Druid of Marvel

Chapter 913: Arrival in Jurassic

The air of the Jurassic World in the early morning seemed unusually fresh, and the wet sea breeze swept across the flat park.

Although it is early morning, there are scattered tourists in the recreation area of ​​the Jurassic World Theme Hotel.

The temperature near Java is high, the humidity is extremely high, and the sun is very full. Most tourists are happy to go to the beach at this time.

After enjoying the sea breeze, wait until the sun is fully out, and return to the hotel for a fine breakfast before planning your day.

At present, more than a thousand tourists in the Jurassic World are invited to experience it, and their opinions will determine the future direction of the world of this theme.

Claire stood on the hotel's top apron, and before the guests arrived, she walked to the edge of the top floor, holding a fence overlooking Jurassic World's main island number one.

A huge theme park occupies a large area of ​​land, where all projects are related to dinosaurs, from roller coasters to carousels, from jumping machines to dinosaur castles for children.

In addition, Jurassic Park pioneered the development of a small, mild-mannered herbivorous dinosaur in the park, and they will have the closest interaction with those who come to play.

The island is surrounded by water on the edge of the island, where a huge maritime performance center stands. It is the most advanced lift-up observation platform.

Visitors can see the shocking Canglong eating performance there, and then the observation platform will sink below the sea level, and visitors can see the terrible posture of Canglong on the sea floor through the transparent glass curtain wall.

The other large herbivorous dinosaurs were partitioned and arranged in several different areas on Island One.

To see them up close, you need to take various project traffic in the park, such as: balance car, cable car, jeep, and so on.

As for the big, fierce carnivorous dinosaurs.

The project department of Jurassic World has prepared luxurious "suites" for them near the park. They serve delicious and delicious dishes every day, so that they can warmly welcome the tourists who come to watch.

Claire has devoted more than five years of hard work here. For this project, Claire's only official appointment in the past five years was three months ago.

She was attacked by a frightened swollen dragon while inspecting the park project. If it wasn't for Irving Grady who had driven away each other with a few small raptors, she might be in danger of injury, so ...

Squinting and listening to the looming laughter in the park, Claire smiled contentedly.

This is the highest achievement that she can achieve in her imagination. She has squandered more than $ 50 billion in funds in five years, which has resulted in a grander than the unlucky "Jurassic Park" of the past. "Jurassic World"!

Taking a look at Sarah, the young female assistant standing next to her with a briefcase, Claire said with a smile: "Is the hotel's presidential suite ready? Our guests are coming soon, and I hope they can go to the room as soon as possible Rest awhile……"

Female assistant Sarah nodded with a smile and said, "The three presidential suites and all the deluxe rooms on the top floor of the hotel have been cleaned."

As Sarah squeezed her eyes at Claire, she said with a smile, "The housekeeper's position is already vacant, and I'm waiting for you to go to work.

That's Tony Stark and Norman Osborne. If you can do something with any of them, you can get rid of that rotten Owen Grady all day.

Oh, and that Mr. Tomahawk in Manhattan, although he doesn't seem to be rich ...

Claire, you can't take someone like Owen Grady just because you can't find your boyfriend ... "

Claire didn't pay attention to assistant Sarah's full-hearted encouragement. She smiled and shook her head, saying: "Sara, you use your mentality to reach the rich, then you will never get their favor.

And I love this career now, this is where I realize the value of life. "

Speaking with Claire frowning and thinking, he said, "Owen is not bad. In addition to not loving cleanliness, rude behavior, bad habits ...

Well, he is charming ... "

Sharon shrugged and said, "Well, I hope you can forget his shortcomings. In this unlucky place, he really does.

At least he was better than the 35-year-old who was wearing a child T 桖 and had a dinosaur toy on his desk ... "

As Sarah looked at Claire's face, she whispered a little indifferently: "Owen's body size is not bad. He should please you, right?"

Claire bit her corner of her mouth to prevent her smile from being exposed to her gossip female assistant. She glanced at her watch and said, "Time should be around, why hasn't the helicopter arrived yet?"

Female assistant Sarah didn't get the answer she wanted. She frowned a little and said, "I was informed at 8 o'clock, maybe they were delayed in the sky, maybe they wanted to see the sea more ...

It is said that the first arrival of Stark Group's CEO Pepper Poz, I don't think you need to be too grand.

When Tony Stark arrived in the afternoon, it was something you should do. "

Claire glanced at her cute assistant who was almost 30 years old and stupid. She didn't explain anything to her. At least from the perspective of her current working ability, she was still a qualified assistant, which was enough. !!

Just as Claire took another look at the time and was about to re-call but recognize it, a very sci-fi-shaped plane suddenly appeared over the hotel.

A light circle, this seemingly advanced aircraft landed vertically on the helipad on the top floor of the hotel.

