Eagle’s Glory

Chapter 306: 190, the bottom line and the truce

"I will, Your Majesty."

Edmund Dantes reassured the young man.

He really hopes to do everything possible to save his life - however, his purpose is not to covet the rewards in the future, but to continue to follow the young people to achieve great things, so that his life when he has fallen to the bottom of the valley for a while will get a brilliant result.

And the reason why Aegron said what he just said was not to perform any political show and win over the other party. He sincerely hoped that the Count of Monte Cristo would continue to follow him and lead to his destined legendary ending.

Although he had saved his life for Edmund Dantes, in his heart, he had a sincere respect for the hero of this novel, who was devoted to love and righteousness, brave and resourceful.

Although the two people are in a master-slave relationship, during this period of interaction, they have some close friendships with each other - and Aegron, who has lacked interpersonal communication since childhood, has almost never had real friends.

So from a personal point of view, Aegron does not want to lose this friend easily.

After the two took care of each other, Edmund Dantès left with great determination. He would then convey His Majesty's instructions to everyone in his team, so that they would know that they could get from His Majesty. How many gifts are there.

And Aigron did not rest after sending the Count of Monte Cristo away, and he came to the camp where his advisor, Major Hench and others, lived.

The major at this time was also standing with his colleagues and seemed to be discussing something. When they saw Aegron walking in, they immediately stopped talking, and then saluted the young man together.

Aegron silently returned the salute, and looked at these people at the same time.

It seems that the state of these Austrian officers is not very good, especially the major himself. Judging from the heavy eye circles on his face, his recent sleep quality should be poor.

"Major, you don't seem to sleep well?" he asked Major Henchy.

"It's better to say that I'm a little surprised that you look so calm, Your Highness." Major Henchy replied with a wry smile, "These days, your officers are as restless as I am, but seeing as the highest Commander, you are still so calm, I am relieved."

Like other officers, Major Henchy had trouble with the fortress of Methoronghion, especially after several failed attacks.

At the beginning, when Aigron decided to attack Methorongion, although he was a little hesitant, he didn't say anything against seeing the young man so insistent. Now that the entire army has been defeated under the city, he has a faint feeling in his heart. shaken.

However, he also knew that the more difficult the situation, the more he could never show his sway, otherwise the army would definitely be shaken, so he felt relieved when he saw that Aegron was still so confident.

"Whether I'm happy or depressed, the facts that have happened will not change. It's pointless to worry, so I won't worry about it at all." Aegron replied calmly, "The important thing is how to change the status quo."

As Aegron's confidant, of course Major Henchy knew about Aegron's plan, so he asked. "So how's it going with the Count of Monte Cristo?"

"The progress is quite good." Aigron replied, "He just told me that he has found his deputy, and the actual combat drill will be carried out next."

"Great!" After hearing this answer, the major was also relieved. "Hopefully he will act soon, success or failure, at least we should get a result sooner."

In the Major's view, it is best if everything succeeds, but if there is a setback at Metholonghion and eventually have to return without success, it is terrible, but not a disastrous outcome.

The worst result is to drag it on, to waste troops and morale here all the time, and finally consume all the capital that I have finally accumulated.

"I know, but the more so, the less anxious it is." Aigron shook his head, "but I still decided to give him a little more time, in any case to ensure the success rate of the action. During this time, the frontal attack and the The shelling can't stop, we must win no matter what!"

He has always been a gambler and dared to bet other people or even his own life, but he is not a red-eyed lunatic, he is only willing to showdown if he has a certain winning rate - if it is not yet. , then just keep waiting.

"Well, your idea is also correct." At his insistence, Major Henchy nodded in approval, and then he changed the subject, "But in that case, I have a proposal."

"What proposal?" Agron asked.

"You send messengers to Methorongi, and discuss with the commanders of the garrison a temporary ceasefire on a certain day, so as to restrain the dead in the front line." The major finished in one breath.

Agron looked at the major and suddenly understood the other party's intentions.

On the one hand, if the dead are not restrained all the time, it will not only hurt the morale of the soldiers of the army, but also increase the risk of plague outbreaks, so it really needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

On the other hand, during the time when the armistice is converging, there is no need to insist on attacking, which can reduce the casualties of the army, and can temporarily show weakness to paralyze the will of the defenders.

This is excellent advice by any measure.

"This is a good idea." Aegron nodded, but immediately questioned, "However, how to choose the messenger? I'm not sure whether they will accept our conditions."

"I can't guarantee they will accept it, but it's worth a try," the major replied. "First of all, I don't think they want to suffer from the plague, and secondly...you have a famous surname, even if you are your enemy. , the other side will also listen to you."

Having said this, he smiled again, "As for the candidates for the messengers, they should be the prisoners we captured during this march, they haven't had time to be sent to Peloponnese... You can Pick two or three of them as messengers and enter the fortress with your letter."

Then, he added, "I have secretly interrogated these prisoners, they are quite satisfied with their treatment after being captured, and they have heard that you have released prisoners in previous engagements and have never killed them. Or I have tortured prisoners, so I have a very good impression of you, at least I admire your morality."

"Really?" Aegron was a little surprised for a while.

He didn't expect that he would still be considered "upholding morality" when he was considered.

But he soon figured out why.

