Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 44: Combined array method (1)

"His name is Luo Li and he is my apprentice." The bearded man waved at Luo Li, who looked at him, and touched his beard proudly, saying : "Look at how he assembled the mech for a while, it will be good for you to practice using mental power in the future."

Probably the screams from the audience were too loud, Xiao Luoli turned his head back quickly, reached out and operated on the table in front of him, and then continued to sit down and wait for the game to begin.

Georgia looked back, looked at the red eyes of the bearded man, recalled Luo Li's red eyes, couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and lowered his voice and asked, "Teacher, you and his eyes ..."

"Whatever he is, call him Brother." The beard interrupted him, and said it intentionally and fiercely, then explained with a smile: "You can customize the appearance on the Internet. He wanted to make it the same as me. , But the system does not allow the exact same image to exist, he next stepped down, picked a younger figure that was slightly taller than me, and also had a beard, but I thought his beard was too obtrusive, so He shaved his beard. There was nothing he could do with his eyes. That was the only way. However, he did not expect these little girls to like him now and become his fans. "He said that he was thinking of something strange. Things, weird look for a moment.

Georgia's brain made up for Luo Luoli's beard, and he asked in silence, "Then ..."

The beard closed his expression and stared at him fiercely.

"That brother ..." Georgia changed his mouth immediately, a little embarrassed, and then continued, "I think he seems younger than me, and I'm calling his brother would be a bit inappropriate ..." He shouted old, Will the other party be angry.

"He is younger than you?" The beard's voice was unconsciously raised, and he suddenly became angry. He couldn't help but glared at the people on the stage, and said, "He is not young anymore. , A group of people and children of his age are a big bunch, so he held the cigarette every day, his throat was sore! I do n’t know what he was going to do, and arranged for him to teach. He did n’t do it. Come to open the store, wait a while, the store is a little better, and then come to participate in the competition, and say that I must go back to teach honestly, do I arrange it upright? How many people do not want to come, he did not know to cherish I really ... "

Georgia was so stunned that he couldn't match the middle-aged man who smoked in the big beard and the middle-aged man who smoked as a child, and the aunty sister Luo who was pure and cute.

So the quiet boy on the stage is actually a smoking uncle? This, this is too bad.

He was stupid, and the aunts and sisters around him were so angry that he couldn't help turning his head and yelling at the bearded man, and said, "Why are you guys so haunted! There is no end! There is no end! No, Did you break the gambling manipulative behind you into the finals, as for being so dark! Yes! Xiao Luoli really did not use his true face and did turn on the voice changer, but everyone on Xingwang does n’t change it? We like him I like his character, his hard work, his skills, and you're useless to be jealous! Hey! "

The aunts and sisters were so excited that they all roared and cheered by ten thousand people.

Georgia, who was the first to experience cyber violence, was stunned, and his bearded face ate shit. He couldn't help but stare at Xiao Luoli on the stage again, and then dragged Georgia to another place with fewer people. Sit down and watch the game isolated.

"Why didn't I see him like this girl in the real world! Boy!" The moustache on the beard's face was awkward, apparently unsatisfactory. Georgia hurriedly comforted, full of fear.

Is this the power of fans, too, terrible.

Exactly a sound of music sounded and the game finally started. A big screen suddenly dropped in the air, and a two-hour game end countdown box appeared on it.

The auditorium gradually quieted down, and the beard calmed down, pointed to the countdown card, and explained, "It does n’t need to operate various instruments like the real world to make mechas, so it saves a lot of time and the installation speed will be faster. .You will mainly watch your brother ’s last mecha combing technique for a while, the system will show the process with an energy perspective, you look carefully. "

Georgia nodded and said he understood, and focused his attention.

This mech manufacturing competition has been going on for more than a month. In the previous games, the players have produced most of the parts needed to assemble a mech according to the content of the game. Therefore, in the final round of the final test, the players tested their ability to assemble a complete mech using the parts they made in the competition.

One of these schedules is to test the mech production ability of the players, and the other is to test the mech design ability of the players. It can be said that the person who goes out with this trophy is almost equal to being recognized as a real mech designer and manufacturer.

