Duel Monsters of Global Cards

v2 Chapter 526: Master, Grand Master!

Jiangcheng University.

Black Source Laboratory.

In the past, Heiyuan, who had always been immersed in his own experiments and turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window, had already started working early this morning.

The content of the busy work was to comprehensively tidy up the originally messy laboratory, and specially use spiritual power to remove even a trace of dust from every corner to achieve a spotless appearance.

The most bizarre thing is that on a certain experimental table, there are already teapots and tea sets, and there are several bags of fine tea beside them.

If Lin You saw it, he would probably seriously suspect something.

The teacher has been dropped!

Hei Yuan, who has always only drank coffee and even had some disdain for tea drinkers, has prepared a series of tea ceremony-related things.

If this wasn't a swap, could it be possible that he had to change his family?

At this moment, after finishing all the work, Heiyuan still had a little nervousness and restraint in his eyes, and he began to pace back and forth in the laboratory, checking the time from time to time.

After a while, Heiyuan seemed to sense something and quickly opened the door of the laboratory.

At the same time, he walked out quickly to greet him.

"Xiao Hei, you're fine..."

A kind voice directly reached the ears of Heiyuan who was greeting him.

What caught Heiyuan's eyes was the chief psychic of Jiangcheng Association, Wang Xian!

"Master is here, but my disciples are far away to welcome me. I hope Master will forgive me."

Heiyuan lowered his body and looked respectful.

"Xiao Hei, it's still the same as before, but in front of me, there is no need to be too rigid in these etiquette."

Wang Xian said with a smile: "Just like your precious apprentice, he is very smart, and I get along very happily with him."

Heiyuan nodded and said: "Xiaoyou has always been quick in thinking, but he lacks etiquette in front of the master. I'm afraid my disciples will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Haha, Xiao Hei, from your description, I seem to have become some wild beast, ready to eat people at any time!"

"My disciples don't dare."

Wang Xian smiled happily, while Hei Yuan remained cautious and lowered his head.

I am still thinking in my heart, why did Master come here specially today?

With his old man's personality, he would definitely not make a special trip here unless it was a big deal.

However, Heiyuan could vaguely guess something.

The master's visit this time was definitely not for himself. It probably had something to do with Xiaoyou.

With his master's eyes, he could naturally tell what a unique talent Xiaoyou was, otherwise he would not have given him something as precious as the Daoyuan Pearl as a gift when they first met.

"Master, please take a seat, my disciple will pour you tea right now."

While guessing, Heiyuan did not forget to arrange for Wang Xian to sit down, and poured tea for him quickly.

"Thank you, Xiao Hei, please sit down quickly."

Wang Xian took the tea cup and waved, and Hei Yuan immediately sat down obediently.

Taking a sip of tea, Wang Xian said: "Xiao Hei, I came here this time to tell you something important, and this matter is closely related to your precious apprentice."

Sure enough!

Heiyuan had already guessed this possibility, but he was also curious in his heart. He didn't know the specific reason, so he immediately put on a posture of listening carefully.

Soon, Wang Xian said again: "The once-a-decade Soul Pyramid of the Golden Tower Kingdom is about to be opened, and this year will be the 100th year since its opening. You should have heard about this, right?"

Heiyuan nodded, "My disciple knows that the Soul Pyramid is very helpful in shaping the legendary evidence. If you are qualified, no matter who you are, I am afraid that you will not let go of this wonderful opportunity easily."

After saying this, shock suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but say: "Master, could it be that he wants to say that Xiaoyou has a chance to catch up with this year's Soul Pyramid?"

This was something he had never thought of!

After all, no matter how good the Soul Pyramid is, the standards for qualified people are set too high.

Needless to say, the awakening of the elves, in addition, the three-star master level is also a condition that cannot be ignored.

For Lin You, Master Three Stars is actually not an obstacle.

Heiyuan can be sure of this!

Asking whether Lin You can become a master three-star duelist is like asking who is the strongest dueling nation in the human world today.

What really hinders Lin You is time!

It’s called youth!

He is still too young now, but he could be twenty years old.

At this age, he doesn't have enough time to meet those so-called challenges!

When those challenges were truly placed in front of him, there was only one result... that was to be easily overcome!

This is what Heiyuan firmly believes in!

But now, Master has come here specifically to mention this matter. Is there a way to get Xiaoyou to participate in an unusual way?

"It's not about having a chance, it's about being able to catch up!"

