Edo Traveler

v10 Chapter 29: First practice with the shogunate

As soon as Erkin was stunned, Chungemon realized that this kid was bad. And Gro, who was on the side, was obviously not a good match. I heard that Ge Luo visited Madam Atsuhime in advance in the name of inspecting the French palace dedicated to Madam Atsuhime yesterday, who knows what they said.

   Before the two are going to clear the country, they are obviously planning to practice their hands with the shogunate.

   The nearly ten thousand foreign soldiers in Yokohama Port are not just repairing them.

   "Her Majesty the Queen is full of goodwill to Japan, and is willing to support Japan and improve the country's road transportation system. Especially the Esaka Railway that is currently being laid."

   "This..." Tademon said in his heart, good fellow.

   It's really scary to speak. Erjin's meaning is to be prepared to control the Esaka Railway. As a main line connecting the country's other economic center and the largest city in Western Japan, Osaka, Esaka Railway is one of the model projects that Chuemon aims to improve the national transportation level, increase the flow of commerce, and solve the problem of samurai transfer and resettlement.

"You can imitate the Jiangbin Railway model. Both parties will hold half of the shares. The general manager is appointed by you and the chief engineer is appointed by our country. The financial aspect can each appoint one person to supervise." Erjin said with a smile, as if his suggestion was very Lean towards the shogunate.

   He also knew very well that the shogunate built the Jiangbin Railway and trained a group of skilled workers. At the same time, the shogunate’s finances began to show signs of improvement, and exports reached new highs. Under such circumstances, as long as the previous loans are in place, the shogunate is actually fully capable of building the entire railway on its own.

   What needs to rely on the United Kingdom is nothing more than engineers and designers, as well as tracks and locomotives. The overseas students will soon return to their country. The shogunate can even provide railway engineers, and the Nagasaki Steel Works has started production, and its scale is growing day by day. The Yokohama Steel Works is also speeding up its establishment. Once the Edo Machinery Works can make its own steam locomotives, there will be nothing foreign.

   The Jiangbin Railway is very profitable, and the future Jianghan Railway can only be more profitable. The entire country’s arteries exist, and the loans for railway construction will be paid off within a few years.

   There will be no chance for Britain to intervene!

   Come now, the shogunate still needs to rely on British foreign investment and technology, wait until the shogunate’s own technical reserves and capital accumulation are completed, hehe.

   "This matter is too important, it is not my personal decision!" Chuemon shook his head when he heard this.

   Once the British controlled half of the shares of Esaka Railway and participated in the operation, all the confidential information of the entire Edo-Osaka route would be known to the British. Now that British engineers are allowed to survey and plan along the railway, Chuemon has been exceptionally open.

   It is a matter of national economy and people's livelihood, as well as military geography.

   "Understand, I understand this." Erkin didn't ask Tademon to immediately agree, or give any reply, this time is more like an advance notice to the shogunate, so that the shogunate has a psychological preparation.

  Anyway, the British and French troops will be stationed in Yokohama for two months. He has enough time to play Tai Chi with Chuemon and the Shogunate. Just take it slow, very patient.

   "Besides, your Excellency Erkin, there should be other requirements." Looking at his appearance, Chungemon knew that he was definitely not here for this.

“I think it’s not enough for West Japan to just open up Nagasaki. It’s better to open up Osaka! At the same time, your country should let go of many restrictions on our country’s investment and construction in your country, as well as the employment of workers. Yokohama’s success, you and I see In my eyes, I think this is a good thing for our two countries.

   "For example, gold and silver mines, or the grain industry, my country's capital will not enter, other general industrial and commercial, your country should be open to my country's capital."

   Seeing Tadashiemon was slightly shocked, he didn't answer, and Erjin continued with a smile. It seemed to be a reassurance for Chuemon, gold and silver were the source of money, and British capital would not get involved. Food security is even more fundamental to a country, and British capital does not participate. It seems that the British know how to measure, but is that really the case?

   Foreign investment is good or bad, really depends on the level of the local government. If it is a bureaucratic comprador government, then the entry of foreign capital is a trick to madly plunder other countries' resources and markets. If it is a strong government, the entry of foreign capital may promote production, expand employment, and prosper the market.

   The problem lies with the government of the shogunate, which is a feudal and corrupt junk thing!

   With the three catties of iron from the broken ship of the shogunate, is it really possible to resist the large-scale entry of foreign capital? Can the industry be upgraded and transformed with the help of foreign capital? Can you train skilled workers and increase fiscal revenue?

   Really can't make up his mind for a while, Chuemon is not a god, he can count one step as dozens of steps. Erkin is ready to do a big job in Japan, and he wants Japan to fully establish its country.

   "If the cooperation between the two parties is fully carried out, this will be a huge investment of tens of millions of pounds. For Japan, it is enough to change the face of the entire country!" Elkin added temptingly.


   I have to say that the huge investment of tens of millions of pounds really surprised Tademon. This is an unprecedented amount of money, an amount that Tademon did not even dare to imagine.

   "If your country can further open its doors, that would be great."

   "I will forward all these requirements on your behalf. As for whether it will work, I can't give any guarantee here." Chuemon really can't be such a big master.

   "In order to show sincerity, as long as your country can further open up, the previous loan with a balance of approximately 2.4 million pounds can be completely waived!"

  As he was talking, the British warships in Yokohama Port suddenly blasted their cannons, and hundreds of cannons roared. Queen Victoria’s birthday is in May in the Western calendar, and Tadaoemon is still living in the Japanese calendar, and it is now in April.

   Anyway, it was a coincidence. Elkin explained that this was just the soldiers of the Royal Navy. They were celebrating the birthday of Queen Victoria without any other political significance, without any red flags, and without any additional conditions to celebrate the salute.

   I didn't see all the empty bullets, there was just such a sound, there were no bullets. We brought Britain to Japan for the purpose of peace and development, but there is no meaning of persecution in it.

   Your Highness Tademon, please join us in celebrating the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. Come and have a drink, don't be bitter.