Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 1432: magic door

"Otherwise, let's take a look at how to do it now. I don't think we need to say anything more now. We just need to be able to stay in this place now."

Whenever such a situation occurs, they should be prepared in their hearts. Xu Yi doesn't want to say too much now, because he knows what to do in the face of all this.

"You may not know at all, what's the matter with what we are going through now? I think our brother won't think too much now, do you know what I mean?"

To deal with such a matter, there is no need to think too much. At this time, Xu Yi just wanted to see how he should think about all this next.

"Otherwise, let's go ahead and ask them what method they used to solve this problem."

"I haven't told you such a thing for a long time. To be honest, I think we have already talked about this point, and we don't need to think about anything else. We must stay in this place right now. right, you know?"

Just as they were about to leave, for some unknown reason, an incredible thing suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Otherwise, so be it. I think we should calm down first, otherwise they will definitely not speak so directly in the end. Know what I mean."

Whenever something like this happens, it will make their hearts feel very tired. It is hard to say that he should take a look at what he should think about before, and now he just wants to ask what he should say next.

"Could you say a little more? I think we should wait and see in this place for now."

The elf looked at it at that time, but now when you have no other thoughts about this or that matter, you should take a look at what you should do next. As long as you can speak clearly, it is really better than anything else. .

"Otherwise, let's see how we should think about it now. We must not talk nonsense about all of this now. I think we should speak more clearly and seriously now."

In many cases, you may actually have different thoughts in your heart. Hold down this time and ask how you should think about it. You must not let them say anything like that.

"When faced with such a situation now, there is no need to tangle too much. Xu Yi already has some ideas about his attitude at this time."

"You may not know at all. What we are facing now, what is going on? I think we must wait well now, and we shouldn't think about it too much."

Xu Yi took a look before this time. If he just walked straight ahead, what kind of impact would it have on them? Xu Yi wanted to speak more seriously and carefully.

"Otherwise, let's think about how to do it now. If we solve this problem clearly, the consequences may be unimaginable, you know?"

"Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, he should make it clear in his heart. I want to understand that they will really throw such a thing down in the middle, you know?"

At this time, Xu Yi was really at ease in his heart. He felt that he didn't have to worry about it anymore. All the things they were facing now made people feel a little incredible.

"You wait at that place now, I think we must make it clear to them there now."

They have basically been working in these bases for a long time, and they have basically become accustomed to all the patterns in these bases. If they finally do, if something else suddenly appears like this, it may be true in the end. will suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Can you talk about this matter more carefully? I think we can really prepare for it now. The other situations are nothing at all. You know, we must calm down there now. Just come down."

What is the attitude of these people? In fact, it means nothing to them.

"Otherwise, let's think about it now, how should we do these problems next, so that we can express some thoughts and sayings in our hearts."

If you say it directly and clearly like this, in the end, it is really not that good for them.

The elves, if they are once again affected by such a magnetic field, there will be absolutely nothing else in the end.

"Let's talk about it now, what should we people do? To be honest, I think we must calm down now, and don't look for such a road to go forward. In the end, it may be true. Yes, they will fall into their trap."

"You have to give them an explanation, otherwise, I don't think we have to say anything at all now."

Don't think too much about this issue. Xu Yi should take a look at what he should do next before this time, and he must be prepared for such a thing.

"You may not know it at all. If we continue to go on like this now, it's really not a good thing for them in the end, you know what I mean."

"In many situations, in fact, we don't think exactly the same thing in our hearts. Now, we mainly can wait quietly in this place for a while, you know?"

"In the end, they may really say this very directly. I think we have to wait in this place now. These things that some of them have done are a little unexpected."

"Originally, this question was a very simple one, but I don't know why they made it so complicated. Now Xu Yi wants to ask what should I do?"

If it is such a positive consideration, it is really not so good for them. Now Xu Yi wants to see how to say and do it. When dealing with such a thing, there is no need to go to think too much.

"Otherwise, tell me, what method should we use to solve this problem?"