Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 118: Walk into the forest

Finding that he could easily become a target while flying in the sky, the key point was that he still couldn't know the location information of the attacker below, so Xu Yi immediately changed his strategy.

"Flaming Bird, let's descend." He decided to go to the ground and search slowly.

In this way, with the help of the two super-power elves, any enemy attacking him will be discovered by him at the same time.

In the sky, the flame bird is extremely fast, and the sight is completely obscured by the towering trees, it is too easy for the enemy to escape.

The flame bird flapped its wings and landed on the ground. Xu Yi took out the poke ball and retracted the big fiery guy into the poke ball.

He found that the elves are not the bigger the better.

How big can the elves grow?

Under the view of ‘the bigger the body, the higher the physical strength, the stronger the strength’, this issue has always attracted researchers from all generations to explore tirelessly.

Whether it is a mural from a relic of an ultra-ancient civilization, or a photo or video occasionally circulated on the Internet, these messages indicate that some elves will grow to be extraordinarily huge and outrageous.

Moreover, among those legends and rumors—especially in the documents unearthed from the relics of ultra-ancient civilizations—there has always been no shortage of super huge elves.

Some of them are ordinary elves that have been discovered, while others seem to be called ‘gods’.

How exaggerated is the description of "God" in the ruins?

Time passes by its heartbeat, space expands by its breathing, it is the source of life, it is a symbol of death, its figure is as majestic as a mountain, and its power is as majestic as the sun.

Whether it's the earth or another world, the trainers don't know who these exaggerated descriptions describe.

But what is certain is that many ultra-ancient relics have records of this kind of information, and these words are not aimless.

Judging from the knowledge Xu Yi knows, there have been recent witness reports from the Demon Capital rift.

At that time, someone reported to Xia Fusheng the internal situation of the Demon Capital Rift, and Xu Yi was also listening nearby.

The report said: [A certain trainer fled to the sea in a panic due to the enemy's pursuit. As a result, in the mist on the sea surface, he witnessed a huge elf taller than a mountain with red eyes radiating. 】

The huge sting jellyfish that invaded Rampurchi in the original book immediately appeared in Xu Yi's mind. According to the proportion of the buildings on the shore, the sting jellyfish was at least 100 meters away!

What is this concept?

This is equivalent to the height of 30 floors! How heavy is this body type, 1,000 tons? And how powerful should it be to support such a huge body shape?

The larger the body, the greater the power-although this sentence is a little absolute, it also makes sense.

Now, Xu Yi's flame bird is developing in this direction.

From the volume of less than half a meter when he was awakened, the wingspan has now exceeded 10 meters.

Xu Yi didn't know how far the Flamebird could grow in the end. It was only at the ‘elite’ level now, and there was still a lot of room for ascent. Anyway, the final wingspan of 30 meters would definitely not run.

In the environment Xu Yi is now in, being big is not a good thing.

Crisis is everywhere here, and there are enemies hiding in the dark at any time. In this case, the most important thing to do is to hide yourself, and the master is no exception.

It is very good to symbolize the birds and the wild animals. They are extremely powerful, but their size will not increase with the growth of their strength.

Among the super-powered elves, there is no basis for judging their strength by appearance. Because the way they show their power is mental power, not physical.

After Xu Yi took the flame bird back to the elven ball, he took the Hudi and the symbolic bird to start a trekking adventure in the forest.

It was not until he landed on the ground and formally stepped into the forest with his feet that Xu Yi felt the weirdness and mystery of the "Elves World".

This is the real primitive forest. The feet are piled with dry and moldy fallen leaves, surrounded by dense, unknown giant trees with a diameter of up to seven or eight meters, and the luxuriant branches and leaves that cover all the sunlight are on top.

The warmth of the sun has nothing to do with the ground.

The air here is humid and sultry, and the air breathed into the nostrils seems to be smelly and foul.

Although the smell is unpleasant, the oxygen content seems to be high, quite a bit of the earth in the dinosaur era.

There are tall trees with weird shapes all around, and the ground is full of unknown shrubs, grasses and moss, and the ears are always full of strange rustling sounds.

The density of insect elves here is quite high, and even the protected areas deliberately raised by institutions on the other side of the earth are far less than here.

Wherever he glanced over, almost every tree had one or several insect strains lying on it.

As Xu Yi moved in one direction, more and more insects appeared before his eyes.

The poisonous white butterfly and the big butterfly are dancing in the thin and humid forest; occasionally, there are lonely large needle bees buzzing by; Alidos puts the net under the sky; the big armor swayed by the bush with a huge pliers.

It is really not an exaggeration to say that this is the exhibition hall of insect elves.

Based on Xu Yi's knowledge of elves, he has identified more than 30 insect-type elves in this virgin forest where humans first set foot.

Some even Xu Yi hadn't even seen him, unless he stared at the other person until the information emerged, Xu Yi didn't know that this is a cute horsefly, this is a coward, and this is a female strong jawed chicken.

What's this all about? ? ?

Xu Yi, who is temporarily stuck in the "green caterpillar, unicorn worm" in the image of the worm-type spirit

Normally, these insect lines are not so densely clustered together.

Insects also have their own territory, so that they can grow safely and not be attacked by other kinds of elves.

As for the scene where various insect systems gather like a hodgepodge, the only possibility is that there is something in this forest that is attracting them.

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