Before the final product comes out, no one knows what kind of mech will be assembled by these contestants using the parts with different weights in the previous data.

Xiao Luoli, who had been sitting quietly, finally moved after the start of the game. He calmly walked to the huge manufacturing platform, glanced at the large pile of parts displayed after the start of the game, and started to assemble directly.

The aunts screamed again, seeming to think that his calm and confident look was very cute.

The beard pretended not to see the excited faces of the surrounding audience, and only asked Georgia to take a good look at Luo Li's assembly method.

Georgia's mech manufacturing study is still only at the initial material processing stage, and has not even touched the parts. It is completely unfamiliar to the assembly of the mech and has only seen it once at Ren Lao. At this moment, he was very excited to see Luo Li skillfully and quickly install various parts together, and slowly piece together what a mecha should look like.

Too powerful, I hope he can learn this step as soon as possible and make a real mech!

It took only half an hour for Xiao Luo to put together the prototype of the mech, and then he spent another half an hour to carefully adjust the connection and position between the parts of the mech, and then gave the mech Armor was fitted with a protective shell and tools were set down.

With one hour left in the game, he stood in front of the mech and reached his hand on the mech.

"It's started," the bearded whispered.

Georgia leaned forward and looked more closely.

When Xiao Luo put his hand on the mech, the mech model standing in place suddenly turned into a translucent appearance, and the inner parts became gray blocks of different shades, which clearly showed the inner parts. structure. Then a ray of white light emerged from Xiao Luoli's palm, spreading along the mech's part toward the entire mech.

"This is the penultimate assembly process-mental force combing. The purpose is to unify the connection of parts of the mech, unblock the channel of mental force, make the mech warrior smoother and smoother while driving, and avoid the blockage of mental force flow The situation that caused the mech's movement to stall, "the bearded explained carefully.

Georgia nodded, feeling a sense of realization.

No wonder the spiritual power is so indispensable in the manufacture of mecha. It turned out to be more than just material handling. Even the final assembly process of the mecha was indispensable to clear the mental power. The quality of the last dredge actually affected the mech warriors driving the mech. Smoothness.

White light spread very fast, and almost immediately wrapped the entire mech, and then Luo Li moved again. He sat on the ground with his hands still on the mech and closed his eyes.

"The mental power has wrapped the mech, and it is time to start scouring and combing." The beard explained.

After closing the eyes, a white light appeared under Luo Li's palm, and that white light covered the entire body of the mech at a faster speed than before, and then wrapped around the mech again, and slowly penetrated into the inside of the mech. The layer of mental power that envelops the mech before it connects, internally and externally, scours the entire body of the mech.

With the scour of white light, the colors of parts with slightly different transparency in the mech perspective gradually became unified, and the shape and color of the mech became more and more uniform. It looked more like a whole.

Georgia looked at the mech perspective shown in the middle of the field, excited, but also frustrated.

Excitingly, he finally came into contact with the most important part of mecha manufacturing, but he was disappointed that it was because of this contact that it became more difficult to invent the manual driving mecha that Bai Churong and Ren Lao studied.

After watching the mech assembly process that is almost like a show today, if he hadn't met Ren Lao and Chu Rong first, he might have thought that driving the mech manually was just a joke.

Innovation is already so difficult, but what Chu Rong and Ren Lao have to do is far more than that.

It was another half an hour later, the mecha was completely combed, and Luo Li stood up in the audience's encouragement and started the last assembly process-installing the mecha's driving system and protection system, and final commissioning.

Ten minutes before the end of the game, a small silver-white mecha was finally formed. It stood quietly, like a pearl waiting for Bole to pick up, exuding a fascinating glory.

"It's a small mech that is good at speed. This is a good attempt." The bearded man nodded comfortably, didn't pay attention to the result of the game, and returned to the classroom with Georgia, who was somewhat insane. rest.

Georgia looked back, and looked down at the textbooks full of mental combing materials in his hands. Suddenly, he lost his spirit and went off the line.

After taking off his helmet, he found that Chu Rong actually went to bed again early in the morning, and at that time was turning a training plan with an impatient look.

