Dying in the Male Lead’s Arms Every Time I Transmigrate

Chapter 41: 041

A person was torn off by the paper man in minutes.

Bloody and cruel, a smell of fish began to spread from the lower side of the stage, and the corpse that couldn't bear to look directly at it was disgusting.

Probably a few people hadn't expected such a situation, staring at the scarred man's corpse, and did not react for a while.

Until a moment later, a man crawled to the side and stammered: "...The third son... the eldest brother, he, he, he died..."

The bald-headed face next to him was grim, pushed him away and cried, "I'm so **** blind that I didn't see it, want you to speak?"

He stood up from the ground, staring cautiously at the young man in front of him, seeing that he was still covering the eyes of the little girl behind him, with a calm look.

After thinking about it, he asked: "Did you do it?"

Obviously it was fine before, and the paper man would listen to their orders after being tricked by the old man. Now, although the old man is unconscious, he can still listen to them.

There was no reaction just now, and the boss was killed all of a sudden. He didn't have time to order, and he must have been manipulated.

I thought of seeing this boy talking about something before, but if I didn't hear it clearly, it might be his hand.

Qi didn't say a word, his eyes were cold.

This reaction was acquiescence in their eyes. They wanted to destroy him for a while, but didn't dare to step forward, so they could only look at the girl behind him.

Ning Meng reached out and grabbed Shi Qi's hand, "Can I watch it now?"

Shi Qi said: "No."

Ning Meng: "..." Wronged.

The system had to secretly broadcast a live broadcast to her: "The man with the scar on his face was killed by the paper man. Several other people are staring at you. I'm afraid they will attack you."

It seemed to be a little excited.

Ning Meng stepped back a bit and could see the surrounding scene. The first sight was the **** corpse on the ground.

She retched immediately.

The blame had to be shown to her, it was too terrible, the paper man really did everything, it was light to just scare her before.

Shi Qi helplessly patted her on the back, "Let you not look at it."

Several men were furious, and immediately shouted: "Haw, who is crooked, should be taken back to work as paper men."

They just took a step, and the whole person fell forward, lying on the ground, making a loud noise.

Ning Meng squinted to see.

The two paper figures ran to their feet at some point, tripped them and climbed onto their bodies.

"Don't come here... Get out!"

"Don't tear me, don't tear me!"

"That dead old man did it, not me!"

The catastrophe was approaching and flew separately. At the beginning, he tried to catch her aggressively, but now he begged for mercy.

But it is not a pity to die for such a thing.

They killed two people in this school, but if the school can invite them, it must be famous, which means that it must have played a lot of black hands before.

Maybe there are more paper people.

The young man on the stage has dragged his grandfather's body into the corner, staring tremblingly at the bottom.

He knew that there would be retribution, grandpa was all for him...

The sound of a police car suddenly came from outside, from far to near, becoming clearer and clearer, accompanied by the sound of 120.

A middle-aged man ignored the paper man who was about to stick to his face, and suddenly shouted, "Who called the police?!"

The entire auditorium suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, Shi Qi suddenly said, "Oh, I called the police."

Ning Meng didn't expect this incident, let alone that he would call the police. After all, the police might not believe such a supernatural incident.

Several people were struggling, digging on the ground, their fingers bleeding.

Ning Meng looked away slightly, this kind of scene was too **** and cruel, she wouldn't stop it.

Shi Qi sighed and nodded gently to the paper man.

The footsteps outside gradually approached, and Shi Qi pressed Ning Meng on the chair and whispered: "Close your eyes and pretend to sleep."

They were awake in the entire auditorium, and they would definitely have to ask a lot of questions.

Ning Meng felt that her grandson had gone bad.

When the police came in, they only saw a few people lying down on the ground, and one with a **** face. Even though they had seen many scenes, they were shocked.

The paper man has disappeared under the stage.

As the noise entered, the people in the auditorium gradually awoke, discussing in twos and threes: "I just seemed to fall asleep, and I feel like..."

"I don't seem to understand the meaning of that singing. It's babbling, like a lullaby, and the doze is coming."

"...I feel like I dreamed of the shadow puppetry, and when I woke up, it was vaguely...I have to write about my heaven when I go back."

When they saw the police in front, the students were taken aback. The corpses on the ground had been taken away by them without much panic.

There was surveillance in the auditorium, and there were also cameras preparing to shoot the entire shadow puppet show this time, but when the police went to watch it, it was snowy.

The teenager on the stage glanced at the boy who was protecting the girl, knowing what to say and what not to say.

He glanced at the people on the ground, felt resentful, and immediately cried and said, "Some of them kidnapped me and my grandpa!"

All the people in the last colony were taken away, and the body was not let go.

Ning Meng stood on the edge of Shi Qi, feeling lingering.

The police investigated quickly, and the students were quickly cleared of suspicion.

As for the specific situation, Ning Meng didn't know the details. They were all taken to a separate classroom for questioning. She pretended to be asleep directly.

In order not to be seen by them, the system also asked her to help her.

Although the system is useless, this is still there, and she knows that she is a student, and it is normal to be afraid of being nervous.

