Eagle’s Glory

Chapter 155: Extra (1)

Christmas Eve in 1838 was approaching with the snow falling in midair and the gloomy sky that was about to fall into the night.

The snow has been falling for several days, and the coverage is quite large, covering almost the whole of Vienna and its surrounding areas, and naturally the same is true of the manors located on the outskirts.

Snow covered the roads and the forests everywhere, dyeing the whole earth into a vast white ocean. Only a few manor buildings stand tenaciously in this ocean, like black reefs embellishing it, and the snow also makes These humble buildings seem even more isolated.

At this moment, a blond young man in a black dress was standing quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of a country house.

Behind him, a blazing fire was burning in the fireplace, and the firewood brought warmth to the room, and the crackling sound made the room no longer silent.

He was silent, watching the tiny hexagonal elves falling from the sky like catkins and butterflies." His eyes were calm and a little confused, he seemed to be lost, but he couldn't see how much regret.

He has lived here for many years, and it is foreseeable that the rest of his life will be repeated in this peaceful life.

Is this timidly escaping from the ambitions in his heart, or wisely escaping the shackles that fate has forced upon him?

He didn't know the answer, but he knew that he didn't feel pain in this kind of life, because...

A soft touch suddenly came from his back, and then he wrapped his arms around the young man's waist and abdomen, and then, there was a sweet call.


Yes, isn't that enough? What is there to regret?

The young man turned around slowly.

And his wife, Her Royal Highness Princess Teresa, was looking at him with a sweet smile. Her eyes were full of brilliance, rippling with infinite love for her husband and satisfaction with her current happy life.

According to the latest fashion, she has fluffy curly hair on the temples and a fashionable skirt. Although she is already a mother of three children, she is only in her twenties now, and the charm of a young woman still remains. On her body, the grace that belongs to a married wife has also developed more and more because of good maintenance, and the two completely different temperaments are integrated in her body, making Teresa more and more radiant.

This is what my wife-young people think.

This is the married life that I would rather give up everything that I have been thinking about countless times in exchange for it.

Ask himself, he has no reason to regret it.

It was on Christmas Eve twelve years ago that Aigron was moved by Teresa's same smile. After a long period of thinking and inner self-struggle, he finally decided to live up to Teresa's love and choose. If he stayed and became the son-in-law of Archduke Karl, he would also be with Teresa for the rest of his life.

According to the palace's plan, in June 1827, the news of their engagement was officially announced, and then the news was passed to the entire European social circle, and a year later, in June 1828, the two of them officially entered the palace of marriage.

It was a grand wedding, and the Austrian court officials very much hoped to officially announce that the Bonaparte family was integrated into this great royal family in this way; and Archduke Karl was also very happy to witness his daughter growing up with a dazzling brilliance.

But for Aegron and Teresa, all the so-called rituals are meaningless, they will be together forever, that's all they want.

And after that, ten years later, the happy couple together gave birth to a happy family, they already had three children, and according to Teresa's idea, she would like to have a few more, so that this The splendid and troubled family can spread its branches and leaves, and re-enter the large families of European royal families.

"His Royal Highness... It's time for us to pass." After the two looked at each other for a while, Teresa whispered, "I have all the gifts ready, you just need to send them one by one!"

Although the two have been married for so many years, Teresa still likes to call him that, maybe to her, it's like commemorating the eternal first encounter between the two.

They will take the children to visit the Archduke Carl family not far away - since they got married, they do it every Christmas, the Archduke and his wife insist on bringing their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren together It is impossible to celebrate together.

But to be honest, Aegron does not dislike this kind of big family atmosphere. If there is any trouble, it is probably a lot of trouble to deal with all kinds of human relationships... But Teresa kindly solved most of the problems for him. , he just follows the procedure most of the time.

"Okay, thank you." Aegron nodded lightly, "Let's go to the study and tidy up."

"Study? Why?" Teresa was puzzled.

"I'm going to take some written manuscripts today and show them to your father." Aegron replied with a smile, "Because some of them involve passages of past history, I hope to be able to evaluate as many parties as possible. I think your father is a The best candidate."

"That's it! My dad is the best judge, and he's very strict even with himself—" Teresa couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

Archduke Karl once wrote a pamphlet under a pseudonym, discussing the command of the war in that year. Some paragraphs in the pamphlet severely criticized some of his command errors when he was in command of the army. Austrian officials thought this was a wicked person. After an anonymous attack on the royal family, the booklet was hurriedly banned, and it was not published until Archduke Karl himself spoke.

In this regard, Archduke Karl is stern and pragmatic, ruthless, but never partial, and is indeed the best person to ask for advice.

