Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1395: Supergiants and black dwarfs

Moon "Atiran" ...

"Superstar" was sitting on a chair in the control center, with his arms resting on his head, his feet leaning leisurely on the center console.

She watched the killing of the monsters on the monitor screen with a nervous smile on her face ...

The "superstar" who has been tortured and abused by Maximus for nearly a year now feels extremely happy.

As one of the five black generals under the control of Thanos ...

"Superstar" feels that she is trapped in this terrible place on the moon, and has experienced the unforgettable shame and shame of eternal life. She will never give up without killing the entire "Atiran"!

And if you want to return to Thanos, "Superstar" needs a little bit of merit ...

She knows how much Thanos cares about the backward planet of the earth. If she can get a foothold near the earth, Thanos will be very happy ...

A loud bang ...

The door of the control room was pushed open by violence ...

The body was close to 4 meters, muscles were knotted, and a "black dwarf" with a beastly face came in with blood.

Looking at the flesh hanging on the fangs of the "Black Dwarf", the "Superstar" reluctantly moved his rattled mechanical limbs, stood up and looked at the big man, and said, "Can you converge yourself Appetite?

We keep the parliament and the army of the aliens! "

The "black dwarf" stared at the "superstar" with cold eyes, and said in a sigh, "I went around the ground, I like to hear those screams ..."

"Superstar" frowned and said, "Are you crazy?

I already told you to stay away from Black Maniac Black, he was beyond your imagination.

Forgotten what he taught you? "

The "dwarf star" heard a harsh sneer and said, "Weak people are not worthy of that power ..."

Saying "Black Dwarf" raised his left arm, exposing a large skin-losing wound on the outside of the left arm, saying, "This is a memorial left by that guy ...

I will visit him every day, and I will let him live in fear and suffering!

Every time I kill someone, I feel like he is mourning. I like to watch him look desperate ... "

"Superstar" looked at the "black dwarf" like a neuropath, and said, "How is our Titan beast?

We can't keep here just by those aliens ...

Thanos asked you to assist me, not to let you perform your own stupidity!

If you fool delay me, I will cut out your eyes and feed them into your throat. "

"Dwarf Star" heard a glaring glare of "Superstar", and finally measured the strength of both sides. He unhappyly smashed the door around him through a large hole, and then said in a deep voice: "The petri dish on the spacecraft is now Work hard ...

Twenty Titans have been completed, and the remaining 20 will take a week ... "

Saying "Black Dwarf" fiercely glanced at some strangers who were in a corner to repair a machine. He rubbed his teeth and said unpleasantly, "Why do you use these tricks? We drove the spacecraft directly. Earth……

There are a lot of people there. As long as the aliens start to spawn, the people there can't resist the attacks of aliens and Titan monsters!

The two of us can win the original place. What are you cowardly waiting for?

What can that scrapped conveyor machine do for you? "

"Superstar" stretched out his hand and launched his mind. An invisible stance tightened instantly, lifting the huge "black dwarf" into the air ...

Looking at the fierce face of this big fool, "Superstar" sneered and tightened his mechanical fist slightly ...

The stance of airpower in the air slowly tightened, and the "black dwarf" 's locked body began to make a horrible sound of "clicking" ...

Seeing the expression of begging for mercy in the eyes of the "Black Dwarf", the "Superstar" slammed him in front of himself and said coldly, "Do you know how my limbs were lost?

You idiot just knows kill kill ...

Do you think you can keep here by relying only on the alien and Titan monster you brought? "

Speaking of "Superstar", she seemed to think of a bad meeting. She gritted her teeth and said, "Someone ruined me with only one heavy snowfall. Do you think you can survive the heavy snowfall?"

"Black Dwarf" sneered and said, "So you let these strangers help you fix the delivery machine, you are scared, you want to escape ..."

"Superstar" looked impatiently at the fool in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "The teleporting machine can only send people to the earth ...

If things get to the worst, we will take these viruses and alien eggs to the earth, and I will make that guy pay ...

You idiot doesn't know how terrible the enemy is?

Do you think you are going to face the ‘workers’ who are driving a broken ship?