As for Shi Qi, she is not worried.

Even if the police suspected, Shi's family would let them not doubt that these things were common and there was already a tacit understanding.

When she read this novel before, the police asked Shi's family for help.

A few days later, the girls from Class 6 and the girls who fainted in the cafeteria woke up, and only came to the school to continue classes after half a month.

Regarding the memories of those days, they even remember it, as if they had had a dream, and they couldn't believe it.

Qiu Keke heard the news and quietly bit her ears with Ning Meng.

The part that the girl in Class 6 remembered was that she went out to go to the bathroom that night. When she came out, she saw a paper man. There were emergency lights in the corridor at that time. She was not too timid, so she took two steps to see.

Unexpectedly, when she met the paper man, she was directly stuck.

She didn't shake it no matter how, but instead let the paper man curl her hand, climbed up to her neck, and looked at her ferociously.

The girl almost took a breath at the time. If it weren't for the pain in her neck, she thought she was dreaming.

Later, her consciousness slowly faded, not knowing what happened next.

Ning Meng guessed that it was probably the paper man who took her soul at that time. Because he was standing, he still stood at the door of the dormitory after losing consciousness.

Later, I was bumped into by a roommate behind and fell down as soon as I pushed.

Qiu Keke said that his mouth was dry and he drank more water.

Ning Meng pondered it for a while, and discovered a secret deeply, that is, don't touch strange things randomly, which can easily cause trouble.

Paper people appeared at the door of the dormitory in the middle of the night. If she saw it, she would definitely close the door immediately. If there was a lighter, she would set it on fire.

Of course, whether it works is still a question.

The paper man was burned to ashes last time, but she didn't know what method Shi Qi used. He had a very special physique.

Sure enough, her grandson is still great.

Qiu Keke had enough rest, and said mysteriously: "You don't know, the girl in the cafeteria is more weird than her in a coma."

At that time, she was only looking at the test papers, and didn't pay attention to the situation there. In the past two days, she received news from other people, and she had lingering fears.

Fortunately, the paper man did not look at her.

Ning Meng opened her mouth, watching Shi Qi sitting next to her, and then asked with confidence, "How did she get into a coma?"

Qiu Keke whispered immediately.

That girl is from Class 10 and her family is relatively poor, but according to her classmates, she likes to make some handicrafts, including some paper ones.

These things are also a little popular among girls, you can earn your usual pocket money, buy yourself some food books and so on.

Since the shadow puppet troupe entered the school, she had heard from the same table more than once that she wanted to go there to see how shadow puppets were made, and she wanted to learn too.

She lives in a dormitory far away from school, and she also lives in school.

Later that day after school at noon, she told her roommate that she would not go back to the dormitory if she was going to see in the auditorium, and her roommate didn't care.

The girl did enter the auditorium after eating at noon, but she didn't see anything at the time, and no one in the auditorium seemed to be there.

She walked in curiously and saw the exquisite paper figures and some small shadow puppets placed. She was very excited and touched it with her hand.

Later, if she was too timid to touch, she saw a paper man with closed eyes in the corner that looked too real and a little scary, so she ran out of the auditorium and went to the cafeteria.

There were very few people in the school at that time. The students in the cafeteria returned to the dormitory for lunch after their meals. She was the only one, and there was a girl not far away.

She felt uncomfortable behind her not long after sitting down.

She wears few clothes in summer, she can feel breathless, like something stuck on it, and when she reaches out and touches it, she finds a paper figure on her back.

The paper man has been stuck on her back since she entered the auditorium.

The girl's scalp was numb, and could not be torn off. Instead, she alarmed the paper man. She climbed up along the back, and the paper arm caught her neck.

It's obviously made of paper, but it's stronger than people, and it can't tear apart.

She didn't remember later.

Then came the memory of waking up in the hospital.

Almost no one dared to speak out about such a weird plot, because no one believed it. The person who entered the hallucination that night in the auditorium woke up the next day completely unaware that he had the hallucination, and wrote seriously his thoughts.

People who don't know really think they watched a very good shadow puppet show.

Qiu Ke might get the news through friends all over the world. As for telling Ning Meng, of course she felt that she was soft.

Not only the appearance is soft, but the speech is also soft.

Qiu Keke said quietly: "Ningning, you should be careful when you go home. If a paper man enters the window, then he will go up and press you tightly—"

Before he finished speaking, he called out.

Ning Meng was taken aback by her call, and quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

Shi Qi suddenly walked through the aisle between her and Qiu Keke and returned to his position, tapping on the book with his slender fingers.

He leaned back in his chair, half-squinted, tilted his head, and said slowly: "No ghost stories are allowed in the classroom."

Qiu Keke retorted: "When did I say... OK, I won't say it or not, it's just..."

She touched Ning Meng's head, her face full of sympathy, "Oh, Ning Ning, sit at the same table with him, you have worked hard."

Ning Meng nodded, then shook his head again.

She was kind to me before.

Now I naturally treat her well.

——"The Little Diary that Shi Qi Secretly Hidden"