Since the war of independence broke out in Greece, the insurgent army and the Turkish army who came to suppress it have been fighting for years.

Turkish soldiers murdered and set fire in Greece and forced the locals to be sold as slaves.

This **** slaughter is not so much a struggle for independence and liberation, but it has become a national vendetta, and the hatred has accumulated with one massacre after another, and it has almost reached the point where the Daitian's level.

In such a situation that both sides were red-eyed, Aegron who participated in the battlefield was restrained because there was no national hatred.

He only killed and wounded the enemy during the battle, and he did not abuse the prisoners too much after he captured them. He even released prisoners on the battlefield, and he hardly used force against the civilians. Compared with the two sides who have already killed the red eye, his approach It's just a breath of fresh air.

Of course, he also had his own considerations in doing this, not out of any kindness. In order not to get his hands dirty, he once planned to hand over all the captives to the Greeks - and Teresa, who stayed in Methoni, came out With compassion, he just handed over all the officers and left most of the soldiers as prisoners for hard labor.

No matter what the reason is, in short, so far, although he has been at war with the Turkish army for a long time, the reputation he has left on the other side is not bad.

In the final analysis, it's not how brilliant he has done, but when everyone's lower limit has been lowered, he who still maintains the basic lower limit is respectable enough in itself.

From this point of view, his words may indeed be heard by the other party.

"Okay, then let's do it!" So, Aegron nodded and agreed with the major's proposal.

After Aegron gave his order, his will was quickly executed.

Soon, on the second day, several soldiers escorted the two selected prisoners out of the trench, and then walked cautiously towards the bastion's walls.

They held a huge white flag in their hands, indicating their identity as military envoys.

As they approached the trench in front of the bastion, sporadic gunshots were heard from the city walls, but the gunfire soon subsided, and the officer apparently stopped the soldiers from firing.

The group then stopped in front of the ditch, and the two Turkish captives shouted in Turkish their identity and their request to forward the letter of Lord Bonaparte.

In the camp, Aigron and his officers were also watching nervously, looking forward to the next development.

Fortunately, everything was as they wished. After a period of silence, several military envoys with white flags also walked out from the sloping city wall of the bastion, and then came to the front of these people, and then they talked with the prisoners in Turkish. After a while, after confirming their identities, they handed over to the soldiers of Aigron and brought the prisoners back.

And their mission as messengers has been achieved - Aegron's letter will be brought into the hands of the fortress commander along with them.

This letter was specially translated into Turkish by Aegron.

In this forwarded letter, Aegron was not stupid enough to persuade the defenders to surrender - he did not have much advantage in the current situation, and even if persuaded to surrender, he would only be ignored, so he would rather not humiliate himself.

In the letter, he praised the courage and perseverance of the other party, and then briefly expressed the hope of a day's truce the day after tomorrow, in order to collect the remains, lest the sudden plague would make both sides suffer.

Of course, at the end of the letter, Aigron insisted on his pride, declaring that he would march and besiege Methorongion until it fell into his own hands.

After the letter was sent to the fortress, the fortress fell into silence again, but only on the second day, several military envoys with white flags walked out of the bastion, and then crossed the open space between the two sides and came to Among the front lines on Aigron's side.

They naturally received the courtesy they deserved, and the letter brought by the messenger was quickly forwarded to Aegron.

Aigron immediately had the letter translated.

"Dear Duke Reichstedt

I don't think you have heard my name, but allow me to venture to tell you that my name is Ibrahim Mustafa Omar, an officer in the Turkish army.

Your surname is so dazzling that even now, I still have the respect for you, and I know that my name cannot be compared to yours.

But, with all due respect, I cannot understand why you are taking part in this rebellion against the great Sultan, because we were never your enemies before.

There's no point in talking about it now, you're already at war with us, and it's my job to hold on to this and prevent your intentions from succeeding.

But this does not mean that we hate each other. For the benefit of both of us, I agree to your request and allow you to send someone to collect the remains of the soldiers tomorrow.

I deeply regret the deaths of those warriors under your command, and I congratulate you on such loyal and sacrificed soldiers.

You said in your letter that you would continue to attack until the day of victory.

I respect your perseverance, extra words are meaningless, you want to win, I also want to win, so we have to continue to talk with swords and guns, I will continue to defend until you retreat.

God will bless us. "

After reading this letter, Aegron had mixed feelings for a while.

The content of the letter was neither humble nor arrogant. It not only expressed his respect for him, but also showed his determination to fight against him. Therefore, Aegron did not get angry after reading it. Instead, he also had a good impression of the commander of the garrison.

Although the other party insisted on this, causing losses to his army and making him anxious and troubled, the other party was doing his duty faithfully, so he had nothing to hate.

As the other side said, both sides hope to win, and in the end, only the sword can speak - and only the sword is the most persuasive.

In any case, at least now his purpose has been achieved.

Aegron accepted the letter and sent it back to the envoys politely, and asked them to bring back his tribute to Ibrahim Mustafa Omar

Then on the second day, the two armies kept their promises and did not fire on each other again, and Aigron was able to send an unarmed task force to collect the remains in the battlefield.

Of course, this was just a moment of calm. Under the water, the undercurrent was already surging, and he was secretly looking forward to it.