Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 51: Blessed by Disaster (1)

After feeding a few mouthfuls, the body has a little strength, the magic pool has begun to fill, and the pain in the brain is slightly relieved.

Georgia curled up with sweat on her head, panting for a few breaths, finally feeling less uncomfortable, struggling to sit up, holding the flesh in her arms, tearing it little by little and feeding it to Chu Rong's mouth— Fortunately, the meat in the stone will soften quickly after being separated from the body, and it is very convenient to feed. Otherwise, they are now in a coma and a state of weakness, even if they have medicine, they cannot save themselves.

The painful expression on Chu Rong's face gradually eased, and the black spots floating in the air seemed to be aware of the threat. Suddenly, Qi Qi rolled towards the meat in the stone. Georgia was shocked. It was too late to wait for the magic pool to fill up and explore the magic again. Go out and consciously surround the two with magic power, blocking the black spots outside.

The mist gradually filled the room, and the black spots became more manic and powerful.

The magic power was quickly exhausted again, and his body fell back to Chu Rong, and finally realized that he could no longer let the mist drift like this. He was so heartless that he simply explored the magic power, dragged the mist into his magic pool one by one, and then extended his pointer. Chu Rong's eyebrows began to condense the magic, and at the same time he used his mouth to tear the meat in the stone and fed it to Chu Rong.

Hurry up, hurry up, absorb more, and force all the black spots out, just fine ...

There was no other thought in his mind. While drawing the mist into his body, he forced the pure magic into Chu Rong's sea of ​​spiritual power, and carefully scattered the fog and black spots scattered throughout the sea of ​​spiritual power. .

Probably the pollution time is too long, the more you go deeper, the tighter Chu Rong's mental strength and the black dots become, the more he can't spare any effort to separate them little by little, and finally the black dots together with the The polluted mental power was dug out together, and then the power of the flesh in the stone was filled to fill the hollowed out mental power.

Time passed by little by little, when only the last piece of meat remained in the stone, Chu Rong's spiritual power was finally cleaned up, the black spots were all hollowed out together with the contaminated mental power, and it was packed with undigested stones. Medium meat power.

In contrast, the air is almost condensed into a substantial black mist, the gray mist and the sporadic black spots scattered in the Georgia Magic Pool. If Chu Rong had not absorbed the power of the meat in the stone during the process of feeding Chu Rong, he would have been unable to support it and collapse.

After completing the most difficult step, Georgia withdrew the magic and closed his eyes to ease the pain in the magic pool.

... have to lead these things away, or the white fur monster may be polluted again.

He thought like this, he just had to endure the pain and slipped off the sofa, climbed up and drew a defense and purification magic circle around Chu Rong, and even put all his intact protective covers on him, and then covered a large area Detect the magic, deliberately seduce the black spots floating in the air, and lead them to float out of the lounge.

For the black spots that lost their spiritual support, the magic at this time seemed both delicious and tempting. They were immediately taken away by the magic of Georgia. After a while, there was only quiet lying in the lounge. Chu Rong and the magic array running slowly around him, no more black in the air representing unknown.

Georgia led the black mist all the way up, left the lounge far away, and finally couldn't hold it down on the roof of the battle hall. After closing his eyes for a while, he took out the last piece of meat and absorbed it. Power, stood up and began to draw imprisonment and purification law.

——The harmful things will not disappear easily, we must find a way to get rid of them.

With the help of the meat in the stone, the magic formation was smooth, but the pain in the magic pool was tortured by Georgia. He is like a filter. After absorbing the power of the meat in the stone, he quickly converts it into magic, and then uses them like water.

The first form is the imprisoned law formation. After activation, he once again increased the magic power of his body to make himself look like a light bulb, attracting all the black spots around him to "moth flutter fire", and then he began to draw the purification method Array.

The sky was gradually dawning, and the meat in the stone was exhausted. He drew the last stroke of the purification law circle, and he was paralyzed in the center of the purification law circle. He looked at the upper side and crashed outward, but he could n’t leave anyway. Black mist, the corner of his mouth ticked, forcing the last magic to activate the magic circle, and slowly closed his eyes.

Come on, please stay as long as possible ...

There was a sound of familiar footsteps on the stairs, and he wanted to open his eyes to look, but he was too weak to open his eyes.

It hurts ... I'm tired ... He wants to sleep for a while ...

