Edo Traveler

v12 Chapter 155: Indemnity 20,000 and 5,000

The special envoy who was ordered to come to Japan was named Yazep Hashkovich (Japanese: ヨシフ?ゴシケーヴィチ, Russian: ЯзэпГашкев?ч), one of the close associates of the Russian Foreign Minister Gorchakov at this time.

Gorchakov is a first-class diplomat in this world. Full name Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov (June 15, 1796 - March 11, 1883), he served as foreign minister and prime minister of the Russian Empire for 25 years after the Crimean War. has dominated Russia's foreign policy for two decades.

He tried his best to restore Russia's position and dignity in Europe, while securing diplomatic relations with Prussia and Austria. Although it was because of the suppression of the Polish uprising, France was finally hated. But luckily, in the Franco-Prussian War, France was beaten by Prussia and could not take care of itself for several years.

So in the more than ten years he has led, Russia has rejoined the European diplomatic family from a marginalized country in Europe. It even won the support of Prussia and Austria, abolished the "Treaty of Versailles" imposed on Russia by the Crimean War, and made Russia have certain diplomatic support in the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, rather than with the whole of Europe. enemy.

This is a relatively sensible person!

Even the German iron-blooded chancellor Bismarck, who had some contacts with him, said that this person was quite resourceful, and even felt that this person was very able to understand his "mainland policy". Although it can't be said to be a confidant, at least it is a close friend.

And as his subordinate, Hashkovic, is naturally not a jerk. He is very clear that Japan has now embraced the thigh of the British Empire, and Tsarist Russia has not yet challenged the strength of the British Empire's authority again.

Therefore, in terms of diplomacy with Japan, Hashkovich needs to ease the relationship with the Tokugawa shogunate to a certain extent, and restart trade activities with Japan.

Not for anything else, who said that Japan is the closest to Nikolayevsk, the center of Russian rule in the Far East. If Nikolaevsk lacks anything, it can be bought in Japan. To put it more directly, it is better to buy things in Japan at a high cost to ship things from St. Petersburg to the Far East.

Moreover, Japan has already started modern industrialization, and ordinary things can be made by themselves, which is not easier than going around a circle and buying them elsewhere.

As for Lushunkou, the most perfect warm water and ice-free port in the Far East that Putinya reported, we can only hold on to it for the time being and talk about it in the future. The Nikolayevsk-Tsuma-Port Arthur sea encirclement and route plan are still good, but now is not the time to implement them.

When will Tsarist Russia be able to project more power to the Far East, and when will this plan be restarted. On the surface, Putinya, who proposed the plan, is considered dead in battle, so he will no longer be held accountable, just as nothing happened.

After disembarking and landing on Japanese soil, Harshkovich was not entirely unfamiliar. He had been to Hakodate before, as a prisoner. It happened to be the Crimean War. He took a boat to Nikolayevsk. On the way, he encountered a British cruiser. were captured by the British.

As a prisoner, he followed the British to the Hakodate for supplies, and was transferred to Hong Kong. Before and after, it is considered that he has lived in Japan for three months, and he is still a top student who graduated from St. Petersburg Theological Seminary. If he does not come to Japan, who will come to Japan?

It is better than the low-lying Germans who are flooded with nepotism in the Tsarist Russian Foreign Ministry.

Russia has no extraterritorial rights in Japan, and has not signed any unequal treaties with the shogunate. When the warship arrived at Yokohama Port, it had to report to Yokohama Jodai Hori Meng immediately. Naturally, the news that Hashkovich had arrived in Japan was immediately reported to Edo.

Waiting is you!

Like Prune in the United States, Hashkovic didn't bring too many goods. After all, even if he did, he might not be able to do business well in Japan. Yokohama Customs, run by the British, did not welcome Russians.

If you don't do business, then you will definitely focus your energy on official business. After reporting to Hori Limeng, Hashkovich entered the Russian embassy in Yokohama and asked the shogunate for a visit.

Of course, Chuemon, who had been prepared for a long time, would not see him immediately, but only sent Sukeroku to Yokohama to get in touch with him first to understand the purpose of the Russians.

Now that Chuemon is a general, it is impossible to rush to the front line in everything.

Let's talk, Hashkovic sat down with Suke Six. His main task is to temporarily ease diplomatic relations with the Tokugawa shogunate, so as to avoid the expansion of Tsarist Russia in the Far East from being too much restrained by Japan.

Horizontal and vertical is diplomacy, everyone, see if there is any way to reach a consensus. War is only the last resort. It is better not to fight or not to fight, and Russia may not be able to withstand a larger-scale military conflict now.

Who called the consumables of His Majesty the Tsar, and sent hundreds of thousands in Crimea. Those are hundreds of thousands of living strong men, not the leeks in the field, which grow like weeds after a month of cutting.

Before Sukeroku came, he had been ordered by Chuemon, not to promise anything to the Russians, and similarly, do not mention any requests, just watch the Russians themselves perform.

"You are really an airtight foreign minister." Harshkovich couldn't help but sigh after Hezhu Liu played Tai Chi for a while.

"Haha!" Zhu Liu just didn't say any attributive words anyway, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com do whatever you want.

If you can't talk about the results today, you can continue to talk tomorrow. Zhu Liu is a foreigner, and there is time to play Tai Chi with you.

"In that case, on behalf of our country, I can express my apology and condolences to His Majesty the King and the people of your country on the Tsushima incident." Hashkovic finally threw out some useful news.

"A sincere apology is always good." Help Liuyi nodded slightly.

Of course we need you to apologize for killing Tsushima Island for no reason, shooting the warriors of Tsushima Domain, and killing the people on Tsushima Island. Are you acting like you're nothing? Must apologize.

At the same time, it's useless if you just say a few words of apology. You have to apologize sincerely, and you have to show this "sincere". How about an apology method?

Seesuke Liu really knew how to hint, and Hashkovic knew that if he didn't throw out something practical, the conversation today might be fruitless. After a little planning in his mind, Hashkovich smiled.

"In order to compensate your country's losses, our country can immediately pay 25,000 pounds." Haskovich offered a price that Gorchakov had already agreed to, which was quite unprecedented for Russia. Great stride.