He couldn't help but reach out and hugged the other's waist, pressed his face to his waist, and nudged softly, and said in a low voice, "Come on, I will work with you to work together." Realize your wish together.

Chu Rong was stiffened by him, his expression became a little tight, he moved his legs, put down his training table and looked down at him, and asked, "Resumed?"

"Resumption of class, tomorrow officially begins." Georgia lifted his head to look at him, arched up and scratched his chest again, then rolled over into the quilt, closed his eyes and said, "Get up early and get up. To learn more efficiently, good night. "

good night? Is this asleep?

Chu Rong looked at him with his back to his own figure, his face was a little black, and sat down until he fell asleep before turning off the light and lying down, reaching out to turn his body over, turning his black face into his arms, frowning and closing his eyes. .

Bald chickens that sleep after finishing their sleep, like pigs.

The painful holiday life began-for Chu Yan.

After finishing the morning training, Georgia waved his face towards Chu Yan, who was full of face. He retreated first, took a bath and changed his clothes, and then ran to the training room next to him alone, and took the mutant red tin mine. come out.

——Beginning today, in addition to studying, he is also prepared to do one thing, that is, batch processing of mutant tin ore!

The White Hair Monster must have spent a lot of money on Sister Zhuang Yu to study the stone herbal medicine. He had to find a way to help the White Hair Monster to make money, make a lot of money, so that he has sufficient funds to study the manual driving mech!

The mine sirens began to roar as soon as they got out of the room. He froze and put the mine away again, but it was too late. Chu Rong and Chu Yan who heard the alarm had all rushed over.

As soon as Chu Rong came in, she noticed the red tin ore radiation left in the air. She blocked Chu Yan outside and stood at the door to signal Georgia to come over and asked, "Have you played with mutant red tin ore?"

Chu Yan blocked behind: "..." to play? Is the mutant red tin mine playable?

Georgia moved his ears in guilty conscience, hurriedly ran to him, took out a potion to signal him to drink, then explained the reason why he had just taken out the mutant tin tin, and finally asked carefully: "I can use it temporarily Go down here, make sure to clean up the radiation after you finish it. "

Chu Rong drank the medicament to eliminate the effects of radiation. He frowned and rubbed Georgia's bangs. He remained silent for a while, and said, "Pay attention to safety and call me for something."

"Hmm!" Georgia nodded immediately, and hugged him gratefully.

Chu Rong hugged him and touched the back of his head, then patted his shoulder to signal his release, turned and walked to the control board of this training room to turn off the radiation alarm, turn on the isolation protection setting, and then set up a monitor The robot placed it in the corner and ordered a few more words before leaving with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan, who has been quietly eating melon, glanced at his dark and unwilling expression, and couldn't hold back his curiosity. He asked, "Brother, you are really going to let Joe toss and mutate the red tin mine, that radiation ..."

"It's okay." Chu Rong was asked by him, his expression was even worse, but he still said, "Let him do it, he has a sense."

Such a pet ...

Chu Yan looked back with a strange expression and smashed his mouth.

I thought that the most unlikely person in this family to be a strict wife is the second brother, but now it seems that the most unprincipled wife in the future will be the second brother ... Unexpected things in the world.

With the permission of his parents, Georgia tossed more reassured. He took out the mutant red tin ore again, remembering the way Luo Li wrapped his mecha with mental power and repeatedly washed the parts yesterday, sitting on the ground and going through the magic book.

In order to manufacture secondary mutant red tin ore in large quantities, his own magic power is definitely not enough. Only other ways can be used to simulate the effect of combing the ore with magic power.

If in the magic continent, this simulation would be very easy, just draw a few magic arrays on the ore, but because there is no magic element in the air, the magic array cannot last for a long time, so this method cannot be achieved.

But there is no other way. The last time he brought the energy of the ore itself into the magic circle cycle, he saw a little hope, and Luo Li's approach made this hope possible.

Just find a way to draw the magic power from the magic stone to wrap the ore, and then use the effect of the magic array to hook out the naughty power of radiation in the ore and add it to the magic circle's power cycle to extend the duration of the magic array. By the way, it softens and disperses it during the cycle, eliminates radiation, and finally spreads the purified power back to the ore through the magic of the ore, then the treatment of the secondary mutant red tin ore is completed.