Those enemies outside, alien troops can deal with them, our enemy is the one who will snow ... "

Looking at the "dwarf star" with a confused expression, the "superstar" helplessly put him down, and then said, "Don't go hunting those underground, and order those aliens to converge a little bit. It's OK to be trapped ...

Those people are now hostages, and with them we won't welcome a terrible snow. "

"Black dwarf" didn't look down on the timidity of "superstar", he said resentfully: "You have lost the courage to fight face to face with that person?

The ebony throat is still saying good things to you cowardly in front of Thanos ...

You coward are dead when your limbs are cut off! "

Saying "black dwarf" looking at a red button on the center console, he said: "We should immediately close the protective cover and kill everyone, and our spaceship will break the debris floating in the universe into pieces ... "

"Superstar" heard again and fiercely pinched the body of "Black Dwarf", and slowly tightened her stance, she said, "No, I have to wait until that person comes over ...

The spaceship is a secret weapon against him, that person can't fly, maybe he will be killed if exposed to the universe.

Now Ronan is still attacking the periphery of the solar system. As long as we can kill that person, the solar system is our hunting ground.

No matter what you want to do, you must wait for me to kill that person!

If you dare to mess up, I will kill you immediately! "

"Black Dwarf" glanced at the teleportation machine being repaired and said, "Then you should kill the skinny king directly, instead of waiting for me to crush him.

After all, that's your cowardly escape ... "

"Superstar" doesn't want to argue with this kind of stupid head with muscles ...

She didn't want to tell him what she had experienced on the moon ...

Maximus is not at all controlled by the mind of the "superstar", otherwise the "superstar" already controls the entire Attilan.

The disaster king destroyed the teleportation machine just before his death, just to give Attilan a possible way of life.

He was worried that the vicious "superstar" would send the virus back to Earth ...

If everything was as he wanted it, all of Attilan would have nowhere to go.

The good-natured Earth people will not accept Attilans who intentionally spread the virus ...

Before he died, Maximus was sober-headed that he always believed that he was saving Attila ...

Although everything didn't work as he thought, the moment he was dying, he was making final plans for the Attilans.

The attitude of the Magic Gun Society gave him a little confidence, allowing him to find his own position at the last moment, firmly destroying the teleportation machine, and then waiting for possible rescue ...

It can be said that if it was not the final decision of Maximus, the earth would be hit hard, and Attilan would be destroyed by the angry Alvin!

Many people have done countless stupid things for a correct belief, and Maximus is one of them!

And some people have done countless good things for a wrong belief, such as those who travel at night!

What Superstars want now is to use all their time to build up power ...

She must guarantee that whenever Alvin appears, she will be besieged by countless aliens and Titan beasts, and the "hostages" underground will limit Alvin's snowstorm.

Finally, even in the worst case, she can close the protective cover, let everything be exposed to the universe, and use advanced spacecraft and monsters that can fight in the universe to kill Alvin ...

There are limits to powerful warriors or mages ...

Facing the siege of monsters and spaceships in a strange environment, unless Alvin's past battles were just fun, otherwise the "superstar" felt that he had no reason to not win!

Unfortunately, "Superstar" did not know how Alvin went to the universe to kill Ronan, otherwise she should have made other plans.

The confrontation and head-to-head confrontation between the two armies is not a big threat to Alvin ...

The only thing that allowed him to converge was the civilians underground ...

"Superstar" only saw a little, so her failure was almost doomed. The only problem was how much she could let Alvin or Attila pay ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ put down a look of resentment "Black dwarf", "Superstar" Shen Sheng said: "Hide all the Titan monsters and find a place nearby ...

There is another spaceship outside, they will definitely try to attack Attilan, you are responsible for leading the alien army to deal with them ...

Remember not to kill those Attilans, they are your shields, otherwise it would be troublesome for us if the Black Batman went crazy. "


Soon after the arrangement of "Superstar" was completed, a small landing craft of the marksman approached the periphery of Attilan ...

In Attilan Palace, a space door opened and a figure emerged, and then the space door was quickly dissipated ...

Alvin, wearing a ski mask, sneaked into a corner in sneaky cloth.

Then a whistle sounded, and several strange soldiers standing guard were instantly penetrated by Feijian cave ...

"I came in. When I find the location of the control room, you are launching an attack ..."