Edo Traveler

v11 Chapter 108: The loss of Honmaru is a good thing

Matsudaira Qixuan, who was fighting the rebels, suddenly felt empty in front of him. For no other reason, many rebels passed through the Sakurada Gate and entered the Edo Castle Honmaru.

There were only a few people left to fight against Matsudaira Qixuan on the street. Even the sergeants such as Shibukawa Zensuke and Takahashi Taro rushed into the city with people. Isn't this about to become a "Jingnan hero"? It's hard to see that Qing Jun has succeeded, but no one can restrain his inner restlessness.

As soon as he thinks of himself, he can wake up and take control of the world, lie drunk on the knees of beautiful women, and rely on generals to make princes. That feeling of being in the clouds and being aloof is simply uncontrollable.

It is also to blame that the whole mutiny plan was organized by a group of mid-level and lower-level non-commissioned officers, and they did not receive the support of any senior generals. There is only a superficial plan, and even the subordinate system has not been constructed.

Originally, he was expecting to hold Matsudaira Qixuan hostage, and based on that, he held Songping Qixuan into the city to visit the Tokugawa family. Then he dismissed Ii Naobi, and established the shogunate regime with Matsudaira Qixuan as the chief.

Now that I don't even have a general, I just want to enter the city, control the general, and then I'll be done. I feel that this step is now a success, and we can start sharing power.

To put it in a nasty way, if Lin Hachiro really controls the Tokugawa family, there is no plan for how the dozen of them will share power, assign any official positions, and how many troops and horses each can command. Within three or five days, they will be able to kill themselves and have an internal strife.

Based on this, the frontal pressure of Songping Qixuan is instantly reduced. Many soldiers were keenly aware that the firepower on the opposite side was almost gone. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and enter the circle, you can't sit back and let such a good opportunity pass up in vain. Matsudaira Qixuan told the news to Chuemon, while commanding the troops to surround Otemon and Sakurada Gate.

When I arrived outside the Sakurada Gate, I learned that the rebels had actually broken the Sakurada Gate, and now most of them have entered Edo Castle.

Songping Qi Xuan was nervous at first, and then he was overjoyed. My heart is nervous because the rebels have entered the city, and this Edo Castle is in critical condition. Don't even think about it, this Maru will definitely suffer a huge loss. The fire has already started, and what will happen next, I don't know yet.

Putting aside the tension, the rest is all joy. First of all, Matsudaira Qixuan also knew that the Tokugawa family lived in the Nishimaru Western Building, so the rebels in the Honmaru, no matter how big the chaos was, there was no way to hurt a single hair of the Tokugawa family.

The second point is even more pleasing, the reason is very simple. On the surface, it seems that the rebels have all entered the Edo Castle Honmaru, and the shogunate army suffered an unprecedented defeat, and even such a powerful place as the Honmaru was lost. But Honmaru is an isolated man-made island-style building with moats on all sides.

With other buildings in Edo Castle, only a few gates and bridges are connected. As long as these entrances and exits are blocked for him, then all the rebels will be blocked within the Edo Castle Honmaru.

With no reinforcements outside, and no food inside, how many days can they last after entering the city?

Soldiers who are hungry can't fight. Could it be that a soldier whose stomach is rumbling can still burst out with the high fighting spirit of a god?

So Matsudaira Qi Xuan was overjoyed. He had no idea how the rebels could be so unorganized, and they all entered the Edo Castle Honmaru. Even outside the city, the reserve team that guarantees access to the channel is not left. After controlling Sakurada Gate so easily, he thought everything was fine.

"Hurry up and inform Zhongyouemon, the rebels have entered the main pill, just close the siege!" Matsudaira Qi Xuan heard the bad news all night, and at this time his face finally showed a little sense of relief.

On the other side, Taro Takahashi and Zensuke Shibukawa, who entered the city, looked around for Lin Hachiro and Tokugawa Iada. Although they haven't had any thoughts of infighting, the desire to gain power in their minds has taken over their entire brains.

It couldn't restrain itself, but the troops that had been brought in quickly dispersed in the city. Began to loot all kinds of objects in the city, exquisite copper candlesticks, gilded picture screens, decorative porcelain painted with blue decorations...

All these things, but there are basically no cheap things in this Edo Castle Honmaru. Just take two out, buy dozens of taels are easy. The soldiers who were coerced, what did they want without money?

Could it be that they also took the side of the Qing Jun, and then Jing Nian succeeded in reforming the law? What are you thinking, this is the ideal of those non-commissioned officers, and what does it have to do with us stinky soldiers.

Takahashi Taro and the others are looking for Lin Hachiro, and Lin Hachiro is also looking for Takahashi Taro and the others. Because he just rushed into the big Olympics, except for the old, the young, and a group of female officials and maids. Not to mention that the Tokugawa family was settled, and even Mrs. Atsushi was not found.

However, he finally met a living person and was able to inquire about the whereabouts of the Tokugawa family. Hearing that the Tokugawa family had decided to go to Nishimaru, Lin Hachiro had a bad feeling in his heart. Because Nishimaru cannot break through his eagerness, he must gather all the horses inside and outside the city and fight to the death to make it possible.

When he hit Taro Takahashi and explained the destination of the Tokugawa family, several non-commissioned officers found out. Even the backbones they recruited had fled a lot at this time. Many people were looting Benmaru's property, and they didn't follow them at all.

It is simply impossible to gather these 2,000 people and attack Nishimaru!

"It's over..." A thought suddenly popped into Lin Hachiro's mind.

Hearing the news that the Tokugawa family was not caught, Takahashi Taro, Shibukawa Zensuke and others also poured a bucket of ice water on their foreheads, and they were shocked.

How can they fight like this? With two or three hundred people in their hands, they can't even break the city gate of Nishimaru. The troops under the Edo Castle came unexpectedly fast. At this moment, I am afraid they have surrounded the left and right gates of the city and are killing them in the city.

"Let's go! Leave Benmaru first!" Lin Hachiro knew that staying in Benmaru was nothing but a dead end. If he went out now, there was still the possibility of surviving in death.

In the area of ​​Hirakawa Gate where he entered the city, few shogunate troops were present. Even if Hirakawa Gate cannot go, you can leave Honmaru through the drainage channel. There was a fire in the city, and the troop brigade was also in the city, so everyone's attention must be on this side. They still have a slight chance of being able to manage to get into Nishimaru and make a last-ditch effort.

"Okay! We all listen to you!" Shibukawa Zensuke agreed first, and he also knew that the development of the matter was completely beyond their expectations.

A group of dozens of people bypassed the fire and rushed to the Pingchuan Gate. They still don't want to give up...