Edo Traveler

v2 Chapter 25: I talked about rockets with Qiufan

   General Tokugawa was at the end, but he was actually a bunch of rules-bound "string puppets" all over his body. It was agreed that I would go to Tokumaruhara to watch the Western-style exercises today, but after the escorting team of more than 5,000 people, such as the escort, Yuxiao, and Yumefu, had cleared up the street, the boy actually started to eat breakfast.

   It's obviously already past nine o'clock, so I actually started to have breakfast!

  The reason is even more absurd. The general's madam in the main room has passed away last year. In theory, there is no need to wait for the madam in the main room to dress and eat together. And without the "Queen" Dao, isn't it that all the demons and monsters have gotten up? The old boy Tokugawa Jiaqing was greedy for the cold last night (happy outside and fell asleep accidentally), and he was unhappy when he got up today. I stayed in the toilet two more times.

  I said that when I was doing that, there was a female officer who listened to the bed. Why did this all go to the garden to be happy. Chungemon only remembered the eight generations of Yoshizong-gong happily in the bathhouse pool, which was already unruly, and he didn't expect his descendants to be even more unruly.

   Forget it, if you are a courtier, how can you criticize the lord’s hobby? Tokugawa Jiaqing is also in his forties, and it is understandable that he needs some new tricks, let alone this.

   I waited about half past nine before Tokugawa Ieki and his entourage left from Central Austria. Because of the hot weather, Ieki Tokugawa didn't wear a dress, but a simple hunting suit with a bamboo hat on his head. The dress was refreshing.

   It was probably because I knew that the shogunate’s military equipment was slack and the soldiers were slack, so both the previous generation of Jiaqi and this generation of Jiaqing had relatively strictly abided by the requirements of the Yoshizong Yoshizong to resume eagle hunting. Every year or every other year, the Qiben and Yujia people are summoned to carry out large-scale hunting activities, catching wild geese and other prey, and at the same time perform war cooperation.

   So Tokugawa Kayuki's riding skills on bed are superb, and riding right away is equally good...

   Heizo saw Tokugawa Ieki going out of the city, and immediately sent Pegasus to pass the letter of Tokumaruhara. Tokumaruhara's work service was temporarily transferred from Egawa Hideryu, and the actual performance command was naturally Takashima Akho. After receiving a message from the general to leave, he immediately ordered an array of followers scattered in the neighborhood to rest.

   I came here at 7 o'clock in the morning and waited for almost three hours. I didn't even see a shadow. It was a person who wanted to slacken off. Chuemon all found a tree to flip through the shade of the tree, and it was Watanabe Kasayama's collection.

   This is a messy book, so it's called "Takeo Shi Tan". Takeo is not a person's name, but the place name of Hizen country. This book is probably a translation and compilation of hundreds of foreign documents, ranging from plants, medicine, biology, chemistry, to military science, etc., and so on. Not included. There are dozens of volumes in total, and Chuemon only has one volume that talks about rockets and other messy weapons.

   "What is Chuemon watching?" Akho Takashima was also a little nervous when he saw the general for the first time, so he ran to talk to Chuemon.

   "I'm watching the rocket fire technique." After all, Akho Takashima is also a person old enough to be Tademon's father. In addition to his talents, Tademon showed his respect.

   Takashima Qiuho's annual salary is 70, which is about thirty taels of gold. In addition, there is a lot of oil and water in the hereditary Nagasaki town Nianji, and everyone who understands it understands it. However, with this little oil and water, Takashima Qiufan has used it to buy various orchid and Tang relics, as well as a large number of orchids books.

   For example, the cannon he bought now on the playground is priced as high as two thousand taels of gold. It is said that all the wealth that Takashima Qiufan saved from his father's time was spent before he bought it.

   As for the Gobes iron guns he wrote, let alone, with the help of Nagasaki as an external window, Takashima Qiuhan not only bought several of them by himself, but now they have all copied them. As a post from the town of Nagasaki, the Takashima family has the task of guarding Nagasaki. Therefore, since his father’s generation, he has been actively introducing modern Western weapons, and the accumulation of two generations has become what it is today.

"This seems to be a work spread by Matsudaira Hiimori (Saga Nabeshima's family)." Takashima Akho took a look. The rapid development of various science and technology in the nineteenth century, the weapons he made had many bells and whistles and were unusable. .

   And the rocket thing, East Asia actually has a history of hundreds of years, there were hundreds of tigers flying arrows in the Ming Dynasty, and there was the "sacred machine arrow" in North Korea that they blew to the sky. So there are many rockets circulating in Japan, but the rockets in Japan have also entered a bizarre division.

   Great Fire Arrow!

   is a real rocket, how can I put it, it is probably a large rocket stuffed in a firegate, and then ignited and launched. Daming and North Korea win by quantity. Japan is probably because the gunpowder is more expensive~lightnovelpub.net~ so there is only one arrow per shot, but it's bigger, and we try to make him shoot farther, or maybe it's possible. It can be regarded as winning by quality.

   It was the Congreve rocket used by the British army in the suppression of the Indian anti-British national uprising. It was a relatively practical rocket weapon, but that was the case. Chuemon just took a look at it idly, and was not prepared to put too much thought on the Rockets.

   After all, when the Armstrong bronze cannon appeared, the advantage of the rocket would disappear in front of the new artillery, and naturally there was no need for existence.

   "Do you have any research on rockets?" Tadaemon watched as the attendants on the left and right began to form the team, put the books away, and went to the side of the road with Akho Takashima to greet Tokugawa Kaki.

"I know some, but not much. I have done one or two." Takashima Qiuhan is just looking for someone to chat to make himself less nervous. The disciples in the field need to prepare before the exercise, and they are also loyal to the right back. This is a person who is not only idle enough, but also has an understanding of modern weapons.

   "How effective is it?" Chuemon asked casually.

   "Perhaps the gunpowder formula is not good, unlike those used in the Netherlands, it can burn after being exploded." Takashima Qiuhan recalled some.

   The Congreve rocket does seem to cause a fire after it hits. Maybe there is something in the gunpowder formula, Takashima Qiuhan has not penetrated. This "splash flame" damage is also one of the rocket's important killing methods. If it can't be done, the rocket's power will be greatly reduced.

   "The general is still within the distance of Gomachi!" As he said, a Messuki rushed to Tokumaruhara on horseback and announced to everyone.

   Tadaemon and Akho Takashima heard this, and immediately stopped talking, and stood on the side of the road quickly. After the report's Mufu said that Tokugawa Ikei still had Mimachi, he knelt down respectfully to greet Tokugawa Ikei.