Eagle’s Glory

Chapter 174: 61, relatives

After negotiating with his cousin Louis, Agron followed Louis back to the room just now.

Although he had already given this task to Louis, but after all they were father and son, he still didn't want to pin his hopes on his cousin's consciousness, and would rather watch by himself.

After returning to the room, this time he didn't bother to look respectful and polite to his uncle, but stood indifferently in front of him.

"Dad..." Louie's face was a little ugly, but he hesitated and said, "I hope you can stay here for a while and accompany our brother."

"To accompany you?" The King of Holland suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he understood something. He raised his head, passed his son, and looked at the young man behind him. "You won't let me go?"

"I'm sorry, my uncle." Aigron nodded lightly. "In the name of family interests, I think you need to stay here for a while."

"Are you going to imprison me?" The King of Holland turned pale, "I am your uncle, how could you do such a thing?"

Why can't I? There have been many monarchs in history who killed fathers and sons, not to mention an uncle... Aegron complained in his heart.

Of course, on the surface, he still maintains basic politeness.

"What you said is too serious. Of course I didn't intend to imprison you. You are my uncle, and I will always remember this. But... In the interests of the family, I need you to do this."

"Family interests..." The Dutch king pouted and laughed, "In the name of family interests, your father let me marry his stepdaughter, making my marriage unhappy for the rest of my life; in the name of family interests, he He deposed me from the throne and made me lose my soul; he despised me, reprimanded me, and treated me as a servant who was shouting and drinking, and now you are going to hurt me with the same words?"

"I admit that those things did cause emotional trauma to you, but do you plan to complain like this for the rest of your life? It's been so many years, and your brother has turned into loess. How long will you hold grudges?" Aegron became impatient, "To be honest, I really don't think he owes you anything - when he gave the throne back then, why didn't you say it was forced and violated your feelings? Instead of doing this, you He happily put on a crown that did not belong to him.

When the crown is taken away, you get up and complain! Complain about what? Complaining about being robbed of something you never had? It's useless, you have to have the consciousness of being a slave if you accept the things that are being donated. If you are not convinced, you will go and grab a kingdom by yourself, and then no one will yell at you again! "

Aigron was really angry, so he was not polite to his uncle, and a sneer with a gun and a stick fell on the other side's head.

The King of Holland was extremely angry, but for a while he didn't know how to refute him.

Agron frowned and calmed himself down again.

"All in all, whether you admit it or not, I am now the head of the House of Bonaparte, and my orders are valid in this family. Don't bring out my grandmother to scare me, I have been to Rome to see her, she Bless my career and entrust this family to me! If you obey my orders, then I will let this family have a place for you, but if you don't know what's good or bad, then I'm welcome, I can Punish you justifiably."

After he finished speaking, Aigron gave Louis a secret wink.

"Your Majesty... I beg you to calm down." Louis understood, so he pretended to beg him, "Although my father was disrespectful to you, he hasn't seen you for so many years. It's normal for him to be a little rusty. I think as long as he is on the island After getting along for a long time, he will definitely respect you from the heart just like us. Please give us a little more time."

"As long as he doesn't insist against me like this, of course I won't embarrass him." Aegron softened his tone.

Then, he looked at the king of the Netherlands again, "Since you have come to the island, I will treat you as a distinguished guest and will try my best to entertain you, in exchange for you to stay here for a while, I don't have any requirements, as long as Just don't get into trouble. If you don't accept it, I have another solution."

"How?" asked the King of Holland.

"Sponsor one-tenth of the family's wealth to me as a donation to the family business. As long as you do this, you can leave whenever you like. I will never stop it." Aegron replied, "This is my contribution to the family. The member's request, and only if I do it will I treat him as a loyal member - just like your wife."

"Aotangsi!?" Louis exclaimed.

He had just heard about it, so he looked at the boy in astonishment. "Did you force her like that too?"

"How is that possible? I will never use violence against my relatives." Aegron sneered, "Your wife is much more conscious than you, and she decided to donate these money to help our cause, so my heart is full of gratitude to her, She deserves to be a loyal member of our family - and you, make a choice too! Do you want to stay here or donate your family wealth?"

Without any hesitation, the King of the Netherlands immediately shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm very shy, and I really don't have the money to support your ambitions."

Hmph, would you rather be under house arrest than give money? Agron sneered.

But this is also expected.

He never expected these uncles and uncles to donate their family wealth with peace of mind because of their own words. They didn't even listen to Napoleon's words back then, and now they don't even care about this nephew.

But it doesn't matter, this is a hard threshold he deliberately set. If you don't want to donate money, it means that loyalty is not enough. Then if they achieve great things in the future, they will not be eligible to ask themselves for rewards as the elders of the Bonaparte family. .

"Okay, I respect your choice. Since you want to keep your money, then I won't take a penny, so you can keep it well. I'm not interested in blackmailing my uncle." Aigron raised his head proudly and looked at him, "Then For the next period of time, you will stay here well, and I will naturally let you go when the time comes, and then we will have nothing to do with each other from now on, and you will no longer act in the name of your family, and just live your seclusion life."

"I am so happy," said the King of Holland stubbornly. "Then how long do you think this period is?"

"Within a month or two, I promise." Aigron replied. "I don't expect you to follow my orders from the bottom of your heart, but please think about what the name Bonaparte has brought you, is it a mere yoke, and if you can feel something else, Then you can cooperate, and you can do one thing for this family just a little bit!"

Under his gaze, the King of Holland's eyes began to retreat.

Although he quarreled with his nephew as soon as they met, and although he still harbored resentment towards his brother, the family affection still had a place in his heart after all.

Finally, he nodded mixedly.

