Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1358: Change of Kingship with Blood

Alvin just finished ...

斯塔 Wastag, who was opposite the communication, was breathing heavily, while shouting loudly: "Hogan and Asgard's army suddenly went to the Biochemical Corps for a decisive battle ...

They are all crazy!

I'm taking someone to save them ...

They are trapped now! "

Alvin listened for a moment, then shook his head, and said helplessly: "They are not crazy, they feel that they have been" abandoned "...

I do n’t know if Odin was intentional or I forgot ... ”

He said Alvin looked at Sol in the distant stone forest, and shook his head helplessly ...

I'm not a key position here at all, but Odin sent two super strong men here ...

On the side of the trapped main force, it must be Hella!

It has been less than 24 hours since Odin lost his personality ...

This old man just arranged for his daughter to play, he arranged a super scene for Hella ...

A woman who does n’t know anyone and does n’t even have a goddess, it ’s difficult to lead the entire Asgard army ...

Odin is making a move, in order to give Hella the upper hand.

This will prevent those who are loyal to themselves and loyal to Sol from rebounding ...

This is the last thing Old Odin did for his daughter, and the only option that can minimize the influence of giving up the throne.

This is not peace time. He has no time to wait for Hella, a daughter whom Asgard doesn't want to stay at, and slowly get the approval of most soldiers.

Asgard is not heaven, and the soldiers are not machines.

They followed Odin all his life, and then Odin suddenly "die" ...

Then they looked forward to Sol for thousands of years, but they did not ascend to the throne ...

浮动 Floating people during the war is the most terrible. In case some soldiers ordered Hella to be overwhelmed ...

Not only are they dead, they may also pull everyone into the water!

The situation faced by Erhaila is very difficult, and she must take out the anger of her once goddess of death.

Only when Niedvinier gathered the army through the killing, she could completely settle on the throne!

The only question is whether she needs to "kill the enemy" or "kill herself"?

Alvin even speculated that Odin also wanted to let Loki put away all his careful thoughts and be his prince in a down-to-earth way through this war!

Erhaila must be a veritable "king"!

Not the cheap king who was pulled out of the thunder for having a free soul!

I wondered what was going on with Alvin, and it was a pity to watch the soldiers who turned back into the stone forest and fought alongside their prince ...

They are all loyal soldiers ...

"Hopefully I'm thinking!"

Alvin was about to recall the flying sword "Dongfeng" and was considering whether to help Sol, when Odin's voice sounded in his ear ...

"Alvin, Hella needs your help ..."

Alvin didn't wait for Odin to finish his words, he said a little uncomfortably: "This is all you do?

You make those soldiers think they have been abandoned, you watch them go crazy ...

They are all loyal soldiers ... "

Odin may not have thought that Alvin would be angry for this. He froze and said, "No, I didn't give up on them, I just told them‘ I fell ’!”

I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious at first ... "

He said Odin smiled bitterly and said, "I haven't understood until now, but in fact I am Asgard's weakness!

士兵 The soldiers are loyal, but I have not realized until now that there is a big difference between fighting for 'I' and fighting for Asgard ...

It's time to reverse their thinking!

They should be Asgard ’s army, ‘king’ ’s army, not my army ... ”

Alvin still said a little bit upset: "You should have other ways, many dead soldiers, it is meaningless to die ..."

Odin heard the distressed saying, "Trust me, I know my daughter better than you ...

She never flinches when facing difficulties ...

If I don't want to do something, they will die more!

I would rather die in the battle with the enemy, die on the charge ...

He also didn't want them to use their own heads to forge the reputation of Hella's "death" ...

曾经 Once once thousands of years ago, I don't want Hella to repeat the nightmares of the past! "

Alvin heard a moment of silence, the head of the traditional "cannon fodder", said with a bitter smile: "You lords'" Gentleness "is really not what ordinary people can suffer ...

I want to 揍 you, but I **** think you make a little sense ...


He said Alvin glanced at Shilin, who was thundering in the distance. He shook his head helplessly and said, "Where is Hella? Send me over ...

She can't make a big scene by herself, I'll help you bring those bones and sticks over ...

Perhaps after making Hella play like a superstar, those soldiers can forget their old king as soon as possible ... "

As soon as Alvin's words were finished, Odin said over there: "Hella is 800 kilometers from you ...

You can prepare a little bit, and then I let Heimdall teleport you over.

