Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 280: Unmatched!

After the concentrated attack, the answer to the masters and the old monks of Wu Xuan was an even more monstrous wave!

Gulaton can create a volcano, and Gaioka's body gradually releases blue light from the inside out!

The moment this light appeared, a part of the light **** thrown from the cracks in the sky was immediately inspired. The light **** shimmering in ice blue continued to condense, and then merged into a basketball-sized orb in the sky.

This orb was shining with a strong brilliance, Xu Yi felt swallowed and melted before his superpower approached!

But the built-in appraisal technique still faithfully implemented its function: [Water Jewel]

Good guy, even using the elements or laws inside the light ball to condense a gem of water! !

Then the gem quickly fell towards the sea.


The sound of it falling into the sea was insignificant, and it did not cause a slight ripple under the cover of violent storms and the overwhelming waves.

However, watching it enter the water, the hearts of everyone present suddenly sank!


A more dazzling blue light suddenly flashed under the sea!

The light continued to spread and enveloped the entire sea area, and then, a huge semi-circular ripple arched from under the ice!

Like a mind shield, this circle of energy crushes all objects passing by into pieces! Tens of meters thick ice, snow on Twin Island, frozen soil and rocks on the island...

As the blue energy spreads, Gaioka, who was originally a hundred meters in shape, is rapidly growing. When it continues to surface, it is already a giant monster over 150 meters!

"Our attack can't help it at all."

People could only watch Gaoka expand, and even the old monk Wu Xuan closed his eyes weakly.

Just now, the skill of the Elf Hudi was already the strongest attack, but the monster in front of him not only was not defeated, but became stronger and stronger.

The extreme attack hit it, unable to cause any injuries. So, how does the earth cope with this monster?

The old monk Wu Xuan was puzzled. Could it be that his attack was not strong enough, so he couldn't break the opponent's defense?

But when he heard about the extreme realm on the other side of the earth, he killed the monster in one move! He felt that the gap between himself and that Zang was not that big, and he was even stronger!

The old monk Wu Xuan doubted life here, and the huge tide on the sea over there was getting bigger.

Most of the Twin Island was submerged, and all the land was almost gone, leaving only two towering peaks still standing.

In addition, there are no more objects in the vast sea except water. As for the ship stuck in the ice, it has long been submerged and disappeared.

No, several masters and Wu Xuan old monks were still there, and Xu Yi and the three also hid away watching the excitement.

"This is a monster, far stronger than the one on earth!"

Xu Yi's face was solemn.

The power caused by Gaoka is quite fierce, and in terms of defensive power, it is countless times stronger than the fake Guraton.

It seems that this time is really a bit troublesome.

Is it possible that you can only watch frozen birds now?

Just as Xu Yi thought this way, Gaoka's extremely large body suddenly rushed out of the sea!

Just like the whale rushing out of the sea in the documentary, Guyoka flipped over his belly and slammed into the twin islands!


The twin islands, thousands of meters high, were directly knocked down!


Hundreds of millions of tons of rocks and glaciers continued to smash down with a deafening roar, stirring up huge waves on the already rough sea!

The old monk Wu Xuan thought of how to deal with the earth monster, and immediately gave an order: "Hu Di, try to get rid of it from the sea!"


Hu Di suddenly burst into a colorful luster. After a short while, its appearance changed greatly. Not only did it float in the air cross-legged, but the two spoons in his hand also turned into 8 semicircles around it!

Mega Hudi!

Unmatched power of thought was stimulated from it, and in the blink of an eye, it wrapped Guyoka who was about to hit the second end in the distance.

But before Hu Di could exert his strength, the thought power covering the opponent didn't hold on for a second, and Gioka broke free.

"Don't target it, drain the sea around it!" Wu Xuan said in a deep voice.

With Hudi's strength, it is no problem to create a space about 150 meters long and wide with mind power, but the problem is that Gaioka doesn't eat this set. As long as it struggles lightly, the mind power will instantly shatter.

Xu Yi couldn't help but shook his head, and wanting to target his surroundings during Gaioka's active time was tantamount to idiotic dreams.

"Xu Yi, what can you do?" Sirona was a little worried, "How did you deal with this monster in the first place..."

"When we dealt with Gulaton on the other side of the earth, it was in a half-dead state, so there was no resistance..."

Moreover, the ‘monster’ drawn by the freezing bird is obviously much stronger than that drawn by the flame bird.

After all, one is an adult divine beast, and the other is far from an adult!

"Why does it appear here? Is it because of freezing birds."

Cattleya thought about it and it seemed that there was only one reason, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why this monster appeared.

If it is really because of freezing birds, why are there monsters on the other side of the earth?

Could it also be because of the super ancient gods...

And guessing from this aspect, does it mean that the gods have also revived on the earth?

Reminiscent of the posture of Frozen Bird when it first recovered—it did not first recover its strength, but came out to talk to the Flame Bird—Cattleya was a little shocked and covered her mouth.

Can talk to the gods on an equal footing, my god, is Xu Yi's natal spirit also a god...

Thinking about it this way, it is understandable that Xu Yi was so strong at a young age, and even that Darklei could be...

Just as Cattleya fell into the shock of conjecture, and several masters and Wu Xuan old monks were all retreating, the sea changed drastically again!

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