Druid of Marvel

Chapter 987: Everyone is human

Alvin listened to several researchers for a long time in the marine laboratory of the Jurassic World, and then came to the laboratory in a foggy place to fix sharks to facilitate brain fluid extraction.

Shark expert Carter Black is preparing a sea mount for a few kids, and Frank and Alvin will act as drivers and play with a few kids at sea.

Looking at Alvin's bewildered face, Carter Black greeted him with a smile and said, "It looks like Mr. Tomahawk has been stumped?"

Alvin dragged Nick, who pulled his nano-prosthetic limb into the sea to try to catch something, and made a fierce expression at the little Ginny shaking her short legs trying to imitate, and this was against Carter. Black said, "You definitely don't believe it, I just want to ask about the progress of the laboratory ...

As a result, those people spoke for half an hour, and I only understood the phrase 'lack of funds'.

Those people always talk like that? How did they live in society to this day? "

Carter Black tightened the saddle on the shark's back and said with a smile: "They only do this when they are short of money. They need to use some sounding words to make you feel unpredictable, and then they will ask for additional investment. .

This is the usual trick of this group of researchers, but unfortunately they don't understand that they can only cover up some laymen.

This is why they are researchers instead of Norman? Osborne. "

Saying that Carter Black took an Alvin-familiar phone out of his black wetsuit pocket and said with a smile, "This is the meaning of science. It is simpler, smarter and closer to life.

Only the things that ordinary people like and cannot do without are the things that make a lot of money. "

Alvin was a little excited and took the straight touch screen from Carter Black in the hands of the phone. He smiled and fiddled with it twice and said, "Yes, what is useful to us is valuable ... ... "

Saying Alvin returned this estimated first-generation smartphone to Carter Black, and said with a smile, "Where did you come from? This is a good thing, but unfortunately there is too little software ..."

Carter Black shook his mobile phone in his hand and said with a smile, "This is the first batch of Osborne Group supplies. It is said that this is the first smartphone produced by the Stark Group.

They call it 'Battle Axe I' ... "

Speaking of Carter Black, he looked at Alvin with a smile and said, "Name this cross-generation product with his friend's nickname ...

It looks like your relationship with Mr. Tony Stark is better than outside rumors! "

Alvin raised his eyebrows proudly and said with a smile: "I think you are a bit misunderstood.

Actually, this smart phone was designed and produced by me, so it's no problem to call it "Battle Axe".

Dude, I ’m actually a scientist, ‘practical scientist’ ... ”

Just as Alvin was talking, Stark came over from a distance and waved at them.

Alvin could see that Stark had something to do with himself. He waved to a few already anxious children and said, "Go, remember not to get yourself into the sea."

With Alvin Frank and Carter Black spreading their hands, he smiled and said, "It looks like Stark has something to do with me. You guys help look at a few children ..."

Nikla, who could not hold back, took Ginny first to jump onto the back of a megalodon. He skillfully tied Ginny and himself with a safety rope, and then provoked them to Mindy on the shore. Said: "Come and see who is the true king of the sea.

Come and eat the boss's fart, oh, maybe you ca n’t even eat fart ... "

Mindy snorted and shouted at Nick with his thumb up: "Wait, you are dead ..."

Talking about Mindy's good temper, Alita jumped on the back of another Megalodon with her.

Richard turned and glanced at Harry, who was two heads shorter than himself. He smiled and spread his hands. "Dude, it looks like you have no choice ..."

Saying that Richard laughed and pulled Harry back onto the back of the last shark, then shouted at Nick: "Nick, the big talker usually eats his own fart, you will lose, I will It looks good to you ... "

Watching six children yelling out of the "quay" and sharking up, Carter Black looked at the empty "quay". He shook his head with a smile at Frank and said, "It looks like" nanny "only There can be one ... "

Speaking of Carter Black squatting down on the iron passage, he beat rhythmically a few times, and then ten seconds later, his more spiritual megalodon slowly moved from the bottom of the sea like a submarine. It came out, and hit the sea channel on the side a little impatiently ...


Alvin sat in a chair with a test report in his hand and looked at it for a long time. He looked at Stark a little bit unclearly and said, "What is the report of air and water pollution?"

Stark snatched the report in Alvin's hand, and said a little uncomfortably, "May I give you a detailed explanation? Mr. Principal?"

Alvin waved his hands indifferently and said with a smile: "To make a long story short, try to use human language ..."