In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight penetrated the clouds and filled the earth, but they couldn't enter the mass of unknown dark at the center of the rooftop as if bound by something invisible.

Chu Rong stopped outside the imprisoned array, watching the little figure who was so lonely lying in the array, his heart beating madly for a second, his strength agitated, stepped forward, and gently lifted the person, Tightly trapped in his arms.


The dwarf boy lay in his arms obediently, his head hung down, his face pale, his blond hair short and messy, and his ears dangling softly like a quiet, sleepy, weak animal.

"Why not be obedient ..." he said, his hands tightening and his voice deepening.

After discovering that the radiation in the air suddenly began to weaken, Zhuang Yu immediately acted, prepared various instruments, put on protective clothing, and said hurriedly, "Ready to go in. The radiation has weakened. The chief should have been awake or consciously Suppressed power, now, fast! "

The crowd who waited for the whole night like a stone sculpture was shocked by this sentence, and they started to move.

Chu Yan immediately stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Leave me under my youth!" Zhuang Yu refused sharply, and said solemnly, "radiation pollution is not a joke, you can only add chaos when you go. Don't let chaos!"

Chu Yan clenched his fist recklessly, wanting to be willful once, but reasonably told him that Zhuang Yu was right, sitting down, turning his head to hate and sitting, raising his hand to pinch his hair.

For so long, Joe might have ...

"Sister Zhuang! The radiation value suddenly started to drop sharply, seventy ... forty ... thirty ... Oh my god, it has fallen to zero, what happened?" The assistant who had been staring at the monitoring instrument suddenly exclaimed, full of eyes. Can't believe it.

Everyone heard a word and rushed to the instrument.

Before waiting for them to digest the news, the old housekeeper on the other side suddenly said, "The main house monitor came with an image, and a large black fog suddenly appeared on the top of the mech battle tower, like ... The same things that float out of a black hole ... "

Black hole?

After the surprise, he was frightened, and the atmosphere was instantly frozen, and even Zhuang Yu stopped.

"Come in and see the situation!" Chu Huai, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, expressionless, "It's meaningless to guess randomly, now that the radiation has weakened, go in!"

Zhuang Yu glanced sideways at the various data on the instrument, stooped and lifted the medicine box that had been prepared on the ground, and took the first step toward the outside. He raised his voice and said, "Get on things and start!"

Chu Yan hesitated, and got up to follow him-now that there was no radiation, the only reason to prevent him from entering was gone!

Chu Huai and Gu Yan'an looked at each other without a stop, and quickly followed.

Everyone rushed into the battle hall, entered the lounge first, saw nothing, and climbed up to the rooftop, but only saw a large group of dark mist trapped by something, no Chu Rong and Georgia everywhere. I did not see the shadow of the black hole.

"What's going on?" Chu Huai frowned.

Chu Yan thought of a possibility, his face was pale, and he said arduously, "Is Brother Er and Joe given by a black hole ..." In history, there have been cases where black holes have swallowed humans.

Everyone heard a word of trembling in their hearts, and Gu Yanan even fell to the ground with a soft leg.

As the atmosphere gradually became desperate and dignified, Zhuang Yu's communicator suddenly rang. At this time, she had no intention to care about these, and was preparing to shut down, but quickly withdrew her hand after seeing the name of the communication applicant. Switching to the communication, he said excitedly, "Where are you, sir? How are you? I--"

"Come to my room." Chu Rong said coldly, watching Georgia unconsciously groaning on the bed, his voice anxious with imperceptibility: "Georgia is a bit wrong."

Everyone was too surprised to hear his voice, and frowned again with what he said.

The smile on Chu Yan's face just froze suddenly, suddenly turned around and jumped off the rooftop, and hurried toward the main house after a few starts in the building.

A large pile of medical instruments quickly filled Chu Rong's room, everything except the bed was removed, the purification and isolation settings were turned on, and the huge repair apparatus was removed from Zhuang Yu's private laboratory and moved over as quickly as possible. Expensive medicines should not be shipped here like money.