So the couple went to the study room.

The study is very tidy. Paper clips, books, and furniture are clearly grouped together. There are only some messy marks on the desk, and a lot of manuscript paper is scattered on it. Obviously, it was completed by the owner not long ago.

Teresa carefully helped her husband organize these manuscripts, as if holding some sacred object in her hand.

When Aegron was working—that is, when he was writing in his spacious study, Teresa would keep everyone on his toes and the whole family walked on tiptoe.

In Teresa's view, this work of His Royal Highness is not a boring pastime for an unintentional grandson to pass the time, but the greatest undertaking, imitating his father to conquer the world with a pen.

Under the care of Teresa, after marriage, Agron was hardly involved in the mundane affairs of managing the family, and could almost devote himself to the work he decided for himself. Stop consuming his vigorous creativity and energy, his works include novels, scripts and various reviews, and even some historical monographs.

Thanks to his efforts, these works have been copied in various European countries and accumulated a lot of readers.

However, he also has a strange insistence that every time he publishes his work, he uses a pseudonym instead of his real name, so although his writing spreads across Europe, only a small group of people around him know that these works are actually the famous highness. written.

"It would be an insult to me if people read my work just because of my name," he replied when Teresa asked him why, and Teresa immediately accepted the strangeness of Her Royal Highness 's persistence.

However, Teresa also had a hard time accepting that her husband's reputation was forgotten by the world, so after discussion, they agreed that in a few years, when Aegron relied on his own ability to establish his reputation and status in the literary world, the author's real The publicity of his identity shocked his fans all over Europe.

Soon, the couple sorted out these documents and put them into a special bag.

Then, they walked out of the study and came to the living room of the villa.

At this time, their children were also waiting here under the leadership of their servants.

Three children, the eldest son François; then the eldest daughter Emily and the youngest daughter Charlotte.

These French-style names were not actually chosen by her father, but the result of Teresa's insistence-she felt that since the Bonaparte family had been brilliant in France, at least future generations should leave a memorial when naming them, Of course, Aigron readily accepted this view.

Because of the strict family education, the three children, despite their young age, were strictly polite and respectfully saluted their parents, and Aigron also walked up to them and patted their cute little heads affectionately.

"Wait at Grandpa's place, don't make any noise, and no matter what gift you receive, you have to say thank you, understand?" While stroking, he told his children with a smile.

"Got it, Dad!" the children answered in unison.

Soon, the family walked into the carriage, the carriage with the sleigh moved forward in the light snow, and soon came to the country house where the Duke and his wife lived.

Then, they were warmly received by Grand Duke Karl and Grand Duchess Henrietta.

Compared with 12 years ago, the couple are much older, but their care and love for their children and grandchildren have not diminished by half, and their thoughts have become stronger.

As time went by, their children also had their own careers or got married. Except for the eldest son, Abbott, who stayed with his parents, the other children could not be guaranteed to attend. On the contrary, the Aigrons lived close to each other, so they often visited each other. Their children also became treasures in the hands of their grandparents.

"Merry Christmas." While Henrietta was playing with the children, Aigron walked to his father-in-law and said hello to Archduke Karl.

Although Archduke Karl is still as serious as ever, Aigron knows that he has been silently doing his best to protect his daughter and son-in-law, so that they can live in the way they want without distraction, and it has been the same for ten years. So he has always been grateful to his father-in-law.

"Well, Merry Christmas." Archduke Carl nodded nonchalantly, as if that was all he wanted to say.

After getting along for so many years, of course Aegron knew his habits, so he didn't take it personally, and continued to express his thoughts.

"I encountered some difficulties in writing, and I need your advice." He said to his father-in-law very politely,

"Then you're probably looking for the wrong person. I don't know anything about literature." Archduke Karl shrugged, showing little interest.

To be honest, Archduke Karl was quite critical about his son-in-law who would rather devote himself to the study of literature instead of seeking power and position, but his daughter insisted, so he stopped interfering and let his son-in-law complete his hobbies.

But as time passed, Archduke Karl slowly accepted the choice of son-in-law, especially after he showed his talent and won praise.

Before he knew it, he had also become one of his son-in-law's book fans - but he never admitted it.

"What I need is not literary advice, but military advice, especially your experience can help me a lot." Aegron still insisted on his own opinion.

"Okay then." Duke Karl spread his hands and agreed to his son-in-law's request.

Then, Aigron handed his manuscript to his father-in-law.

With the help of the bright candlelight, Archduke Karl glanced roughly, but did not speak for a long time.

Aegron didn't make a sound, and just waited beside him.

