for the New Year's sake, everyone helps!

Thank you! thanksgiving!