Duel Monsters of Global Cards

v2 Chapter 523: Pyramid of Souls

The entire Diku fell into a continuous silence.

Even if Lin You's meritorious deeds have been settled, not only those raw materials and potions, but also some card spirits, especially the card spirits burst out by the warlock witch.

But these, in front of the previous two huge contributions, seem insignificant.

What about the warlock witch?

Even the royal city was looted by you, let alone individual witches!

Everyone reminisces about the scene just now, and is particularly engrossed.

Gu Shenyan seemed to be surprised for a while, before he woke up, his eyes fell on Lin You, "This is the creativity of a true genius, like a synonym for incredible, this time I have learned it."

"Do you understand now?"

Huang Junwei held his head high and proudly said: "The so-called results of the battle also have gaps. Only after seeing the vastness of the world can we understand our own insignificance."

Although Gu Shenyan's praise just now was not for himself, but if he can't find fault with this poisonous guy, it's like a serious blow to his prestige!


Gu Shenyan smiled, stepped forward, and pushed Huang Junwei away who was still looking complacent, "After showing off his booty, it's time to go back to rest as soon as possible. Remember to drink a glass of milk before going to bed, and you will have sweet dreams."

Huang Junwei was stunned for a moment, and quickly said angrily: "Young master, my son, I have been on the battlefield for a long time, and I have gone through hundreds of battles. The number of secret realms I have entered is far more than yours. After all, you are only a few years older than me." That's all."

Lin You laughed heartily, Brother Huang is really easy to get anxious with this guy!

Gu Shenyan said with a faint smile: "Soldiers are all expensive and elite, and quality is naturally king when entering the secret realm. I can't wait to write all the secret realms that make small troubles on my life history. As a model of failure, Ah Huang, I have to say, you are quite successful!"

"Gu Shenyan!"

Huang Junwei, who lost another city with a mouthful, glared at the other party angrily, but couldn't say anything superfluous.

I had to stare at the Vientiane crystal ball again.

Let me see what kind of spoils you can come up with. Killing a koala master is so arrogant?

Compared with looting the Demon Queen's City, isn't that nothing but a big witch?

While Huang Junwei was waiting for the opportunity to organize a counterattack, Gu Shenyan's duel disk had been taken out, the light was shining, and an extremely eye-catching card soul emerged first.

As soon as Ka Hun emerged, a ferocious aura was released, as if to overturn everyone to the ground.

There is no doubt that it is the card soul to which the koala master belongs.

Seeing this stuck soul, everyone who had been numb for a long time, their moods fluctuated again involuntarily.

The koala lord who caused many duelists a headache... was really slaughtered just like that!

Just thinking of this, suddenly, everyone noticed that the moment after taking out the card soul belonging to the koala master, more and more card souls appeared all at once.

The number of stuck souls has exceeded 20.

More important than the quantity is that each of these stuck souls clearly emits some energy.

Judging from the intensity of that energy, these are all Venus-level card spirits!

Among them, there is also a Venus 2-level card soul!

The Vientiane crystal ball rotated rapidly, and soon showed an astonishing merit value—71200 points!

"It's a bit worse..."

Gu Shenyan smiled, and turned to look at Huang Junwei, "Congratulations, Ah Huang, you won. Although there are still some miscellaneous things, the value is too low, and it seems a bit embarrassing to take them out."

"You bastard..."

Huang Junwei stared at the numbers on the Vientiane crystal ball, with sweat dripping from his forehead, he pretended to be calm and said, "Just admit defeat if you know it."

That being said, there are already ten thousand question marks in my mind.

What the **** is going on with this guy?

More than 20 card souls... Are these really harvested from the Koala Secret Realm?

If so, what did he do?

Can one person kill all the Venus monsters in the Xiongwang Domain? !

Even though they haven't seen each other for many years, Huang Junwei still thinks he has a clear understanding of Gu Shenyan's current strength.

So when Gu Shenyan said that he had killed the koala master, he was not surprised at all.

The other party has this ability!

Just because he has the ability to kill the koala master doesn't mean that after the other party has killed the koala master, he still has the strength to fight against a large number of Venus monsters, and even slaughter them all!

More importantly, given the special situation of the Bear King Domain, when the koala master appears, he must be accompanied by at least several Venus forces, including the Venus 2-origin monster.

And judging from Gu Shenyan's harvest, he is likely to be able to handle those monsters at the same time with ease!

This level of strength is already somewhat unfathomable!


It doesn't make sense!

Since Gu Shenyan is still able to set foot in the Koala Secret Realm, it means that he has not achieved a legend and obtained the proof of a legend.

For this, Huang Junwei is not surprised, he knows what the other party is waiting for.

With Gu Shenyan's personality, if you want to do it, you must do it perfectly!

In the certification of the legendary position, even the slightest flaw is not allowed.

For this reason, it is not hesitating to spend a few years to settle it!