Zhuang Yu flipped through the results of the examination, turning his face deeper and heavier, still faintly frustrated, saying, "The only thing that can be determined now is that Joe's mental power is contaminated, but because his power cannot be detected by the instrument and cannot be affected Others perceive it, so I can't figure out how polluted he is, or even know where his mental strength is hidden. He can't target treatment at all. "

"Stabilize his condition with decontamination solution first." Chu Rong stood beside the repair chamber, looking at Georgia, who was still struggling in the instrument, his expression looked calm, but his body language was very tight, and he whispered: "At least let He slept more peacefully. "

"It's all used." Zhuang Yu also looked at the repair warehouse, blinked red eyes, and said, "But it's useless ... Damn such expensive medicine is useless at all! Joe's strength is not strong at all The degree of pollution is unknown, and if targeted treatment is not possible, he is likely to ... "

She didn't say the rest, but everyone at the scene understood.

If the mental power is polluted and the treatment cannot be controlled, then there will be only two. The result will be madness or death.

Chu Yan began to frizz her hair in a hurry again, and Chu Huai browed her head together, thinking, and said, "Maybe ..."

"Bring Cuiyu." Chu Rong suddenly interrupted them, his eyes were always looking at Georgia in the repair warehouse, and there was a faint mental energy on his body, adding: "The more the better, the higher the quality.

Following the potion, a large pile of jadeite was transported into the Chu's home.

Regardless of Zhuang Yu's persuasion, Chu Rong took Georgia out of the repair warehouse and placed it on a piece of high-quality jade with a human shape. Then he lay down and held Georgia in his arms.

The others were helpless and had to stay outside the room silently, hoping Georgia would get better soon.

As a result, it was a whole week.

During the various investigations into the situation of the Chu family, they even tried to use the camera to enter the Chu family's house, but they were blocked by the strict protective isolation equipment of the Chu family. Now it was originally during the holiday season, without going to work, the Chu family closed the whole house again and did not go out without seeing the guests. The outside world had no way to take them.

Family celebrities couldn't, but from the behavior of Chu's family suddenly entering the house, and frantically transporting instruments and potions, it was speculated that Chu Rong should not have died, but was seriously injured.

Later, the president couldn't hold his breath and took the lead to send a visiting post to the Chu family for the reason of visiting the doctor. As a result, Chu Huai directly blocked the reason that there was still radiation in the house of the Chu family.

Some people tried to start with Gu Yanan ’s ancestral family and inquired indirectly, but did not expect that the ancient family also thanked the guests behind closed doors. The reason given was that the whole family was deceiving and traveling together. itch.

Chu Rong's incident was so loud that the news could not be concealed at all, and everyone didn't want to hide it. In order to force the Chu family to tell the situation earlier, they even intentionally promoted the spread of the news.

So in just a few days, the entire Confederacy, including the Empire, got Chu Rong's mental strength again, and now it is unknown.

The people are boiling.

Because of the war ten years ago, the Chu family has always been in a special position in human hearts. Now, after the sacrifice of the worms, the genius boy who forced the worms back to the black hole, killed the worms and blocked the radiation after the sacrifice of the parents, was tortured by radiation pollution for ten years After that, he still couldn't escape the fate of mental force, hovering on the edge of life and death.

How could this be their hero? After the war, they encouraged them to cheer up quickly. They just saw the friendly and easy-going side of each other in front of the family. The festival was not over yet, how could he be in trouble.

The candles praying for blessings filled the star network, and everyone was anxiously waiting for a result.

Chu Zhai.

As if waking up from a heavy and chaotic dream, Georgia opened his eyes dimly and realized that he was standing in a pure black space again. To make matters worse, he couldn't even perceive his body this time. .

"Dad ... Mom ..."

He wanted to speak, but couldn't make any sound.

Just as consciousness was about to sink into the dark again, the familiar magic of wood and soil condensed into two bands of light and surrounded him. He closed his eyes and faintly heard a roar from the deep part of his brain, and then consciousness returned to reality. .

The pain swept through his body, and he twitched unconsciously before he could understand the situation around him, and his thoughts were dragged into the magic pool deep in his brain.

The inhaled mist did not know when it all condensed into gray drops of water, covered the dried up magic pool, and some familiar black spots wandering in it. There are cracks in the wall of the magic pool, and it seems likely to break at any time.


He wanted to roll and struggle, but he had no strength at all.

"never mind."

Suddenly the body was tightly clasped, a warm thing was stuck on the forehead, and the familiar mental power was wrapped gently, and a familiar deep voice sounded in the ear: "Georgia, you can, hold on, you can."