The problem that needs to be solved now is how to draw out the magic power in the magic stone to cover the whole body of the ore, and how to make the power of the ore inside the ore be attracted by the magic circle without requiring him to participate, and then be magic The array is incorporated into the loop.

Previously, because he wanted to cure the white fur monster, the matrix method he used to go back and forth has been confined to a limited number of types. The others have not tried it. Now he has to find a few magic arrays suitable for this situation. .

This turn was about an hour, and in the end he still found several combinatorial array methods suitable for the situation from his father's handbook.

The combined array method, as its name implies, is a combination of several array methods combined. It is a new attempt.

After selecting the formation method, he first took out a lot of magic stones for backup, and then became familiar with the drawing method of the formation method several times, took a deep breath, and began to draw around the large red tin mine with about two basketballs The matrix method comes.

First draw a refining magic array to refine the magic in the magic stone, then draw a traction magic array to pull the magic to wrap the objects in the array, and then draw a heating magic array and a fusion magic array to force out The radiation in the red tin mine is mutated and merged into the magic. Finally, a purification magic array and a rendering magic array are drawn to purify the radiation and render the effect of the entire synthetic matrix.

It was finally completed, and the magic stone on which he had absorbed the magic power was already lying on him. He was preparing to activate the matrix while the iron was hot, and Chu Rong's cold voice came from the door: "It's time to eat."

He turned back, glanced at the dark face of Chu Rong at the door, quickly speeded up, took out the magic stones of different attributes and placed them in the front of each array, activated them in conjunction, then turned and hurriedly walked towards the door.

After solving the lunch as quickly as possible, Georgia ran back to the training hall under Chu Rong's poor sight, rushed into the training room for the experiment, and then saw the mutant red tin that was gradually turning purple from outside to inside in the middle of the array. When mining, he whispered in surprise, and rushed to the past.

In fact, he did n’t have much hope for this attempt, and he was ready for a long-term struggle, so he did n’t keep an observation after activating the formation, but instead went to eat, but did not expect that the combination formation actually succeeded once. !!

He paid attention to the trajectory of magic flow in the combination matrix method, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was different from the chaos he initially imagined. The last seemingly insignificant rendering matrix method well balanced the magic between the various magic arrays. Flow, just embed the mutant red tin ore into the magic cycle, let the magic come out from the first refining array, and then spread it on the mutant red tin ore along the traction matrix, and then use the heating and fusion array methods. Under the action, the power in the ore is called up, merged into the magic power, and then flows into the subsequent purification method. After the radiation is purified, the magic power flows back to the original refining method, and it is together with the newly refined magic. Paved back to the mutant red tin mine.

A complete cycle!

This combination is more powerful than he thought! And because of the role of the fusion method, after being spread on the ore, the magic force naturally penetrates into the ore, driving the purified ore energy to spread evenly inward, which is much more stable than his own treatment!


He took out his father's handbook again, kissed several excitedly, proud and proud-this is his father, a genius elf who is constantly innovating in the magic circle!

After another few hours, the mutated red tin ore in the formation method completely turned purple, and there was no trace of impurities in it. It looked like a pure natural purple gem.

And because the formation power is cyclic, not directly consumed, so the magic stone in the refinement formation has not been used much. In other words, as long as the magic stone in the refining array is guaranteed to be sufficient, and there are other ore in the array to provide energy, then the combined array method can be used in principle!

This was an unexpected surprise. Georgia simply put a new mutant red tin ore into the middle of the formation, and then happily picked up the processed secondary mutant red tin ore, and ran towards the training room next door. , Running and excited, "Chu Rong, I made it. The second mutation is red tin, look!"

Chu Rong stopped when he heard the sound of his footsteps.