"It's not bad." After a long time, Duke Karl finally spoke. "Looks like you've got big ideas."

"Yes, I plan to write a group novel, the protagonists are both French and German, and use the experiences of all of them to show the past era, and all the pain and happiness that people experienced." Aigron replied, "It may be It's going to take a lot of my time, but I think it's worth it, and I can't stand it being visibly flawed - so I'm asking for your help."

Archduke Karl looked at the clock on the fireplace.

"I don't have enough time today, so let me tell you a few things."

Then, he spoke incessantly, citing any points in himself that needed to be highlighted or changed—obviously, he was not so indifferent to his son-in-law's creations on the surface.

Soon, with Henrietta's urging, their communication could only end temporarily.

"Everything you said was very helpful to me, and I will remember—" Aigron said to his father-in-law with a smile.

"It's not worth mentioning the help, and that's just my personal opinion. You can choose according to your needs." Archduke Karl waved his hand, "By the way, do you have a name?"

"Not yet." Agron shook his head.

"How about it's called "War and Peace"? It's easy to understand." Archduke Karl suggested.

Agron froze for a moment.

"Why, are you not satisfied?" Archduke Karl asked.

"No... I just think it's a little strange..." Aegron quickly shook his head in denial, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "However, it's not bad to think about it. Well, let's call it this name! I will try my best to push myself and put all my energy into it so as not to live up to this name."

"It's just a random name, is it necessary to react like this?" Archduke Karl was a little puzzled.

However, he had no interest in continuing to argue with his son-in-law, so the two men returned to the middle of the living room and to their respective wives.

"How are you, Your Highness?" Teresa asked her husband in a low voice.

"Very smooth." Aegron replied with a smile, "Your father is more involved than I thought."

"That's good~" Teresa also laughed happily, "At this age, he has to find something to do."

Then, adults and children got together, came to the Christmas tree, and gave each other gifts to celebrate another Christmas Eve.

Then, like every Christmas party, Teresa went to the piano in the living room and began to play music, but this time she chose the well-known piano piece "Canon" in D major.

In the melodious music, the family ushered in a new festival in an atmosphere full of laughter.

"Receive the grace of the Lord!"

Then, with another round of cheers, Teresa also stopped playing the music and started having dinner with the whole family.

The cheerful atmosphere has been staying in the room, and there are laughter and laughter everywhere. Whether it is the elderly or children, they are all immersed in the happy family affection, looking forward to the coming year, and also looking forward to the continuation of this happiness.

After eating, Aigron walked to the balcony of the villa, standing under the fine snow, quietly looking into the distance.

The sky was dark and the light was dim, and only a few candles flickered between the reefs in the snowy sea. These flashes rushed to the snow blanket on the ground, and then made it reflect light blue fluorescence, standing on the balcony and looking at it. Go, as if there is a sense of confusion in a fairy tale world.

Aegron's face was a little hot because he drank a little wine, but his consciousness was clearer and sharper than usual.

He stood in the cold wind, savoring the air mixed with snowflakes.

That's your choice...that's your life for ten years and maybe a few more decades to come.

What did you get for it and what did you give up?

He already had the answer to this question.

Maybe it's a little regretful, but he never regrets it, because... he lives with those who love him deeply.

In this world, he has found people who can accommodate him, and he has also found his footing.

If it is said that this world is a cruel and icy snow country, then under the fiddling of fate, he finally found his own reef and fortress.

It was also the home he had to protect...

I am no longer alone.

"Teresa." He suddenly called softly to the void in front of him.

"His Royal Highness..." A low voice responded unexpectedly from behind.

Aigron was not surprised, because he knew that Teresa would come for him—she liked to stay by his side.

He turned around and looked at the lovely wife in front of him.

And Teresa was also looking at him.

The dim light could not hide her fiery gaze, even after ten years, she was still the same as before.

"His Royal Highness, I once read a book that said that after marriage, a woman should not only limit herself to children and the kitchen, but should find the taste of life, so that her husband can find novelty in her from time to time, and only In this way, the marriage can always maintain its original beauty-" Teresa said with a slightly joking tone.

"Novelty?" Aegron felt amused. "Every day I spend with you is my strangest experience."

"Your Highness..." Teresa walked in front of him and hugged him.

Yes, even though his routine seems to be so repetitive all the time, he still has a novelty for his wife to this day.

"I don't regret it." Aigron said suddenly and thoughtlessly.

"Huh?" Teresa looked at her husband inquiringly. "What's up?"

"Nothing—" Aegron bowed his head and used his lips to end his wife's questioning.

The fine snowflakes quietly fell on their hair and on their bodies, as if God was blessing them.