The black dots in the magic pool seemed to be very scary of that mental power, and immediately settled down, and the pain was slightly relieved. He finally noticed the strong fluctuations in the magic of the wood system under his body, instinctively put his hands on it, and absorbed it crazy.

After the magic enters the magic pool, he instinctively wants to expel those black spots. In the coma, he remembers the familiar mental power fluctuations in Zhou, and immediately suppresses this instinct, and then drives the magic to draw over the magic pool. Purification Circle.

If you ca n’t force it out, it will hurt the people around you ... just clean it up ... just clean it up ...

The consciousness is blurred again, only the instinct is still absorbing the magic power, and then the purification circle is drawn over the magic pool over and over again.

The man in his arms gradually calmed down, and the jade under him began to lose color at a speed visible to the naked eye from the position where Georgia's palm was pressed, and gradually turned into a large gray stone.

Chu Rong's tense heartstrings loosened a little, lowered his head and kissed Georgia's forehead, got up, helped him manage the bangs, and then moved all the jade in the room beside him, bent over and touched his forehead. , Kiss again, get up and walk out of the room.

"How's Joe?" Chu Yan squatting outside the door saw the door open and immediately stood up, and everyone else looked at Chu Rong who came out.

"Stabilized for the time being." Chu Rong answered, then looked at Chu Huai, and asked, "How is the situation outside?"

Chu Huai looked at his expression, and saw that he finally seemed normal. Suddenly, he got angry, stepped forward and hugged him, and patted his shoulder. After a while, he calmed down, pulled back slightly, and pulled up. The corner of his mouth smiled barely, trying to appear relaxed, and replied, "What are you talking about ... second child, I haven't asked yet, how is your condition, is your illness ... have you got better?"

When everyone rushed in, they only knew that Joe was contaminated by radiation, but they never knew what happened to Chu Rong, who looked normal.

Although Qiao was in a coma for the past few days, although Chu Rong seemed calm, his emotions had always been a little bit wrong. Everyone was afraid that he had just been violently mental, and was afraid to stimulate him, so he dared not ask.

It is rumored that the Chu family knew that they did n’t respond and did n’t want to sell off, but they really did n’t know. Chu Rong had been reluctant to leave Georgia. They could n’t drag people to check.

"How?" Chu Rongwenyan asked a meaningless question, looked down at the palm of his hand, felt the strange power full of spiritual power, and replied: "I don't know what it is like now, but those who bother me Radiation has completely disappeared from my spiritual power ... thanks to Georgia. "

He still vaguely remembers the feeling that the spirit of the sea was gently hollowed out by a gentle force. The simple boy said that he would help him to cure the disease, and he really did nothing to cure him. At the expense of hurting one's body.

Thinking of this, he suddenly panicked again, put down his hand and hurriedly dropped a sentence: "I'm fine, you don't need to stay outside." Then he turned around and strode the room again, locking himself with Georgia again.

Everyone was stunned by the news he threw for a few seconds, some were unbelievable, and there was a dreamy sense of bewilderment, with a hint of surprise in the bewilderment.

Gu Yan'an, who was standing behind Chu Huai, took a step back, fell to the ground softly against the railing, raised his hand to cover his face, and began to cry low, intermittently: "Is it disappearing ... Is that what I think? Ten It's been ten years, ten years ... "

Chu Huai turned back, crouched down and hugged her. She couldn't help but her eyes were red, but she smiled and said loudly, "Prepare to respond. Those people outside expect the result of the second child for ten years. I don't know this. They are looking forward to their answer! "

satisfaction? No no no! They are not satisfied! Super dissatisfied! It turned out to be a thunderstorm!

Everyone couldn't believe watching the short announcement issued by the spokesperson of the Chu family. They read the above sentence, "Chu Rong was blessed because of the disaster, and the radiation effects have been completely eliminated. Thank you for your concern and blessings." Probably the lingua franca didn't learn well, and suddenly it was illiterate.

How did they believe this result, which was completely contrary to their expectations!


Not scientific!

This must be the excuse used by the Chu family to stabilize the situation! If Chu Rong is really good, why doesn't he come out and explain the situation in person? So this announcement must be fake! fake!

No one in the major families believes that this announcement is true, but the people have already started a carnival, cheering to celebrate the complete recovery of their heroes, lamenting that God really has an eye, and has given good people a good reward!

