Edo Traveler

v11 Chapter 113: Roche came to mediate

In the face of Chuemon's very well-founded remarks, Alcock really had no good reason to refute for a while. So the first day of contact and dialogue soon came to an end.

As soon as they left the British embassy, ​​Kuze Hiroshu, Wakisaka Yasaka and Matsudaira Qixuan surrounded Chuemon. Will such a shirk cause the British to become angry and embarrassed? After all, it is one thing for the shogunate not to take responsibility, and it is another thing for the shogunate not to want to have a military conflict with the United Kingdom at such a turbulent time.

You have to hold a balance, and you have to step on the wire.

"This time, most of the British were damaged, but there are thousands of foreigners in Yokohama, and many countries such as the Netherlands, the United States, France, and Russia." Although Yasaka Wakisaka is a foreign country, it is very common in this country. In terms of location, the normal situation is still understood.

He said it, and everyone could understand it. Although Yokohama is a British concession, it is a trading port where foreigners from all over the world gather here. And the embassies of various countries are also here. The turmoil in Yokohama this time mainly affected the interests of the British, but other foreign countries were also affected.

Will the British unite with other foreign countries to put pressure on the shogunate and ask the shogunate to surrender? After all, foreign powers have a common interest in aggression and expansion.

This is a good statement, Chuemon's a little bit of history of diplomatic negotiation between the powers next door and the Qing Dynasty, you can find that the powers are very united when it comes to oppressing weak or small countries. They have drawn up an "international order" that they think is perfect, from which they can completely abandon all prejudices and conflicts, and work together to rectify you.

"This statement is reasonable, but it's a pity that the French Minister Roche is not in Yokohama." Chuemon recognized Wakisaka Yasaku's words very much.

Count Roche, that is, Tokugawa Iada and Mrs. Atsushi, another path for the shogunate to open up. If the French followed the British and threatened the shogunate together, the shogunate might not be able to withstand such pressure. But if the French can stand up and act impartially, then the shogunate can reason with the British.

"I heard that the French envoy went to Shanghai? The Clippers will be able to go back and forth in a few days, right?" Songping Qixuan immediately took over.

"Well..." Chuemon certainly knew why Roche went to Shanghai.

Is he trying to control the Ryukyu Kingdom, or Chuemon pushed him secretly. It's just that it is unknown whether he is currently in Shanghai or not. There was no telegram in Ryukyu, and there was no shogunate in Shanghai.

"Send someone to go, the law envoy Roche has a good relationship with the shogunate, and I have a good relationship with him." Kuze Guangzhou also advised, everyone in the sakuge knew that the Tokugawa family had a good relationship with Roche.

Now the French have not suffered any losses and are actively interacting with the shogunate. In order to increase his influence in the shogunate, Bao Buqi Roche is willing to stand up for the shogunate.

After all, Japan is such a big market, and now it is mainly Britain and France competing for it. The Americans are in a mess in their own country, the Russians are beyond their reach, the Dutch have long since declined, and the Prussians are ambitiously devoting themselves to domestic unification. Although the world is big, it is only a matter of a few countries.

"That's right, we'll go in two places. Both Shanghai and Ryukyu will send the Clippers, and please come back to mediate." At the moment, Chuyouemon knows how much the shogunate is worth, and it's not a shame to use external force.

"His Royal Highness, Kobe urgent news!" Several people were talking, and Terazawa Shintaro took a telegram and forwarded it in.

Lin Hachiro and the others did not destroy the equipment of the telegraph office, but just cut the telegraph line. According to Shibukawa Zensuke, Lin Hachiro was planning to coerce the general to order the feudal lords, and he needed a telegram to communicate with the Quartet, so that the world could hear the news.

"Good thing!" The other three approached Chuemon and started telegrams together.

The content of the telegram was very direct. After Count Roche heard about the turmoil in Yokohama and Alcock urgently mobilized 300 British troops from Shanghai to Japan, he immediately mobilized 500 French troops to enter Kobe. At this time, Roche had already set up a barracks in Kobe, the French army had entered, and the supervision of the 2nd Osaka Division had been strengthened.

The information is unknown, and nothing is as safe as the barrel of a gun in his hand.

It is understandable for him to do so. The Kobe residential area was originally leased to France for 99 years, and the French stationed troops on it.

What is needed now is to quickly invite him to Yokohama to understand the cause, process and result of the matter, and ask him to come forward and take a break for the sake of mutual sympathy between the rulers of France and Japan.

"Immediately, in the name of Kazuma, ask the priest to come to Yokohama for consultation." Chuemon turned his head and instructed Shintaro Terazawa.

By the way, Chuemon also copied down the content of today's conversation in detail, sent it to Edo, and handed it over to Tokugawa Iada and Ii Naobi for review. With such a big thing, Chuemon can't do it alone.

What did Count Roche, who arrived in Kobe at this time, think?


It is simply the most perfect opportunity to attack the pro-British factions in the shogunate and make the shogunate fall to France!

The reason why he rushed to Japan with the British army was to intervene in the mediation between the British and Japanese conflicts. With his status as the envoy of the Second French Empire in Japan, he is fully qualified to do so. He is His Majesty Emperor Napoleon III, the spokesman for the interests of the Far East.

Although he didn't know the specifics of the incident yet, on his butt, Count Roche was ready to take the initiative to sit on the side of the shogunate. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has nothing to do with other things, just because assisting the shogunate is in the best interest of France.

Not to mention, Count Roche has also learned that the British also sent troops to Ryukyu Island and formed a confrontation with the French.

The original plan to turn the Ryukyu Kingdom into a protectorate was smooth sailing, and it is estimated that the lawsuit will go to London and Paris. Count Roche's achievements in the Far East have been reduced by a great deal, and he has a fire in his heart.

Just at this time, the telegram that the shogunate asked Count Roche to come to Yokohama to preside over the mediation arrived, and Count Roche only came here as if he was invited, pretending to be concerned about the overall situation.

I ordered Kobe Railway Station to quickly open a special train for myself and a hundred French troops and take them to Yokohama. One hundred French troops are used to strengthen the defense of the French Legation in Yokohama, so be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years.

With a hundred elite French soldiers by his side, as long as they were not attacked suddenly, the few hundred people could not stop him from running away. Napoleon could have said it well, a French cavalry can't beat an Egyptian Mamluk, but a thousand French cavalry can beat thousands of Egyptian Mamluks.

If there are three to five hundred people at leisure, it may not be possible to keep a hundred of them.