Wang Xian smiled, then felt something was wrong, and corrected: "No, maybe there is no need to rush. I think Master Three Stars is not a difficult thing for him."


Heiyuan was confused. He really couldn't understand what his master was saying.

Naturally, Heiyuan knew very well how talented his apprentice was, but he also knew that Lin You's current situation should be just after he completed his master-level breakthrough.

This hasn’t been long yet!

Why are you suddenly associated with Master Sanxing?

But then, Heiyuan figured out something and said in great surprise: "Can it be said that after seeing his talent, the headquarters decided to sponsor him with a large amount of duel meritorious service. If he has enough duel meritorious service, Master Sanxing will win against Xiaoyou." It’s really not a hindrance at all!”

No matter how you think about it, this is the only possibility!

Although according to common sense, no matter how talented the duelist is, the headquarters will not give away meritorious service outside the rules, especially such huge meritorious service.

That will cause the so-called fairness to completely fall in front of the talent gap.

Geniuses don't even need to work hard or fight, all resources are sent to them as a matter of convention.

Even to a certain extent, this is exactly the most efficient use of resources.

But for the sake of efficiency, simply and crudely tearing down rules and standards, even if it is packaged as "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", whether it will bring hope or destruction in the end will be unknown.

Therefore, no matter how talented you are, generally speaking, you still need to create corresponding value in order to obtain matching resources.

However, special situations deserve special treatment, and Heiyuan doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

Especially Lin You!

He is definitely qualified to enjoy all this, and he is expected to become a pillar of the human world!

Heiyuan believes so.

However, Wang Xian smiled, "You don't seem confident enough in your precious apprentice."

"...I forgive my disciple Sun for being stupid, but I wonder what the master means by this?"

Heiyuan was confused after hearing this. He was not confident enough in Xiaoyou?

What a joke!

I almost have no confidence in him, okay?

To be exaggerated, even if someone tells me that Xiaoyou has the potential to become a duel king in the future, I may not accept this concept!

Of course, being called the Duel King is a bit exaggerated, but if Xiaoyou is given enough growth time, he can really become the Duel King's right-hand man and become the number one figure in the duel world!

On this point, Heiyuan is still firmly convinced!

That is to say, the person in front of me is my master, and he is highly respected. If it were another person, I would have to argue with him.

No, why are you arguing? Just start scolding!

He was still thinking in his mind, but he heard Wang Xian slowly say: "He has already earned enough resources without the help of the headquarters. Everything he has is based on his own ability. It is really amazing. Little friend Lin You!”

Earn enough?

Heiyuan was dumbfounded again.

They all directly ignored the "little friend Lin You" who was of mixed generation, but did not understand at all why Lin You suddenly earned enough resources.

How much does this earn enough?

It refers to the resources required to advance from Master One Star to Master Three Stars?

I'm afraid even with Lin You's talent, he can't do it even if he doesn't have tens of thousands of meritorious deeds, right?

But with tens of thousands of meritorious deeds, could Lin You really earn it in a short time with his current strength?

A series of doubts rose and fell in his heart. Apparently seeing through the fluctuations in his mind, Wang Xian said warmly: "So, you still underestimated your precious apprentice after all. The people at the headquarters conveyed some news to me. Lin You Xiaoyou has recently Teaming up with Mr. Fang's apprentice, they entered a secret realm of witchcraft, ransacked their royal city, and killed the sorcerers and witches among the four great witches. In the end, the two of them earned a total of nearly 160,000 merits."

Loot the Demon Queen City!

Kill the warlocks and witches!

Nearly 160,000 merit income!

One message after another, like thunder, exploded in Heiyuan's mind.

Even with his understanding of Lin You, he still felt a little confused when he learned this.

After a while, after he was able to digest the information, Heiyuan's cheeks twitched unnaturally twice.

Is this kid... still a human?

No, you are no longer a human being, you are becoming less and less a human being!

Heiyuan roared twice as if his heart was venting, and Heiyuan just managed to calm down.

I have no choice but to vent.

I am his master, and it is not as simple as it sounds!

But how can any master be almost surpassed and almost worthless when his apprentice is twenty years old?

They all say that this lab treasure of mine is priceless!

But really?

It is said that Lin You can easily pack up all the merits he earned this time and take them away!

And this is half of my life savings!

Not to mention the financial resources, but the combat power...there is no need to mention it!

Dueling was Lin You's specialty.

I was captured a long time ago!

The only thing left is the psychic skills and level.