Without the evidence of legend, no matter what, Gu Shenyan's strength will not form a qualitative leap.

Huang Junwei suddenly said in a muffled voice: "Gu Shenyan, you have invited some good helpers for this trip."

But Gu Shenyan seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and smiled without saying a word.

With that smile, Huang Junwei looked a little awkward, but he immediately understood that the other party was definitely acting alone.

I felt a little depressed all of a sudden.

This guy, acting alone, in the end, the spoils he reaped are not much inferior to his own?

No, this guy is obviously shameless!

It even gave the koala secret realm a pot!

Do you understand sustainable development and renewable support?

How will other duelists who set foot in the Koala Mystery Realm benefit from doing such a deed of fishing?

After cursing in his heart, Huang Junwei calmed down a little.

And if he is like this, it is self-evident what those duelists who don't know Gu Shenyan should think about it.

Today, they don't seem to be master-level powerhouses, but turned into ignorant children.

Little hearts, big shocks!

It was supposed to be a joyous day to come over to estimate the price, but inexplicably, it encountered these shocks one after another.

The meritorious deeds they earned at hand seemed to have become tasteless.

Who are we to provoke?

Ignoring everyone's shock and completing the valuation, Gu Shenyan suddenly said: "How about you two, go to the fourth floor to chat?"

"I don't think it's necessary to catch up with you."

Huang Junwei snorted coldly, then looked at Lin You, "But Lin You, if you want to go, I don't mind accompanying you for a while, this guy may have some useful information for you, but in order to prevent you from being fooled , I have to keep an eye on it."

Lin You couldn't help but smiled knowingly, "Let's go, but I don't know much about the Duelist Headquarters, so I don't know what you mean by the fourth floor?"

"You'll know when you go, you'll be interested."

Gu Shenyan didn't explain too much, and just led the way.

And the three of them left in a hurry under the worshipful eyes of many duelists.

The fourth floor of the imperial capital.

With the help of the internal teleportation array, the three of them quickly reached the fourth floor.

And entering the fourth floor, what greeted the eyes was a wide main street.

There is no traffic on the street, and all kinds of shops, large and small, are open on both sides of the street.

Among them, many uniform signboards can be seen. From these signboards, the most common ones are coffee shops and teahouses.

On the street, only a few figures could be seen, and these people soon entered the shops on the street.

Gu Shenyan, who took the lead to walk in front, introduced: "The fourth floor of the imperial capital, also known as the self-service floor, all the shops here are open and serve independently, and are provided for free to the duelists who come here. With the role of these shops, we The natural dialogue inside will be no different from the high-level magical sound transmission."

Lin You nodded slightly, this is indeed a good place to talk about things.

However, what is it that needs to be specially explained here?

Lin You was vaguely aware that he remembered certain key words from the previous conversation between Gu Shenyan and Huang Junwei.

Candidates, positions, and awakening!

From the analysis of these keywords, it is easy to think of something extraordinary.

Lin You was also very interested in this.

And soon, the three of them randomly walked into a nearby teahouse.

As Gu Shenyan said, the self-service is adopted here, and a few people just entered the door, and a force instantly acted on them.

The next moment, that power brought them to an elegant tea table.

On the tea table, three cups of tea with a special smoky aroma appeared.

Lin You glanced at the tea water in surprise. There seemed to be some special ingredient in the tea water, which had the effect of promoting the circulation of magic power.

There is no need to drink, just smelling the aroma of tea has already played a role.

Regarding this, Gu Shenyan did not elaborate, but cut straight to the point: "On December 6th of this year, Ah Huang, the bones have been relaxed for so long, but it is not possible to forget such an important day, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, laxity is not my choice. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Huang Junwei said impatiently: "If it wasn't for the breaking of the ban, I would have already turned the world upside down in all the secret realms, and it's your turn to seize the opportunity today?"

Then, thinking of something, he turned to look at Lin You, "Lin You, there is indeed an important event on December 6th this year, and it is probably the same for the entire dueling world."

Combining the associations already in his mind, Lin You is not surprised. After all, if the conjecture is true, the threshold for participating in this so-called big event is too high!

At this moment, he also quickly asked: "So, what is the big event that affects the entire dueling world?"

Huang Junwei took a sip of his tea, and was about to speak, but Gu Shenyan said beforehand: "The Pyramid of Soul, a landmark building that only opens once in ten years in the Pyramid Kingdom, and this year..."


Huang Junwei glared at Gu Shenyan viciously, and quickly took over the words, "This year will be the tenth opening of the Pyramid of the Soul. At this special time of a hundred years, some unexpected changes are likely to occur, so its attention, It’s bound to go to the next level.”


Lin You was slightly taken aback, and said in amazement: "Doesn't this mean that the Pyramid of Souls already existed and even opened up when humans discovered the secret realm?"


The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading website: