Eagle’s Glory

Chapter 45: 45, select

"You know who's best for you."

Princess Sophie's tone was flat, but she seemed to be announcing something unconsciously.

Aigron looked at her face, and suddenly realized the reason why Princess Sophie's behavior was slightly different from usual today.

She was obviously trying to win over herself, and this kind of wining should come from a sense of crisis.

Yes, although Teresa's marriage has not yet been decided, it has already given her a sense of crisis, making her afraid of losing her intimate relationship with herself, so she deliberately treated herself more favorably, even a little to please— She inadvertently emphasized this point, subconsciously hoping that she would recognize this kindness.

Once people have something they are afraid of losing, they will worry about gain and loss, and it has always been the case.

Now that he wants to understand, he has only one sentence to say now.

"You are the best person to me," he replied softly. "Thanks to your care, I was able to find the joy of living here, and I am forever grateful for your kindness."

After hearing this answer, Princess Sophie raised her forehead slightly, a little surprised, but more of a surprise.

"As long as you know."

Her smile bloomed like a flower, and this sentence obviously met her expectations more than any other words.

Aigron knew he had guessed right.

Then, as if uneasy, she emphasized again, "Aigron, you must remember what you said."

"I will remember." Aegron replied solemnly.

However, although he was grateful on the surface, there was some guilt in his heart.

Because he knew that while he was ingratiating himself with her, he was taking advantage of her without delay.

Maybe he can now think of a way to say all kinds of nice things to make His Highness happy, but sooner or later, she will see what she has done, and at that time, how should she be affected?

If he is really heartless and doesn't care about her feelings at all, then of course it doesn't matter, but he is not heartless to that point, so when he thinks of the scene that is destined to come, he suddenly can't help being a little frightened.

"What's the matter, Agron?" Princess Sophie asked when he saw him suddenly lost in thought.

"It's nothing, I just thought of how to make you happy—" Aegron concealed the past.

"Make me happy?" Princess Sophie was surprised and delighted, "You still think about this? Sure enough, you have grown up."

After a while, she changed the topic, "Didn't I say that the other day? It's easy to make me happy, just listen to me and stay by my side, and leave the rest to me..."

But this is impossible... Aegron couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

"I'll try my best." All he could do was smile and nod.

Princess Sophie was very happy with Aegron's words, so she continued to discuss the script with Aegron enthusiastically, and it took a long time to get up and say goodbye.

"Aigron, remember, tomorrow night." She emphasized again before leaving, "We will be a blockbuster."

"Well, I believe so too." Aegron nodded, then stood up and sent His Highness away.

After returning to the room, Aegron slumped onto the sofa a little tiredly.

"Chanel, get me some water, I'm a little thirsty..."

It's not so much a dry mouth and exhaustion, it's more a mental pressure. While coaxing His Highness affectionately, he plans to escape from her without hesitation. Even he can't bear this kind of mental pressure. And can't show half of it in front of her, so it's extra hard.

"Okay, Your Highness." Seeing Aegron's tired look, Chanel responded distressedly.

She immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to Aegron, who picked up the tea and drank it.

The cool liquid finally drove away his mental exhaustion and made him narrow his eyes comfortably.

"Your Highness, are you uncomfortable?" Chanel asked cautiously, "Are you feeling sorry for Your Highness?"

"It seems that you really have the ability to observe words." Aegron replied with a wry smile, "Yes, it is true... If there is anyone I care about in this palace, it is her. When I think of me cheating her, and I was destined to run away from her when she was so reluctant to bear me, and I felt a little uncomfortable."

"Your Highness...I can understand your feelings." Chanel let out a distressed sigh, "I think anyone in your situation will feel guilty for Her Royal Highness."

"Of course, even so, I still won't change my mind. No matter how difficult it is, it's the path I choose, and I will bear the result." Aigron seemed to tell her again, and also seemed to warn himself, "But, I still hope that I can make her suffer less, and sure enough, I am a little ridiculous, right? I want to hurt people again, and I want to hurt not deep enough..."

Chanel hesitated for a moment, she knew that some words should not be said nonsense in her capacity, but seeing the master's distressed appearance, she couldn't pretend to turn a blind eye.

"His Royal Highness, if you are afraid that she will be too uncomfortable at that time, I think... you can properly draw a clear line between your relationship with Your Highness." She cautiously said, "If you maintain the relationship as an ordinary friend, I think Your Highness will It’s uncomfortable, but it can withstand this kind of blow.”

Aigron, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes, and then raised his head slightly to look at Chanel who was standing in front of him.

This look was so sharp that Shanel turned pale with fright and shivered.

"His Royal Highness...I...I'm just a suggestion, you don't have to take it seriously..."

Aigron quickly suppressed his anger and answered indifferently. "It doesn't matter, I won't blame you, you are also trying to figure out a way for me. It's just that I'm sorry I can't accept this idea."

He knew that Chanel was the most normal and the most fulfilling suggestion that could solve the problem to the greatest extent possible.

However, he was unwilling, he could not accept that he would draw a line with His Royal Highness Sophie.

Especially, after tasting that hug and kiss... The young man's heart was already throbbing, how could he be willing to let go?

So it became a dead end.

He didn't want to hurt Sophie too much, and he didn't want to let go and draw a line with her, and he didn't want to give up his plan.

This is almost an impossible triangle, and it is impossible to achieve all three at the same time.

As for which one of the three to choose, he has already made a choice.

He couldn't paint over what he had done, and he knew he had to recognize the price he had to pay.

"I will compensate her..." As if hypnotizing himself, in the silence, the young man suddenly muttered to himself, "No matter what, I will compensate her in the future... As long as we win, everything can be salvaged."


Princess Sophie did what she said, and on the night of the next day, someone came to summon him to meet His Highness.

Just like last time, they changed their clothes, and then took the carriage to the Ruby Theater where they had reserved the box last time.

Of course, the theater side still remembered these two generous patrons, and as soon as they arrived, someone would take them upstairs to the box.

"Call your manager here, I have something to explain to him." Princess Sophie ordered the waiter as soon as she went upstairs.

Although he has changed into civilian clothes, his usual habits are of course not that easy to change. His Highness still has the habit of using people.

But this set was unexpectedly delicious outside, and the waiter immediately obeyed the young woman's order.

Soon, the theater manager also rushed to the box.

"Miss Meimingan!" As soon as they met, the middle-aged man immediately saluted Princess Sophie with an exaggerated diligence, "You are still as radiant as last time, even better than our actresses."

He still remembered the last turmoil in his heart. He was very sophisticated, and of course he could see that although this pair of siblings did not know their origins, they were definitely either rich or expensive, and they were so rich as soon as they made their move, so he would definitely want to work hard. Flatter them.

And he can also see that the dominant one in this group is this Miss Sophia Memmingen. Judging from her bossy attitude, she must be a good-natured person at home. As long as she pleases her, then Don't be afraid that money won't come rolling in.

"Sir, good evening." Princess Sophie, who has been accustomed to being flattered and complimented since she was a child, certainly does not like this. "I wasted your time because I wanted to talk about what we said last time."

The manager paused for a moment, then remembered.

Then, he looked at Aigron who was silent beside him. "Is it a matter of the young master's script?"

"Since you still remember, then I'll save the trouble." Princess Sophie nodded immediately, "How is it?"

The manager smiled embarrassedly, "Actually... let me tell you, every year there are many young people who want to be a blockbuster, dream of a playwright, and want to send the script to us, but most of the works end up in the end. They can only go into the wastebasket. It's not that we look down on them, but this job... It's not that easy. The young master may have some strange dreams, but I think he has such a good life, so he has to go. It's pointless to ask for trouble..."

"I've said so much, isn't it just a matter of price?" Princess Sophie frowned, "As I said, we are responsible for all expenses, if you don't like it, don't talk nonsense, we will find another place. All right!"

"Miss, don't do this!" The manager shook his head immediately, "I just advised your brother, I didn't say no... As long as you are willing to bear the corresponding expenses, then it will not be a problem. But I still want to remind you that the cost is definitely more than More than you can imagine, after all, actors and props cost a fortune…”

"I can handle these things myself, you don't need to worry about me." Princess Sophie smiled. "You just do your job."

Then, she stopped talking, but gave a wink to Chanel who was standing beside her.

Chanel immediately handed the prepared script to the manager.

Alas, it's nice to be rich and play all kinds of tricks!

The manager took over the script with a little helplessness and disdain.

It was carefully bound into a book, and it really looked like that.

The manager casually opened it and looked at Juanxiu's handwriting.

"Is this really written by the young master?" He was a little puzzled.

"Ah, my hand has been inconvenient recently, so I dictated and asked the maid to write it for me." Aegron replied, "It's not a problem."

"No problem, of course not in the way..." The manager shook his head.

Then, he looked carefully.