Alvin, this battle is crucial ...

If Haila cannot settle her army through this battle, those soldiers will really die in vain! "

Alvin heard his **** pointed up into the sky, then looked at Frank leaning over and said, "I've only just arrived for a few hours ...

I wanted to have a drink with you! "

Frank waved Alvin's words, he said in a deep voice: "What the **** is going on?

Odin really died? "

Alvin shook his head slightly and nodded again. He said a little uncomfortably, "Almost ..."

He said Alvin looked at Frank, who looked a little disgusted, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I've chopped Ronan ...

Odin did not really die, but lost his personality and became a dead old man who could fight.

Asgard's new king is coming to Niedvinier soon, I'm going to give her a platform!

It's more troublesome this time ... "

Frank frowned and looked at a few seriously wounded Asgard soldiers lying in the trenches. He said a little uncertainly: "Alvin, you have to remind Stark that their It's a bit too optimistic ...

If Asgard's soldiers are at this level in the future, we will not win this battle at all.

The number of dwarf dwarves is too small, and most of their army are not as brave as those we first saw ...

Our investigation revealed that most of the biochemicals had settled on the surface of Niedvinier.

They found a supply point, plus there are still deadly supplies in the sky to send them supplies ...

Maybe when we turn to defense, there will be a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

This war is more likely to develop into a long tug-of-war in the future.

Do you think Earth can withstand this long interstellar war? "

Alvin smiled and shook his head. Frank's worry is likely to become a reality ...

But if those biochemical people settle down, then they are living targets for themselves ...

After all, they are migrants. As long as their logistics are destroyed, the number of these biochemicals is not significant.

Alvin is naturally impossible to look at his compatriots and fight a war without seeing the future!

Kill Ronan to show power to the universe ...

The significance of the Niedvinier battlefield is to show the determination of the entire solar system to unite as one!

What's more, it is to make humans adapt to the rhythm of the alien battlefield ...

Here is the actual training ground, and it is also an accelerator for the development of the earth ...

Even if humans can control the situation, Alvin feels that the duration of this war should be extended.

Alvin knows what Frank is worried about. The veteran has a clear mind. He is worried that the new army will not be able to carry the pressure in the future.

At present, it seems that if the people here can't find a good solution, the military may not be able to carry it.

However, Alvin himself was rather optimistic. The army of big brothers who were in the **** of the wind, always had something under the box that was not taken out.

And in the face of war, you ca n’t always rely on yourself + rich + retired soldiers + Russian amateur scientists ...

After all, those guys who eat army meals are professional!

That's the benefit of this unwise man, Alvin, he never feels like he can do everything!

In addition to trying hard to find a way, he believes in leaving professional matters to professional people.

Looking at Frank's rare worried expression, Alvin laughed and said, "I haven't seen your expression for a long time ...

But you don't have to worry too much!

Luo Luonan is dead, this is a must-win war ...

The only question is how much nutrition can we draw from it?

Before Ivan tossed me into bankruptcy, give this to the military! "

He said Alvin glanced at Steve who was helping those Asgard soldiers who were seriously injured. He said with a smile: "You should learn from Steve ...

Did the pressure of the commander make you abnormal?

I will set off 800 kilometers away soon to assist the new king of Asgard to make a big move.

You are responsible for keeping this place ...

Hmm, by the way find Sol and another guy ...

I'm all here, how can I not let them show their hands? "

Frank heard frowning and said, "Who is Asgard's new king?

That rocky?

Do you think you can trust him? "

Alvin heard the expression with a strange expression: "It's not Rocky, you also know their new king ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ She is also our neighbor."

Frank heard Alvin's eyes stare strangely and said, "Hella?

Erhaila actually became the new king? "

Alvin spread his hands and smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that, it has nothing to do with me.

He is Hella, and that girl is the original princess ...

And she is a democratically elected king of the royal family!

I was tainted by her thousands of years in prison ...

So I'm going to give her more effort and let her smoothly gather the loyalty of those soldiers. "

Frank frowned and looked at Thor who was thundering in the distant stone forest, then looked strangely at Alvin without speaking ...

Alvin didn't mean to hide, he said with a bitter smile: "There is something I don't like very much, but that's not something we can decide.

Odin definitely loves his country and soldiers. If there are other ways, I believe he will not be so anxious and be so passive.

But after the war, Sol may have to hang out at school ...

Fortunately, he didn't seem to care too much! "

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