The festive atmosphere suddenly reached its zenith, and there was a cheerful atmosphere everywhere.

The president handed over the visiting post to the Chu family again, and all of them couldn't sit still, pulled down their faces and handed the post to the Chu family, but without exception, all were blocked by Chu Huai. The reason was very grand-Chu Rong just got better , Mental strength is still unstable, need to rest, please also be considerate.

Be considerate of a fart!

The big brothers couldn't help swearing, smashing the furniture with anger.

Dead or dead, you give a word of accuracy, so what do you want to do? They won't be fooled by a bulletin, that the combination of wormworm toxin and black hole radiation is so easy to be blessed by misfortune! Before Chu Rong showed up in person, don't think they believe that Chu Rong is really good!

The people in power in the other families have become all kinds of irritability, but the people in the Chu family have quickly recovered and started to actively deal with the things that have been put on hold for a few days.

The first is the large group of black mist on the top of the mech battle hall. Although I do n’t know what they are trapped, the opportunity is not lost. After knowing that these are the things that have harassed Chu Rong for ten years, The Chu family aimed at all the advanced purification equipment together, and brutally eliminated it.

——When you were nestling in the mental strength of the second child / sir / second brother / second master, everyone could n’t help you. Now that you are all stripped away, do n’t expect to stay calm!

After dealing with the culprit, the Chu family conducted the most thorough cleaning in history, killing the possibility of radiation residues and ensuring that no one would be harmed by radiation in the family.

After the hidden dangers on the bright surface were cleared, Chu Huai began to deal with the hidden dangers in the dark.

He first sent people to destroy all the instruments that could capture what happened that night, completely wiped out the shadow of Georgia from the incident of Chu Rong's recovery, so as not to cause others to guess and maliciously about Georgia, and then began to deal with those outside Rumors lest everyone wait for an opportunity to make a fuss.

Finally, everyone should take a rest. Anonymity should continue to buy jadeite and buy jadeite, and wait for Georgia to wake up.

Georgia was awakened by heat. The gray water droplets in the magic pool turned white slowly under the action of the purifying circle. They merged with the added magic power and dug deep into the magic pool.

The magic and white water droplets burned the wall of the magic pool, and the wall softened slowly, then the cracks disappeared, and a stronger and wider magic pool gradually condensed.


He unconsciously refused to embrace his warm embrace, and his body began to sweat layer by layer.

Chu Rong opened his eyes and saw that he twisted uneasily, his hands also left Cuiyu under his body, his frown frowned, and he sat up and bent over and hugged him, put it into the repair warehouse, and shouted Zhuang Yu in.

A cool white mist came around, and Georgia hummed comfortably. After reaching the zenith, the heat in his brain suddenly warmed up quickly. The white water droplets mixed in the magic disappeared silently and dissipated in the magic pool. He His body was completely relaxed, his breathing was slow and gentle, and his face became rosy.

The instrument beeps, and the latest test results spit out.

"The pollution value is zero, Joe is okay." Zhuang Yu was ecstatic, flipping through the examination results in his hand, his gaze swept quickly over the most important data, his eyes became brighter and brighter, "All It's back to normal, it's okay, Joe is completely okay! "

Chu Yan, nervously sitting on the side, jumped up immediately and asked excitedly, "Really? Is Joe really all right?"

Zhuang Yu nodded with a smile, only to feel that the stone that had been pressed in his heart for a few days was finally removed, and his voice was unconsciously brisk, and said again: "It's okay, I know he will be okay. His strength is special, and he has He's self-healing ability, the radiation that he sucked into his body was self-excluded. "

Chu Yan happily walked down the wall, turned around and ran to tell the elder brother the good news.

Zhuang Yu shook his head with a funny look, and turned to persuade Chu Rong to do a check, but saw that the other side pressed his eyes and pressed the other hand on the repair warehouse for a few seconds, then tightened into a punch.

She froze, her heart softened, she bowed her head and smiled, stepped back from the room, and gently closed the door.

When Georgia was awake again in the middle of the night, Chu Rong seemed to be lying a bit thinner.

Memories are a bit fuzzy, my head is still a little bit awkward, and there is a sense of unconsciousness after a big sleep.

He opened his eyes for a while, then limped up, shook Chu Rong around him, his eyes a little aggrieved.