Stark raised a **** towards Alvin, and then said, "Jarves has detected an element that has never appeared in the earth's atmosphere.

A weird explosion took place in the Socovia vampire treasure three days ago. The 'church' copied all the combat video at that time and the materials captured from the Baroque Strak castle to the Avengers. Headquarters. "

As Stark opened the laser projection on the bracelet, the explosion that occurred in the mountains of Socovia at that time was completely restored.

Looking at the blue fumes of volcano eruption, Alvin said a little surprised: "What do those vampires bury in their ancestors' grave?"

Stark glanced at the laser-projected screen with a dignified expression, and the contents of a complex file appeared in the air.

Looking at Alvin's shit-like expression, Stark rolled his eyes and said, "This is the information obtained from Baron Strak Castle.

The transformation of the psionicist requires something called a Terrygen crystal, which, according to Prince Asgard, named Rocky, was a special source of energy used by Crees in the early days to experiment with biological weapons. .

Oh, one more thing, the prince named Rocky also created 5 powerful psionics for Baron Strak, but he used his golden spear ...

According to my preliminary experimental calculations, the special waves radiated from the Terry root crystal can excite the earliest special genes in the experimental human body, thereby causing changes in people.

But this change is uncontrollable ... "

Saying that Stark controlled the projection and switched to one monitoring screen after another, there were some weird guys creating damage.

Looking at those guys with different abilities and strange looks, Stark said with a smile: "This is the phantom conflict that has erupted around the world in the past two days.

They are not strong, or those who are strong do not expose themselves.

According to the research of Baron Strake and my own guess, the mutated group of humans must have the biological weapons gene planted by the Cree ... "

After listening to it, Alvin spread his hands, and said with a smile, "So, there will be a large number of abilities on the planet in the future?"

Stark sighed and said, "No, there are not many such people with special genes, and after so many generations, most of them cannot be activated.

In other words, the amount of Terry root particles in the atmosphere is not enough to activate those special genes. "

Alvin looked at Stark, who seemed particularly anxious, with a smile, and said, "So what? What are you worried about?"

Stark listened for a moment and said, "You should have received the news. Hell's Kitchen has been attacked. When some people become powerful, they will become unstable factors ..."

Alvin listened, waved his hand to stop Stark's next words, and then said, "That's the problem ...

If you think they are no longer human, they will become a problem!

If you think they are human, what are you worried about?

Violence attracts violence, blood attracts blood, Hell's Kitchen can digest the problems caused by these changes caused by its own characteristics ...

If **** kitchens are all right, why not anywhere else? "

Speaking of Alvin for a moment, he sighed softly, and then said, "Man, you are not a politician, and it is not your responsibility to respond after considering this change. TV updates are the fastest //

You can blame or even kill those people after they make mistakes, but you shouldn't deny their legitimacy.

They mutated, then what? Are they guilty? "

Alvin can understand the cause of Stark's anxiety. He is worried that ordinary people and even villains suddenly gain strength and then become unstable factors. Ordinary people and true villains, even without power, they are unstable factors.

Maybe it's because of some emotional problems, maybe because of unfair treatment, maybe because of childhood shadows, or just because I want to kill someone ...

Alvin himself is a special person, and so is Ginny. Many people around him are different, but he doesn't find any one who has abnormal ideas ...

Stark's anxiety originated from being an ordinary person. He looked at the newly emerged abilities from the perspective of an ordinary person, and his position would be a little biased.

Stark looked at Alvin with a relaxed expression, and said a little strangely: "So you think there is no problem? Including the death of a few people in Hell's Kitchen the day before yesterday, Anton and Zach were injured!"

Alvin laughed and waved his hand, saying, "The hurting guy has paid the price!

Am I going to kill those abilities because Anton and Zach are injured?

Man, one week ago a psionicist helped us solve the SHIELD problem and he avoided an overkill.

Then he is also unstable? "

Speaking of Stark looking at Stark in thought, he said sincerely: "As long as we still recognize them as 'people', as long as the law is still valid for them, what's the problem?

Treating them as aliens will cause problems! "


I don't know why this chapter says that the function has been turned off. This chapter that has lost a book friend says that it always feels like something is missing!

In the last three days, two to six thousand characters have been used, and the crutches can be adjusted quickly.

After all, it's a holiday! Everyone knows ...

Finally ask for monthly tickets! Ask for a monthly pass!

The moon is also doubled, and everyone still supports crutches!

Thank you! thanksgiving!