Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 1237: Life-saving branches

"We must not be able to think about it like this now. He has said too much what he knows. We must now take it seriously and tell them that this matter is very important."

Except for this matter, there is no need to think about anything else. Xu Yi thought about it for a long time in his heart at this time.

"At this time, Xu Yi suddenly realized that some other roads really appeared ahead."

If they continue to go on like this, I am afraid that they will feel some worry in their hearts.

"It seems that these few of them really don't take this matter of ours seriously, should we talk to them about this problem now?"

Such a path is so obstructed, things are very uncomfortable for them, and it is very anxious.

"In fact, I don't want to think too much in my heart. If you have anything else you want to say, just say it quickly. Don't think about it in such details, okay."

Xu Yi thought about it seriously in his heart. He felt that this matter seemed to be a little different for them.

"Anyway, I hope you can spend a little while doing things, don't make this problem so bad, can you promise me."

"There is another problem. If we are helping them now, we might get some irony from them in the end. Anyway, we must not talk too much and think too much like this anyway. "

"The thoughts and attitudes of these few people are special from beginning to end, making people feel ordinary."

In addition to this matter, there is no need to think about it that way too outrageous.

"The most important thing is not here at all, but how we should go. The next road is the most important thing. You must have not noticed this problem, have you?"

At this moment, Xu Yi thought about it carefully in his heart. He felt that after all, he still had to make this matter a little clearer, and then tell them that this matter is very important and should not be so outrageous.

"Didn't I talk to you about this issue before? If I can say anything here, I'm afraid it will make some other people feel uncomfortable."

At this time, Xu Yi suddenly saw a branch floating in front of him. This branch looked really long and thick, even like the trunk of a tree.

"If you keep going like this, I'm afraid it will make some other people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable."

"Apart from this, do you have anything else you want to say? What I want to tell you is that if we go forward here one day, in the end, maybe we will let other people tell us Misunderstanding."

"You may not know it at all. If we say that we are going to the end in this place, we might make other people think that we are deliberately pestering them."

"I won’t say much about the things I have experienced before. I think people like you should understand it very well. We must now speak more carefully about this matter. You know what I mean. I hope you can be serious. point."

Xu Yi observed it carefully for a long time, and felt that to him, this matter was just a matter of grasping, if he persisted in this way, maybe it would make some other people feel strange in his heart.

"I've already said it to this point. Is there anything else you want to say? I really think this question is terrible. Do you know what I mean?"

If this is the case, if you continue to go on, the consequences are unimaginable.

"From the very beginning, we should talk to them to make this matter clearer."

The front corner is very important, and they must wait here well now.

Except for this one thing, there is nothing else that can attract Xu Yi's attention.

Their attitude really looked unusual. Xu Yi thought about it carefully in his heart at this time. He felt that he should be waiting here.

"I have already spoken to this point. Could it be that you have nothing else to say? I hope you can be a little clearer and stop making this problem so bad, OK? ."

Xu Yi thought about it carefully in his heart. He felt that he had to make this matter clearer now, and he had to let them think about it in his heart.

"I finally found a problem now. I suddenly discovered that some other people don't seem to take this problem seriously. Have you discovered whether we should use snacks now?"

"Maybe they will treat us as some competitors now, believe it or not, anyway, I think some of them are really bad."

At this time, Xu Yi thought about it carefully, anyway, no matter what, he must be prepared after all.

"What I want to tell you is, let's wait at this place now, don't think about it anymore, okay."

"Of course I know what you think in your heart, but you can rest assured that I will never let you down on such a problem, you know."

Xu Yi's attitude is particularly firm.

"What I want to tell you is that if we are to save this person now, in the end he will not necessarily be so willing to stick with us to the end."

In addition to this matter, there is no need to think about it like this too outrageous.

"I think, we should talk to them now, our good intentions now are to consider them very much, not at all, in order to deliberately embarrass them."

"They are mainly able to grasp this value, then I will lend it to him. To be honest, it's all within their own thoughts."

If they say they want to be saved, they should grab this branch. If they say they don’t want to be saved, then no one can help. Xu Yi has always thought about it this way in his heart. He felt that his attitude was already very correct. .

"We don't really mean to embarrass them at all. We just want to see how this matter should be handled in order to be fair and just, so I think we also think a lot for them. People are very kind."