Edo Traveler

v13 Chapter 17: Bashar al-Mak attacked

The latest website: Yokohama Residence District, Minato Town.

British Minister Bashari looked at the cotton pulled to Britain and was very satisfied with the shogunate's cooperative attitude. Because of the American Civil War, the price of cotton in the UK changed three times a day, only rising but not falling.

Pulling such a boat of cotton to London, it should be able to sell for a lot of money. As a British minister, in addition to serving Queen Victoria, Bashari had to serve herself. Do you want to earn some pounds? Of course I don't regret it, I'm just a humble social public tool of the British Empire.

The members of the embassy on the left and right, all of them emptied their wallets and bought a lot of cotton. Looking at the distant merchant ships, they felt that the gold coins with the Queen's portrait were waving at them.

After giving away a boatload of money, Bashari looked at the sky, and he was also idle when he was idle. The autumn climate in Japan is actually very pleasant. At least stronger than some of the colonies that Bashari had been in before, and the four distinct seasons were such a benefit.

Looking at the busy Yokohama Port, Pasha Li suddenly had an idea, whether to discuss with the shogunate to expand the settlement area or something. As one of the most important trade and military ports with the British Empire in the Far East, Yokohama Port is full of merchant ships from various countries, as well as warships of the Royal Navy.

At least take the coastal areas for another two miles, right? It is a pity that Yokohama, a natural harbor, is not developed.

It's just that taking Ying in the Far East still needs to rely on the Tokugawa shogunate, and Pasha Li is not a fool. The former British ministers also expanded the Yokohama residential area step by step.

Let's take a look first...

Needless to say, the security in the settlement area, the British have established a very modern military and police model. In addition to the embassy area, there are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed directly in Britain, France and other countries, and there are more than 200 military police patrolling the streets of the residential area. These 200 British military police and thousands of Japanese patrol officers Auxiliary.

No matter which intersection it is, there are basically Japanese patrolmen with a whistle, presiding over the law and order on the street. As long as the whistle blows loudly, within a few minutes, at least dozens of people can arrive at the scene of the incident. This efficiency is now "British speed".

Therefore, in the residential area, Pasha Li basically travels on horseback. On important occasions, he takes a carriage, and at most he brings a few followers, but he is not very worried about his own safety.

Unfortunately, today, he wanted to go out of the residential area to take a look. After 6 million borrowings from Britain and France, foreigners have actually obtained the right to travel freely throughout Japan.

Taking advantage of this right, the British were the quickest to start surveying and mapping along the coast of Japan. Not long ago, they even sent people to climb Mount Fuji, measured the altitude of Mount Fuji, and recorded the geography of the mountains and rivers left and right. Anyway, after the British come, it will definitely not be smeared.

The relationship between Britain and Japan is good, and the British are still ready.

After leaving the Yokohama residential area, it is actually the jurisdiction of Yokohama Jodai, that is, the Japanese community. In fact, the degree of danger is not too big, because the artillery units of the training team are stationed nearby, and there are still a lot of them. Coupled with the police and other auxiliary personnel deployed under the command of Yokohama Jodai, it is easy to maintain law and order.

Pasha Li, on a whim, left the residential area with a flick of the whip. The followers on the left and right, because the public security in Yokohama has been fairly good in the past two years, as well as the implementation of the "passing and exit card" system, they also subconsciously believe that the security is good.

Moreover, the British envoy went to Edo many times, but there were no serious attacks. Naturally, no one advised to be more careful, just in case.

"Hey! The envoy seems to be going outside the residence area!"

In a corner of the port where people come and go, two young men with cats are very surprised. Generally speaking, British envoys are either in Yokohama or Edo, and rarely go anywhere else. After all, as a minister, the main task is to be in charge of diplomacy with the host country. There is no phone notification these days. If General Tokugawa is called, it is best to go immediately, and don't run around.

"What?" another young man asked.

"Maybe it's a good opportunity..." The man who answered was slightly longer and older. Obviously, between the two, this person was the main one.

"We should take this opportunity to repay Zuo Nei." The short young man replied.

"If you can't escape, you should know what will happen." The tall man didn't seem to have made a final decision.

"It's just death!" The short man touched the pistol in his arms.

"Okay!" The tall man responded immediately upon seeing this.

Then the two of them passed through the heavy warehouses and chased in the direction where Bashari had just left. After not running far, they saw Pasha Li and his party pointing from east to west on the road.

Because Yokohama is the first city in Japan to fully open its port, ordinary people are used to seeing foreigners and no longer feel novel, so there are not many onlookers around Bashari and other more than ten riders. Ordinary Japanese, at most, just take a look, and then do what to do, and don't care about the Bashari.

But after all, it is the street leading to Yokohama Port Town, and it is very convenient for people to come and go. Two men with bamboo hats, like ordinary pedestrians, kept approaching Bashari and his party.

About 20 meters away, the short man couldn't hold back his excitement, he took out his pistol, and was about to step forward quickly.

Young people, in the end a little impatient. With Bashari, there were two officers of the British army, both veterans of the war in India. When he saw the short man, he reacted very quickly. He also took out his pistol and fired immediately.

As soon as the gunshots rang out, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Bashari immediately rolled off his horse. He was someone who had walked past the gate of hell. Back then, he went to the capital of the Qing Dynasty to reconcile the contract, and was caught by Seng Gelinqin, and he was hanged and beaten in the dungeon. Seeing more than 30 British people tortured to death by Qing prisoners.

After narrowly escaping, the whole person has a very keen response to danger. As soon as you hear the gunshot, and it's so close, you know to hide.

There are more than a dozen horses around. If he really rides and runs away from other horses, I am afraid it will take half a minute, enough for him to be shot several times by others.

When the others saw this, those with guns drew their guns and shot, while those without guns followed the example of Pasha Li and rolled off their horses. At this time, life is the most important thing, and the image and so on can't be taken into account.

An officer in the team killed the short man on the spot, but he was also shot in the leg. Another tall man was hit in the abdomen, and he didn't know if he was alive or dead.

The place where the incident took place is called Yokohama Rawmai Village.