But for some reason, Heiyuan had a very strong premonition.

This last fig leaf of mine will be ripped away by Lin You before too long!

Thinking of this, Heiyuan looked sad.

It feels like life has suddenly become so miserable!

Although it is said that the blue is better than the blue, and it is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, but how can the waves in front be beaten on the beach so quickly by the waves behind!

After feeling sad for a while, joy could not be concealed and welled up on his cheeks. Heiyuan said with great excitement: "Then, Xiaoyou will be qualified to enter the Soul Pyramid!"

Simply inspiring!

A twenty-year-old young man is about to enter the soul pyramid!

This is so shocking!

Of course, the most important thing is that the Soul Pyramid is really beneficial to Lin You's growth.

Although with China's historical heritage and resource base, even without relying on the Soul Pyramid, there is still a way for duelists to complete the creation of their own legendary certificates in an excellent way.

But no matter what, the Soul Pyramid is also one of the most recognized methods in the duel world!

Otherwise, how could such high preset conditions attract talented duelists from all over the world to come?

What's more, this year's opening has also given it a century-old significance!

As for the Soul Pyramid, as a powerful psychic, even if Heiyuan is destined to miss the opportunity to participate, he still does not forget to pay attention to some news.

Therefore, those gossips also reached his ears.

He knew that the soul fluctuations released by this year's Soul Pyramid were stronger than in previous years, and even reached the point where they could affect ordinary people.

It’s self-evident what a wonderful sight this is.

The significance of a century actually exists!

After getting excited, Heiyuan suddenly remembered something and said with some surprise: "Master, you just said that these news were specially conveyed to you by the headquarters?"

Wang Xian slowly took a sip of tea and nodded, "Not only that, but there is also a notice. In a while, I will go to the headquarters to participate in a secret meeting. The content of the meeting seems to be related to this Soul Pyramid, and In fact, the person who should go to this meeting is you."


Heiyuan was shocked.

How could a meeting at the headquarters, a meeting of that level, be the turn of a little master-level psychic like me to participate?

Even if the master goes there in person, he is qualified at best!

After all, it was a secret meeting, and the level of confidentiality was extremely high, but the master told him?

He even said that he was the one who was supposed to participate in this meeting?

Heiyuan couldn't understand.

Facing his confused gaze, Wang Xian slowly explained: "Because this meeting seems to be centered around the duelists participating in the Soul Pyramid, the expected meeting participants are all related to these duelists. People, and in the duel world, the biggest relationship is master and apprentice."

Heiyuan suddenly understood. No wonder the master said that he should attend the headquarters meeting.

Wang Xian added: "You are Lin You's master. Even the headquarters does not have the right to bypass you and find me, so the first choice for this position, no matter what, should be you. I must take it." My inner thoughts are conveyed to you.”


Heiyuan's heart felt warm. He didn't expect that Wang Xian came over and specifically informed him of this matter.

He doesn't have to choose to do this. After all, in the final analysis, he is just his disciple, and the one who is really close to him is actually his master.

Besides, UU reads www. The decision-making power of uukanshu.com lies with the headquarters. The headquarters naturally has its own considerations and reasons for doing so.

But even so, Wang Xian still came.

Feeling moved, Heiyuan hurriedly said: "The arrangements at the headquarters must have been carefully considered. It must be the most beneficial choice for Xiaoyou if they invite Master there. There is nothing wrong with this, so I would like to ask Master to take care of it." When I get back, I’ll thank you here for Xiaoyou.”

Finally, he said with great sincerity: "Master, this is also my sincere thought."

Lin You, who was immersed in cultivation, naturally did not know about the private contact between his master and Grand Master Taizu, and would not have thought about it.

At this moment, the magic power in Lin You's body was surging rapidly.

Just now, he completed the digestion and absorption of three top-quality magic supplements.

And this energy, after turning into magic power, is still surging and colliding with something!

There is no doubt that what is being hit right now is the threshold of the second-star master!

Feeling the wavering state of the threshold, Lin You suddenly smiled, "It seems easier than imagined..."

Following this trend, with two more rounds, the breakthrough is certain!

Even if you come to the next post, it is expected to be realized.

"Then continue to attack..."

At this moment, Lin You was unambiguous.

After successfully absorbing three top-quality magic supplements at the same time, he became clear on one thing.

The so-called magic blockage is actually an exaggeration to say that it is a storm.

It’s just a breeze!

Don't say it's dangerous, don't say it, it's quite comfortable.