"Okay, goodbye, I wish you father and son a good time." Aigron didn't intend to say anything more, and turned to leave.

He held back his anger and couldn't help comparing Queen Aotangsi with the other party.

The queen's elegant and witty conversation and caring from the heart made him sigh, and he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

These troublesome relatives are even more loyal than women who used to be foreign surnames!

"Teresa...remember this."

In the study room of the manor, Princess Henrietta patiently said to her daughter.

At the same time as she instructed, Teresa, who was sitting at the desk, also picked up a pencil and wrote and drew on the paper.

This time, she is no longer the sketch she used to be good at, but the trivial and vulgar money account.

A stack of documents has been folded, some of which have been carefully marked by her. This girl who used to be addicted to literature has to let go of her former loneliness and get in touch with the most ordinary world.

She is now busy turning her dowry into cash as quickly as possible.

Of course, there is only one purpose - try to bring as much money as possible to meet your future husband at the right time.

In the beginning, the archdukes were more generous than they should have been when they considered buying her dowry, but because they knew that their daughter and son-in-law would be living in Austria, a large part of the dowry consisted of jewelry and real estate, as well as local bond.

But because of the mysterious fate, the situation is completely different now, Teresa can no longer enjoy these things, and can only choose to realize it as soon as possible.

And she, who had not received similar training before, could only seek help from her mother.

Like Archduke Karl, Henrietta had nothing to do with her daughter's insistence. After a fierce ideological struggle, she could only respect her decision in the end.

So, recently, mother and daughter have been spending most of their time sorting accounts and money.

If you ignore their identities, it's like an old clerk in a clothing store handing over to a new clerk - of course, in essence, it may be the same.

"Come here first and have a rest." The dizzy Grand Duchess picked up the cup next to her and took a sip of coffee.

Teresa also stopped, took a sip of coffee, and then narrowed her eyes slightly to let herself rest for a while.

Henrietta looked at her daughter distressedly, then shook her head and sighed.

"My daughter, I'm really worried about you... Once you leave us, how will you live!"

"Have some confidence in me, Mom." Teresa opened her eyes, then smiled reluctantly. "I've grown up and I know how to make my family live happily."

His own family... Henrietta couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

"Actually, I'm different from your father. I'm not against your decision blindly, after all, it does seem very romantic. The revenge of the fallen prince... It's as charming as the drama, and Franz is indeed a very likable person. Jun boy, not to mention writing poems and swords, even dancing is so cute." Speaking of which, she spread her hands, "At your age, how can a woman not dream of romance? But the world is not dependent on Romance works, we still have to think about reality after all.”

"What do you mean?" Theresa whispered.

"I won't advise you to give up now, but I still want to give you some practical advice." Henrietta said to her daughter seriously, "You must not give all this money to him after meeting. This is not wise. Give favors little by little, so that people will continue to think of you as good."

Theresa nodded slightly.

"According to my estimation, he must have drawn a lot of sponsorship from his relatives, so he has the confidence to carry out his own business." Henrietta added, "But...I doubt whether this sponsorship is sustainable. The people of the Bonaparte family, although I haven't met them, I know them. They are all selfish guys. I don't believe that they will spend all their money to support him, so your sponsorship must be at the right time, he I will be grateful to you for this... This is a good start, but you must not think that this is enough. In fact, you still have a hard struggle. You have to put down your temper and find a way to win over the people around you. Money makes everyone look up to you - it's best if you can take control of the family's finances because of it, and you need to be an indispensable person, not a blind follower."

Under the earnest teaching of her mother, Teresa nodded again and again.

She understood that this was her mother's heartfelt advice.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw this pile of account books and documents on the table.

There is a large amount of money flowing in it, and what is deposited on top of the money is an extremely sincere family love.

"Mom, I'm sorry..." For a while, she couldn't bear it any longer, and apologized to her mother again. "Please forgive me."

She knows that she has failed her parents' love, but sometimes people can only make these unwilling choices.

Just hope this all makes up for it in time.

"I forgive you, at this time, what can I be angry about?" Henrietta sighed, "I'm just afraid, I'm afraid that your life will be bad, after all, we can't continue to protect you... I You can only pray to the Almighty God so that you can have a happy future."

"I will!" Teresa's eyes were sour.

"Don't cry! The future Queen of France can't cry." Henrietta laughed, joking to ease the current atmosphere.

After laughing for a while, she told her daughter, "If you have a chance in the future, be sure to come back and see us."

"Dad won't let me come back." When she said this, Teresa was sad again.

"Silly girl!" Henrietta was heartbroken and couldn't help scolding this annoying daughter again.

"Your father is just vindictive. He has never surrendered to anyone in his life, and now he is so run on by you, how can he let it go? He's just trying to scare you, don't worry, things won't get so bad. Yes, our Majesty and the Prime Minister are both realists. As long as His Majesty's career is successful, are you afraid that they will not compromise? As for you, Teresa, with you to bridge the relationship between the two parties, I don't think there is any contradiction that cannot be ignored. What everyone has forgotten - hasn't everyone been here for thousands of years?"

"I hope so." Teresa was also relieved.

"By the way, you have to be careful about the relatives around him." Henrietta thought of something again, and warned her daughter again, "I just said, none of them are easy to mess with, and no one knows whether they are welcome or not. You, if one of them treats you maliciously..."

"I'm not afraid of this. It would be fine if they quietly recognized me as the mistress, but if they cause trouble, then I won't swallow it, and I have to convince them." Teresa frowned slightly, her slender hands also He squeezed a fist and said, "I am generous and tolerant to His Highness, just because I love His Highness and sincerely hope that everything goes well for him. As for other people... no matter who they are, as long as they are disrespectful to us and damage my happiness, I will never forgive him."