Edo Traveler

v12 Chapter 34: Modern talents are in charge

The sun rises outside the window and the dust settles.

The news of the Tokugawa family Ding Bintian was officially announced, and at the same time, the news that his death was succeeded by his younger brother, Edogawa Qing, was also announced to the world.

Although the time was short, Matsudaira Qimin still formulated a posthumous title for the Tokugawa family. How could he really listen to Tokugawa Jiading's words and give him a bad posthumous title.


On the surface, in accordance with the posthumous law, the deacon is firm and unwavering, and it is called respect. But in fact, it still refers to honoring the virtuous and letting the good, virtuous and meritorious. Not only praised the Tokugawa family's contribution to maintaining the ancestral foundation, but also secretly catered to his edict that he passed on the throne to his younger brother Chuemon.

Anyway, after hearing this posthumous title, there is nothing left or right to disagree. In the future, the Tokugawa family will have to be honored as King Gong, and the legal name will be a Grand Chancellor who was bestowed by Wen Gongyuan. The condolence letter from the court was directly telegraphed, and of course the condolence was sent by train.

All the affairs of the entire shogunate came to a standstill. Except for the funeral of Naobi Ii, all the rest of the staff were dispatched to arrange the funeral.

Chuemon, as heir, officially divided the affairs of the shogunate.

The original chief was Sakai, Doi, Ii, and Horita who were qualified to serve, but this time, the new Mukaku broke the convention, Akashi Hou Songping Qi Xuan, as the clan of the Tokugawa clan, officially became the chief and led the group. , became the de facto Prime Minister, and also served as the presiding officer of the Tokugawa family's funeral.

The original old middle Kuze Guangzhou, the struggle failed, was ordered to resign and return to his hometown. Chuemon, an old middle and infantry soldier, was naturally dismissed and needed to be replaced.

The navy followed the definition of Kagoshima Marquis Shimadzu and was promoted to Laozhong·Assignment (Minister of Finance), and Jinshan Marquis Songping Qi Min Laozhong worked again and became the Laozhong·Director of Education (Minister of Education). This was agreed on the spot at the Western Museum. .

The iron brother and his little friend, Kanamaru Sukero Kuniyoshi, co-organized the funeral of the Tokugawa family, and added 10,000 stone to Soshu, and was promoted to Laozhong·Foreign Minister (Minister of Foreign Affairs).

Niyama Marquis Jiangchuan Taro Zaemon Yingmin, after reciting the merits, added 10,000 shi to Junzhou, and was promoted to the old middle and the navy (the minister of the navy). Actually in charge of the 2nd Osaka Division, temporarily supervising Osaka and Kyoto.

The Marquis of Iwatsuki, Ooka Zhongshu, was promoted to Laozhong Temple and Shrine (Minister of Religious Affairs), and once again fulfilled his expectation of leaping from a side employee to an old middle school and entered the Makuge.

In addition to the above five, Hachiro Amano added to the two thousand stones, and served as the official position of the Nishimaru left-shou residence and the infantry. In fact, instead of Chuemon and Matsudaira, he took over the first Edo division of the training team. As for the post of infantry, it is temporarily vacant, and it may not be possible to directly appoint it in the future.

Sheng Kaizhou added two thousand stones, and served in the official position of Dapantouge and the Navy. In addition to the original position of the Yokohama Naval Training Center and the principal position of the Yokohama Merchant Marine School, he actually managed the large and small warships of the Shogunate concentrated in the Edo Bay, and commanded the Shogunate Navy instead of Shimadzu.

Gu Kuang

Oguri Tadashun added 6,500 shi, and 10,000 shi for Ueno Shenliu, and was promoted to Ruo Nianji and foreign countries. Actual supervision of modern industrial enterprises operated by the shogunate, such as Yokohama Steel Works, Yokohama Shipyard, and Edo Daiichi Machinery Works.

The task of guarding Nishimaru was handed over to Terazawa Shintaro. Pulled out with one hand, it is more reliable and safer to use. Hijikata Toishan also used the identity of the surname of Yu Xiao to serve as the guard duty of the center of the shogunate of the Hitotsubashi Residence.

Two important places in the shogunate were replaced by their own people.

After serving as an official for more than ten years, the many talents that Chuemon had accumulated for the shogunate finally completely replaced the old bureaucrats of the shogunate and began to walk to the front of the shogunate, using the advanced modern knowledge they learned to participate in governing and changing the entire country.

The most conspicuous of the entire shogunate's new personnel list is that foreign countries pursue the righteousness of Jinmaru. It should be noted that more than ten years ago, the Jinmaru family was only an intermediate banner of 650 stone. After more than ten years of continuous promotion, with the right person, he became a rich marquis of 22,000 Shiwuzhou, and now he has miraculously entered the old middle school.

One thing to say, this is the de facto Deputy Prime Minister, or Chief Cabinet Secretary. The changes in the world are really dazzling and hard to see.

Regarding the death of Tokugawa Jiading and the succession of Tokugawa Zhongzheng, there are few doubters. There are very few people who are qualified to come to the stage to discuss this kind of thing. And the qualified person, who does not know the reputation of Kanto Hubaoyi and Wisdom Edogawa.

This is also a point that Matsudaira Qixuan has always insisted on. The popularity of Zhongyouemon is not only supported by the army, but also by the majority of ministers and the people. Even if there is no support, at least there is no objection.

Most of the princes in the world are also familiar with the situation of Zhongyouemon, and they would definitely not dare to say anything about the inheritance of such a long prince. No matter how crumbling the shogunate is, it can still hit you, but if you can’t keep up, it will hold back the strength to hit you. Who dares to say more?

Jiading's funeral will last at least three months, so the princes in the prefecture, all part-time classes, come to Nishimaru to guard the Tokugawa Jiading's spirit. The princes in the country immediately stopped the one-year vacation period in the country, and immediately got up and rushed to Edo to prepare to attend the funeral ceremony of the Tokugawa family.

As for the foreign ministers staying in Yokohama, they also received news from the Tokugawa family Dingbintian at the first time. For the French, a possibly pro-French king of Japan has died. For the British, a possibly pro-British Japanese king came to power.

Anyway, UU reading www.uukanshu.com British Minister Aliguo, French Minister Roche, American Minister Harris and others rushed to Edo together, paid homage to the Tokugawa family first, and said that they would be in Tokugawa. On the day of the family's funeral, come to deliver the funeral in person.

After meeting Chuemon and Matsudaira Qixuan face to face, most of the foreign ministers realized that the diplomatic strategy of Japan and the shogunate may have to be changed to a certain extent. The original strategy was out of date because of the death of Tokugawa Jiading.

Count Roche breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that Chuemon was inherited as the adopted son of the Tokugawa family. Mrs. Atsushi, whom he has the best relationship with, has now become a monk and is called Tianzhangyuan, but she is still the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Japan, and she is still at the center of Japanese power.

As for the definition of Shimadzu, he has already served as the Minister of Finance. The only pity is that Kuze Guangzhou actually resigned from the army, which Count Roche did not expect. After all, when Kuze Guangzhou visited him before, he still swore an oath that he would be able to subdue the other princes and serve as prime ministers.

In a word, foreigners also realize that Japan may be about to change. But they don't know exactly how it will change, they can only wait and see.



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