Chu Yan first bent down and held his knees to catch his breath, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and then looked up, then was shocked by the picture of Georgia running over with a big gemstone, and he didn't dare to say: "Such a big gemstone Where did you get it from? This color is so beautiful. "

Chu Rong frowned, stepped forward to take over the second-variable red tin mine, reached out to help Georgia sort out the chaos of the chaos, and instructed: "Don't run chaos, be careful to fall. How did this come out and consume Do your best? "

He thought that Georgia was going to play the mutant red tin mine, and he was going to play a piece the size of the last great sword. However, he did not expect that it was such a big one, and his mood immediately deteriorated.

"No!" Georgia shook his head, then nodded, and replied excitedly: "I drew a magic array. The ore is processed by a magic array. The formation method can be used continuously. I have put a second mutant red tin mine in it. , The second variant red tin ore can finally be manufactured in batches! "

Chu Yan, who finally understood their conversation, was stunned, rushed to Chu Rong and watched the second-variable red tin mine he was holding with one hand, reached out and touched it carefully, and then patted Georgia's shoulder excitedly, happy: "Hello Joe! The second variation of the red tin mine is so beautiful. I thought the color of the giant sword was decorated. It turned out to be the color of the ore itself, it was incredible!"

Georgia was embarrassed by his exaggeration. He moved his ears, looked up at Chu Rong with his eyes raised, and looked forward to asking, "Did I help you? Is this useful? Can it help you make money? That array should be You can also process other ores, you can try a few more, not limited to this. "

Chu Rongwenyan moved his eyes, looked down at him, reached out and squeezed his ears, and asked, "Do you study this to help me make money?"

"Huh! So can it help you?" Georgia tilted his head happily and continued to look forward to asking.

Chu Rong looked at him as if starry eyes were lit, his throat moved, he rubbed his ears gently, nodded, and said slowly, "It helps, it's very useful, you are very good ... and very good." Good enough to make people want to hug.

Georgia thought his eyes were a little strange, and he couldn't help but blush, and suddenly didn't know what to say. After hesitated for a long time, he turned and ran back to the training room.

Chu Rong watched him leave, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a light smile appeared.

Chu Yan, who was regarded as air next to him: "..." I can't stay here, I want to run away!

The second mutation of the red tin mine was of great importance. Chu Rong suspended his training, called Ren Lao over communication, and asked him to bring a batch of mineral processing equipment and testing equipment.

After receiving the news, Ren Lao immediately stopped the matter at hand and rushed over at the fastest speed. After that, Chu Huai and Gu Yan'an, who had also gone on vacation procedures, also rushed over.

The crowd gathered in the training room where the magic array was painted, staring at the magic array and the mutated red tin mine in the middle of the room, which were individually covered by the isolation cover, and their eyes were as bright as what miracles were being watched.

"The test results came out." Ren Lao took a sheet and looked at the data with a bright light, excitedly: "Each data is a lot higher than the mutant red tin mine, which is equivalent to a new rare Minerals. "

There was a touch of joy on everyone's face, and Chu Huai couldn't help but reached out and patted Georgia's shoulder, boasting: "Good job, hard work."

I was exaggerated too many times today, and the heat on Georgia's face has not been able to drop. He heard that he waved and waved his hands and said it was not hard. Then he hid behind Chu Rong and decided to be a non-existent onlooker.

Chu Huai smiled when he saw this, glanced at the movement of his second brother protecting him in front of him, and there was a glance in his eyes. He looked at Gu Yanan and did not make Georgia any more.

Before dinner, the second mutated red tin ore was also processed, confirming that the mutated red tin ore can indeed be produced in batches, as long as this strange magic array can always exist.

After dinner, after Georgia finished washing and returned to the room to log in to Star Network, the crowd had completely changed their appearance, and the training room, which was protected by the key, sat down and talked about the secondary mutation of red tin.

Ren Lao wanted to get such a combined magic array into his personal laboratory for detailed research.

Chu Rong didn't want Georgia to expend any effort to draw such a matrix method, and rejected it directly. Instead, he suggested that Ren Lao bring a set of equipment to study at Chu's home.

Both people insisted on their opinions. In the end, Chu Huai took into account the confidentiality and chose Chu Rong's suggestion. He said that he would grant Georgia rewards and mineral treatment commissions in accordance with the criteria for new results researched by scientific researchers. Settle accounts.