The almost silent landing method was stunned, and she was quite knowledgeable. She asked herself if she had seen a lot of rich stars. Now there are many in the park, but she is really the first person to have such a plane. See you soon.

It wasn't until the plane's cabin opened that Claire responded that the guests waiting for her had arrived.

Pepper was wearing a plain dress, and Harry in a small suit walked off the plane.

Fox and Shirley were similarly dressed as Pepper, and they each got off a plane with a handbag they couldn't hold.

Wearing a flying jacket with a sao bag, the bodyguard Happi, who had flying glasses on his head, diligently got out of the plane carrying a 29-inch suitcase from the cabin.

Glancing from side to side, Happi shoved the suitcase into Sarah's hand, saying, "Send the luggage to the room ..."

Speaking of the stunned Sarah's reply, Happi trot up to Pepper's side and said, "Miss Poz, I'm rushing back to New York, and Afghanistan needs me to deliver a supply of supplies.

That gang of soldiers is too wasteful ... "

Pepper nodded with a smile and said, "Go ahead, Afghanistan is Tony's knot!

It's just a little hard for you ... "

After hearing a somewhat funny military salute, Harpy smiled and said, "Who made me the only licensed pilot in the Avengers?

I love this job and he has increased my quality of life by 50%.

The girls love me, haha ​​... "

Talking that Happy bumped his fist and smiled and squeezed his eyes, he turned and trot on the plane.

A bit difficult to squeeze his fat body into the cockpit, Harpy waved at several women, and then launched the plane to take off ...

Claire watched the plane just shake it slightly, then rose vertically into the sky, and then a light blue flame spewed from the tail after it stabilized.

As the plane accelerated, it almost hit a semi-circular sound barrier in the nose almost instantly, and then quickly left people's sight with a huge roar.

Pepper waved in front of Claire, who was a little lost, and said with a smile, "Hello, this is Pepper Poz. You should be Miss Claire, aren't you?"

Claire smiled awkwardly, nodded to Pepper, and said, "Yes, I'm Claire ..."

Talking to Claire, she greeted Fox and Shirley with a smile, then she looked at the little Harry next to Pepper, took a dinosaur toy from the female assistant's hand, and gave it to him with a smile. : "You must be Harriet, nice to meet you.

We have prepared a special surprise for you, but we will not give it to you in the afternoon. I hope you will like it. "

Harry's mood wasn't too high. He glanced at Claire, shook his head a little shyly, and whispered, "Thank you! No need ..."

Claire didn't care about Harry's emotions, and the information showed that he was the adopted son of the big-bellied Miss Booz in front of him. In Claire's eyes, no matter what kind of child, he is the luckiest ...

Watching Pepper pat on Harry's shoulder comfortably, Claire extended his hand sideways to invite and smiled and said, "Then let me take you to the room to rest first, and the long flight should let you very tired.

Mr. Maslani prepared lunch for you in the hotel's French restaurant. I can introduce you to the Jurassic World in detail at that time.

One more thing, your plane is really great! "

Pepper looked back at the smiling Fox. She followed Claire to the elevator and said, "Actually it was the plane of Miss Fox's house. I haven't introduced it yet. She is the fiancee of the principal Alvin ... "

Talking to Pepper, Shirley glanced at her indifferent, she said with a smile: "This is Frank's fiancee, director of the community school corrections department ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ They are all my good friends!"

Claire, who was leading the way, gave a stun and then wished to slap herself.

She was notified to receive Pepper Poz and her adoptive son, so she regarded Fox and Shirley as irrelevant characters. As a result, she was shocked by the sci-fi plane first, and then she seemed to forget it. Two glamorous women.

Clare would never admit that she was a bit jealous of the beautiful Fox and Shirley. The kind of style on them, Claire felt that he would never learn.

Looking back awkwardly at the very easy-going Fox and Shirley, Claire smiled awkwardly, and then when he wanted to speak, Fox waved his hand with a smile and said, "Don't mind, Harry's mood Not so good, so we didn't show much enthusiasm ... "

Fox's sense of reason made Claire even more embarrassed. When she just wanted to say something, her phone call with Pepper suddenly rang.

Claire gestured apologetically, and then stepped aside to answer the phone, "Claire, you better come and see, something big is approaching us quickly ..."

Pepper glanced at the phone and was surprised. As soon as I wanted to talk, I heard Stark's voice inside, "Dear, come to this marina in the Jurassic world, I will give you and Harry Come as a surprise, haha ​​... "

Looking at Claire with a strange look on the phone, Pepper smiled and said, "Don't worry, it should be Tony. They are coming ..."

Talking to Pepper who took a glance at Harriet who finally smiled, she said with a smile: "Let's go to the dock, Nick and they will be here soon. You should think they are right?

And Tony said he prepared a surprise for you, you should check it out the first time ... "