Chu Rong, who was just sleeping, immediately opened his eyes and saw him sitting, froze slightly, got up and touched his forehead, and whispered, "What's wrong? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Georgia shook his head with a slow response, stretched his arms around his neck, and leaned on him, sucking his nose, and crying.

"What's wrong?" Chu Rong tightened his arms, patted his back comfortably, kissed his forehead sideways, his heart sour, and frowned, "Are you uncomfortable? Wait a minute, I am Just shouted Zhuang Yu over, Cuiyu want it, you— "


The sound of gastrointestinal hunger sounded particularly pronounced in a quiet environment. Georgia was even more aggrieved. He buried his head and arched into his arms, complaining: "I'm so hungry ... White hair, why don't you give me food, You said you would raise me ... I do n’t want you anymore, I want to go home ... "I said while arching harder into his arms, my voice was a bit vague, obviously I hadn't woke up yet.

Chu Rong: "..."

"I'm going to find mom and dad ..." It seemed that he was very hungry, and Georgia was talking, he took a sip on him, his teeth seemed to have no threat at all, but it hurt to bite someone .

Chu Rong's body tightened immediately, his arm holding him tightened, his tenderness swept away, his eyebrows beating, his face froze and he got up, holding his back head while striding away while holding his back. , Training: "Dare to run around and try to go home, this is your home. Give me the truth! I will take you to eat."

"Why are you so fierce ..." Georgia really cried.

Chu Rong was stiff, stopped with a stretched face, and raised his hand and touched the back of his head vigorously. His face shuddered, but he still couldn't squeeze out a gentle appearance. He only tried to slow down his voice and coaxed, "No evil you ... What do you want to eat, I make it for you. "

"Will you cook?" Georgia stopped crying immediately and looked up at him.

The curled eyelashes also had drops of water on them. Chu Rong looked soft, and his expression was naturally gentle. His brow seemed to be impatiently frowned, but his voice softened completely. Hold him firmly with one hand and help out empty-handed. He wiped his eyes and said, "It's stupid ... I can do it, I'll make it for you."

"Then I want to eat steak!" Georgia immediately became happy, tilted his head and pinched his palm, full of intimacy.

Chu Rong's face was dark, and he refused; "No, you just woke up. You have been relying on nutritional supplements for energy. Suddenly, you can't stand the stomach. You can only eat liquid food during this time."

Georgia's ears collapsed, burying his head to his shoulders, and he began to cry again.

How did this guy get sick for so much, so ...

"No crying!" Chu Rong frozen reprimanded.

Georgia tilted her head and cried, and her body began to tilt down.

He was startled, hugged him, and looked down, only to find that the hungry man had just opened his mouth and fell asleep, as if the trouble was just asleepwalking.

This is really ...

He stood there for a while, his expression changed for a while, and finally he seemed to be impatiently hugged the man slightly, then turned back to the room.

... It's an uneasy bastard!

The next morning, Georgia was really sober and rosy. She had forgotten what happened last night and could n’t remember most of the things that happened after Chu Rong entered the lounge, because it was too painful. The brain consciously empties the painful memories behind it.

Zhuang Yu's explanation for this is that although the radiation inhaled by Georgia has been purified and healed by himself, it still has some impact, and it takes time to slowly eliminate it. The specific manifestation is that Georgia will sometimes commit crimes from time to time. confused.

After listening to this conclusion, Chu Rong remembered the scene where he was in trouble last night, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he couldn't help looking at Georgia on his side.

Georgia, who was leaning on the bed and drinking porridge, noticed that he looked up. He looked up from the porridge bowl, rubbed the rice grains on the corner of his mouth, rubbed his ears behind, shoved the bowl in front of him shyly, Xiao Chan said, "Are you hungry too? Here, I'll share it for you."

"... No, I'm not hungry." Chu Rong's expression eased again, he raised his hand and dialed his long bangs, and moved the side dish far away to him.

Georgia smiled happily at him, tilting his head and rubbing his palms.

Chu Rong rubbed his ears in cooperation, but frowned slightly.

The holiday ended so unknowingly. Chu Yan reported that the opening of the middle school was about to begin. Chu Yan was very upset about this.

