Eagle’s Glory

Chapter 234: 121, borrowing

"God testify that I will give you victory and freedom—"

After listening to the translation, Theodoros Kolokotronis seemed deeply moved.

"I don't know how much useful knowledge you have absorbed when you were raised and educated by the Austrians, but at least I can see that you have been cultivated with tact and tenacity, which, in my experience, Qualities are all necessary to achieve great things, and they can't be taught, you can only comprehend them by yourself. I admire you, like when you were young, I didn't even know what I wanted to do, let alone what I wanted to do. Say it and do it! If you have the courage, then you will definitely leave your name in history. As for the result? It is the will of God. A hero."

Of course he knew that the young man who came to Greece would never, as he said, **** the strong and help the weak purely out of justice, but that was not important, the important thing was that he dared to do it and really He pulled a team over.

Such courage and determination at such a young age is already admirable in itself.

At his age, it is easy to recall his original appearance in front of young people, and when facing this young man, he faintly feels a little ashamed.

Just look at what kind of history he will create in the future. If he can really bring independence to Greece, then what does it matter to bless him on the throne in the future?

The way a person fights for himself is always admirable.

But for now, do your own thing first.

"I would rather be a winner than a hero," Aegron replied. "The death of a hero may be tragic, but it means that he has achieved nothing; victory may not be too glorious, but at least the winner writes history. One of the parties - survival is the greatest justice. I am the best example. Napoleon was famous all over the world, but he failed. No matter how brilliant fame is, how much does it mean to me? In order not to let my descendants suffer the same disaster, I would rather do what I should do myself."

"Your words also make sense." Theodoros Kolokotronis nodded, agreeing with the boy's opinion, "We are fighting to survive right now, and if we fail again, we will have nothing left—so, I would like to ask you, how much are you willing to support us?"

Aigron knew that with his question, the two people's talks had officially entered the topic.

During the first meeting, the two exchanged their views on life while touting each other.

Although this beginning is not too kind, but at least it is friendly enough. Aegron believes that he has left a good impression on the other party - at least the other party will not regard himself as a stinky boy, but as a An ally who is equal in intelligence and strategy.

"What kind of support do you need most now?" He didn't just pack the ticket at the first time, but inquired about the other party's price.

"To tell you the truth, we lack everything right now." Theodoros Kolokotronis replied with a wry smile, "We lack soldiers, quilts, and weapons, but in the final analysis, what we lack most is money. It was originally a poor country, and the continuous wars have further destroyed our already poor and weak economy, and now we have lost most of our land... In short, we have gone bankrupt, just because there are still people willing to sacrifice for the nation, That's why we barely survived. However, there is a limit to this sacrifice and patience, and I believe we are approaching the limit."

Theodoros very frankly exposed the predicament he was facing, because he knew that these situations could be seen with a little analysis, and it would be meaningless to hide them, so it would be better to tell them.

"I understand your current predicament, and I am very willing to help you." Aigron replied with a smile, "I think you already know that when I first came to Greece, I showed what I had in front of everyone. Huge wealth."

"Ah, I know, Panos reported to me at the beginning." Theodoros nodded calmly, "I'm glad our friend has a lot of money, but in the end, it's all yours. The money has not been transferred to our accounts, so our current crisis remains the same, just a little more hopeful."

"Then how much do you want?" Aegron asked bluntly without going around in circles.

"In conversion, we need three million francs worth of property immediately in order to pay our most urgent expenses." Theodoros was obviously prepared for this question, and immediately answered the boy's question, "and then answered the question. It needs continuous financial support, if possible, it is best to give us one million francs a month, if we can get this funding, everything will go a lot better.”

After speaking, he immediately stared at the young man, waiting for his answer.

Aegron quietly listened to the request of the other party, without any change in expression.

"That's a lot of money," he replied calmly. "Fortunately I can afford it—at least for a while."

He was telling the truth. The wealth he unearthed on the island of Monte Cristo was about 40 million francs according to Dumas's estimate in the novel. At this rate of consumption, it could even last three years ago - and he was sure, about a year or so A fundamental turnaround can take place.

One year, plus the upfront investment, which is fifteen million francs, one-third of the property he now owns.

He was not a man of wealth, and fifteen million francs was a dizzying number for anyone, enough to live a rich life for one man and his children and grandchildren for generations, but right To him, it was just a number—and he had twenty-five million at his disposal, which was huge enough.

It's just... he paid 15 million, what did he get?

"You mean, do you agree with my proposal?" Theodoros demanded.

"Wait." Aegron waved his hand to stop the other party's words. "I think there is a premise that I have to explain. Although I have always promised that I will help you, I have never said that all this is free of charge, right?"

"I know." Theodoros nodded.

"So, what can I get out of it?" Aigron asked the other party, "I know you will thank me, and maybe even leave my name in your history books, so that children in a hundred years will praise me... But I am a more practical person, and I don't think these prices are enough to exchange for a wealth of more than ten million francs. I don't know if you agree with me?"

Aegron's question was a bit sharp, but Theodoros was not angry, because he knew it was the truth.