Chu Rong was very satisfied with this, and told them not to disturb Georgia with this matter, and to go to the first two mutated red tin mines that they had dealt with at the beginning, and then listened to Chu Yan to continue training.

"The second child is really ..." Chu Huai shook his head funnyly, glanced at the strange array pattern and the newly-mutated red tin mine inside, and smiled again, bid farewell to Ren Lao, and took Gu Yan'an to rest Already.

So after Georgia finished the class, and the bearded teacher finalized the new class time and offline, what I saw was the two pieces of secondary mutant red tin ore placed by the bedside by Chu Rongte and a huge sum of money. .

"That array method was bought by the Chu family. You are responsible for the follow-up maintenance. The Chu family will continue to pay you the share of the profit after the mineral processing." Chu Rong put down his light brain and lay beside him, facing him sideways, stretching The arm helped him sort out his messed-up hair with his helmet, looked at him for a few seconds, suddenly leaned in, kissed his eyes, and whispered, "Joe, I raised you because I want to, and I don't need you to return What, so relax ... go to bed, good night. "

After speaking, he touched his face, hugged him into his arms, patted him on the back, and then he closed his eyes and slept.

Georgia watched him approaching, kissed him, clutched him in his arms, and stared at his pajamas for a long time before he banged, his face flushed with his ears. Ashamed, he desperately drilled into his arms.

Actually, he was kissed by the eyes, and the title ... He shook his ears, curled up his limbs and covered his face.

For the first time, after everyone has been calling him Joe for so long, Bai Maogua called him like this for the first time ... well, so gentle ... a bit like it.

With her eyes closed, Chu Rong noticed his little movement, tickled his lips, and hugged him tighter.

Georgia suddenly became bloody. After discovering that Ren Lao moved the laboratory, he consciously ran to help after training and helped Ren Lao to study the method of combining magic array and mental power or other types of power in the union, by the way Steal the teacher and ask some questions that you don't understand in your studies.

The holiday time was sufficient. The bearded teacher took the initiative to change the class time to the afternoon, and the two lessons increased to four. The Georgia holiday began to be enriched, and he was busy like a small spinning top every day.

Driven by him, Chu Yan's attitude towards training was no longer so inconsistent, and he became active and diligent.

The main house was shrouded in a positive atmosphere. Time passed in a blink of an eye. Half a month later, the lively end of the year celebration theme voting on the Internet finally came to fruition. The experience of indigenous life won the first place with absolute advantages and became The theme of the year-end celebration also represented that the proposal of "Concerning the Abolishment of Indigenous Patent" promoted by Chu Huai will become the focus of the government next year.

After the theme was finalized, preparations for the celebration were officially put on the agenda, and the holidays of Chu Rong and Chu Huai were concluded.

Before going to bed, Georgia arched into Chu Rong's arms, hugged his waist, didn't speak, and didn't sleep.

"What's wrong?" Chu Rong frowned, rubbing his bangs, training: "Do not toss, and go to sleep."

Georgia buried his head in the chest and said dumbly, "I don't want to stay in the main house alone, I want to go home with you."

It turned out to be awkward.

Chu Rong was laughed angrily, pinching his ears, and said, "This is why you stared at rabbit-like eyes and drowsily drowsled not to sleep? I just sold off to the military, not moved back to live, and returned every night. Come back here and go to sleep. "

When Georgia froze, he looked up and asked him, "Really? Are you back every day?"

Chu Rong simply reached out to cover his eyes and ordered: "Sleep."

It was affirmative if he did not refute, and Georgia finally felt relieved, and happily pinched his chest, couldn't help yawning, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After confirming that he was asleep, Chu Rong slightly released his arm, looked down at his sleeping face for a long time, and bowed his head to kiss his forehead.

It was another week in the blink of an eye, and the celebration was efficiently prepared with the cooperation of various ministries. The four people, the presidential palace, and the people shared the fun, and the event planning to take the lead in experiencing the theme of the celebration was also released.