"Joe is confused here. He's totally stupid." Chu Yan lay on the rattan table in the garden, watching Georgia playing with a nest of rabbits on the grass, and raised his hands to hold his hair: "This can What should I do? School will start soon. He also said that he would take the skip exam.

Yuan Xiu sat next to him, and followed the direction of looking at Georgia, wondering, "What's silly? Isn't he normal? He just said hello to me, nothing wrong."

"You don't understand ..." Chu Yan waved his hands and wanted to cry without tears: "He looks normal at first glance, but as far as I observe, his mind has dropped by at least five years. This is still a conservative estimate. Really, you believe me, Before Joe could not get hungry, he cried. "

"Ah?" Yuan Xiu was surprised, and looked at Georgia not far away, his eyes widened: "No, don't you cry when you're hungry? That's too ... then does he remember what he learned?"

Chu Yan thought of Zhuang Yu's diagnosis, but felt more broken. He replied, "I don't know. Don't ask me. What is the second brother's protection now? I dare not ask blindly. I'm looking forward to it now. Sister Zhuang's diagnosis is reliable, and Joe can return to normal after this time. "

Speaking of Chu Rong, Yuan Xiu finally remembered the serious business that came over this time. He turned around and looked around, and lowered his voice and asked, "What happened to your house before? Why was it that Chu Rong had happened before, but now it is Joe who becomes silly?" And the festival is over, your eldest brother and aunt have returned to work, but your family has never given a promise, your second brother also took a long vacation and did not go out at all, as if he was hiding something deliberately. Now it ’s horrible to spread outside. Any rumors that your family is urgently looking for a substitute come out. "

"It's all messy." Chu Yan sat up, frowning, and waved his hand, "Isn't Zhuanhua already given, my brother is already well, completely well, and is currently stabilizing his mental strength. What are they telling blindly?" "

"Then why hasn't your family been seeing customers?" Yuan Xiu continued to ask.

Chu Yan's expression became even more weird, and he looked at him side by side and replied: "Don't you see the guest? Then how did you come in? Yuan Xiu, are you also stupid?"

Yuan Xiu's eyes widened suddenly, looking down at himself, scratching his head, wondering: "Yes, how did I get in?"



A sharp mental force suddenly approached from behind, Yuan Xiu instinctively straightened his back, turned his head and looked in the direction of the spiritual force.

"Relax, it's my elder brother. He's mentally unstable recently, and he can't lock up. He can't go out at all." Chu Yan patted his friend's shoulders comfortably, then looked at Chu who strode coldly. Rong, waved and greeted, "Second Brother! Why are you out, Sister Zhuang Yu?"

Chu Rong approached, first glanced at Georgia's direction, made sure he looked at Zhu Yan after he was okay, waved at him as a response, then looked at Yuan Xiu, and said, "I know I will leave Chu's house to school after a while. How do you say? "

"Ah? Ah ... oh oh, I know, I understand." Yuan Xiu nodded hard, realizing that he was put in this time as a microphone, then suddenly responded, and replied: "But I won't go today School, it's not yet time to report. "

"No, you're going." Chu Rong replied, looking at Chu Yan again, saying, "You also have to go, Georgia's skip test has been advanced to today, you go with him, and help him with the suspension procedures."

Chu Yan's eyes widened abnormally, and asked back: "Skip the exam? Is Joe in this state now?"

The breath on Chu Rong's body froze for a moment, and he looked at him deeply, his sharp mental strength, which was not yet obvious, immediately became strong, and circled around the two with stunned eyes, and replied: "You think he can't cope with this A skipping exam? "

Parents who are blindly confident and have no brain protection are terrible!

Chu Yan and Yuan Xiuhu shook their bodies, shook their heads, and Chu Yan quickly said: "No problem, no problem, Joe must be able to pass the test. Second brother, you can rest assured, I promise how to take Joe out, and then how to bring him back!"

Chu Rong reluctantly felt satisfied. He squeezed the mental strength of the chaos a little, nodded toward them, turned and strode to Georgia, hugged people and rabbits together, and walked towards the main house.

Yuan Xiu stared blankly at Chu Rong's embrace of Georgia intimately, and finally realized what he was doing. He turned to look at Chu Yan, and couldn't make a sentence. He said, "Your second brother ... and Joe ... they ... why Hug ... so ... "

"Calm and calm." Chu Yan patted his shoulder, and sighed with vicissitudes.