"Of course, I agree with you, reputation is very important, but it is not enough to exchange for such a huge wealth." He nodded calmly, and then continued, "We will not treat your money as a donation, but as a An investment, and if we become independent in the future, we'll find a way to repay the money—"

"How to repay?" Aigron asked again.

It is not that he deliberately embarrassed the other party, but he knew that Greece had already exhausted its people and wealth during the years of independence war. Even if it succeeded in independence, it must be a small and poor country, and its finances must be very difficult. Gradually collecting more than 10 million francs of property in the finances to repay it to himself is almost like a dream.

Under Aegron's aggressive gaze, Theodoros knew that he would not be able to pass this hurdle without showing a little sincerity.

He decided to come up with the conditions in his heart in order to get the cooperation of the other party.

"We have a lot of silver mines in Mycenae." He no longer hesitated, and said directly to the young man, "If we regain the country, these silver mines will become our source of income, and I plan to set up a special agency to manage these mines. Silver mine, and you can send a special person to participate in this management organization, and extract a certain percentage of the income of the silver mine as our repayment, what do you think of this condition?"

Finally came up with the real thing.

After listening to his words, Aigron couldn't help laughing.

He knew that Theodoros had not lied to himself. Greece did have silver mines. In ancient times, it even used to be a very large mining center. Although it is not what it used to be, there are still many silver mines left, enough to become a huge mining center. financial resources.

However, these silver mines are currently under the control of Turkey, that is to say, he has to drive the Turks away first, and then have the opportunity to get involved in these silver mines as his compensation.

It means that he is bribing himself with something in the hands of the enemy.

It was indeed a wise decision-

"What do you think of this condition?" Theodoros Kolokotronis asked nervously. "I know, you may be concerned that these silver mines are not currently in our hands, but this is already the most wealth we can afford right now-"

"No, I'm not embarrassed, I think this proposal is good." Aegron suddenly replied. "Then let's take this as a condition."

There is no doubt that the quid pro quo offered by the other party is not so attractive, but as the other party said, this is the best condition he can get.

He also knew that even if the silver mine was back in his hands, he might not be able to get more than fifteen million francs back and forth, but so what?

When it comes to achieving a career, of course, it is necessary to make a clear account, but it is impossible to obtain victory with a small amount of money. For him now, cooperation with allies is more important. As for the wealth of millions of francs, it is nothing more than props to him. , as long as the conditions are right, it's okay to throw it away.

His goal is the throne of the richest and most powerful country on the European continent at this time. If he can sit on the throne, then he will have countless wealth, even 120 million francs, it is nothing more than his own pocket money Money; if his career fails, what's the point of having more money in his hands? Your life is wasted.

"You mean, you agree to this condition?" Theodoros Kolokotronis was surprised, and then asked.

"Yes, I promise." Aegron nodded without hesitation, confirming his will. "We can sign an agreement for this, with this quid pro quo."

"I believe in the promise between men, but if you need an agreement to confirm, then I will be more than happy to sign it." Theodoros Kolokotronis agreed immediately.

For him, the biggest obstacle has been removed. As long as he can get the support of such a sum of money, then he can stabilize the morale of his men and get through this difficult time.

Alternatively, he could silence those in the opposition and let them know that his coup d'état was entirely good for the cause of independence.

"Go and draw up an agreement." Aigron turned to look at Edmund Dantès, who had been in charge of the translation, "Write this clause clearly."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Edmund Dantes responded immediately.

He knows better than anyone that the source of the enormous wealth that His Majesty possesses, and that money will almost fall into his hands.

It is impossible to say that it is not a pity to watch this wealth be diverted from a large part, but to be able to use this huge wealth for such a great cause, Edmund Dantes It feels like it's making the most of it.

Together with Panos Kolokotronis, he negotiated with each other and quickly drew up a loan agreement in duplicate, and then sent it back to Agron and Theodoros Kolokotronis beside two people.

Aegron picked up his agreement and walked between the ruins of the ancient theater.

While looking at the relief on the ground, he used the broken wall as a table and wrote the signature "François-Charles-Bonaparte, Commander of the Knights of Fontainebleau".

And after he got it back, Theodoros had already signed his name.

This also means that the agreement has officially entered into force.

"When will you be able to execute the agreement?" Theodoros asked.

"When I go back, I will immediately have someone give the money to Panos, and then he will control it." Aegron replied immediately.

He knew that the opposite was a veteran who had experienced many battles, and it was pointless to lie to him, it would only make others look down on him in vain.

So he intends to execute the agreement as soon as he returns so that he can be trusted.

After signing the agreement, it means that the biggest and most pressing issue between the two sides is also solved.

Undoubtedly, there are still many problems to be solved, but he believes that these are no longer obstacles.

Theodoros-Kolokotronis was also in a very good mood. He looked at the ancient theater not far away, and then suddenly looked at Aigron.

"Your enemy is much stronger than what I have faced. I think you should know how difficult you are facing... I am full of the same period and expectations for you."

"I know that my greatest strength is that I will always reflect on myself." Aegron replied calmly, "but I believe that it will be easier to crush them than you think, because fate has abandoned them."