Edo Traveler

v12 Chapter 138: The US envoy is also obedient

Prune has not formally requested an audience with the shogunate, so Chuemon must not be in a hurry. Anyway, the Civil War will take several years, and it will take at least a year for the Northern Army to gradually gain the upper hand.

Since you're not in a hurry, let's meet Naomasa Nabeshima first.

Naomasa Nabeshima will come to Edo, no surprise. Junichiro Nabeshima is about to marry the princess of the shogunate. For such a big event, Naozheng Naoshima, who is the parent, will not come, and that makes no sense.

According to the regulations, the shogunate first sent someone to the Saga domain to ask the Marquis of Saga, the general asked to marry you to your family, do you all agree? As a result, of course, the whole family happily agreed. Could there be any different answers?

But you can't agree immediately, it seems that your family is frivolous, you have to consider carefully at home, express your acceptance of the general's kindness, and welcome Ji Jun to marry into our family. Usually, the shogunate is reported to the shogunate on the second or third day.

Then the shogunate will dispatch senior shoguns to the Saga Domain again, this time as an official notification. The two have an appointment to get married on what month next year, or what month the next year. Allow enough time for the Nabeshima family to build various new buildings and to train the hospitality staff.

Back then, when Shimadzu defined marrying Princess Puji, it took a long time to finally get married. There is no need to rush this matter.

The main thing is to announce to the world first, and the marriage will be settled.

By the time the shogunate finished the process, Edo was already covered by a white snow. Only at this time did Prune formally apply to the shogunate, requesting to see Chuemon, and to submit the credentials written by President Lincoln.

Why did it delay for several days? Of course, it was forced by the creditors. After finishing the business in Yokohama and at the same time carefully understanding the situation in Japan, Prune was ready to meet with ease.

As soon as the application arrives, Chuemon will approve it immediately. Not only arranged for Prune to meet, but also invited the envoys to attend the welcome banquet for Prune when they arrived.

It was a good start, Prune came to Edo happily, and naturally stayed at Lumingkan. The officials of the shogunate talked to him about the etiquette of visiting Chuemon, and then set a time with him, what time and a few minutes, and everyone should not be late.

To meet the minister is to go through a process. At least in this kind of public ceremony, it is impossible to talk about anything too important. Prune was also very sensible. In addition to presenting his credentials, he also presented a gift camera to Chuemon on behalf of President Lincoln, and said that he could send someone to teach him the technique of photography.

Not to mention, Chuemon is quite interested in this stuff. It's finally time to wait until the age when you can take pictures. In the future, everyone will be able to leave a photo and pass it on to future generations, so that future generations will not guess that we are a black and strong invincible iron king with a height of 2.2 meters, right?

The ministers on the left and right are also quite curious, is there any magic that Prune said, "click" can take pictures of people or scenery.

All in all, everyone happily had a feast, and the diplomatic relations between Japan and the United States started a new chapter.

After two days of playing in Edo, Prune has also inquired about the joints in various parts of Edo. If there is anything, don't go to Chuemon. If the two sides quarrel, or disagreements make it unsightly, then it will be embarrassing to open your mouth. The best way is to go to Kuniyoshi Kanamaru, the foreign minister of the Kingdom of Japan.

This is a playmate who grew up with the king of Japan. Telling him is like telling the king of Japan, and the rest will be easy.

Prune, who knew it in his heart, took a large exquisite French white porcelain vase and went to Zhu Liu's mansion. Zhu Liu was on errands at the Yichi Bridge Mansion in the morning, and only went home in the afternoon. Prune did a good job of inquiring about it, and the time of his arrival was very coincidental.

Naturally, Zhu Liu was actually waiting for his arrival. Moreover, Zhu Liu has learned a lot of English now, so he can have a good talk with Prune in secret.

Prune didn't pretend to be anything when he met Suke six. After chatting a little about how heavy the snow was today and the fact that winter in Edo is colder than New England, he seriously asked if the shogunate had the possibility of exporting guns to the outside world.

Of course, the old matchlock gun is absolutely unnecessary, and that thing should have been thrown into the trash a long time ago. Prune also does not need the Gobes firearms that are still used by many feudal vassals today, that is, the brown bass or brown bass rifles used by the British army in the past.

The last time is the Japanese imitation of the Mini rifle, that is, the general front-loading rifle. The best is naturally the Sharps breech-loading rifle imitated by the shogunate, or the Dreiser striker.

If the Northern Army had money, even if they had no money, they could print a lot of dollars, so money was not a problem. As long as the shogunate had it and the quality was up to standard, Prune was willing to eat it all.

Hearing his words, Zhu Liu was secretly happy. Those guns from the Russians before can all be disposed of to the Americans, and the thousands of sharps that Alcock gave to the shogunate can also be resold to the United States. Some of the Mini rifles equipped by the training team in the early years also happened to be dealt with together.

Take this opportunity to dispose of all the rifles eliminated by the shogunate. Anyway, the Chuanxi team is already all-in-one Dreiser striker guns, and unifying the weapons is also conducive to the logistics supply of the troops. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

So Zhu Liu simply introduced Prune, saying that 50,000 fully usable rifles could be sold to the United States immediately, and another 50,000 rifles could be sold to the United States next year. As for cannons, the Shogunate could only sell smoothbore guns for the time being. Because the rear-mounted rifled gun was just presented by Naozheng Nabeshima, and the shogunate himself has not fully understood it, nor has it been equipped.

After hearing the number of 100,000 items, Prune was determined that his task seemed to be overfulfilled. Unexpectedly, the small country of Japan has a way to directly sell 100,000 rifles to the United States.

What he didn't know was that after Harris ran away last year, Chuemon ordered the Edo No. 1 Machine Shop to fully produce rifle ammunition to ensure that he could make a fortune when the United States needed it.

Now Prune has come to buy guns and artillery. The military industry of the shogunate is a big meal.

After completing this task, Prune did not ask Suke six about Hawaii. He is also the No. 1 figure, and now he just promised him that the gun has not been loaded on the American cargo ship, so everything is hard to say. He won't ask about it until the guns are loaded on the ship and they have left the port of Yokohama.

After all, the sky and the earth are big, so it's not as big as fighting the Southern Army.