"Go on a week-long tour of the newly discovered primitive planet? Is it a federal broadcast?" Chu Yan almost sipped out, his eyes were almost scared off the window, and he coughed for a long time before he said, "What the **** is a live broadcast? Who's the idea? Can Xiangjia and Ningjia agree? "

Gu Yanan took out a handkerchief to wipe his face, and reluctantly replied: "Maybe I didn't expect that your brother's proposal could really come true, and Xiang Jia was so angry that he offered to make a live broadcast proposal. Ning Jia used to love Muddy, no objection, both the president and the Wei family supported the Xiang family, so the matter of live broadcast was so settled. "

Chu Yan digested it for a while before accepting the live broadcast. He said, "There is a conspiracy! The Xiang family's proposal must be ghostly. I don't believe he is purely out of breath. Although the celebration at the end of the year is about the presidential palace and Everyone wants to have fun with the people, but it does n’t matter what it means. This time, not only did the original planet travel a week, but it was also broadcast live to all the people in the Federation. It ’s too unscientific to play monkeys! ”

The four people and the presidential palace are not stupid. It is possible to share the public's favor with the people, but it is completely impossible to let yourself be seen as a monkey for the people to have fun!

Isn't this throwing the faces of the presidential palace and the four people down? In case of a joke during the live broadcast, the presidential palace and the four people will be swept awefully.

In short, this proposal is absolutely tricky. He doesn't believe those people are so stupid, and really brings a group of big men together to live broadcast.

"I don't know if there is a conspiracy." Gu Yanan was amused by his response, and frowned after the smile. "But this event did have some qualifications that would make the four people and the presidential palace less shameful. . "

Chu Yan raised an ominous premonition in his heart and asked, "What qualifications?"

Gu Yanan glanced at him and replied: "This weekly tour is only allowed to participate in the junior family, the age of the participants is limited to 22 years of age, so even if it is shameful, it is only the junior joke. Guided by public opinion, maybe you can pull the hearts of the juniors, and if the juniors are doing well, then the corresponding family can also give the public an impression that the family tutor is very good. In short, each The performance of juniors will directly affect the smooth recruitment of talents by each family next year. "Going deeper, it also greatly affects the support rate received by the people when they make decisions.

"..." Chu Yan wanted to scold Xiang's family again!

To discuss which one of you will pretend to be the most compelling, that one dare to call the second, no one can take the first! And if you want to talk about which of the juniors is the most defeated image, although you don't want to admit it, but he has a long-standing reputation and he must be ranked first!

And because of this **** age limit, the presidential palace doesn't need to be out at all! Even if you want to do it, only use the wife of the president ’s wife and his wife, and you will not lose it to the president! The Wei family and the Xiang family are in the same camp, and they will definitely take care of each other at that time. The Ning family had a good family education, and the children they taught were relatively low-key and stable. The Ning Kong led by this generation was even more famous for his good temper. This counts, he is the only one who can mess up the live broadcast!

Without a live broadcast, he can also watch the liveliness of several other delicate young masters. With live broadcast, everyone will watch his liveliness. There is no worse situation than this!

This is targeted, greatly targeted!

And the Chu family is only one of his juniors, at least two of the other families, so as to deceive more officers.

Chu Yan's expression was distorted. Gu Yanan looked at him with a smile and anxiety, patted him comfortably, and looked at Georgia, who was also worried about Chu Yan's eyes, and added: "Not only that, I also listened yesterday. Your elder brother said that Xiang's family was prepared to let Joe participate in this event. The reason is to give the grandest, saying that since it is to experience the life of the indigenous people, how can he not bring an indigenous person together. Joe is the one who submitted the patent proposal. Original intention, so it's the best place to go. "

What about Joe?

Chu Yan couldn't help but patted the table and was so angry: "Despicable! Despicable! Xiang family is a group of shameless scumbags! Qiao has no mental strength, a lot of unknown dangers to the original planet, his Xiang family is unsafe. Kindness! "

Georgia was stunned. I didn't expect that this event also touched himself. I saw him become so angry. After thinking about it, he stood up and calmed down, "Stop talking small, or go together. I can't worry about you alone, I go Then we can take care of each other. "

"This is not a question of carelessness, but ..." Chu Yan wanted to explain that he couldn't understand it for another time.